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Fandom Detroit: Become Human roleplay?


New Member
Hello! This is my first thread involving this so I hope I'm doing this right lol

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in doing a group D:BH RP thread with me? I don't have many ideas involving plot and stuff like that (one idea is maybe it could take place post-game after one of the endings or something like that I don't know) but we can discuss that stuff if I have a group of people who would be willing to join in! :)
Sounds good, do you have plans for letting people make their own characters?
Oooh I’m glad people are interested in this!

Becker Becker Original characters can be created! I’ll also allow canon characters to be played as well, for I will most likely be playing one due to not having the kind of creativity to make my own lol. I’ll probably play Connor because I know how to RP him best but I’d definitely be okay with giving a try to playing more of the canon characters if needed!

Does anyone have any ideas? :3
Croix Croix Ideas as in story ideas?

I'll throw in a 'escalation of civil war' between the humans and Androids; type suggestion. Not that our characters have to be on the front-line but more so stuck in a city where dis-trust is everywhere and prejudice is rampant amongst both side's radicals. Accusations of 'Android influenced' corruption within the local police departments has all but destroyed any chance of cooperation between the goverment and the people. Everyone is out for themselves but some choose to step-back into the fire and try to bring order to the chaos.
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Orvwe do a 'happy end' where several humans don't accept thst the androids hace the same rights as them
Ooh I'm interested in both!

Becker Becker With that plot idea, would that take place post-game, where androids gained their rights in one ending, but there is still people fighting against it who disagree with it? Or would it take place during the game where we just play out the android vs humans plot line of the story? (Sorry if my wording is confusing!)

Flame Demon Flame Demon I like this too! This could also tie into my idea that I proposed in my first post, where the roleplay takes place post game (most likely in the ending where androids gain their rights) though they're still being discriminated against by people who disagree with it?

For now we can make a list with those two plot ideas and add any others as we come up with them, and also wait to see if anyone else is interested in joining!
That's the idea, like humans who don't agree that androids get paid for jobs and can have their own houses and stuff
Ahh I understand! That'd be a very interesting plot to do so it'd be like...even though androids have rights they still find themselves having to fight for them because there's a part of the population that just doesn't agree.

Hmm, I don't know if it's too early to ask this but would anyone like to go ahead and reserve spots for canon characters? Like Markus, anyone else apart of Jericho, Hank, etc... I'm probably going to play Connor and I might make an OC if I come up with an idea for one?
Hey guys I’m interested! But may I suggest something? Cannon characters played in a RP typically don’t do as well as a fully OC RP. I strongly advise not to play the characters themselves, but if you want to play a similar occupation or role that the character plays that’s totally fair.
Ohh I see, I didn't think about that, thank you! Okay, I will definitely be working on creating an OC then :)
Wow I’m glad so many people are interested!

With the help of ReverseTex ReverseTex , we’ve decided on a plot to be done.

This will take place post-game where the androids have gained rights across the country, however they’re still being discriminated against in various cities besides Detroit. Since all of this in the game happened in Detroit, we can say uh...in another city, there are still androids that have not become deviant and are still fighting to properly earn their rights because in the city, the population of humans still do not agree with the whole situation and treat androids wrongly, and the city in general tends to just not follow the law that androids now have rights. And the RP will go along the plot of people roleplaying as androids who want to become deviant, androids who are trying to stop a new uprising of deviancy, humans who support the androids’ cause of wanting to be deviant, humans who are against it, etc etc. You choose your side!

I’m probably going to roleplay an OC that is similar to Connor in ways; an android working for the city’s police department with a specific programming meant to stop the new uprising, even though androids have rights now. Even when there’s a law, there will still be people in power who decide to work against it.

I’ll make a character sheet thread in a bit! For now, I hope this plot sounds all right. (:

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