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Black Market Witch

"Are you a freak? Are you a loser? Of course you are. Just look at you. Well come on down to the Supernatural Research Club. We may not have a cool clubroom. And we may not be popular or respected. But we'll accept anyone willing to sell their souls to the cause. And that cause is . . . to shine a light on the world of the unknown and prove to the world that we are not crazy! . . . We also have snacks."

Mashiro, Recruitment Speech for Supernatural Research Club

Okay, this is the premise of what's going on. Ever since you were six, you've exhibited strange powers. They were very weak so you didn't think too much of it. You lived your life as a normal child and now you're entering high school. You go to Crowley Institute, a school for the "gifted" set in Tokyo, Japan. (In case you're wondering, no, you do not need to speak or learn Japanese though you could throw in a few words or phrases if you wish. Just remember to translate them. And no full sentences or posts in Japanese, for the love of God, no.) You can talented in a field (academics, athletics, etc) or you could've gotten in through money and connections, but that's not important now. Somehow, you've been roped into joining the Supernatural Research Club either by Mashiro Kuromizu, the president, who most likely dragged you off against your will, or Mikika Ootori, the secretary, who might have threatened you into joining. The important thing is that you are here now.

You're now a part of a club who's been labeled as the weirdos of the school. There goes your plans of making friends. Looks like you're stuck hanging out with these people. Strange thing is, that ever since you started hanging out with these people, your powers have been growing. And it seems that the others have abilities as well. Could this be fate? Or a strange coincidence? Anyway, it doesn't matter because the president has decided that it is now your mission to become super heroes and save innocent citizens from evil spirits.

Now the president is dragging you all over town and maybe even Japan to investigate ghost stories and urban legends. This may have been okay if the stories weren't actually true. Now you're stuck fighting spirits, murderers and just about everything that goes bump in the night. Let's hope you survive for final exams.

Okay, the powers are:

  • "Sound": With sound, you are able to hear just about all sound within a 10 yard radius (including the heartbeats of others), convert soundwaves into shockwaves (echoes make them stronger), and move at the speed of sound. When the rp starts, you are just twice as fast as a normal human with fairly sensitive hearing (Only about 3 yards).
  • "Steal": With steal, you can shift (kind of like teleport) things toward you (only concrete things but maybe if you're good, you can steal someone's air), and read minds (to steal thoughts or memories). When it starts, you can only shift things that you see and can physically hold in your hand. You also can't separate things yet. (You can't "steal" someone's eye or something.)
  • "Sight": Sight allows you to cover multiple types of vision (farsight, seeing in the dark, esp), increased intelligence (able to "see" the answer) along with increased strength and sense of balance (This is because to become a good sniper or markman, you have to be able to hold the weapon steady). When it starts, you have improved vision (4.0 but no special vision) and you are stronger than a normal person.
  • "Dream": Dream gives you prophetic but vague dreams and the ability to summon things from dreams or nightmares. When the rp starts, your dreams are extremely vague and come only sometimes and you can only summon these floating cloud babies for some reason.
  • "Mask": Mask allows you to shapeshift (into animals or people), and invisibility. When it starts, you can go invisible but the best your shapeshifting can do is change your eye or hair color.
  • "Sword": Sword gives you sharper nails and teeth (so you might want to file those down every now and then), you can turn limbs into metal (and in case you're a boy, I'll allow it to effect the entire lower half so no one can try a cheap shot), and turn most thin edges into sharp weapons (cards, paper, fans etc. Watch out though because paper cuts will hurt like hell). At the beginning, you have the sharper nails and teeth but you cannot turn into metal, and the edges into weapons thing has only a 25% chance of working.


  • no godmodding
  • no controlling other characters
  • Your parents will most likely know eachother but you won't know that.
  • Uh . . . other typical rules I'm forgetting.
  • Oh, I want you guys to be literate so I'm going to check you're posting histories. At least one paragraph per post.
  • No pure ooc posts. Try to put some ic in there.
  • Blah blah blah

Character Skeletons:

Name: (include nicknames)

Age/Grade: (15-18/ freshman-senior)

Power: (pick a number 1-5 because someone already drew the lottery)




Other: (Any fears, crushes or talents you want us to know about?)


  • I'll be posting my two characters later and they will get the two left over powers.
  • I only need three more students and maybe a faculty adviser for the club.
  • If anyone wants to be an officer we still have treasurer left. It's not really a necessary role so it doesn't really matter if it gets filled or not.

My Characters:

Name: Mashiro "Mashi" or "Ma-kun" Kuromizu

Age/Grade: 16/ Sophmore

Power: Sound (It's funny because he's tone deaf.)


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Personality: Mashiro is outgoing, friendly, excitable, easily distracted and a bit ditzy. He just does whatever he wants when he wants and almost never thinks things through. However, as stupid as he seems, Mashi is actually extremely intelligent and maybe a bit of a genius, as weird as he is. He can be over-affectionate and loves hugs. Used to being the center of attention, Mashi does a lot of things that make you think he has no sense of shame. He probably doesn't. He also has no sense of value and often splurges money on random stuff.

History: Mashi was born the oldest of three children to the Kuromizu family, a rather wealthy family that runs the school. Because of the Kuromizu family's connections to the Ootoris, Mashiro and Miki grew up as childhood friends. The rest is a secret because I can do that. Nanana booboo stick your head in doodoo.

Other: Mashi is afraid of . . . a lot of things, which is weird given his love of the occult. It all terrifies him but he loves it anyway.

Name: Mikika "Miki" Ootori (Mashi calls her Mi-chan. Only Mashi. If you do this, she will kill you.)

Age/Grade: 15/ Freshman

Power: Dream (Looks like she's stuck with floating cloud babies for a while. Doesn't really fit her image, does it?)


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Personality: Miki is almost Mashiro's polar opposite. She is quiet, calm, and intelligent. However, she is also rather cruel, dark, violent and merciless. She is the one who keeps the president in check, which mostly ends up with her beating him. She is kind though, in her own twisted way. She is rather blunt and never spares people's feelings with sugar coated words. Having strength, money and connections, she is someone you do not want to cross. More suited to the shadows, she is usually the one who cleans up after the president's messes (although lately that has become the vice president's job) and is usually the one that does all the research.

History: Secret~ Though she got into the school via the music program, being classically talented in the violin. She has other talents that are confidential as per training from her family. Her parents died when she was young and she has been living with her uncle ever since. The Ootoris run a series of hospitals and other health related professions.

Other: Miki leads a gang of delinquints called the Skylarks. She is terrified of porcelain dolls and small dark spaces. When she is afraid, she has a habit of trying to beat the fear away. Like Mashiro, she has extensive knowledge about the occult.
Name: Kyohaku "Haku" Watanabe

Age/Grade: 16/Junior

Power: Mask


Personality: Haku gets distracted fairly easily and has trouble focusing on something for a long time. In a normal conversation, Haku tends to veer off-topic and the topic of a conversation can change at least ten times with her forgetting what she was first saying. She tends to be friendly and outgoing, but gets awkward in large groups of people and tends to stick mostly to herself. She is a daydream and always seeks out ways to let her imagination run free and is normally curious. Haku is not dim-witted though and can be fairly perceptive towards other people, but because she does not focus well, she tends to come across as dumb or air-headed She likes to think on the more positive side as well. She tends to misunderstand things as well which has lead her into awkward situation. Haku tends to be a bit of a flirt and is a hopeless romantic.

History: Haku was born in a different town. For most of her young life, it was fairly normal, except her discovering her powers. Haku was an only child and spent most of her days with her family, especially her mother as her father started to travel a lot more as she got older.

When Haku was twelve she moved into Tokyo. At first, the young girl felt that she didn't fit into the place, but after a while of living there she got past this feeling. She loved being in such a large and busy city and would go off, despite her parents telling her not to. Haku had no trouble making friends either, but she had trouble somewhat in school as well. She also never viewed herself as the child of a rich family, but she did not hurt for much as a child. This is also how she was able to enter the school, despite being fairly gifted in writing.

Haku was not originally going to stay in Tokyo either. Her father was offered a job out of the country and her mother was looking for work elsewhere as well. For now, Haku lives with her mother, though she is unsure if they will move to be with her father or if Haku will first graduate and go to college and allow her mother to move without having to drag Haku with her. Haku was happy to have been invited to join the club as well.

Other: Has a strong fear of heights and a slight crush on the President
Legend, accepted. You have selected the power of . . . Drum roll . . . "Mask"! So . . . Yeah.

Also before I forget, [MENTION=1503]Nivrad00[/MENTION].
Name: Yukihyou Oni

Age/Grade: 15, Freshman

Power: 1 (Hoping for sound)

Appearance: http://cf.sketchfu.com/i/5824356.png

Personality: Shy and scared but is truly the opposite. Sometimes she can seem a little sadistic

History: Forgotten

Other: Loves to sing and can sound like famous pop singers and other genre singers
[MENTION=3418]Kanna Haneoka[/MENTION]

I'm going to put you on hold for now. I need you to flesh out your character sheet. Take a look at Legend's sign up. The personality and history sections are extremely developed. I'm not saying yours has to be that long but I need to know that you put a lot of thought into this. The character sheet will also provide me with a glimpse into your writing ability. Speaking of which, I've looked into your posting history and you tend to write somewhat short posts. However I've also noticed that most of the rps you're in are nothing but short posts. I need to know whether or not you can average a decent sized paragraph for this rp. Because constant super short posts . . . they give me headaches and then I lose interest and just drift away from the rp. Also, about your past, what do you mean by forgotten. Did she forget about her past? Was she forgotten? Having a secret or two can be okay but you cannot keep secrets from me since I need to plan the general plotline with these characters in mind. So if you want it to be kept a secret from the others, I'm going to need you to pm me your character's history. Remember, I want something well thought out. When I've gotten everything, then I can tell you whether or not you've been accepted.
Name: Donovan Luke

Age/Grade: 16/Junior

Power: 5

Appearance: 6'3, short black hair, a short black beard, deep brown eyes and tanned skin. he had a thick scar from his left temple to his left cheek that he doesnt like to talk about. He is muscular and prefers to wear black. View attachment 8069

Personality: Donovan is a loner. Not because he wants to be, but because thats how he was raised. Trust no one and move forward. He yearns for friendship but just doesn't know how to go about making friends. In doing so he is clumsy, awkward, and has no filter between his thoughts and actions. He has ambition though and succeeds in tasks very well..when its just him.

History: Donovan grew up in Dallas Texas in the middle of the city amongst a vast sea of people. He lived in a small home with his Father and Mother and two younger sisters Micheala and Azlynne. Donovans parents where strict and didnt allow much freedom at home, so Donovan grew up to be hard and closed. At age 14 he decided that he had enough and ran away from his home. He wandered aimlessly for a few months, then he stole off on a plane to Tokyo. Being from the USA game his a language handicap so it was hard to become something in Tokyo. But he had to get as far away from his old life as possible, nothing awaited him back there...But here he could become somebody if he tried..he could practice his strange gift freely..soon, he found a place to call home, Crowley Institute.
Name: Sakura Mazuki.

Age/Grade: 17 years old. Junior.

Power: 3 (I really want the sight power:P)


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Personality: Sakura is a very friendly girl, and isn't afraid to help others who are in need. She is easily distracted, and has trouble dealing with problems that aren't hers. Like most people, Sakura does get angry. As a matter of fact, she has a very quick temper that is hard to control at times. But she manages to calm herself down after a few seconds. Other than that, she is very outgoing and a fun-loving girl. She usually makes friends quick because of her bubbly personality, but sometimes it's hard for her to communicate with others. Because of her bad past, she tends to have horrible flashbacks now and than. She tries to push the bad memories out of her head, but they always seem to find a way back into her mind.

History: Sakura didn't have the best life. Her father was an abusive man, and got drunk often. He would come home after a long day of work, and get extremely angry for no apparent reason. He would not only beat Sakura, but her mother as well. Her father would beat Sakura, yelling and blaming her for his mistakes. After a while, her mother could no longer take the pain she and her daughter were facing, and dropped little Sakura off at an orphanage when she was 7. Soon, she was adopted into a very wealthy family that actually treated her nice for once. When she turned 15, she read in the paper that her mother had committed suicide by hanging herself in the backyard, and that her father got in a car crash and was killed on impact. She cried, but not for her father. Those tears were meant for her mother, who was a strong and intelligent woman.

To this day, Sakura is still haunted by those memories of getting abused. But little did she know, that it only made her stronger.

Other: Because of her bad past, Sakura is scared of any kind of weapon. She hates very loud noises, and when people argue with each other. Surprisingly, she is an extremely good singer, and sounds a lot like Christina Aguilera.
@♥Lost_In_Paradise♥ Accepted. And behind door number 3 is . . . SIGHT! Lucky you. I must be numbering these wrong because that's the second person to get the one they wanted. Huh. Just keep in mind that this is a fairly literate roleplay and that I want at least a decent paragraph for most of the posts.

[MENTION=3555]DonnyV[/MENTION] I can't accept you just yet because I don't have anything of yours to judge your writing by. So I'm going to give you a small prompt and you answer it as if you were roleplaying, okay? No pressure. Just do what you think you'd normally do.

Prompt: Mashi scanned the crowd of students searching for anyone that caught his eye. Today was a war among the students. It was a battle for survival. It was . . . club recruitment day. Mashi had already given his speech for the Supernatural Research Club (the one in the first post) and if he had to say, he was totally awesome. It left the whole room speechless. But now came business. He had to gather new members for the club and quickly. If they didn't get at least 5 members, including himself and Miki, then the club would be disbanded. He couldn't let that happen. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a student. It was the American! Great! The club could always use an American. If those Hollywood movies were any indication, Americans must be a country full of ghosts. Sparing no second, the club president rushed forward and tackled the boy to the ground. Sitting up, Mashi thrust a flyer into the student's face. "You should join the Supernatural Research Club!"

So, if Donny there gets accepted, we will fill our quota on students. Sorry Kanna. But we'll still need a teacher adviser. The teacher will have no power but will still be needed for the missions. Mainly to drive the kids around . . . yeah. If no teacher is appointed when Nivvy posts up his character, then I'll just make one myself. Also, if anyone wants to be treasurer, the position is still open.
If Donovan had ever been more uncomfortable in his life, it was now. This boy he did not know was requesting him to be apart of his "Club." His eyes staring into mine as he waited for my answer. Everything inside of Donovan told him to run, to escape. He didn't need to be apart of a club, he didn't need people. His thoughts took control of him, he thought back to his old life..always running from people. He looked around hoping for a quick escape from this awkward meeting. He found plenty, but something kept him there. He stood up, brushed off his shoulder and said, "Of course i'll join." his eyes not making contact with the boy, his face flushed. "My name is Donovan."

Today was the day Donovan became something more.
Mashiro smiled at Donovan. "Well, Donny boy, I am Mashiro Kuromizu. But I am also known as the Super Mega Awesome King of Spirits! (Not really)" He brushed a lock of blond hair out of his eyes and smiled at the boy, extending his hand. "Welcome to the Supernatural Research Club."

If it isn't already obvious. You've been accepted. Your power is . . . "sword." Have fun with that.
Donovan smiled his awkward smile, extended his hand and quickly shook Mashiros hand.

"Thank you for accepting me." Donovan spoke, almost incoherently.

Donovan twiddled with his earing, something he always did when he got nervous.

"So Mashiro, whats on the agenda?"

thank you for letting me join your RP!
Okay then. You're welcome? The actual rp will start later, after our 6th member posts his sheet up.
Name: Reyn 'Rey' Aerlen

Age/Grade: 15 Freshmen

Power: 5


Personality: Reyn wasn't exactly a modest person, he simply kept to himself alot. He was used to being alone, surrounded by woodlands while reading a book. He liked to learn alot, it was second to his interest in nature. It kept him busy, learning that good almost always prevailed in storylines. Although Reyn didn't make many friends he kept them close when he did have them, believing in trust he made sure he could be trusted with just about anything, usually ensuring people he his word was always good. He was a nice person but mentally wary of others usually. Reyn was hard to anger and took jokes or even minor abuse in stride, but he took respect or trust seriously, not minding who people were so long as they were as good as their word.

History: At birth Reyn was orphaned to a small family that made a living selling books or helping manage the library their business was connected to in town. Reyn grew up mostly by himself, knowing almost nothing of his birth parents except that they considered him a inconvenience so they put him with a family that would actually spend time to raise him. They kept tabs on him though, making the parents right secret letters about his growing patterns, knowing of his special ability that he had no idea of. Reyn grew up reading almost any book he was allowed to touch, making his own little journal of quotes he deemed extremely important to the humble or wise mind, never wanting to forget them. His journal was brown leather and small enough to fit in a pocket.

His journal helped him keep his sanity, keeping it top secret from even his fake parents that he thought took great care of him for being book worms. He used a ink and quill, helping him feel as if his writing was unique, and it was, to him anyways. But one day during the summer that would transition him into high school he was taken. The plane he was brought to made him think his parents had finally taken an interest in his exsistence. He was sad and excited at the same time, knowing the sad truth his only real parents were the ones who raised him, but wanting to know who birthed him all this time.

When he got to Japan he was surprised, wondering is his parents were really rich people, living out of the United States. To his disappointment he was only being put into a different school, specifically a class for people that were outcasts, making him wonder why he was brought so far to be called some weirdo at school. He was told by the person that drove him to his new school that his parents had been convinced that it was in his best interest and that he would fit in just fine. It upset him that his choice had been made for him, but what concerned him more was why he was brought here and what made him special or weird.

Other: Reyn is terrified of the thought of losing his book, he feels like he would be losing a part of who he is and giving up all his secrets if it was in the hands of another. He is also scared of upsetting superiors or being betrayed by someone he put his trust into, which is why he usually only had a few friends, if any.
I'm sorry Raevum but we're full on students. It's true that so far there are only five students up there but the sixth had been rsvped long before I even put this thread up. We still need a teacher though if you're interested.
Name: Satoshi Yoshida

Age/Grade: 16/Junior

Power: Steal *predetermined*


Personality: Satoshi was always the type to get things done. How else, he asks, can you expect to get into Crowley? You'll usually find him serious and organized, and getting him to laugh is a feat- and even when you do, it's often a sarcastic sort of thing. Emotions are just roadblocks, really; distractions from a goal. He likes to think this apathy is what will prove his success in the end, but it's also why his friends are few. It's hard to care for someone when you're one-minded towards a goal and terrified of failure. Because he's not really that smart, in the end. He just hides the fact behind his studies.

History: Satoshi's sister was always telling him to brighten up. He'd ignore her, though, and whenever he'd ace a test that she failed, he'd always have a knowing smirk on his face. His parents had always been sort of disappointing to him as well; it was his mother, after all, who'd never finished high school, and his father who couldn't keep a job. It wasn't the economy's fault, it was theirs. When they eventually divorced, Satoshi decided to take the matter into his own hands, and his acceptance into the Crowley Institute had been his own doing- with perhaps some loans from certain places. Most of them had been legal. His sister seemed sad that he hadn't gone to see her off when she left with her father- he'd just been too busy. One thing he couldn't steal was time.

Transferred to Crowley after one year at a local school near Tokyo, he found himself suddenly much lower in his classes than he'd been used to. Piling even more attention into his work, he eventually lost touch with the few friends he did have from his previous school. He did meet Mashiro, though, and he really didn't understand why the exciteable boy hung around him, until he was suddenly recruited for the Supernatural Research Club. Orderly Satoshi could take care of the managing and coordinating for him, while Mashiro could take the title of president. It was perfect! Or, well, at least, that's what Mashiro said.

Other: Eee, late, but here, it's done. Heyhey, I know I RSVP'd vice president, but I think it would make more sense for Mikika to have that position instead of secretary, considering Mashiro's connection with her. Want to trade?

Also Raevum, I'm sorry. DX
Niv, you already know you're accepted since you already got your power. Also, okay. I guess it'd make more sense for Miki to be vp. Satoshi's work ethic woould probably come in handy with all the paperwork involved in the secretary's job as well. Now I guess I should make a teacher. Hm, a lazy chem teacher or a saucy engliish one. Lazy zhem.
Okay, now for our faculty adviser.

Name: Ryuusuke "Ryuu" Haninozuka (He'll let girls call him "Hani" (it sounds like "Honey") though. Only girls.)

Age: 24

Teacher of: Chemistry


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Personality: Ryuu is not exactly the best teacher around. In fact, he's the worst. He's a shameless flirt and loves all girls. He is vain and lazy and often is late or skips his own class. Most of the time he is either smoking on the roof, playing with women or using the club room as his own little resting area (he'll do things like making coffee with beakers in the club room). Yet despite all his flaws, Ryuu is oddly dependable when it counts.

History: Ryuu was born to a yakuza family. His family was a type of mafia that strived to do good though, even if good involved methods that weren't so good. He grew up with strict rules and regulations since his father wanted him to be able to take over the family business someday. With regular training lessons, Ryuu mastered judo, close quarter combat, and firearms all before he entered high school. He had good grades in school and was extremely athletic and good looking, but he had no friends since his father's teachings emphasized not trusting people outside the "family".

Having so many rules and regulations put on him, Ryuu finally snapped in high school and broke away from his family. For two and a half years, he was able to live a normal life. He got a part time job, continued high school, made friends, joined the soccer team and even had a girlfriend who he loved. Then one day, on a date, his girlfriend was killed in a drive by shooting. Believing it to be the work of his father in an attempt to bring him home, Ryuu became enraged and stormed his father's estate. He was shocked to find out that his father had been killed by a rival gang a year prior and that his girlfriend's killer had meant to shoot him instead. Taking up the position of yazuka head, Ryuu promptly destroyed that rival gang.

However, he still wanted a peaceful life so he attended and graduated college and became a teacher at Crowley. He was roped into advising the Supernatural Research Club by Miki. He had let his guard down since she was a girl, one of the three things Ryuu says is all a guy needs in life (girls, booze and money), and she then quickly threatened him with information about his family.

Other: He owns a white van. (Like that's not suspicious.) The fact that he's a yakuza leader is hidden from the school.

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