Devils Lake Hotel: Day 3


One Thousand Club
(9 AM - 11 PM central)

Missnoblerose was a nice girl, she tried her best, voted the rest, and soon fell after.

However a restless night, we soon found the mauled body in the morning, it appears to have been Amdreams or what's left of him/her.

Hung: Missnoblerose - good

killed: Amdreams - good
Jack sighed and scratched his chin. Another Death. They were getting a lot more frequent now he thought to himself.
Again, sorry Rose. Any reasoning you had for voting for Degree really made no sense in my mind. Let this be a lesson. People should really post who they are voting for and why. As for now, I am not voting due to I have no clue who it could be.
KT~ I have to stress the importance of voting. Morality has no place here. You must cast aside all compunctions of concience if you want to live. If you have no leads,then take a stab in the dark. Currently,I'm waiting for developments,since an informed vote is best,but if nothing comes up by 2200 hours EST,then I'm voting randomly. Refusing to vote over something as trivial and easily overriden as concience just means you're our enemy just as much as the killers are.
Well I did say "as for now" Riddle. By that, I meant I wasn't going to avoid voting all night. I simply have no voting to do at this moment in time. I wish votes could be retracted but since they can't be without asking Kaze, I'd prefer to wait awhile to see what the others have to say.
Voting randomly.

I thought the whole point was to voted unified so votes aren't just all over the place.

I'm still pretty new at this, and so far there isn't much to go on prosecution wise.

That's the sole reason I went with Rose. It does no one any good to have votes spread out all over the place. Like you said yesterday.
Well, Unified voting is a good method but figureing out someone we all agree with is harder, as we know practically nothing
Sorry if I'm being confusing. When I said "vote randomly" I meant to select an individual at random to target with the unified vote. Now...Who will we vote for?
I say inactives, but that's just me because they're not really helping us figure it out, but at least the actives are there putting out their ideas. I'd feel worse killing an innocent who is active than an innocent who is inactive. If we got a werewolf though, that would be the best~ I wish Blue was still alive >.<'
I have to agree with that logic.

I looked over the last two days, and it seems as though Wingal has yet to post.
Anyone who doesn't take steps to at least attempt to remove the wolf is an enemy in my book. No one iwll shed a tear if he never voted,as well. Is it agreed,then? Wingal is our target?

First of, how did Amdreams die? No enigmatic hints this time?

And second, roll for me, any hints?

Guys, remember, there's a slightly larger chance a suspect is female and not male. Remember the hint earlier. It could be a false alarm, but it is better than nothing.
First off, how did Amdreams die? Location, or injuries, or what. That ought to be free info.

And for the roll, what was seen of Dreams before she died? Was she seen with another person?
I'm confused...why aren't I dead? Obviously there is something with this werewolf and I can think of some possibilities:

1. The Werewolf isn't reading the days, therefore, wouldn't know that I am a confirmed innocent.

2. The Werewolf finds that one less suspect isn't a bad thing. Therefore, cocky.

3. Due to me being alive and me voting two innocents beforehand...this could mean the true suspect has been in no danger from the votes.

That's all I have. I will vote again, of course.
Alright,let's try this electronic dice roller again...If it fails,I'll use a different roller. I have a good one in mind.

She was found dead in her room. No one next to her (neighbor to the left or right), heard anything weird or strange at all; no one saw her with anyone, that they could remember.

Voting is now closed.

(Werewolf leader, please send me your killing vote)

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