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Fandom Detailed Sword Art Online


Suffers from Selective Memory
Welcome to


Status: Work in progress.

Expected to be highly detailed.

Minimum of three paragraphs per post.

Hello hello! Thank you for taking the time to view this! Just a quick note, This is a collaborative project between me and @Infinities Lover . Just ahead of time before you continue, if you perhaps hold yourself in high esteem in world building and creative skill I am looking for another hand in this project! Now onward to the important part!

Hey hey! Glad to see you made it this far! Alright so, over the past few months I've found myself in multiple SAO RPs that had great potential but sadly bit the dust. After my latest I decided that this needed done right with a lot of effort put into it. Now I'm bout going to assume I alone will do it right, I won't even assume my collab partner and I will do it right, but you can be damn sure we're gonna try!

So our goal is to create a highly detailed setup that includes custom floors. Instead of trying to scrounge necessary info for every floor and boss we're going to create our own floors from scratch. These will include a quest creation and acceptance system. Basically we'll release the next floor up to two weeks prior to it being planned to be unlocked. A certain tab titled "Quest Prompts" will include a more in-depth description will include a simple form similar to a character form. You will use this along with floor information provided to create a quest idea that you submit in that thread. If the quest fits it will most likely be accepted and moved to the "Quest Board" thread.

The GMs of the thread will be creating the heavier multi tiered event like quests for each floor so with proper usage of the prompt system we should be able to have a smooth flow.

This is what we've got so far and I intend to release more information as we go. But hopefully I'll have caught some of your attention with this! Anyone wishing to possibly assist should just contact me with a message! Thanks, have a nice day!
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That seems so interesting I will be willing to join can I send you a link of my character from another rp for you to check out?
Well it's still in the works so I'd suggest you just wait for now.

But your interest is appreciated and encouraging!
Atom, oh how we meet again.

I am waiting in the shadows for this to begin because I am heavily interested in this.
Hey there. I, too, am interested in this :) It's been a while since I've found something that sounds engaging and this might be right up my alley! Looking forward to seeing more fleshed out and hoping others join in as well...
It's a bit slow moving regarding production, but that's only because Atom and I want it to be the best it can be :)
And because I recently got a job. So I'm a tad bit swamped and haven't even got my schedule yet...

I'm disliking the organization of my boss.
Ahh yeah, that makes sense. Things can definitely get in the way of something this detailed, but I have faith (and patience!) :D
Glad to hear that! We just hope you can be patient with us as it will take some time :)
I would be interesting in joining. Just send me a tag when this gets started.

On a side note, Infinites, @Flubs lost his account and email. He is not off the grid, he is just not a genius. He says hi. I am not him.
We sure will!

LOL I remember Flubs! Tell him I say hi please! :)
[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]We sure will!
LOL I remember Flubs! Tell him I say hi please! :)

Will do. If you want me to I can try and restore his data files to recover his email... His old PC got corrupted while he was gone in Tibet. Some sort of unfamiliar file Apple couldn't handle. It migh take a good week before I can get him on the forums again based on my schedual though... In fact I may try to get him back by tonight!

/Gets up
[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]lol Well enjoy? xD
Don't over work yourself

It's not over-working until after midnight. We live in same house so it shouldn't be that hard it should be to steal his old laptop and replace the processor as well as the motherboard...
I would love to join this. Also, Kabo, don't take my laptop... It has my special Inuyasha sticker on it. Maybe if you did my bike I might let you borrow it indefinitely but...
lol Alright thanks. Great to see you~

Just a reminder, we don't know when we'll be able to start
While I won't have much time to do stuff, based on knowledge from the light novel and anime and previous RP I can offer guidance and guidelines on the game mechanics and such.
Welcome to the team! :D

Cause I need a buddy who can help with mechanics. That's my weak side.
All fine for me then :) Atom, go shoot Infinities the link I sent you and have a browse of it, since that's where I learnt my mechanics from and they're as canon as canon gets.

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