~*~ Destiny's Descendants Academy ~*~ [Inactive]

When Amileeja took Rachel and squeezed her agianst the wall the brunette girl frightened for a moment, but stared at her with an angry facial expression. Hastily she freed herself from the quite powerful grip. "Do you really think I'm such an asshole?!," she hissed and suddenly the flower vase next to her burst into pieces.
Amileeja snickered at her response. She liked people who could stand up for themselves. She winked at Rachel, the closest thing to apologetic that Amileeja would ever do, and grabbed her hand, pulling her along the corridor and towards the Choosing Chamber.

"Cmon, we dont want to have to wait forever in a queue."

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When Amileeja winked at her Rachel was puzzled for a moment, but had no time to think about it, because she was pulled to the Choosing Chamber. "Oh my god," she was quite nervous when they stood behind a crowd of students waiting for their names to be called. "So ... What are you going to do?," she asked with a low voice so nobody except from Amileeja could hear her words. She was still a bit scared of the girl's sudden surge of emotion.
"I know people, I'll be fine," she said cheekily. "The bigger problem is, I need a way to convince Chris and that Tracker I actually am one of you magical people..."

She ran her fingers over the markerpen star, which was already beginning to smudge

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Rachel Arendale

Choosing Chamber

Nodding she smiled at the girl understandingly. Rachel was still nervous, this was the day on which they were recoginizing her element. What would happen if none of the elements react? Maybe she was not a descendant, but a normal human like Amileeja. Maybe the star was a fake and she did not have any magical abilities at all. Becaming more and more nervous Rachel started to bite on her lower lip. "I should not be here, surely the tracker was wrong and I'm just a normal human. Gosh, they will kill me," she thought. "Rachel Arendale." The voice sounded soft, but firm and Rachel looked back to Amileeja. "Good luck," Rachel whispered at the younger girl her eyes widened anxiously. When she toddled past the other students she felt like everyone was looking at her. Slowly she entered the room and frightend when she heard the loud sound of the door shuting behind her. At first she could not see anything, but after some time her eyes gradually became adjusted to the darkness and she could recognized four couldrons and a table at which - she assumend- the headmaster and another teachers were sitting. "Eh ... hello."

( Can anyone play the headmaster, please? I don't know what he ought to say :o )
Aquilla and Chris

Way to Choosing Chamber

Aquilla simply made a face that obviously stated, Your choice, and stood along with the students, also to bring the disoriented and confused ones towards the Choosing Chamber. She was lucky to have a great sense of hearing and basically every single physical sense, and she recognized the problems easier than ever, leaving Chris just as confused. After so, she just walked by Chris, making sure that any of his confusions would be somehow lessened, if not solved.

"There she goes," Chris said, as if he was used to seeing his girlfriend recklessly and not-so-politely going off and leaving people behind all the time. They were several meters apart Amileeja and that girl with her, and they couldn't get closer because students started walking with them, cutting themselves from earshot and anything else except occasional peeks of the others. "Sorry you had to experience that." He said, and Aquilla kind of felt that he was unconsciously putting the blame on her, for even trying to help Amileeja in the first place.

"Don't be." Aquilla nodded, calmly looking around. "She's feisty. That's good, somehow. Hopefully she's not going to be like Selene, though." Before Chris could even respond, Aquilla, realizing that her earpiece was still there, communicated Damien with a small grin, her tone going to an unusual casual. "Aquilla, reporting. Sorry to interrupt. You're probably busy out there getting new descendants." And being flirted by Selene, Aquilla added in her mind, and continued talking. "You're kind of... needed here." She stopped talking immediately, knowing that another word and she'd be laughing even the slightest. That would be bad. "So, yeah. Just confirming."

When she was done, her whole serious self was back. Chris looked at her as if she wasn't... her. That was, judging from how he saw her earlier

"Dude," he said with a little grin. It was obvious that he was to send off a "What the--?" question. But, he hesitated quickly, and the smile faded from his face. "...About earlier."

"Many things happened earlier." Aquilla said.

"Not that! As in, earlier earlier." Chris sighed. "I just can't believe she'd hide things like that. I mean, we've been together for a long time. And, to think that she wouldn't accept help from me, or you..." Another sigh escaped his lips. Sometimes, he was just that sensitive. "Well, I guess you're less trust wo--"

"Keep that to yourself." Aquilla said, thinking of all the possiblities that would happen if Chris would tell this so easily to some other untrustworthy stranger who just met... and kidnapped him. "Just, don't cry... That'd be embarrassing." She raised a brow, wondering if he'd really do so. "Look, I thought you knew. I thought you should. I thought a lot." She said, letting a few students walk and go first at their queue. There wasn't exactly a reason they had to rush this.

"Is that your form of apologizing?" Chris asked, a little amused. He wasn't one to talk, though. "It's okay. I guess you just really surprised me with your words." Feeling the seriousness in their conversation, Chris just sat, watching as one already entered the Choosing Chamber. "Amil always finds a way to fix things. I guess all I can do is wait for her to do it. I believe in her."

"Right." Aquilla nodded sincerely, and Chris did the same, oblivious to him that she was already talking to some other tracker over her earpiece.
Hazel saw as the boy from outside came up to her from down the hall. He began speaking quickly and his words sounded like a jumble to her at the end. She smiled politely. He seemed genuinely worried, and she was happy he wasn't a jerk. She nodded and followed his gaze to the window. She made a face, then looked back to him, smiling.

"Oh don't worry, I'm quite alright. It just surprised me. You have quite a powerful throw, might I say. I'm surprised it didn't shatter the window itself," she turned back to look at it.

She took a note of the distance between them. It wasn't too much or too little. From what she saw he seemed to be quite nice. Maybe all of the people here would be. Granted, sometimes she got her hopes up for no reason.
Liam Bradford

Academy Hallway

Well I am glad that you are alright. I was worried. And the throw is not so much my arm as my ability to control water, that and the snowball might have had a bit of ice in it." He joked, and smiled lightly relieved that the window was just barely cracked. "I am Liam by the way, Water student," He said proudly. Pride was one of the things Mr. Hemmingway taught to the water students.
Her eyes widened, a water student. She had yet to meet any other students. She extended her hand, "Oh wow, you're the first student I've met. I'm an Earth Student; I just transferred here a few days ago."

She figured he might wonder why she's out wandering when she should be in class, she made a face and then smiled once more, "I'm not exactly supposed to be out of class, I'm kind of skipping. It got quite boring." She shrugged and acted as if she didn't care, but she was a tad worried about how the other student would think of her if he knew she skipped.
Liam Bradford

Academy Hallway

Welcome," he, intrigued, continued on to ask, "Transfer? Where did you go before this?" He always wondered if there were other schools like this, maybe around the world, or even withing the same country. Maybe he could finally inter-school sports instead of the intramural sports which were fun but hardly challenging. He heard her say some other things and decided to ask about them later but this topic was largely on his mind.
"Er, well, at my..uh, other residence, we had something like a school there too, but more like one on one," she tried to explain. She remembered her teacher before the yellow-bell incident. "Some were allowed to be in groups,like a class, but I had one teacher; he was around 30 or 40, nice guy. He taught me some basic algebra and how to read. That's about it though."

She was kind of embarrassed. She wasn't taught much, nor was she well educated in History or Science. She knew only core basics.

"Did you ever get to go to a, uh, real school?"
Liam Bradford

Academy Hallway

I've only been to one up until I was 8, after that it was law cases until I was admitted to bedlam. They taught me lots of stuff there, like my own tutors, however that was just during the day, at night.. Well at age 11 the trackers came for me, and brought me here." He spoke relaxed how ever trailed off as he began to talk about what happened at night. He seemed to zone out when he said it but then carried right along with the story of the trackers.
Hazel Odell

Academy Hallway

Hazel listened and nodded occasionally at his story. She was surprised they came and got him at such a young age. She had only been found a few days ago, and she was fifteen. She watched him as he spoke of the trackers, and he zoned out. He must remember it very well.

"So, after the trackers brought you here, Did you ever sort of hate the classes? Or were they okay?" She wondered aloud.
Liam Bradford

Academy Hallway

"I never really hated the classes. Mr. Hemmingway, the water teacher, is amazing. I think I was really just scared, because everything was so new, and everyone was so powerful, when all I could do was turn my finger into a water fountain if I was lucky. But then again I was pretty young when they picked me up. I suppose I adjusted fast, and I think I am ahead of most my age. Mr. Hemmingway was here since birth, though!" He had not really thought about his first days here, as nothing really special happened. But He does remember every time he accomplished another skill, and looks on those moments fondly.

Outside Liam's team had ambushed the team entering through the hole in the wall, and then were moving onto the other base. A few students who were tired of getting pegged had quit and started to put up a hot chocolate stand from the Water House supply room, even though it was still above 60
oF outside.
Hazel Odell

Academy Hallway

Hazel nodded. She guessed she was quite intimidated herself. Everything was very new, and she remembered being a tad scared as she walked into the large building. Being here from birth though, that would have been nice. At least being here, you knew you belonged somewhere, to something. Instead of just left without being able to remember what had happen before.

"Yeah, I don't know how to control, these," she looked at her hands, "myself. I have a lot to learn I suppose, but hopefully I won't get tangled up again. Vines and thorn bushes aren't my friends."

She turned her head and looked out to see that the water students had put up a hot chocolate stand. She laughed, knowing it wasn't quite that cold outside. She guessed the snow must have made a big difference to them.
Liam Bradford

Academy Hallway

"Once you get the hang of things the vines and thorns won't be your enemies best friends either," Liam joked, and laughed lightly. Even though he might have some experience first hand of an angered earth student. "Anyways, I heard there is a new batch of students going through the Choosing Chamber. I have to be there to welcome them. You'd have to join your group but it doesn't really matter. Want to go?" The majority of the water students outside had already gone to set up the welcoming party for them, most likely bringing the hot chocolate with them. Liam was a house leader and really had to go to it no matter what she said, he just did not want another angry earth student holding a grudge. The teachers and the speeches by the principal and dean were not very welcoming so seeing other teens would certainly calm these newly kidnapped ex-asylum prisoner magical element students adjust much better.
Hazel Odell

Academy Hallway

"Choosing Chamber? Never heard of that," She thought it over. Technically she would have to join her group to stay out of further trouble. She wouldn't want detention or whatever the sorts they had a punishment here. She sighed. She would follow along.

She looked out the window once more. She would wander the halls again afterwards. It wasn't like they could force her to be cooped up with her group too long, right?

"I suppose I'll go, I mean, since I have to eventually."
((Sorry i left!! I didnt mean to abandon you all D: school got... Well, stressful. But im back! Hopefully we can get this back up and running before it gets locked ))
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