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Fandom Digimon: Destined Incarnations ~In Character~


The Duck Overlord
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My Interest Check

Away to the Digital World...

The Digital World has become mere myth, a fantasy. None have seen it since the legendary DigiDestined children saved it so long ago. At least, that’s how the stories go. Now, the world lives on in blissful ignorance, unaware of the parallel world it has encountered countless times before.

Today, eight students of Tsukishima General High School will all find themselves drawn to the computer lab for reasons of their own. Once they arrive, they will find one of the computers leads to somewhere else…

Your characters will simply arrive in the computer lab. They may interact until all arrive, but until then, wait until my character notices the computer going haywire. Then all shall gather.

Nico Nico Acethekidd Acethekidd PhantomMelody PhantomMelody Misuteeku Misuteeku H0lderOfH0pe H0lderOfH0pe Shadowlugia711 Shadowlugia711

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

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Suzume Kirisawa
"The last person who told me he cared about me nearly killed me."

Suzume pretended to care about whatever the teacher was talking about. She was telling some dumbass story about her personal life, and really, Suzume didn’t give a damn about any of that.

Finally, the final bell rang, and Suzume slung her bag over her shoulder and left the room. Whispers followed after her, but as always, she ignored them, despite the ache in her chest that resulted from knowing that people were talking about her in a most likely unfriendly fashion.

Shoving her hands into her skirt pockets, Suzume turned toward the computer room. Since she really didn’t feel like dealing with her less than caring mother (although she’d been considerably nicer ever since the Incident), she figured she’d do some homework at the school before heading home.

She entered the computer lab and settled down in a far corner, just in case someone else came in. Better she not have to deal with anyone.

In the corner, one of the computers beeped.

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

Kazuko Ichi
"All I wanted was a nice normal Day."

Kazuko walked out of his last class with a feeling of dread, "I don't know get anything that Ms. Uchi says in Math" Kazuko thinks while looking down at his feet as he walks through the hall maneuvering around students. As He's walking out toward the Gardening club's main garden Kazuko realizes that club isn't happening as it's Tuesday and club is every other day.

Kazuko disheartened sulks back through the school doors and heads towards the computer lap that's usually empty as everyone want's to get out of school and go home.

Intent on understanding the Math lesson Kazuko walks into the computer lab and notices a blonde girl in the seat he usually clams when he comes in here to understand his lessons better. "Damn I don't know who this girl is really but I like the spot She claimed, it's an out of the way spot" Kazuko thinks to himself as he walks to the same row as her but sits in the first seat in that row.

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Daichi Amura
"A small change can make a big difference. "

Finally, school was over, but Daichi had enjoyed his last class to be honest. Why? Because is was his favorite class of all time, cooking class. Today they made cookies and decided to with chocolate cookies, which was his favorite cookies of all time. Well..beside raspberry cheesecake.

Daichi walked passed the computer lab and stopped, remembering something. Since his computer has home was being fixed, he might as well use the school's computer for a little while. Daichi decided to walk into the lab, holding the container of cookies in his hand .

"Ummm...hello~ care for a cookie? " Daichi asked the two that was in the lab​

Kazuko Ichi
"All I wanted was a nice normal Day."

Kazuko got out his math book while he logged on the computer. Getting out his Book Kazuko looks over at the blonde girl and realizes it's that painter that got her boyfriend arrested "Man she's amazing at art but her attitude towards people isn't the best...Should I actually be in the same room as her?" He wonders to himself but decides to stay because he really needs to understand this math and just keep to himself and hope his presence doesn't anger the girl.

As Kazuko was starting to look up the Math equation for a better step by step way to solve he barely heard someone ask if he wanted a cookie "Another person?" Kazuko thinks as he turns around as sees Daichi standing at the door and quickly turns to face the screen "I would like a cookie but Can I really have one? No I need to figure this stuff out first then I can have cookies" Kazuko reasons to himself and goes into full study mode when his stomach makes an audible noise that he hopes no one heard other then himself even though Kazuko isn't even sure if that noise was real or in his head.

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
I have just finished the last class of the day, feeling quite bored like usual, I packed my stuff away and picked up my backpack i keep all my mobile electronics in and make my way to the computer room, I walk out of the room and down the halls till I reach the door, I sighed and with a bit of hesitation I opened the door and walked inside as I could see three others were there at the time as I make my way to the computer on the far end of the room, put my custom headphones on and boot up the computer.
Yori sighed as class finally finished, and exited out of his classroom. It was just like any other ordinary day for him when he headed towards the computer lab. A thoughtless walk was all he had until he had arrived. There were several people in the room when he glanced in, before entering inside the room. Twisting the door knob, and pulling it back he entered inside of the computer lab.

He ignored the people in the room, and sat himself at a computer nearby the blonde girl. All he needed to do was check his emails, and try to type for his story he had made. It really started to irritate him when reminded of his story. Three whole months and he still had the writer's block. Another sigh escaped his mouth out of habit when he was irritated as his computer finally turned on.
Hikaru Sawada
"If you need me, I'll be there."

Hikaru was never a fan of the end of the school day. Reasons being his energy was drained and all he wanted to do was sleep. Second was his clubs, some of them were hit or miss of whether or not they happened. The schedules were messed up in his thoughts. Mondays there'd be clubs but then Tuesday everyone just went home. Today was one of those days, he made his way to Cooking Club and no one was there. Sighing, Hikaru decided he'd just use this time to study and do homework.

What better place than the computer room, right? He shouldered his bag and made his way into the room. The faint humming of the machines and occasional beeping filled his senses.He turned his attention to the others gathered in the room. Several were classmates or he'd seen them around the school. He passed a person offering cookies, he took one and thanked the person. Everyone seemed really unsociable here, it was like all the loners came into one place and decided to kill each other with silence.

He held the cookie in his mouth and he clicked on the computer and entered his credentials. He took a bite and chewed as the slow machine hummed to life. He pulled out his books and flipped to the pages he needed to work on. "Why so much homework, man." he sighed and leaned back in the desk chair and stared at the ceiling.​

Suzume Kirisawa
"The last person who told me he cared about me nearly killed me."

As soon as she realized she wasn't alone in the computer lab anymore, Suzume tensed up. She hated being alone with other people. Classrooms were fine, crowds were fine...but just her and someone else? No. No way. Too many bad memories haunted her when that happened, only to later cause nightmares. Whatever she did, she had to exit the room.

She refused to look at the boy who sat in the same row as her. Couldn't he take a hint? Were her "Stay away from me" vibes on the fritz or something. What the hell...

Just her luck, someone else entered the room, and he immediately started handing out cookies. Suzume rolled her eyes. That offer reeked of desperation to make friends, or perhaps ditziness. Still, she was partially relieved that she wasn't alone with one person anymore. And when a girl tinier than her entered the room, the relief surged.

But of course, more people entered, and one of them decided to sit near her.

Had she been a cat, she would've raised her hackles and hissed, but she had greater self-control than that. The other boy who had entered muttered about homework, and Suzume took that as her cue to leave. Conversation was not going to happen today. She stood up and slung her bag over her shoulder, fully intent on leaving the school, homework and her mother be damned.

Just as she was about to leave the room, she noticed one of the computers wasn't working quite right. Its screen was jumping from TV static to a flashing colors, and it was making the tiniest of noises that indicated something was not right. It was going haywire.

Pausing by the computer and staring at it, she muttered, "What's going on here?"

H0lderOfH0pe H0lderOfH0pe Acethekidd Acethekidd PhantomMelody PhantomMelody Misuteeku Misuteeku Nico Nico

( Bornlucky Bornlucky Feel free to have your character hop on in! )

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Yori didn't seemed to notice the girl, who he seating nearby, leave. He could hear a few people walk inside the Computer lab, but chose to ignore it. He pulled up his story that he had been working on for quite a while. For the last two weeks it didn't receive any progress, and he didn't know what to do with it. He could just leave it to rot inside his documents, but he had grown slightly responsible for making progress for the story.

Sighs just slipped out of his mouth as he began to type a few words. Those few words were soon deleted as they didn't fit into the scenario his story was in. It was then he turned around to see if anyone else was here in case they looked at his monitor. It was then he spotted the blonde headed girl look rather intently at a screen. Getting up from his seat he walked over to her to see what were her eyes mesmerized with. It was then when he got around he saw the weird computer. The only response he made was raising his eyebrow at it.

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