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Fandom /Detailed The Killing Game (Dangan Ronpa RP)


The one an' only
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Here is the list of roles. You may have up to 4 characters. It is recommended that you have more than one as you there is a strong likelihood that one of them might die, and I don't want you to feel left out.

-Ultimate Upcoming Politician

-Ultimate Unknown

-Ultimate Lucky Student

-Ultimate Pet Trainer

-Ultimate Drug Dealer

-Ultimate Table Top Gamer

-Ultimate Skater

-Ultimate Journalist

-Ultimate Carpenter

-Ultimate Track-Star

-Ultimate Composer

-Ultimate Pilot

-Ultimate Ballroom Dancer

-Ultimate Sports Fan

-Ultimate Pianist

-Ultimate Historian

-Ultimate Painter

-Ultimate Philanthropist

-Ultimate Magician

Feel free to be as creative as you want with the character and CS! The only thing that is a must is the role. They can be any personality, gender, looks, whatever! Use as little or as much BB as you want! Here is a template CS:






Appearance(preferably anime):




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Name: Oka Kagome

Nickname: "How would you shorten Oka? I suppose you can call me Mary-Jane if you want to give me a nickname, or any derivative of any other drug. Doesn't matter to me."

Age(13-18): 16

Gender: Female

Role: SHSL Drug Dealer

Appearance(preferably anime):


Standing, Oka tops about 4'6" in height.


"Can you imagine having to explain to your parents that you're getting into Hopes Peak on drug dealing? Well, your imagination would be inaccurate for what happened to me, because my parents already knew. They did wonder how the school figured out, though."

That paragraph of text aside, Oka is an extremely blunt person, with just about no filter. At the same time, she isn't a particularly sociable person, though she has an obvious preference for talking to guys, perhaps because of her own sexuality- she's a lesbian, and finds girls incredibly attractive but, due to bad experiences, isn't too open about this fact. This more than likely roots in the fact that her job isn't exactly the most legal one.

This isn't to say that Oka isn't friendly. She tries to be friendly, though it normally comes off relatively rough, and considerably more rude that she would intend for it to.

Likes: "My... Likes? Well, obviously, I enjoy Drug Dealing, probably want something more than that. Cats and music are a few of my favorite things, which is the reason for my headphones, and I really enjoy a good blunt now and then. What do you expect? Oh, and, uhm, girls are cute."

Dislikes: "This is a lot of things you're expecting to be listed out for you. I'm not fond of cops, for obvious reasons, but what does that matter here? I got in on my illegal activities. Not fond of how short I am, but nothing I can do to fix that. Uhm... Peppermints, lizards, and I'm scared of heights."

Other: Lesbian

Name: Haruko Takahashi

Nickname: "Nickname? Ah, well, I've been called Haru in the past, as well as Haru-chan. Call me what you like."

Age(13-18): 18

Gender: Male

Role: SHSL Ballroom Dancer

Appearance(preferably anime):


He stands almost 6'3, being a few centimeters short.


"Well, I hope you weren't expecting some soft, spoiled brat when you heard there was a SHSL Ballroom Dancer. If you were, hate to disappoint you, but I'm not soft. I do come from a rich family, though. What? You think my parents forced me to take dance lessons? That's one more thing you're mistaken about."

Again, the paragraph of text aside, Haruko isn't a particularly social person, though not because he's shy or scared of people, or any other variation of that; In reality, he's just not very fond of talking, and would prefer to do as little of it as neccassary.


"You'll never see me happier than when I'm dancing, just any form of it I've learned, which is most of them. I didn't get in here on a good Waltz. Candy is also a favourite of mine, or most anything sweet. Oh, cute boys are always a plus."


"I'm claustrophibic, as well as Ailurophobic. Not one for anything bitter in taste, nor do I like most meats. Just prefer vegetables, I guess. What? Your response to that is that I'm not American? I have no clue what that has to do with my taste in food, but no, I'm Japanese. Anyway, I really don't like Geese."

Other: Overwhelmingly gay, because I hardly know how to play a straight person.
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Name: Aioki Sumiki

Nickname: Ai

Age(13-18): 16

Gender: Female

Role: SHSL Track star

Appearance(preferably anime):


Personality: Aioki is a very nice and sweet girl. She is a airhead so if when she is in the trials she won't be the best at it. She is very outgoing and hates death.

Likes: Running, Nice Cloths, Sweet Food

Dislikes: Closed spaces, Heights, Bullys

Other: She is a Lesbian


Name: Asher Toakio

Nickname: Ash

Age(13-18): 15

Gender: Transgender

Role: SHSL Pet Trainer

Appearance(preferably anime):


Personality: Asher Is a very chill and cool person. He is very good under lots pressure because he trains all kinds of animals. He can sometimes be stubborn but he means well.

Likes: Animals, Warm places, Hot drinks

Dislikes: Dying animals, People knowing his deep dark Secert

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Name: Akane Ross

Nickname: Kane or Aka

Age(13-18): 17

Gender: Female

Role: Ultimate Skater

Appearance(preferably anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cab16949c_AkaneRoss.jpg.c5b9377025ce0e7d754f6d6767580be2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133198" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cab16949c_AkaneRoss.jpg.c5b9377025ce0e7d754f6d6767580be2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Extremely laid back and almost comes off as a ditz. She takes almost NOTHING seriously, except for skating and enjoying life. She is a bit dense and doesn't understand much in regards of relationships. Always optimistic, she never really


Skating, the wind flowing past her, laying in fields, parties, and her sponsored energy drink.


Sticks in the mud, rules, being told she's not serious, anyone that disses skating and people that say her energy drink is garbage.


Tends to earbuds in and jamming out to music. She is bisexual homoromantic.

Name: Viktor Lebeau

Nickname: Vik or Casanova

Age(13-18): 15

Gender: Male

Role: Ultimate Pianist

Appearance(preferably anime):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cab172b08_ViktorLebeau.jpg.a3c3920f900d208ac9c28242c9f9594f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="133200" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cab172b08_ViktorLebeau.jpg.a3c3920f900d208ac9c28242c9f9594f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Soft spoken and friendly, Viktor has a hard time not getting along with anyone. He is friendly and accepting of others. He refuses to put people down for their ideas and tries keeping their spirits up. He is full of hope and believes that the world will someday see true peace through music. He is also somewhat of a ladies' man as he mostly reads romance novels and tends to be really kind to them, even more than men.


All kinds of music, people, the piano, windy days, and rainstorms


Impolite people, misogynists, arrogant people, reptiles, and people that pity him.


Viktor is blind and has to walk around with a cane. Viktor is Demisexual. "When you can't see, you can only love the person for who they are." *Girls swoon*



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Ultimate Table Top Gamer(HOPE)

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no slide

Lucio Lovengood



Age(13-18): 17





Table top Gamer

Appearance(preferably anime):

Blonde, green eyed boy with mixed blood of both Japanese and American. He has many tattoos, one of which is on his neck. He wears fairly eccentric clothing and jewelry, but the one piece he never takes off is his necklace. He loves darker colors and is always fairly well groomed, but wild at the same time.

no slide
no slide
About Me

Very social, but not always in good way. He seems to always be involved with other people, but it is all for his own calculation and gain. One of the rules of table-top games is to gain the trust of those around you and hate the others at the table. He tends to smile at everyone and shows to be on everyone's side at the same time, but it is always in due calculation. It is unknown at times his true nature.


Luce prefers to win and enjoys watching others shocked expression of dread. He doesn't brag outright, but likes to feel people fall from behind their own strength. He also has a slight enjoyment for kiddy board games that he usually hides.


Losing is not something he is known for and he sees every lose as a miscalculation and not skill on others side. He hates being pitied and having others feel more liked than him. He hates to envy anyone.

The More You Know


Luce can be very helpful as long as it benefits him or he sees the person as useful.

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Name:Oroku Miyano


Age: 15

Role: Ultimate Pilot


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.bbabcc6f41f3dda35aa77961327b04a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="132044" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.bbabcc6f41f3dda35aa77961327b04a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Miyano is a tough, outgoing and wary person. She doesn't trust easily, and is very skeptical of people. She's loyal as hell and will take a bullet for those she's grown to care for. Miyano is fiercely independent, and likes to work aline, though she's not reluctant to work as a team.

Likes: Flying, planes, the sea, nature.

Dislikes:Enclosed spaces, taking orders and ice cream.




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[QUOTE="Blue Fire]Oh I just Forgot that im not going to be here for a few days so..

Ok. Thank you for letting me know. I will make adjustments if need be.
I sorta want to make a third but i cant find one i want

Wish you had added Surgeon

So i guess ill also take... carpenter
Oops, WingedAlabaster, would you mind if I took philanthropist? Hope

Damn seems I was too late for composer or journalist. Guess I'll go with Ultimate Philanthropist

Name: Ryori

Nickname: Ri

Age(13-18): 17

Gender: Male

Role: Ultimate Philanthropist

Appearance (preferably anime): View media item 11594

Short messy ginger hair, freckles, and light blue eyes. Always wearing a smile and despite being 17, has a certain boyish charm and charisma about him.

Personality: Ryori is an only child from an extremely wealthy family. He is laid back and charming (most of the students and teachers adore him and not only because he has money to spare and is very liberal in using it.)

Ryori has never known a situation money couldn't help him get the upper hand and gets a thrill out of being 'the guy who makes things happen.' Despite this he hasn't got a manipulative bone in his body and could be described as naively optimist, throwing money at every cause that comes his way.

He is on the debating team, and just about any commitee you can think of, so he is well known but has few actual friends. He doesn't appear to notice this however.

Likes: Wine, good food, chivalry, playing tennis, dinner parties, flirting.

Dislikes: Most physical activities, Using the cheap option, public transport, events where no photos are taken, and bad manners.
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Name: Shiki Harase

Nickname: Shi

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Role: Ultimate Historian

Appearance(preferably anime): Here!

Personality: She's a bubbly, fun girl whose head seems to always be in the clouds, and she seems pretty out of it usually. However, she can be very useful. She knows her stuff when it comes to history and things of the past, and can spout off facts with no problem. She's a very interesting and funny person to be around, when she's not dissociating into space. She

Likes: History, mythology, discovering new info, sleuthing around, journaling.

Dislikes: The unknown, blood/gore, shallow people, people who can't get their hands dirty.

Other: Nothing I can think of right now!

Name: Arwen Karmina

Nickname: None.

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Role: SHSL Unknown

Appearance(preferably anime): Here. (That's a ponytail btw, think Len Kagamine but a redhead.)

Personality: Arwen is a shy exchange student from America, accepted to the school for a talent he now cannot remember. All he knows is that he has a scar on his lip and he doesn't know how he got it, and that he's inside of Hope's Peak Academy, and he isn't totally sure what happened. He's rather timid, and in a constant state of confusion and worry. He's easy to overwhelm, and gets incredibly flustered when given attention or praise. He's rather awkward and tends to stumble over words a bit. The sight of a dead body would mortify him, and he would most likely need to be consoled by another student after a body is found. Despite all this, he's incredibly perceptive and picks up on the tiny details that just might be able to solve a case. Pretty useful in a class trial, if he gets the guts to speak up.

Likes: Animals, Friends, Reading, Singing (but only in private), Doodling

Dislikes: Death, Arguments, Too Much Attention, Getting Yelled At, Blood

Other: Pansexual babe. Would totally go for anyone of any gender if they're nice to him and listen to him. Has three younger sisters. Extremely anxious and prone to panic attacks and breakdowns.
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There are three new roles for those of you who have only one character. You may choose to take one or not, up to you.
WingedAlabaster said:
Can I grab unknown?
Sure. For reference, that means the character woke up and can't remember what their skill/talent/ultimate is
Well i Guess im off too sleep and i won't be back for 3 days so just say my characters just stay quiet and if there is a killing they would just hide in there room



Zen Sakurai


Z, Wood obsessed Freak






Ultimate Carpenter



Zen stands at 177 cm (5'10") and weighs 75 kg (165 ibs)


Zen will always be the most enthusiastic person in the room, the second he sees something that's right up his alley he will explode from joy at the mere thought of doing what he loves which is carpentry and he loves all the things involved in doing it. Like building a house, arts and crafts and furniture making, as well as the material involved in carpentry, like wood, steel, bricks, flowers, rocks and tools, it all makes him happy and loudly content in his current predicament no matter how dangerous or odd the situation he finds himself in. As long as he can make something he is happy, but if he can't make something with wood or steel he will start to panicked and soon will become hysterical. The longest he can handle not making something is a week after that he will become servery depressed and lifeless until he can make something.


Wood, Trees, Nature, Cement, Bricks, Isolation, Birds, Steel, Rocks


Big Group of People, Laziness, Electronic Tools, Skyscraper, Heights, Cities, Confinement, Violence, Arguments



Has the toughest and most calloused hands in the group

Can lift 220 kg all by himself


Madoka Mori


Lucky Brat, Mistress of Luck, Otaku, Gremlin






Ultimate Lucky Student



Madoka stands at 152 cm (5') and weighs in at 45kg (100ibs)


Madoka is an Otaku and loves all things Anime, disgustingly so, some say she was an Otaku boy born into an Otaku girl's body. But when it comes to IRL she is much less of an Otaku, but she is a flirty and perverted mess of a girl who flirts with every girl and wants to see their 'Romance scene', she is also highly delusional she sees life as a video game, especially as an Bishoujo visual novel where the girls around her are Romance options. Madoka is very needy and bossy and needs constant attention towards her.


Video games, Anime, Manga, Junk food, Girls, Cute things, getting lucky


Boys, Haters, IRL, Adults, Healthy Food, Going Outside, Fixed luck


Madoka is a major LESBIAN and hates boys who flirt with her or other girls, she sees boys as her romantic rivals.

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[QUOTE="Blue Fire]Well i Guess im off too sleep and i won't be back for 3 days so just say my characters just stay quiet and if there is a killing they would just hide in there room

Okay. It will probably only be introductions. They will say their names and talent probably. Then quietness is probable. See you later then. Sleep well! ^^

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