Gaun belongs to House Rowan


Walid belongs to House Vastikult


Srag belongs to House ______


Talmodhor belongs to House ______


Viserp belongs to House Merek

yours truly. 

The Five lands of man in Renzivia have all been taken. However, lords and ladies still reside in their respective citadels and still command respect as a House. Rangers, Knights, travelers, or other religious leaders can also be made. There are the Watch Towers and a handful of keeps in the world that are still yet to be occupied. 
Nothin OP, accordin to rules, and as long as it makes sense. Nothing unrealistic of a character, cause magic is studied and it takes time n stuff. 

So.... i cant make a young lord that basically understands about almost or half everything there is to magic?
so what age should people start learning magic? or understands it?

The study of magic is a profession and it's tedious. The Age of the First Ones have gone and magic users are quite rare. Provided that your lord has a teacher of the arts that is at least 74 years old, I would assume that a person of 20-30 would be able to conjure a simple spell. A spell of what, I don't know yet. I have yet to finalize things with Charmy. 
I'm sorry, but I haven't received any messages from you. I double checked and everything,we've never had a conversation. What did it say?

Oh, my bad... RP Nation crashed literal seconds upon me finishing up the PM... Maybe that's why. I was just informing you that I wish to take a faerie for a character - anything I need to know before I write away? Or is this even allowed in the first place?
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Oh, my bad... RP Nation crashed literal seconds upon my post... Maybe that's why. I was just informing you that I wish to take a faerie for a character - anything I need to know before I write away? Or is this even allowed in the first place?

Yes, it is allowed!

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