Devastating Destruction

Rallen looked at the bloody mess, and huffed, "Well... that wasn't much fun now was it. And it didn't seem hard in the least. Rather, it seemed easy. Though I am sad Kretan and I had nothing to do. I do enjoy causing bloodshed. Who was he anyways?" Rallen played with a small ball of fire while resting against the wall. Kretan hissed at Victoria, upset he hadn't gotten to join in.
Victoria didn't answer for a moment. Her eyes looked troubled, and she glanced at the blood that stained the tip of her scythe. Sighing, she shook her head for a quick second, than looked back towards him.

"Military Commander Landon Black. He works for the Light sides Army." She said it quickly, avoiding his gaze as she watched the pool of blood behind her expand and try to soak her shoes.

She quickly stepped away in disgust, looking up when Kretan hissed at her. She rolled her eyes irritably, cursing under her breath. The only reason why she didn't let Rallen get involved was because if he did, the word would get out that she would be working with someone. Which she wasn't. She always worked alone.

"Trust me. It's hard. Next, I'm gonna have the whole Light side after my ass." She growled, glaring at Rallen angrily. He didn't understand her situation.

He doesn't understand.. He never will.. How dare he think that what I do is easy. Why doesn't he try being an assassin for a living? Having people after you constantly.. Her mind continued to ramble on bitterly. This only made her more and more angry.

Her eyes became a bright red color, and she quickly looked away as her anger rose. Suddenly swinging her scythe to the side, it went straight through a car's window. It caused the car alarm to go off.

The loud sound only made her even more pissed off.
Rallen watched Victoria get more and more pissed off, then he sighed and sent Kretan away. When Kretan had gone, he stepped towards Victoria and gave her a hug. Rallen cringed slightly from this sign of affection, but whispered in her ear anyways, "Calm down. I know it isn't easy. Believe me, I have killed enough to know. And who cares if the light side gets on your ass?" Rallen let go and sighed again, stuffing his hands into his pockets, "Besides, I can help you to not die against them, if you wish that is." Rallen looked away from Victoria, his cheeks with the slightest blush. He wasn't used to being nice to someone, let alone a female.
Victoria looked down, prepared for Rallen to say something completely out-of-topic to her. But he didn't. He did something she never would have expected. Her eyes widened when he hugged her, not at all used to the warmth of somebody else's body against hers. She was never shown affection growing up, so this was completely unusual to her.

Her body tensed when he whispered in her ear, and she felt herself suddenly stop breathing. What was wrong with her?

The anger inside immediately vanished, and the scythe in her hands slipped out of her fingers, hitting the concrete and creating a clank noise.

When he stepped away, her breath seemed to come back to her, and she sighed softly. She was blushing though, and she looked away the same time he did.

"No.. It's okay. I can handle them myself." She said, an unusual soft tone in her voice. She blinked in confusion, not even recognizing her own voice for a moment. She snapped out of the trance, and picked up her scythe.

"I've been doing this my whole life. It'll be fine." She said to him, scratching the back of her head sheepishly. But deep inside, she knew that wasn't true.
Rallen shook his finger, and smiled, "Now now, don't be headstrong. It is only polite to accept help." Kretan appeared again suddenly and made Rallen jump a little. A raspy and distant voice came from Kretan, "We should go now, sir. And you, female, either make your feelings known, or keep them in check." Rallen blushed brightly, "Umm.... ok Kretan. Thank you." Kretan nodded and faded out again. Rallen looked at Victoria apologetically, "Well... he never is wrong. I think we should go."
Victoria suddenly returned to her normal self, and she raised an eyebrow at Kretan. She cursed under her breath again, blushing a little bit, but not as badly as before.

"Alright. I'll go." She said in a stubborn voice, crossing her arms over her chest and striding past him. When she was about a foot away, she looked behind her and grinned.

"Well? Are we leaving or what? And anyways, where the hell are we going?" She asked, smirking when she realized she had returned to her normal self.

She sighed in relief, but was a little cautious. Now Rallen knew her weakness. Affection.

She glanced down at the concrete, and than looked back up, impatiently waiting for Rallen to catch up to her.
Rallen looked at Victoria with wide eyes, "Well, you are suddenly raring to go. Alright, well..." Rallen thought, walking to her side. "We can head to a nice nature place. Unless you need to sleep or eat or something." Rallen thought on that for a moment, tracing a tattoo on his arm, he had a pulse, a beating heart, unlike most demons or archdemons. The tattoos he had were the source of this. Even with a beating heart though, he did not age or die. Rallen wondered if it bothered her.
She sighed suddenly, thinking a place they could go. But she didn't know if it was a good idea or not. She hasn't been to her parent's house since she got kicked out.

"We could go to my house. It's on the edge of the Dark capital's border, south from here." She said, looking down the road that she knew she needed to go down in order to get there.

"The only way is to get there by car.. But I only have a motorcycle." She said, exchanging glances with Rallen before grinning to herself.

She noticed that he mentioned something about eating, and immediately her eyes grew bright red with hunger.

"Uh.. I don't think it's a good idea for me to eat. Even though I'm starving, I can only drink blood." Her eyes drifted to his neck, and she licked her lips slowly, but than she quickly looked down. She scolded herself silently for doing that.

She stopped in her place, and looked at him for a moment.

"So.. My house? Or do you wanna just walk around for a little bit?" She asked, raising an eyebrow and placing a hand on her hip. The idea of going to her house was a little weird, since she had just met him. But where else could they go? She sighed, tapping her foot.
Rallen shrugged, noticing her eye change, "I don't mind where we go. Up to you. Your eyes glow quite often don't they? My eyes are always red, though they do not glow as often as yours." Rallen grinned and came close to her, "If you would like a bite, then I don't mind." Rallen looked at her, then tilted his head to the side, exposing his neck which had a blood red tattoo running down it.
Victoria gulped, trying to control herself when he exposed his neck. Her hands shook, and her eyes once again grew bright red. Slowly, she took a step towards him, leaning towards his neck and opening her mouth wide. She bit down a lot harder than expected, and drank heavily. A little bit of his blood dripped down her chin as she continued to drink.

After about a minute, she was finally done, and pulled her head away. She licked off the blood that remained on her lips, and wiped away the blood off her chin with the back of her hand. Her red eyes grew dim as her hunger was quenched, but for some reason, her eyes were troubled. She knew that it could become an addiction for her to continually drink Rallen's blood if she began to do this often. This would probably be her last time doing this.

She took a few steps back, keeping her eyes down.

"Sorry if I bit down to hard." She murmured, the soft tone from before edging into her voice.

Once again, she snapped out of it, and her eyes became serious.

"My motorcycle is down the road. You can borrow my helmet if you want." She said, beginning to walk down the road towards a black sports bike.

(Her motorcycle:
Rallen winced when she bit down, she bit harder than he thought she would. "Oww," Rallen said plainly, putting a hand to his neck, then looking at the blood there. He licked his own blood off of his fingers then spoke, "It's fine, it will heal soon enough anyways. But, you were quite thirsty, weren't you?" Rallen looked at her, the bite wound on his neck beginning to heal, and walked with her towards her bike. Part of the way there, he asked questions, "So... what did it taste like? I have heard rumors about demon blood making vampires a lot stronger while it is in their system, so I can't imagine what Archdemon blood would do. Feel anything like that?"
Victoria grinned a little bit to herself when he began asking her a few questions.

"It tasted sweeter than most things I've drank from. And no, I can't say that I feel any different." She said, looking over to him and flashing him a grin.

When they were directly next to the black sports bike, she picked up the helmet that was on the handle and handed it over to him.

"Here. I don't need it." She said in a quiet voice.

It was true, she didn't need it. She's been riding this motorcycle since the day she was kicked out. Which was a VERY long time ago. She flashed Rallen a look of reassurance before sitting on the motorcycle and starting the engine.

It was right than when she realized how awkward this was going to be. Her eyes widened at the thought of him sitting behind her and having to wrap his arms around her waist.

Her face became flushed with embarrassment and she pushed the thought out of her mind.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea.. Oh god. What was I thinking? She thought bitterly in her head.

Sighing, she decided it was to late anyways.

"Sorry if this is uncomfortable for you." She muttered, not daring to meet his gaze.
Rallen cleared his throat and handed the helmet back to her, "It would be impolite of me to leave you without a helmet. As for the taste, good, I guess, though the strength will probably hit you eventually." Rallen smirked to himself and sat on the back of the Ducati, wrapping his hands around her waist softly. He rested his head on her shoulder and whispered in her ear, "No, it shouldn't be too uncomfortable for me. What about you​?"
Victoria winced, her face turning a bright red color when he whispered in her ear. Of course, she tried to hide it from him.

"I-It's fine." She said, her breath stopping for moment, than went back to normal. She slid the black helmet over her head and put her hands on the two handles in front of her.

She sighed a little bit before driving forward and down the road. She went a lot faster than she usually went, and she wondered why.

After about 10 minutes of driving, she turned sharply down a road, suddenly going a lot slower. Eventually, a huge white house with a fountain in the middle of the driveway appeared. Victoria was used to seeing the house already, so the fanciness of the mansion no longer surprised her anymore. She stopped when she had gone completely around the driveway, and had stopped in front of a set of stairs that lead to the doors.

She slipped off the motorcycle, setting the helmet on the front of the sports bike. She stared at the mansion for a moment, replaying the memory of her Mother yelling at her and kicking her out of the house. She clenched her fists a bit, than looked back to Rallen.

"Alright. We're here. It doesn't look like anybody's home.." She muttered to herself, walking up the steps and pulling a golden key out of her pocket. She unlocked the huge door and stepped inside, glancing around at the amazing decor. She still wasn't very impressed.

She glanced behind her to see Rallen's reaction.

(Mansion looks like this:
Rallen looked around once they had stopped, "Nice place I suppose... My parents used to have a house similar, but darker. Even if someone is, don't worry, I can act respectable." Rallen sighed, following Victoria up the steps, this place reminded him of his parent's. His parents were royals of sorts of the demonic realm, what with being Archdemons. Rallen grinned slightly, in a half-crazed way, "I just thought about what happened the last time I saw my parents. It was... interesting."

Kretan appeared again, and looked at Rallen. Rallen nodded again, "Go ahead." Kretan grinned his sharp-toothed grin and floated over to Victoria, not caring to use his feet. Kretan put his hand on her shoulder, a hand that was black smoke colored, and oozed a dark feeling. His eyes glowed a dark red as he thought for a moment, then spoke in the same distant voice as before, "I like this one... She has some potential..."
Victoria nodded slowly, listening to Rallen's words.

"The last time I saw my parents, they were screaming at me and pushing me out of the house." She chuckled at the thought, turning her gaze away from his so he didn't see the sadness that lingered in her red eyes. She really has missed her parents, but of course didn't show it. She wasn't the type of person to express her feelings to others. She always kept them locked away inside her.

She suddenly coughed, snapping out of the sad trance she was in. She cringed a little bit when Kretan put a hand on her shoulder, and she couldn't help but glance over at the shadowy creature. She rose an eyebrow in suspicion, and glanced over to Rallen.

"I like this one... She has some potential..."

She rose an eyebrow in suspicious, and glanced over to Rallen.

"What is he talking about?" She asked, tilting her head a little bit and stepping away from Kretan. She had a feeling he was talking about.. No. That couldn't be it. She shook her head, trying to convince herself that wasn't the reason.
Rallen laughed, "You know, you are the first person he has approved of." Rallen got more serious, thinking and walking closer to Victoria. "He... hmm... how should I explain this..." Rallen looked at Kretan and he stopped floating, using his shadowy legs and making no sound as he walked. "I approve... of you. He is my ward.... You have a good feeling about you... you may be able to live with his...quirks." Kretan had walked to next to Rallen, putting a hand on his head. Rallen grimaced and and squirmed whilst Kretan grinned his same grin.
It was than, that Victoria knew exactly what Kretan had meant. The blush from before returned to her cheeks, and she looked down, her long hair covering her face.

"I see.." She murmured softly. There it was again. That softness in her voice.

She suddenly whipped around, her back facing Kretan and Rallen. Something inside her snapped, and a tear appeared in her eye. She gasped a little bit, wiping away the tear before it had completely fallen to the floor below.

What.. A tear? What is happening to me? I haven't cried since I was a little girl.. She thought in her head as she stared down at the glistening droplet on her fingertip.

Quickly, she wiped it off and pretended that hadn't happened.

"There's food in the kitchen if you're hungry. And there's a pool out back if you ever get bored." She said quietly, taking slow strides towards the kitchen. It was huge, and of course, very fancy.

She ignored the niceness of the kitchen, and than sighed.

"Maybe a nice swim could wake me up a bit." She said to herself, beginning to walk down the long hallway, and up the stairs.

"HEY! I'm getting changed into a swimsuit. Don't even think about barging into my room when I'm half naked, got it?" She snapped when she was halfway up the set of stairs. She mumbled something under her breath, and than continued up the stairs.

She walked into her mother's room, and walked into her closet. Finding a black monokini, she groaned angrily, but decided it was better than nothing.

After she was done changing, she walked out with a towel on her arm. She didn't want Rallen to see her like this, so she took the back door. She clambered down the stairs and pushed open the door, walking outside. She looked behind her and made sure Rallen wasn't looking before diving perfectly into the pool. She appeared on the other side of the huge pool, leaning against the wall.

The pool was about half the size of a lake, and not only was it big, but it had a few fish swimming around in it.

She looked towards the back of the house, seeing Rallen, and than she quickly looked away. Something about him made her act strange.. And she had no idea why.

(Her swimsuit:

(Also, the pool looks like this xD :
Seemingly fast, she was gone and into the pool. Rallen looked at Kretan and shrugged, "I am going to go explore and try to find a library or something." Kretan nodded, and disappeared. Rallen spoke to Victoria in her mind, I don't see why you are so....afraid... that I will see you in your swimsuit. Afraid you cannot resist some...wants? To reply to me, just think towards me. I will get it.

Kretan reappeared after a small while in front of Victoria, floating over the water, "I suppose you have.... some questions you want answered...." Kretan looked her over through the water, "Yes... I think you will do... quite well..."
Victoria raised an eyebrow when Rallen's voice suddenly appeared in her mind. She sighed, kicking her feet to make herself stay afloat in the deep pool.

I'm not afraid.. I'm just not used to people seeing me like this. To most people, I'm a cold-blooded killer. And his wealthy life style isn't something a killer would have. I want people to view me as a bad person. Not like.. This. That's why I didn't show myself to you. I-It's not that I don't think I have a bad body or anything! It's definitely not that..

She suddenly stopped, placing her hands behind her head and staring up at the sky. She closed her eyes

It's just.. Something else. I can't quite figure it out..

She closed her eyes in relaxation for a moment, but than reopened them when Kretan appeared, looking her over.

"And what exactly does that mean?" She asked the creature stubbornly, raising an eyebrow.
Suit yourself. Should I join you there? Or find a library? Rallen thought for a moment, then sighed, playing with a tattoo on his arm, If you wish for me to swim, I need a swimsuit. Rallen looked towards where the pool was, then sighed. He did like this girl, though he wouldn't show it very easily.

Kretan floated around her, then stood on the water, weightless. "Well... I meant that you... have a very nice body. Rallen will... like it well enough..." Kretan stepped closer to where she treaded water, looking down at her, then sat on the water. "You... have questions? Or... are you fine...? My ward's future... she should be happy..."
You can join me if you'd like. My friend Leo stays here sometimes, and he's a very frequent guest. He may have some swimsuits that will probably fit you. I'll get them in a second. She thought back, swimming into the more shallow area. She turned back to Kretan, and grinned.

"I have no more questions. Please excuse me." She said before walking out of the pool. She didn't bother to grab her towel, since she was just going to go right back in anyways.

She walked up the stairs again, walking into a room and towards the closet. She swung the doors open, and looked through the neatly hung clothes. There were about 5 pairs of swim trunks, and she grabbed them all.

Padding back down the stairs, she found Rallen, and handed the swimsuits over to him.

"Here. You can go try them on in the bathroom if you want." She said in a stubborn tone, placing a hand on her hip and striding past him. She walked out back again, diving into the pool again. She saw a few of the tropical fish that were in the pool, swimming around in a big group of colors. A small grin appeared on her face as she kicked her legs and swam towards them. Instead of swimming off quickly, they stayed, and actually allowed her to look at them closely.

Strange.. She thought in her head, reaching out to touch a purple and yellow striped fish, but it darted away.

Smirking, she shot back up to the surface.

(I just realized how proper Victoria just sounded in that post xD )
Rallen looked at the pile of shorts in his hands and chose one, he tried them on and they fit fine. ( The intricate tattoos on his chest and back were very apparent, almost glowing, as he walked to the pool. He looked down at himself, at his abs which were slightly highlighted by the tattoos, and then to Victoria, "Is this good?" He asked, calling out to her.

Rallen looked at the pool and muttered, "Salt water pool... nice..." He then looked toward Kretan and glared at him. Kretan smiled and disappeared. "I hope he didn't cause too much trouble for you..." Rallen looked at Victoria for a moment, then dived into the pool, once he came up, he swam next to her, smiling but looking very uncomfortable.
Victoria grinned a little bit when she noticed that he looked very uncomfortable.

"He was fine. He was just wondering if I had any questions to ask." She chuckled, than looked down at the bottom below. The pool reached depths to 30 feet. She wondered what kind of creatures her parents had put in pool at that depth.

Than she remembered.

"Jellyfish." She murmured to herself quietly, not even realizing she had said it aloud. She looked up, a little embarrassed.

"T-There's Jellyfish near the bottom of the pool. Wanna see them? There poisonous though, so don't get to close." She warned, a foggy image of a glowing orange jellyfish with blue tentacles appeared in her mind.

She sunk back under the water, kicking her legs gracefully and shooting downwards to the bottom. Once she had reach 20 feet, she looked back towards Rallen to see if he was following. Once she saw that he was, she swam a little deeper, and than stopped when she saw about 35 or more eerie orange lights below. She swam closer, and eventually, the orange orbs became jellyfish, drifting gently in the dark water.

She moved closer to one, her face very close, but not enough to touch it. She poked the top of it lightly, watching it bounce off the tip of her finger and drift away a bit.

(The jellyfish look like this:
Rallen followed her to the depths, I don't have to breath, do you? Rallen looked around at the jellyfish, wondering if their poison actually affected demons. You understand why I am uncomfortable, do you not? Rallen then sighed, as best as one can sigh underwater, looking around him to make sure no jellyfish were near, then created a small fire, so hot it could still burn underwater. He focused on it, then moved his hand away, keeping the flame there. ​I am out of my element here. Though, it is alright, I will live.

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