Did high-school suck? Luckily, college should be a different story!

"I am Saffron," Saffron said to Danni and to Jenni. He smiled at them. Their names were similiar. He moved into the house more and looked around then turned back to the girls. "Well before I can say more about myself which rooms are free? I feel like I have shown up last to the party."
"There's three on the bottom floor that nobody has put anything into." Danni murmured warmly, "Do you need any help moving bags? Oh, and a good party never ends so being late really doesn't matter."
Saffron laughed at Danni's comment but he shook his head.

"I should be able to manage myself, but thanks for the offer." He nodded at Danni and Jenni and headed to pick out one of the remaining rooms. He close the closest one and opened it, nearly throwing his things inside. He looked around and smiled at the room. Right now there was nothing really in it but he was sure in a week or so it would come to look like his room.

He headed back to his car to get the remaining things.
Jenni silently followed behind Saffron and chose the room next ot his, with cherry wood floors and pale blue walls this was definitely her style. She smiled and headed out to her Camaro to get her two bags from the truck. She had taken only the bare essentials, clothes, makeup, jewelry, and hair stuff was all she had room for. She knew she'd have to go shopping later this afternoon but that could wait until she had something to eat. It had been a 14 hour drive and she had barely made any stops, she was starving. On her way in she bumped into Saffron, who was also unloading. One of her bags slipped and she scrambled down to pick her fallen things from the asphalt. She looked up at him, embaressment making her blush "Sorry." she said.
Saffron was bumped into his car. He was glad to have fell into his pillows. Hitting a suitcase or something would have hurt. Coming out of the car, he leaned down to help her out. He didn't have to and he had his own things but he couldn't help but want to help her.

"No it's no problem."
Jenni smiled "Thanks, but I should have been watching where I was going. I owe you." She stood up and looked at his trunk full of stuff "Maybe I could help you unpack? Then I have to go furniture shopping."
Saffron looked at this car and the things he had not brought in yet. Then he turned back to Jenni.

"Fair enough. First let's get your things inside."
Jenni chuckled "No need to help me." She gestured to her two bags "This is all I have." She hurried inside and set her things against the far wall before running back outside. She grabbed two bags and walked alongside Saffron into the house. "So, your first year of college?"
Saffron grabbed his pillows just as Jenni came back outside. He was happy to be getting along with someone already. He hoped it continued. Noty that he would make a move on her. At least not yet. He had to meet the others and by her question they still did not know a lot about each other.

"Nope it will be my third year," Saffron said as they walked back inside. "How bout you?"
"First year. I'm half terrified, half excited. The biggest thing I'm looking forward to is my major, performing arts." She stepped through the door and looked at Saffron "Where do you want these?"
Danni was bored and she had found herself already unpacked so she made her way into the kitchen. She had just eaten a chocolate bar supplied by Shawn, but that was to be worked off in a jog and it wasn't a full meal. She rummaged distractedly through the cupboards and she could only find a couple of cans of soup and some Kraft Dinner. She would have to go food shopping later. So many things to do later. She couldn't wait to be settled in.

"Hey! You're the girl from... Luxembourg right? Do you want some KD?" she asked loudly and shook the box wildly around for a few seconds as if the visual cue from the box would allow Bianka to recognize the food. She only waited for an answer for about a second or two before she withdrew one of the pots she had brought and had poured water into it throwing it onto the ancient stove that the house already had.
"Huh? Isn't that what I said?" Danni asked as her eyebrows lifted in surprise. The pot had now reached a boil and she poured the noodles into the pot before she leaned against the counter.
Saffron smiled. He could understand her feelings. He motioned for her to place them anywhere in the room. He would take care of unpacking boxes and arranging things later.

"I was the same when I first started. I think you will do fine. College isn't that hard if you apply yourself." He placed the pillows on the bed. "Performing arts. That is a good major. Mine is video game design with a minor in computer science. Weird I know."
"Not that weird. My older brother went into the same field. He helped design Black Ops." she set the two bags against the wall and looked out the window. She leaned against the cool surface of the rough wall and crossed her arms, "of course, with his line of work it hardly leaves us any time to hang out any more." She shook her head and laughed, "I don't why I'm telling you this. I barely met you and I'm already telling you about home life."
"Really? That's cool. I hope to design a game that many people like. I tend to want to do RPGs though and not FPS," Saffron said. He paused, then smiled. "I guess I just seem trusthworthy and likable." He laughed. "Don't worry I don't mind. Actually I can tell you about myself as well if that helps."
Jenni shook her head "No need. I babble sometimes." She stepped away from the wall and smiled "I suppose we better get the rest of your stuff." She said and headed back towards the front door.
Mia had finally unpacked everything and was sitting on her bed, playing her bass guitar. She looked up towards the door when she heard more people coming into the house. Most of the people were now talking to each other and had somewhat dispersed. She hadn't met anyone yet, but went back to what she was doing. She had always been too shy to talk to people or make the first move anyway. Maybe she would come from the confines of her room when she was more adjusted. She sighed, fiddling with the guitar and adjusting a few things to get it tuned just right. She hoped that the music major would provide at least a few of the instruments she would need. She wouldn't be able to afford them on her own. She heard some of the others walk into the kitchen. Her stomach grumbled and she blushed, realizing she would have to leave at some point to eat.
Saffron followed her out, smiling still. He was happy to have made a friend no matter if she did babble or not. He found it endearing anyways. Besides maybe she could be of some help if she knew someone in the industry. Not that he would use her but it would be nice to know about some things if she knew. Also he was more than willing to help her out. A newbie could always use help from someone who was there longer.

He got to the car and motioned to the remaining boxes. "Everything else I need to buy."
Jenni nodded "All I have are my clothes and game system stuff. You know, xBox 360, Wii, PS3, PSP...My brother gives me all his old stuff." She grinned and grabbed two of the four remaining. "Do you like video games...I mean, playing them?" She asked as she lifted her chin over the top of the two boxes.
"I love playing video games," Saffron said with a huge smile. "It was one of the reasons I want to be a game designer actually. I mean there are so many games that are so well done and I would love to get some of my ideas out there. I actually debated between a film maker and a game designer for a while. But games are more interesting and interacting so I went down that path."

"We must play some games together sometime."
Jenni nodded "Definately." she had never really met any guys who loved video games as much as she did. Except for the weird kids who she never talked to of course. She dropped the box off in his room and turned to him "Well, I better go find a store and get what I need." she hurried outside not waiting for him to say anything.
Saffron at first move to follow his new friend but then he stopped. She could go do things on her own and he didn't think she invited him anyways. If she wanted him to go with her she could always come back inside and tell him.

Saffron, knowing he had things to unpack and arrange, moved into the kitchen to get himself something to drink.

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