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Fantasy /Detailed] Gods Among Us: A Modern Fanasty Roleplay


Releash the World Engine!
Sign up sheet:


Nickname: (Put N/A if there isn't one)


Apparent Age:

Actual Age:

(If your character is normally aged, just put the age.)

Is he/she superhuman?:


Habits: (Optional)

Likes: (Optional)

Dislikes: (Optional)

Bio: (At least a paragraph/5 sentences)

Appearance: (Picture preferred)

Type of Superhuman: (If character is superhuman)





Desolators, Vendettas, or United Nations:

Theme Song(s): (Optional)

(If you are doing theme songs, than please also include a battle theme for action scenes.)
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Name: Andrew Mark Smith

Nickname: Fuzzie

Gender: Male

Apparent Age: 15

Actual Age: 411

Is he/she superhuman?: Yes

Personally: Fuzzie is a comedic guy. He seems to not take anything seriously. However, he has a demon inside him, talking to him. Fuzzie is only happy to cheer himself up, as he is mentally broken.

Bio: Andrew was born in a village. He and his sister Nari help their parents farm. One night, the demon showed up to Fuzzie. He said he was Jesus's son and can grant him immortality if he shakes his hand. He did, causing the demon to enter his body. He controlled him and killed all his family members. Fuzzie is on the run most of the time, because he doesn't want to hurt anyone and the government is chasing after him. One time, the military captured him, gave him metal arms, and trained him as a weapon. He escaped and was on the run every since. Then he came face with Kraiser Matter, an alien overload who almost killed everyone. A great battle in Tokyo left dust, rubble, and Kraiser Matter's body. Now that the whole world knows about him, he must take shelter and help every other superhuman out there not to get hurt.

Appearance: See profile pic (I am a terrible artist)

Type of Superhuman: Human with a demon inside him

Powers: Invulnerable to things that can not hurt demons

Skills: Hand to hand combat

Weapons: His metal arms

Weaknesses: Any type of Demons, Angels, Demigods, Magic, and alien rocks called Demonite

Desolators, Vendettas, or United Nations: Desolators

His demon Matter: Matter lives inside Fuzzie. Only Fuzzie and other demons can hear him. Matter wants nothing but to make people suffer. If Fuzzie gets enough negative feelings like anger, Matter can control him.

Theme Song(s):

When Fuzzie is thinking, sad, or quiet (Main Theme)


Fuzzie's battle theme


(Lol it's my own YouTube video.)

Fuzzie's happy theme


Matter's theme:


(I love Hans Zimmer music.)
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(Please if I need to change anything let me know.)

Name: Elizabeth J. Velvet

Nickname: Beth

Gender: Female

Actual Age: 23

Is he/she superhuman? - Yes

Personality: Elizabeth is an extremely distant individual never sharing more info then she has to. Loosing most of the people who were dear to her when she was a teenager. She’s never really learned how to coup with loss. Quick to be angered, and even more so to express her rage.

Habits: She becomes easily attached to anyone who shows her a slight bit of compassion.

Likes: Cold temperatures, Rain, and Sweets.

Dislikes: Humans, Dry Heat

Bio: Elizabeth was born in Germany, into a wealthy family. Her parents could give her anything she ever wanted. She attended a private school and passed all of her classes with flying colors. Attending college at the age of 18, she was studying to become a marine biologist, and her parents had introduced her to the man she would be due to be married. By the time she was 19, her marriage was set and ready to be had. Both families had come together to have her wedding on a Cruise Ship. Traveling from Europe to the United States, on the fateful night of the wedding a large explosion punctured the hull of the ship. The ship began to sink, as another explosion from the living quarters went off. Assuming to be a terrorist attack she ran to the deck, in hopes that someone would be able to see. Someone could bring help. She clenched her lovers hand tightly in her own, as one final explosion went off at the bow of the ship. Consuming both of them in a blaze of fire. She blacked out, the shear pain of the flames scorching her skin. As she had awoken she was cold, thought herself to be in limbo, she was floating at the bottom of the sea-floor, the dark depths. She began to gasp for air, but to avail she could breathe just fine. Something inside of her had changed, something for the worse. Finding herself amongst the shores of New York, she found a shard of Broken Glass. She stared into the picture of what she became… A monster in her eyes. Deciding to descend back into the depths of the ocean, where she died. She would take a vow to defend her new home. And destroy whoever was found responsible.


Type of Superhuman: Abyssal – Regenerator

Powers: Cellular Regeneration, Super Human Strength, Telekinetic and Psychokinetic abilities to an extent, and Water Breathing.

Skills: Adept weapon specialist.

Weapons: A Bident crafted from Whale-Bones, used to call forth the might of the ocean, and its creatures. Acting as a Catalyst which allows her to link her mind with that of sea-creatures. And the fury of storms itself.

Weaknesses: Fire and Ligtning.

Desolators, Vendettas, or United Nations: Vendettas.

You may now post your backstory post on the main tab.

Any important information I should add to the Lore?

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