~*~ Destiny's Descendants Academy ~*~


Junior Member
Character Sign Up Sheet






History: (You don't have to fill this one in. In fact, sometimes its more interesting when you don't)

House: Water/ Fire / Earth / Air

Role: Student / Teacher / Tracker

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Students: Liam Bradford ~~ Water ~~ Mac Burns

Hazel Odell ~~ Earth ~~ Miss Mary

Adrian Sher ~~ Earth ~~ SkyFilms

Allie Bennet ~~ Air ~~ Bea Delaine

Ester ~~ Fire ~~ explosiveKitten

Rachel Arendale ~~ Earth ~~ Livingbetweenstars

Lauren Clarke ~~ Water ~~ bluepen19

Chris ~~ Water ~~ L u n a

Amileeja ~~ (Fire) ~~ Me!

Trackers: Aquilla ~~ Water ~~ Luna

Dean Triard ~~ Air ~~ explosiveKitten

Teachers: Damien Jackozo ~~ Fire ~~ Me!

Elizabeth Baker ~~ Air ~~ Livingbetweenstars

Charles Hemmingway ~~ Water ~~ MacBurns
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Name: Liam Bradford

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: 5'10" 160lbs Avg. weight on the skinny side

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/SPAM1.jpg.78fd1d8ce1d4b8b35c0c6ccd45bbacb2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12678" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/SPAM1.jpg.78fd1d8ce1d4b8b35c0c6ccd45bbacb2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: -Naive -Eager -Nervous -Competitive -Insecure

History: He was born to a mother who was Destiny Descendant and a father to whom his mother was the world. Sounds like a great family until the mother leaves in fear of her life and that of her family. However Liam is too young to understand, and her husband can not know what she is. So she goes with seemingly no reason. Now this ripped the heart of the father, she did not file for divorce, she just left. His life, his love gone, and then he had this little kid with her eyes around to keep reminding him, no way. So as soon as the school, suggested psych evaluations, his father was there leading the charge to put him in a ward. That's where Liam has been for the past couple years until they broke him out, and brought him here. A much better place.

House: Water

Role: Student



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Name: Hazel Odell

Age: 14

Gender: Female


Personality: Might be a tad awkward or quiet at first from being isolated from most humans for so long. But once she opens up she's quite bubbly and smiles a lot. She scares easily and might be a tad jumpy. She's also a daydreamer.

History: (You don't have to fill this one in. In fact, sometimes its more interesting when you don't): Can only remember being in an asylum from the age of six. One incident occurred when she was about ten, where a switch from a Yellow-Bell plant went out of control near her and ended up creating a long, whip-like scar on her back. She has no idea how or why that even occurred. (Well, until she gets to the school.)

House: Water/ Fire / Earth / Air: Earth.

Role: Student / Teacher / Tracker: Student.
Name: (Alice) Allie Bennet

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: (This but usually smiling) Tall but skinny without much curve


Personality: She is like her element of control, unpredictable, never tied down, never to be faced head on. She has a talent for running away, and smiling as though nothing has ever been wrong. She will tease you and give you a nickname. She will through herself into any sort of situation physically without care, yet avoid verbal confrontation like a plague, keeping a happy go lucky air in the worst of scenarios.

History: (You don't have to fill this one in. In fact, sometimes its more interesting when you don't): She travels a lot, has been taken to an Asylum once, but ran away, traveled everywhere she could and went by alias's, without any actual idea of why she was being pursued. She ended up getting talked into coming by a tracker. With no family she really cared about staying with and no emotional connection to anywhere she's been, she agreed. What happened to everyone who cared about her, she will not say. Its not a sore subject, its just not for anyone to know.

House: Air

Role: Student
Name: Adrian Sher

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Personality: Adrian is very kind and curious, he is only smart in the things he likes zoning out into his own thoughts in topics he doesn't enjoy. Adrian warms up to others quickly and once he likes a person as a friend he is very loyal and selfless to them. Adrian despises fighting and is known to not be a fighter, treating arguments as calm debates. This making him an easy target for bullies, but Adrian isn't one to yell or show his irritance towards arrogance unless it's to protect someone. Adrian is very forgiving and tries to look on the bright side of his life. But despite these traits Adrian sees himself as a burden unable to help in most ordeals.

History: Adrian has no memory of his past.

House: Earth

Role: Student

?Name? "My name is Aquilla."

That name was given to her by the old tracker she traveled with.

She doesn't have a last name, or she doesn't prefer to have one.

?Age? "I am to turn 21 years old soon."

?Gender? "Do I look like a male to you?"

?Personality? Serious in work, but not the strictest; Aquilla always makes sure that she does not let anything get in her way. However, she can get friendly when needed, and is truly responsible and adaptable. She does not take anything too seriously, but people are wrong to misunderstand her. Due to her sacrifices in her years of training, she knows very well how to act or lie when necessary, and trust me when I tell you that she is good at it. She may seem easily comfortable with somebody she just met, but little would that person know that she'd be watching his/her every move and cell. Well, not literally, but she does what she can. But when she confirms that someone is trustworthy enough of her unconditional friendship, which nobody has really showed her yet, then she wouldn't mind doing anything just to protect them. As for now, she sticks to the orders--search in asylums, track and make sure the Descendants make it alive, and stay alive, along with her comrades, or course.

?History? "It is either I do not remember how I was born and raised, or I refuse to say so. What will you believe?"

Nobody knows if Aquilla is just hiding about her background, or she really does not know or remember. Either way, she has stayed a mystery, somehow. In truth, Aquilla's parents were both trackers, and she did not mind continuing their legacy and responsibility, after knowing that she held such great power that could be used either for the bad or good. Her parents were slaughtered by the humans just when she was three years old, and of course, she couldn't remember that. When that happened, another certain older tracker took her in, teaching to her about the star-shaped tatoo at her pinky, and how to use her powers well, and better than ever. For several years, she has stayed with that old grandmother, who she loved hearing stories from. For some reason, she felt connected to her, but she thought that it was just probably them both being fellow trackers, nothing else. It was almost unbelievable that a child that was close to dying still managed to live and learn about her powers, but Aquilla knew that she couldn't have done it without that lady. At the age of ten, she woke up in their hide-out without ever seeing that woman ever again. It was still a mystery to her as to why she had to live by her own once more, but she managed to, without fully dying, at least.

She only managed to live for about two years without facing too much difficulties. In time, she became sick, and hungry, and hopeless. But, another tracker heading for the Destiny's Descendants Academy found her, and brought her towards the academy along with other descendants. At ten years old, Aquilla was taken in by the academy, just like a school would for a student. She entered the Choosing Chamber and was successfully marked to be of the Water House. Of course, she knew that already. Ever since she was like, very young, she was able to manipulate water. But she knew a whole lot more--more than she could imagine--in this academy. She remembered that old tracker telling her that she was born to be a tracker, and the blue star tatoo on her pinky was the proof. But then, she spent about ten years of her life training herself and her powers. And exactly at her 20th birthday, she successfully did her first try for the Turnover. It went out quite well. People would wonder why she had waited for so long, or too long, but she believes that it is better to be safe than sorry. After all, after everything that she has done, it was quite worth the happiness. In her new life as a tracker and experienced water-user, who knows what else would happen in her life?

?House? "I belong with the Water."

?Role? "I'm a newly-determined tracker."
All accepted!!! 
Name: Damien Jackozo

Age: 26

Gender: Male


A little like this, but greenier eyes- like a bright grassy green. And no hat! Thick, wavy brown hair instead, in a slightly gelled, messy (on purpose, in a good kind of way) hairstyle. He wears classy, if a little strange clothes, and has a white suit jacket he often wears over that shirt, as sort of casual-smart mix, yet managing to pull it off ;)

Personality: He has a passion for philosophy, which he is constantly trying to get on the school's curriculum, and often slips it into his history lessons as well. He is somewhat biased towards the brighter and more thoughtful students who reflect his own love for philosophy. He used to be a very enthusiatic teacher, but now that only shows through rarely. However, he is friendly, just so beaten down with his job that it doesn't come off that way. He likes to inspire children who he sees a future in, and that is the only time a bit of his past enthusiasm comes back.

History: He didn't realise he was a Destiny's Descendant for a very long time- well into his twenties. He had just finished teaching school, and was aspiring to become a philosophy teacher, with several brilliant philosophical ideas of his own. He was a child prodigy, and set on the right path to really become something, when one day he expressed some of his philosophical ideas at a convention, where someone high up disagreed with him, and branded him crazy.

For two long months he was jailed, which was nothing compared to most of his fellow teachers, before the Trackers came to rescue him. He didn't really mind it all that much in there, as he had a lot of time to his thoughts, and for working on his theories.

His first time at the academy flew by, and he loved it, it was his dream job, and he was loved by all the pupils and his co-workers. Wanting to make things even better, he rushed into Turnover, too quickly.

He became ill, and spent almost a whole term confined to his bed, where his positivity was slowly drained. With his failed dreams as a philosopher spinning in his head for all that time, he wondered what he was doing with is life, and became very desperate, and spent so much time thinking about the meaning of life that he lost his love of it.

Now he is beaten down and depressed, sticking to his job for the fear of leaving and being thrown back in the asylum, and for the vain hope that he might inspire a child to become as great as he should have been, or so he says.

House: Fire

Role: Teacher
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Name: Ester

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Personality: Very... Fiery personality. A bit hot-headed at times, but fiercely loyal to her friends (when their not being idiots in her mind) She is quick to anger, grumpy in the morning, and can be pretty scary when it gets to fire-fighting. She does however have a soft spot for children.

History: I'm private about that, okay?!

House: Fire

Role: Student

Name: Dean Triard

Age: 18

Gender: Male



Personality: Shy, the nervous type. He avoids people if he can, preferring to be on his own. But he is extremely caring about the friends he already has.

History: (I'll fill this in later if that's okay)

House: Air

Role: Tracker
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Character Sign Up Sheet


Name: Rachel Arendale

Age: 16 years old

Gender: female

Appearance: like in the picture

Personality: Rachel is not very shy, but still does not talk very often since she is that kind of human who prefers to listen to other peoples . To her closest friends she can also be more outgoing, but at least she stays the quite, but friendly girl. In her past she used to play the piano very well and she still loves to hear music, especially classical one. Rachel does not know yet what Element she belongs to.

History: Different to many other students Rachel still stays in touch with her parents, since she loves them very much. Before she had been located by a tracker Rachel lived a quite normal life, even if she knew, she was a little bit different to other people. Her parents tried to support her everytime and taught her to treat people in a good way.

House: (Earth)

Role: Student 
Character Sign Up Sheet


Name: Elizabeth Baker

Age: 28

Gender: female

Appearance: She looks much younger than she is! Light red hair and green eyes.

Personality: Elizabeth is a very strict and firm teacher, since she wants to help her students to improve themself fast. Her lessons are often exhausting, but in the end most of the pupil like them, because they recognize their improvement. If she does not give a lesson you will mostly find her in her room sleeping or better her own abilities. Off the job Elizabeth is very pleasent and likes to talk to other teachers and students.

She wishes that one time human and "freaks" will be able to live in peace.

History: Don't be afraid and ask her. ;-)

House: Air

Role: Teacher, subject (?): Air, maths & english
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All accepted! I guess we can start now, although I might make one more character... Hmm, oh well!

You may now post your intros xD

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Name: Lauren Clarke

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance: She is of average height for teenage girls at 5'5" and with a medium frame, she weighs at about 130 pounds. She has pale skin with black hair as shown in the picture below. Her eyes are light green.


Personality: Lauren is your typical average teenage girl. She's talkative, friendly, and loves socializing, and she lives on attention. However, the only thing about her that she doesn't enjoy being focused on is her past. Whenever it is brought up or asked out, she dismisses it and changes the subject. Even though she refuses to let anybody else know her secrets, she enjoys gossiping about other people's.

History: Like mentioned before, she's very secretive about her past.

House: Water

Role: Student
Name: Charles "Chris" Hemmingway

Age: 27

Gender: M

Appearance: Black Hair, 6'1", 190lbs, Same as picture

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8beb2ab0d9_SPAM3.jpg.0bfdac60e0a075fa1fcec760c09a3f91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12679" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_01/57a8beb2ab0d9_SPAM3.jpg.0bfdac60e0a075fa1fcec760c09a3f91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History: Born in the Academy to a tracker, who since then has not been seen. He has no real encounter with life outside of the haven. For some reason he will push students to their peak performance, and then passionately dissuade them from the turnover, though no one knows why, because he has done it himself. The rest no one knows about him, perhaps because they do not want to, or that they have just not asked.

Except for why he goes by Chris, he just thought Charles was too boring.

Personality: At times oblivious to the world around him, some times zones off into his own world, optimistic except when it comes to a few things, Strives for excellence from everyone around him

House: Water

Role: Teacher



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Name: Chris

"I sort of forgot my last name..."

Age: 15 years old

Gender: Male

Personality: Cheeky and cheery, that's him usually. He rarely gets surprised of anything that would happen because of his rampant imagination. He loves making new friends and loves them for who they are. He might look like some random jerk, but his heart is just and true.

History: "All I could remember is my name, my girlfriend, and that some pretty lady kidnapped me from my kidnappers. Pretty intense, huh?"

House: "He-Hey! I'm with those water people!~"

Role: He's a new student.
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Name: Amileeja

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: (I'll find a piccy when I get back to my computer)

Personality: To people who don't know her, Amileeja can seem overly sarcastic and cynical. However, those who know her well can tell that when she raises her left eyebrow, ga her way of smiling at you, and ste is never actually being serious, she just looks it. In truth, she is always joking around and teasing Chris in a friendly way.

In a way, she is the opposite to Chris, and that is why they get so well.

Although is very emotional, she is very attached to Chris, and can't bare to be apart from him.

History: She doesn't talk about why she was put in the asylum.

House: she doesn't truly have a house as she is not a descendant (no one knows that.) But she pretends to be in fire.

Role: Student

Other:Chris's nonmagical girlfriend.

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Name: Arban Lobenstyke

Age: 18

Gender: Male



6' tall, 178 lbs


Stoic and militant when approached with pressing matters but always the optomist despite it in his confronting to adversity. Although he often advises confrontation of problems by ones self and with support from others he tends to recede to humor to cover for his emotional shortcomings. He is not prone to advertising physical confronation as a means of resolving issues but at the very moment no other option is possible he will do so...in truth as much as he strives to deny it, he enjoys it.

History: ~

House: Nonaligment (For now)

Role: Student

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Name: Issler Asillia

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has dark brown hair and light blue eyes. He is of a light build and isn't physically strong. He is 6ft 1in

Personality:He is very un-sociable and likes to keep himself to himself. as a result he isn't heared from for periods of time (i sometimes am away for a long time). Not much is known about issler, the only person who knew a lot about him was his dad(but he died a few years ago). he only really seems cheery when fighting. the rest of the time he seems depressed and unhappy.

History: Revealed through RP

House: Water

Role: Student
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