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Fandom Destiny: Rising Tides

[USER=12771]@Ian Temero[/uSER], @spidermanda, @DiamondJack, @StoneWolf18


"Huh." The Guardian comments as your dialogue finsihes, rubbing the back of his helmetless head nervously. "That's pretty sweet." The poor sod looks around for a moment, then motions back up to Zavala on his pulpit. "We should probably pay attention now."

- Trey -

Trey breathed out sharply from his nose, looking back up to his commander. The speech would be ending soon and training would begin shortly thereafter, a fact that Trey was grateful of.

The Titan shifted, his visor glinting in the early morning light. He checked the clock that Ra had displayed on his HUD briefly, comparing the current readout to the timetable he had memorized. Nodding to himself, Trey reached over and placed his hand on the shoulder of the Guardian he had been talking to.

"Stay put. Zavala will give you directions when his speech is over. Oh, and don't trust the intuition of the regulars. Things are changing up a bit this time."

Trey turned, motioning to his Ghost and starting to weave his way through the sea of Guardians. Trey sifted through the mass of armored bodies with muttered apologies until he reached the hanger, in a hurry to get out of the crowd so that he could breath fresh air. Sighing as he broke free of the anxious army, Trey walked down the hallway before him down to the Tower's shipwright.

"Well?" He asked as he walked up. "How's she look, Holiday?"

The mechanic scoffed at the comment, looking up from a blueprint she was studying. She raised her head to look at Trey through his visor, a scowl and a smirk fighting for control of her expression.

"I'm not gonna lie, hot shot, you beat her up bad. Dunno what you were doing out there so late before camp started up, but you certainly didn't make it easy on me. Your mods made it even harder, but I got it worked out. Lucky you, Zavala wanted your ship up and running fast - you do have a team to lead after all - so I got to working on it as soon as I could." Holiday shook her head at him, the smirk wresting control at last. "Just treat her better this time, okay? Not that I don't like working on your ship, but I can't have you being my only patron."

Trey simply nodded, looking out to the loading bay as his ship flew in. He braced himself for transmat, still disliking the slight tingle it left in his bones.

- Main floor, the Tower -

"-e have few who are able to fight as you brave Guardians do, yet even still we must train ourselves to be at the peak of our abilities." Zavala continued. "To do this we must be not only individually strong, but must be strong together. For this purpose we form our Fireteams, groups of Guardians who fight as one. The teams I am about to read off will be the ones you will fighting with for the duration of this event. Tamil Zanders will be leading squadron Epsilon-Pedi. This team will consist of Typhoon-8, Cad Towers..." Zavala read off the teams from a pad in front of him. There was some time before you were able to find your own name.

"Finally, Trey Zorn will lead squadron Beta-Prime. This team will consist of Shane Melchior, Nil Paagoliik, Erinyes Floros and Icarus-67 into battle, but has lost its sixth member in an unfortunate accident. We mourn for our fallen comrade, but prepare to battle nonetheless. Your Ghosts have been sent the coordinates that you will meet with at in your teams. You are free to leave."

- Trey -

Trey walked into an old shack that served as a hanger back during the Golden Age on the outskirts of the Cosmodrome in Beijing, breathing the old air in deeply. He reached over, pulling the massive squeaking doors open slowly, light filtering into the space he would soon call home.

Entering the rusted metal shelter, Trey inspected the red tents raised in various corners of the spacious room, each set up in a very Awoken fashion. They were small - only big enough to be comfortable to be in for one person - but decently furnished. Inside each was a desk, workbench and bed - all the things a Guardian would need in a living place.

Trey walked to the back of the building, hand sliding across the old rusted pipes as he paced over to the other set of hanger doors. The action seemed to take forever as he counted the crates full of supplies, making a mental note of what each contained. Everything was accounted for, it seemed.

Trey stopped in front of the largest of the tents, this one fashioned like a meeting tent and with enough room to comfortably fit twenty people if they wished. He pushed open the cloth doors, looking over every detail of the room. Along the edges sat weapon racks, crates of glimmer, more food, and other miscellaneous supplies. While Trey wasn't aware of these being part of the package deal, but he was glad to have them. He was afraid they would have to gather glimmer themselves. The food was probably dried, so he wouldn't have to worry about it going bad...

The centerpiece of the massive tent was truly marvelous for him, however: There lay a massive table for anything he could ask for. Feasting, planning, sparing, anything. On it were already a few maps rolled up and a couple splayed for studying. Presumably these would be for their first "mission" as a team, but he didn't study them too carefully just yet.

In the back were more crates, just like everywhere else. Trey walked around the long table to inspect them, immediately noticing a particular pile of boxes. They sat there, haphazardly stacked to make a simple wooden throne. He took a look at them for a moment, then breathed out in a long, controlled breath. Removing his helmet, Trey sat down on the crates, setting his pulse riffle down on the rough hewn planks next to him. Setting his helmet on his knee, Trey sighed and leaned on it, his forearms bracing him from falling over completely.

Trey sat there like that, surveying the room as the silence stretched long in the dusty air. He shifted, reaching into a compartment on his arm and pulled out an ancient picture. He stared at it for a time, squinting to make out the details in dim light that filtered through the red canvas. Finally, he closed his eyes and put the thin paper back, his mind slightly eased. Trey sat there in that position, then, waiting with closed eyes. The dim red light gave little hint that he was there, the blue glow of the ark energy in his pulse riffle the only thing to betray his position.

His team would come soon, and he needed to be ready for them. They would arrive, and when they did they would need a leader.

Alright. It's game time, big guy.
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Nil glanced at the coordinates Malik had brought up for her and let loose a muffled snort of distaste. She was solo,had been for awhile and will continue on being so until apparently a time like this. "Nil, you know why their doing this..." Malik said, attempting to clam his guardian down. Pushing her way through the mass of plated, coiled, and cloth concealed bodies, Nil replied "So what if new-spawns keep dying? Is it really my job to clean up their mess!" notes of disgust were clear in her raising voice. Some of said newer guardians awkwardly stared at the floor, hearing the elder's words. "Nil, keep it down. Remember that you were once in their position!" Malik replied, trying to keep up with the warlock. Reaching the railing, Nil leaned forward setting her forearms on the metal, her head now held in her gloved hands. Running them down her lightly colored face, she sighed. "I'm sorry...its just..." "The other fireteam?" Malik respond, finishing her sentence. Nil nodded in defeat, memories of the original fireteam she had been on resurfaced from the depths of her mind. Yet, someone screaming about dying pulled her back to the present. Malik turned to his guardian, a grin in his single eye.

Walking to the gunsmith, Nil then greeted Banshee-44 "Morin'" The Exo replied "Early riser, huh?" Nodding she asked "Well, the darkness never rests, does it? So, were you able to fix her?" Sighing, Banshee-44 reaching under his desk and held up what appeared to be a hand cannon. "Heat shield's on the fritz, leaks radiation like a sieve, bolt still jams after multiple attempts at a fix, and nothing's salvageable. What a mess you have here." Nil closed her eyes and sighed deeply. Opening them once more, she responded "Dammit. Got anything to replace it?" Setting the hunk of scrap on the desk, he turned and walked back over to the racks behind him. Taking down a beautiful new auto rifle, he spoke "New shipment's just come in this morning." Walking back to the desk he laid the weapon down, the rust colored gunmetal glinting in the weak raise of a new dawn. "Should upgrade that coil. Never enough time though" The Exo continued as Nil slowly picked up the weapon. Holding it up she looked down the Red Dot-ORES sight. Liking the feel, she nodded and set the firearm back down on the table. "How much?" "800 Glimmer would suffice." Paying the gunsmith, Nil thanked him then looked to Malik after putting her new weapon on her back, "Guess its time to head out..."

After arriving in the Cosmodrome, Nil walked in silence to the outskirts. Nearing the said meeting place, large red tents were seen. Being awoken in style they sparked a brief memory that was soon suppressed. Wandering among them, she glanced into one of them, seeing a titan. Pausing, not wanting to intrude, she took a step closer. Clearing her throat, trying to get his attention.

@Darth Corvus
(I won't be doing rapid fire posts in character much - or small ones - but this is so I can describe Trey's reactions to individual entrances)

StoneWolf18 said:
After arriving in the Cosmodrome, Nil walked in silence to the outskirts. Nearing the said meeting place, large red tents were seen. Being awoken in style they sparked a brief memory that was soon suppressed. Wandering among them, she glanced into one of them, seeing a titan. Pausing, not wanting to intrude, she took a step closer. Clearing her throat, trying to get his attention.
The list that was running through Trey's head of all the things the would need to do and say was cut short abruptly as the sound of a woman clearing her throat reached his ears. There was a brief moment of nothing as he quickly tidied up his loose thoughts.

Opening one eye, Trey looked at the Warlock in front of him.

"Find somewhere to sit. The others will be a bit, I imagine."
Tower: Hanger Lounge

"...Finally, Trey Zorn will lead squadron Beta-Prime. This team will consist of Lux Ketura, Nil Paagoliik, Erinyes Floros..." The rest of what the Vanguard Titan was saying was lost as the lounge patrons drowned out the TV. Erinyes found herself fighting to stay sitting in an upright position as nearly a dozen people came over to clap her on the back and congratulate her. She recognized most of the smiling faces around her from teams that she had been on. There were however several cheering that she was not familiar with. She could only assume that these were friends of people that she had worked with in the past, though why they were so happy for her she just couldn't tell. It wasn't like she was anyone special.

Most of the Guardians in the lounge, including herself, were out of their armor and dressed in casual clothing. This was certainly no exception for the shirtless human male that sat across the table from her, bemoaning his bad luck. "Man! What the heck! They put you on a Prime team? And Beta to boot? Talk about lucky, Erin. I wasn't even chosen for the Pedi teams!" There was a flash of light and the human girl sitting next Erinyes lowered her camera. "After the stunt you pulled last time (or should I say tried to pull) I'm not surprised they didn't want you back. I mean what idiot would try to rush Taniks like that? Your corpse was so flat that I was afraid you were beyond revival."

"Excuse me! What about you? I noticed your name wasn't mentioned either!"

"Well..um..uh... that's just..."

The two bickering people were the folks that Erinyes spent the most time teaming up with. A Sunstriker Titan by the name of Alex Dragovic, a muscle bound narcissist who's pastimes included showing off his guns (not the ballistic kind) and chasing skirt, and a Bladedancer Hunter named Varda Lemaire whose photographs were often featured in the Tower News. The three of them had met early on in Erinyes' career as as a Guardian and had stuck pretty close.



Varda tried to change the subject and turned to Erinyes. "Speaking of the raid on Taniks' ketch, I heard that you were one the only five people standing when he finally fell. Well, other than the Fates that is. That's no small feat sister!" Alex nodded his head in agreement

"It is true that I was alive at the end," Erinyes said, speaking up for the first time in almost ten minutes, "but it's not as big a deal as you're making it out to be. I just wasn't as involved in the fighting. Besides, I would have died five different times if the Fates hadn't kept saving me."

Alex just laughed "Look, I know it's kind of your thing, but there's no need to be modest. If the Fates went out of their way to save you that just means that they saw something of worth in you. A reason to keep you alive other than the fact that you were another gun. You agree with me on this one, right Varda?"

This time it was the photographer's turn to nod. "And the fact that you were chosen for Beta-Prime just proves it." She added. Erinyes felt her cheeks growing hot and lowered her head in an attempt to make her blush less noticeable. Judging from the camera flash, she had failed. As thankful as she was for her friends confidence in her she couldn't help but feel that that they were reading too much into the situation. As the two continued talking Uriel materialized next to her.

"While I hate to ruin your fun, I wish to point out that Beta-Prime is assembling in Beijing so Erinyes and I should be leaving now. That is unless you don't mind being late?"

The Nightstalker shook her head. "No you're right." She said standing up, "I'd rather give my new team a good first impression. I'll talk to you guys later."

As Erinyes prepared for transmat she heard Alex call out to her. "One last thing, Erin! Zavala said that your team was being led by a guy named Trey Zorn. Dude taught me just about everything I know about being a Guardian. We still grab a drink together from time-to-time. Anyways, 'Trainer Trey' can be a little rough on the people under him, but he's a decent guy. Just wanted to let you know that you're in good hands."

Erinyes nodded her thanks, giving him a rare smile, before the transmat activated and the lounge was replaced by the inside of her ship...

Beijing: Cosmodrome Outskirts

-Several minutes later-

Now in full armor, Erinyes cautiously stepped through the hanger doors and into the camp. She walked past ancient rusted machinery and recently erected crimson cloth structures as she made her way to the large tent. Inside she found a female Warlock standing to the side and a male human titan sitting on a stack of crates with his helmet off. Assuming this was Trey, Erinyes took off her own helmet and gave him a brief salute. "Nightstalker Floros reporting, Sir. I'm sorry to hear that we will be one member short." -then on a side note- "Also, Sunstriker Dragovic sends his regards."
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Seeing the other guardian approach, Nil decided it was time to introduce herself. "Nil Paagoliik" bowing as she said this, old habits die hard. Malik summoned himself next to her and chuckled "You can take an awoken out of the reef, but-" Nil cut her ghost short "And that is Malik being his usual self." Removing her green helm, the warlock slowly walked into the spacious tent. Memories of her previous life flooding back into her mind, those she thought she had lost long ago. Malik noticing this, he nudged her back to the present. Blinking a few times, she sighed and pushed those thoughts to the recesses of her mind. Taking a seat at the large center table, the sound of her boots shifting the earth was all that was breaking the deafening silence. Setting her helm on the massive, wooden, table, Nil looked between Floros and who she assumed was Trey. 'Well this will be...interesting' she thought while studying the two. Malik hovered over her right shoulder, obviously doing as she was. As she relaxed a bit, her bond's glow grew full once more.

(I apologize for the short post, didn't have much to go off of.)
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(Uhhhhh... I'm going to assume that Nil introed herself before Erinyes started yaking at Trey)

Trey's face twitched slightly, his thoughts broken again, although his eyes never once opened. He had to admit that the second interruption was more annoying as it broke his thoughts for longer. He took deep breath in after miss Floros was done talking, his thoughts gathering as he put together a response.

"You mentioned Greenhorn, which normally would have at least gotten a short conversation from me. It's good to hear that he's alive at least, but you kinda killed the buzz you might have brought with the comment about Gemini. He was one of my best students, and his loss is a very distressing thing. He a strong light and a good head. Losing him means we lost a lot more than just one Guardian."

Trey fell silent again for a moment, his eyes forever closed it seemed. The silence was underlined with the squeak of old metal in the wind, the aeolian element blowing the heavy canvas flaps slightly. There was some time before he spoke again.

"I have this distinct impression that now that there are more than just me and the Warlock here there is going to be a bit more conversation." He let that thought percolate for a bit, then breathed in deeply again. "That's fine."

Trey's eyes opened rather suddenly, looking at the two women in the tent. Human and Awoken. Basing on their distances from him, Trey could only assume that the furthest was the Floros. Seemed nice enough, sure, but had no idea that people don't like being reminded about the dead, it seems.

The Awoken was odd, though. Sure, she was a Warlock, but by that Trey would have thought she would be the first to start asking question. Or maybe she already have figured out the answers she wanted. If that were true, she might be rather more intelligent than some other Warlocks he knew. Would explain her placement on the team.

Trey hopped off his shoddy wooden throne, picking up his Pulse riffle once he hit the ground. Turning back towards the table, Trey walked up and set both his helmet and his riffle on the goliath of a surface.

"I'll save the introductions for when the other three arrive, but I'll give you the brief version. Yes, I my name is Trey. No, I am not an inanimate object that you cook things on. Yes, I am a Titan. Yes, I am a leader. Yes, I know those two shouldn't fit together, but trust me, they do." He said with a slight smirk. That one didn't always go over well, but these ladies weren't Titans, so no one should be too offended if he took the time to slam on his own class of Guardian.

"This will be base-camp for the next 6 weeks. While it may not seem wise to you to have our training camp so far outside the bounds of our beloved Tower, but there is wisdom in the choice. I will address that more later. For now you'll have to be content knowing that there is a reason." Trey walked around the table a bit, inspecting the maps in front of him.

"The first couple of weeks we will spend familiarizing ourselves with the area and each other. After that, smaller unit combat training begins. The food inside the tent is emergency food, so no touchie, but I expect each member of the team to help cook during the camp. This applies to other upkeep jobs as well, such as patching the roof after someone inevitably shots a hole in it."

Trey looked up at the two other Guardians in the tent, taking note of their features as best he could in the dim light that was gradually getting slightly brighter as the sun rose through the sky in it's celestial journey. Opening his arms wide in a welcoming gesture.

"For now, that's everything I'm gonna say about our little camo. I'll save the rest for when we see more friendly faces. Do either of you have any personal questions? I'll answer anything you ask."
"Let's go Zero..", Shane told his ghost as he walked off. "Shouldn't we stick back and listen?", The Ghost asked reluctantly as it turned back toward the speaker and soon followed his Guardian. "There's no need old friend, the rest of the speech has nothing of our concern, we only need the coordinates for the meeting area, rather meet my teammates on my own..", Shane replied as he pushed a hair to the side and slipped on his helmet, activating it's HUD as his interface turned on. In the next few minutes Shane opened his vault, and grabbed his auto rifle. He held the weapon in his hands, observing its rusted shape. He gave the weapon a gentle rub along its barrel and stuck it on his back, a weapon used through age, but still fires true as any companion would. With a turn towards the hangar bay, he adjusted his helmet comfortably and walked into the bay.

"Our lives are in your hands hunter", Spoke Arach Jaraal as Shane took one of his cloaks in stock and put it onto his back. Shane replied with a nod as he turned and walked upwards towards the stairs. "Is it just me? Or do I just find him weird", Zero asked with a questionable tone, tilting to the side as he reappeared above Shane's shoulder. With a chuckle Shane simply responded, "Well that surely wasn't a very nice thing to say Zero." With a sigh and what seemed to be a roll of the eye, Zero disappeared and returned to his normal position inside Shane's head. A rare occasion but a simple one, Shane gave a hint of a smile at Zero's words. Zero would be the personality and attitude Shane lacked in a nutshell.

Beijing: Cosmodrome Outskirts

As Shane was dropped from his vehicle in the outskirts, he took in mind of the area around him. Debris, old pieces of buildings and such were among the various destruction in the Cosmodrome Outskirts. Zero reappeared over Shane's shoulder,
"Depressing, isn't it?" "At this point, the past is the past old friend, doesn't really matter about what has happened, we're gonna take every thing back. Now tell me, how far do we have left to go.", Shane asked his companion, still overlooking the various debris. "We were dropped rather close Shane, a few meters ahead there should be a shack, apparently that's where our teammates are." Shane nodded as he pulled the rifle off of his back and examined the weapon one last time, making sure the weapon was still intact and wasn't in need of maintenance. He placed it back in it's rightful place on his back. With a sigh he activated his sparrow and casually drove over to the shack.

As he stepped off of his vehicle and stepped in, he kept his helmet on as Zero reappeared over his shoulder, letting the small ghost do the introductions as Shane crossed his arms. An old habit Shane has a problem with but Zero has no trouble continuing.
"I'm Zero and this is Shane, we're part of your group, are we late?"

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(Sorry for taking so long. Things happened, Including the Iron Banner which I am desperately trying to reach rank 4 at the very least. I've taken far too long so I just typed up this crap post. I'll edit it later.)

"You mentioned Greenhorn, which normally would have at least gotten a short conversation from me. It's good to hear that he's alive at least, but you kinda killed the buzz you might have brought with the comment about Gemini. He was one of my best students, and his loss is a very distressing thing. He a strong light and a good head. Losing him means we lost a lot more than just one Guardian."

Erinyes flinched at the Titan's words. "I-I'm sorry." She stuttered a little, searching for a way to make things right. "I was just-I just wanted-I was trying to-" Not finding the words, the Hunter gave up and retreated to one of the tent walls. In the silence that followed Uriel counseled her privately. "No need to get flustered, Erin. While it is true that you could have chosen better timing, you meant well by it and Trey knows that. He may not show it openly but I'm sure he appreciates it. Even if only a little."

The pair listened quietly as their new leader gave his introduction and began laying out their training schedule. When he was finished and offered to answer questions Erinyes simply shook her head. "No inquiries from us, Titan." Uriel voiced for her.

Just then someone spoke up from the doorway and Erinyes turned to see who it was. Upon seeing the black and white cloak, she found herself tensing up. Future War Cult, New Monarchy, and Dead Orbit, she had never been able to follow these major factions, but the latter she simply could not understand. Dead Orbit's need to abandon The Last City, to abandon the Earth itself, was a belief that the Hunter simply could not agree with. Figures that one of their fanatics would end up on the team. Then again, DO was the largest faction in the Tower, so the chances of not getting one were pretty slim. Quickly Erinyes looked away, so that Shane could not see her glare.

A short time later the fifth member of their team walked in. From the way this girl was holding herself and the tone in her voice, Erinyes could tell that the Titan did not want to be there, a sentiment she herself was beginning understand very well. She gave the new girl a gentle smile and motioned to a spot next to her, inviting the rookie to stand next to her.
(Due to my stupidity i wiped out my previous post to start over. I just want to apologize again to @Darth Corvus )

Blake and Delta

Blake was a little shocked. For so long Zavala had been pushing this meeting on her and other Guardians. Though big, fancy, formal meetings, such as these, werent exactly her cup of tea, she couldnt decline. Infact the invite to this event was more like an order, as she recalls. "
Youre doing it again...," her Ghost, Delta, spoke in her helmet. He had a soft, young voice, which made him very approachable, and treated more like a younger sibling than an intelligent advisor. His child-like voice broke Blake's thoughts. Her eyes diverted back to Zavala,"Hm?....I dont know what youre talking about.." she whispered.

Hmmm..," the ghost groaned. But Blake did know what he was saying. Blake tends to get distracted and caught up in her thoughts, which can be a good or bad thing,"Pay attention," Delta scolded and Blake scoffed. Delta was right, obviously if Zavala hadnt constantly reminded her of this day, it wouldnt have been important.

As soon as Blake tuned into Zavala's speech he had already begun to name and announce the assortment of teams. Blake stood, fully armored, stiff like a statue, with her head high and her hands behind her back. Under the armor, she was nervous as hell. There was a twisted feeling in her gut that somehow reached her throat. She didnt want to hear her name, but a very small part her did. Zavala went down the line eventually getting to the last team by the name of Beta-Prime. He listed its members, and still didnt hear her own name. Which she, in all honesty, was glad she didnt hear her name in a prestigious team like Beta-Prime. But then she realized her name wasnt called at all. Blake's stance loosened, her arms were brought around to her chest and crossed, while she leaned on the left side of her hip. Zavala quickly wrapped up his speech and instructed the attending Guardians to turn to their Ghosts for further instructions,"
This was a mistake...." Blake's voice was bitter, if she didnt hear her name then why did she even come? Atleast...thats what she thought,"and a waste of time...." she added. Deep down she did feel a little sore about the whole thing, but if she wasnt put in a team then nothings changed really. As soon as Blake turned and walked from Delta, his dim light flickered as he recieved new information. He moved to catch up with her,"Um...Blake? We --"

No Delta, i dont want to talk about it."

But I really think you should--"

Delta!" A silence had swept in between the two and guilt quickly swelled in Blake's chest. She took a deep breath and raised her hands to twist her helmet and remove it. Her blue eyes opened to look at her floating friend,"Im sorry...What is it?" she motioned for him to continue. Delta wasted no time,"We recieved coordinates."

What?" Blake's face softened. She was confused, but hopeful,"What do you mean?"

I mean you might have been put into a team. Zavala did mention a fallen Guardian...maybe youre a last minute replacement?"

Blue eyes lit up at the assumption,"
W-Well, lets not jump to any conclusions," she tried to keep herself composed,"So where do they lead?" Composure flew out the window a long time ago, and was replaced with audible excitement.

Thats the problem....Beijing, The Cosmodrome."

Suddenly excitement was also left behind, and bitterness moved in once again,"
Of all places...." Because of the location, the Guardian became a little on the fence about these coordinates. What if they werent even what they thought they lead to....but...what if they did? "Alright, alright, lets go...." a decision was made and the pair immediately started preping. Checking weapons, inventory, and a quick ship check-up.

They were set to go.

After about 20-30 minutes of flying just above Earth's atmosphere, Blake landed not to far from their destination, thanks to Delta's piloting. The environment was the same as the rest of the Cosmodrome, lifeless and littered with debris. "Come on, this way."

The guardian's visor glinted in the sun's light as her head turned away from her young sounding guide,"
Yea, yea in a sec..." She waved her hand to him. Immediately, ignoring her Ghost, she double checked her weapons,"We're in the Cosmodrome...you never know."

Delta's single eye darted in several directions, trying to keep alert after she implied that Fallen could be around. He drifted closer to her, incase protection was needed,"
R-Right..." Blake started moving and Delta stood close, floating a little ways behind her before disappearing. The little A.I. created a visible waypoint, for the Guardian to follow. The scout rifle was tight in her grip, and her eyes continuously scanned the field for any movement. With out a weapon in hand, she felt naked. It was her prized possesion that she couldnt be with out.

Walking the short distance, an alert on her HUD popped up, making her aware of other guardians near by, and up ahead was a rundown hangar. Clearly it was Golden Age era. The windows were cracked, with some pieces missing, and the large hangar doors were probably jammed too. "
We're here," the duo announced at the same time. Of course Blake sounded unenthusiastic next to Delta, who expressed sheer optimisim. Taking a deep breath, Blake marched right through a pair of metal doors. They were heavy and the hinges let out a painful screech, the pitch made her teetch grind. She loosened up after the cringe,"Yikes," Delta materialized next to her once again,"Way to announce your entrance..."

Oh shut up," Blake's whisper was sharp.

The hangar was dim, with only Delta's faint glow as light, and small particles of ancient dust seemed to be frozen in the still, untouched air. The site was very large, with several Awoken inspired tents pitched with in,"
Ugh! Who picked the decor?"

Beats me," the child-like voice echoed in the metal room. However one tent specifically, had voices coming out of it. Both Delta and Blake looked at eachother before looking back at the noisy tent. "Better get moving."

Im going, Im going..." Blake made her way toward the commotion,"Hopefully there arent too many Guardi--" she peeked her way through the tent flaps before seeing a small group of assembled Guardians like herself,"Oh...." 5 was definately a crowd. Disappointment was always detectable in a person's voice. Upon entering, Delta dissipated and returned to her comms so only she could hear, his shyness getting the best of himself,"What if they dont like me?" Blake didnt respond. A handful of other Guardians surrounded a large table centered in the camp set-up. She shrugged,"Hi, I-I'm Blake......Im supposed to be with you guys...." her voice was clearly unhappy, but she couldnt turn away. Besides, even if she did, shed probably have some harsh consequences,"....I think...."she added in a mumble. Delta's voice came back, and the little icon of a ghost popped up on the corner of her HUD,"Um...Guardian...Ive inspected the profiles of these Guardians...and they match the same ones as the members of Beta-Prime."

Blake had that feeling again. That twist in her gut she can feel in her throat. Her free hand (that wasnt holding her gun) lifted up to the side of her helmet to hear her comms better,"
Are you sure?!" she tried to be a little hush hush.

Theyre records are...exceptional! Especially your new Fireteam leader, Trey Zorn, you should see the stuff I'm pulling up." There was a hint of amusement in Delta's voice, he was really impressed. Blake on the other hand was feeling more insecure than she already was,"Delta youre not helping..." she whispered even lower. "Oh, sorry."

Blake raised her head to see a female Guardian throwing a smile her way and silently telling her to stand by her. Blake froze for a moment, but it felt like forever. She raised her gun to attach it on her back and hesitantly went to the friendly she-Guardian's side. Blake was pretty small compared to most people, which didnt help her self esteem when comparing herself to other Guardians. But because of her small stature, she was pretty light on her feet....for a Titan that is. For a small thing she had a lot of power packed into her punches, and a huge personality squeezed into a pint sized human. Her hands twisted to unlock the air-tight feature of her helmet, and raised it over her head. Her tousled white hair met with her jawline, and her big bright eyes glanced momentarily at the human Huntress beside her, before averting else where. Blake definately felt out of place, these Guardians had much more experience, she hasnt been in the "risen from the dead to fight" business for a long. Infact she didnt understand much of it. But thats a different story. Blake took note of the Ghosts loyally at their Guardian's sides, normally she would insist for Delta to show himself but even she felt like disappearing.

@Ian Temero

Trey watched carefully as Erinyes reacted to his mini speech, her distress very educational to the Titan's eye. This wasn't the first Little Mother he had to train to be a soldier, but he didn't like doing it much. The loss of such pure light was always... Disheartening.

The Fireteam's leader was rather quickly distracted once he was over as another member walked in. Based on the Dead Orbit cloak, Trey had to assume this was Shane, his other Hunter. Not a sniper, but would still be useful. Another Guardian out on the field would be good, as too many people away from the front lines means too many people who can't revive team mates. He raised a hand in greetings, although no words escaped his lips. The Hunter's entrance removed all doubt that it was in fact Shane, or rather, his Ghost's entrance.

Ra's voice chimed in as he stired from on the long table.

"Trey, we have a Jump Ship incoming, and I don't recognize the signal from anyone we've worked with or from the team's files. The Library's records this ship belonging to a female Titan named Blake West. I'll try hailing her Ghost to see what she is-" The Ghost stopped, spinning in his shell twice like he was blinking. "Never mind. Zavala just warned me that she will be in place of Icarus-67."

Trey frowned, nonplussed by the normally happy news of a new member.

"What do you mean, she's replacing Icarus. What happened to him?"

There was a pause as Ra seemed to listen to something distant. Probably was, actually. "Zavala is saying that he was on Gemini's Fireteam, and that whatever they found chased them down." Ra stirred again uncomfortably. Trey could understand the discomfort. This was... Strange. "Icarus was the last one, and had almost made it into Earth space when he sent out a distress signal. They found his crashed ship and a Lightless body with no Ghost, just like with Gemini. I wonder how they got to Gemini before Icarus appeared..."

Ra fluttered up briefly, looking down sorrowfully.

"I'm sorry, Trey. This is terrible news."

Trey stood there for a moment, shocked. While he didn't know Icarus personally, he knew that the Exo was a good person. Still, two of his new team members dead from the same mission...

Trey let out a primitive shout, the sound echoing through the ancient building's interior as pounded the table with his fist, shaking it and anything on it. For a while he didn't move, the frustration pouring out of him with each breath. Finally he looked up, calmer but still distraught.

"Two members of this team died before we were even a team. Let's not let that be for nothing. This team needs to know that it has already lost two good men, and while you may not have known them we should to honor their lives and help guide this army sound victory. If we are lucky, we might even find and destroy the cause of their deaths."

Even as he finished saying it, he watched as the rather new and unhappy Guardian clumsily introduced herself. Taking a deep breath, Trey nodded her way.

"Titan." He said, acknowledging her. "Welcome to Beta-Prime."

Trey looked around at all of his new team, their faces sinking in to his psyche. Concern, fear, upset, stoic criticism. All in all, Trey recognized that this was not the way he needed to run this team. If they were to succeed in anything, they needed to be happy.

Trey took in a deep breath, standing up straight to look them all in the eye.

"Four members. Everyone is here. We should begin."

"My name is Trey Zorn, as you probably already figured. I am your leader and trainer, although I hope to be mostly the first, not the second. You are all here because you have shown exceptional skill both on the field of battle and outside it. However, good aim and quick thinking are not all that it takes to defeat the enemy and lead an army."
Trey looked to each of them, letting the words sink in. "Yes, lead it. As part of Beta-Prime our job is to ensure victory by being the best of the army and to aid in snap judgment strategy. To do this, we need to be the best we personally can and to be the best we can as a team. This camp is designed to help in the process of becoming one mind and one gun. So it's less like boot camp ad more like family bonding. And in case you were wondering, yes, you can call me Dad.

"The team will have to be one, but can not ignore that it is many. Titans, Hunters, Warlocks. We all have our parts to play. Step one is to get to know each other."

Trey breathed in again, closing his eyes for a moment. He opened them again suddenly, a slight grin on his face.

"We're going to play a little. I like to call it 'who the hell are you'. We're going to go around the table and introduce ourselves so that we can know who the hell you are. I'll start and then we'll go counter clockwise. When it's your turn say your name, class, Ghost's name, personal super and energy proficiency, preferred enemy, and your most memorable mission. If you have anything else of interest you would like to state, please do. This could be anything from your favorite food to something about your past life."

The Titan put a hand to his chest as he began.

"As I said earlier, I am Trey Zorn. I am a Striker Titan that is strongest with Arc energy. I can personally channel my power into my grenades and make them something like 3 to 5 times as powerful. I've never really bothered to find out, though. My Ghost is named Ra, and he is the one thing that has saved my life the most times. Literally.

Trey shifted on his feet, thinking about his greatest moments.

"For the majority of my time as a Guardian I have not been on the field. I proved my ability to kill rather quickly, and that I was adaptable. The last straw before I was given a major assignment inside the Tower itself was during the raid on the Vault of Glass. At the time I was the lead on Delta-Corpus. We had fought our way through to Atheon's chamber, and my team was one of the few that had retained most of its members. I'm not going to pretend that I was the cause of that, though. Those were good men and women, some of the best I've ever had the honor of fighting with.

"During the fight Shal of the Fates, a Guardian that I never got to know and myself were all sent into an unknown time and place. The other guy got his hands on the Aegis, and me and Shal began to strike down the Oracles. However, we had missed a Hobgoblin. The blasted Vex charged up to fire at Shal, but I happened to notice. I was able to jump in front of the shot and take it down just before it hit, but not before it shot. Shal survived and was able to defeat Atheon, but I died and was removed."

Trey leaned forward on the table, his one forearm keeping him up. He knew the team would probably be a bit intimidated by his story, but this was his story and it was his triumph.

"When I returned to the Tower, Zavala pulled me aside and had me meet with him and bother other Vanguards. It was then that they gave me a new job: I was to train the new Guardians to be the best they can and to help them develop their abilities how they needed. Since then I have trained 37 batches of Guardians, most new, but some old. Each camp lasted 8 weeks and had 6 Guardians besides me.

"I've trained Hunters to throw knives like no others, I've taught Warlocks the secrets of the Benidact Theorem and I've shown Titans how to break the jaw of a Fallen Captain with a rock from fifty yards. I have seen four grow until two ended up being called to arms under the name of Shield, another joined with the shadowed Unseen, the fourth became a Librarian.

Trey stood up straight again and walked back to his makeshift throne. He sat down on it, leaning on his legs hard as he wondered if there was anything else he should say.

"In my past life I was a Golden Age Jumpship engineer for the Martian military as the Darkness closed in. I won't say too much about the end of all that, but know that my life was good and satisfying. However, the end of my last life is why I despise all Cabal. Also note that I was military, so if I seem a bit... Tight, know that it was my training that made me that way."

Trey thought a moment longer, then nodded. He was done.

"That's enough about me, though. Lets move on. Remember, go counter clockwise. Next up?"
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Nil looked upon those who entered the main awoken style tent, casting a sharp glare at the one who despised her race's sense of design. "I wouldn't see human architecture as anything above simplistic, Titan." Her tone full of distant. Then, they were to introduce themselves, bloody lovely. Trey their almighty leader went first. Nothing of interest really, just a whole hell lot of bragging it seemed. As he spoke, she began to wonder what she might share. Her past was...nothing special. Well, being the only awoken here it might be. And, just as she finally thought of a general idea, Trey passed the metaphorical microphone onward. Seeing as she was sitting in a chair that was on his left, it was apparently her turn. "Right, name's Nil Paagoliik. A void walking warlock that excels in...you guessed it, void energy. Let me assure you all I am not a hive wizard unlike common assumption. I can shroud my nova bomb in a solar energy, despite the danger, it has a devastating effect. I prefer slaying Fallen, specifically from the House of Winter from Venus..." Now, when she began to answer the last question, her mind was focused upon two different events. One involved her first fireteam as a guardian, the other, the battle on the fallen ketch. Her face fell considerably, knowing that she would dearly regret anything she said and if she were to start, she'd have to finish. So, just glancing at Malik, Nil moved on. "My Ghost is Malik and..." Nil looked thoughtful, avoiding the depths of her mind where those previous memories lay in wait. "Before I died, I was a resident of the reef. Next?" Nil glanced to anyone around her, wanting the spotlight off as soon as possible.

As she waited for the next person to begin speaking, Malik was looking directly at her. She knew this look, and wasn't very fond of it. "
Can we discuss this later?" She hissed through clenched teeth. She didn't want to have this in public, hell she didn't want to have it at all.
As Shane stepped in after Zero's self introduction for both of them, another member of the team stepped in, this was a Titan. He kept note of the tone in her voice, clearly had something that was irritating her. He kept the himself focused as Trey began to speak, introducing this team of "Beta-Prime."

"Seems we have to tell a tale Shane..", Zero whispered to the quiet Hunter. Shane let out a quiet sigh as he gave a hint of a nod, "It seems I've heard." He listened politely as Trey told of his history, from the battle in the Vault with the Fates themselves, to his death, and to the shift to training Guardians. Shane wasn't one to enjoy talking about himself, his old teams usually just read up on his files. As Trey went to a close, a warlock spoke up. She spoke of her name being Nil Paagoliik, a strange warlock ability to fuse and envelope both her Void Bomb super in solar energy, interesting. Nil's intro was short and straight to the point, and idea Shane had to himself this entire time. As she asked "Next" and no one replied, Zero nudged Shane, an effort to introduce himself, with a sigh, he unfolded his arms and left his left hand at his side, his right on his holster, feeling the handcannon. "As my Ghost Zero here has said before, my name is Shane, Shane Melchior, I'm usually quiet and my Ghost speaks for me since I have nothing worthwhile to say, but there will be times I'll make exceptions for speaking. I'm an arc class Hunter with the ability to form my arc blade to a single focused point that isn't my knife," he told as he spoke in a low serious voice, instead of Zero, this was something he was gonna do himself, he held up his right hand and opened his fist, revealing a smoke dark circle in his palm. "I find it.. inefficient to have weapon supers in the form of a knife that slice or a gun that shoots, my arc blade, starting off as the knife in my hand, aligns itself with my palm and seems to be an arc blade that grows and forms from powerful arc energy from the palm of my hand, allowing me to swing around a blade attached in my fist, I also don't have a particular interest in what to fight, if it is not a Guardian and a threat to us or the Tower and such, I. Will. Fight." Zero tilted his head and kind of smiled at Shane, seeing him speak for himself was certainly rare. "I don't have a memorable mission because I do a mission as any other normal mission is, however I do have preferences on what parts I should work for the team, since before I was assigned to teams I was a wanderer, me and Zero would explore and scout areas on Venus, Earth and the Moon and mark them for the Vanguard to take note of, I was a scout before I was assigned to teams and that is a closest preference to what I can put to as my, 'job.' My Ghost has introduced himself as Zero earlier, and my history before my death, well, that's confidential and classified for personal reasons. As for personal notes, 1, As seen on my cloak, I'm a follower of Dead Orbit, insult me, criticize me, I will shut you out, And 2, Trey, I will not call you Father, not by a longshot, but when the time comes for family names, I only call teammates by Brother and Sister, nothing more. I'd rather discuss our personal tales and extra background later, perhaps for recommendation after a mission, during breaks, or maybe even while we're celebrating, when the time comes.", he replied as he folded his arms back together again crossed across his chest. Zero took a glance at Shane and soon glanced at the other Guardians.
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Trey listened to both Nil and Shane speak, raising an eyebrow at most of what he heard come from the Hunter's mouth.

"Calm down, Shane. There is a reason I said that all this is for team building. We need to know each other, and the more information we are given, the more we have to work with. Thank you for cooperating, but leave the advice for how to lead alone unless you have a very good reason to doubt my judgment. This isn't exactly my first time leading a group through team training, after all."

Trey nodded to the next along the table, indicating for them to introduce themselves.
Blake & Delta

Welcome to Beta-Prime." His words seemed...forced. And Blake wasnt stupid, she could figure out just from the atmosphere in the tent there were some feelings toward her arrival. Making it all the more harder for her to atleast pretend she wanted to be there. She ignored it and brushed off the thought. Maybe it was just paranoia from past experiences. She wasnt sure, but now she knew to be careful.

Trey introduced the game "Who the Hell Are You", which made Blake scoff in amusement. It was a pretty funny and creative way to ask people about themselves. She quickly regained her self, and returned back to her serious self (which was really rare) she could tell this fireteam meant business. Not like the others she was thrown in.

The white-haired titan looked at the ground as each of the Guardians went around sharing about themselves. When the hunter Shane spoke, she quietly and carefully leaned her scout rifle vertically against the large table, trying not to be a distraction. Internally, she was a little high strung being around Guardians such as these, but she hoped that by setting her gun down it would make her
seem like shes made herself a little more comfortable. She straightened up to let him finish, ending with suggestions toward Trey's leadership. Even Blake thought that was a little...uncalled for. An eye brow raised and she cocked her head back, quickly glancing at Shane,'Wow,' she thought. She wasnt sure if it was just her imagination, but she felt a small amount of tension emitting from Trey when he responded to Shane. She could see he was calm, or , was he trying to be? Either way she felt like he was being passive aggressive when reminding the Guardian who was boss around here. But who was she to assume?

Before she knew it, it was her turn. When she accepted the spot next to the friendly, beckoning Guardian to her right, she managed to squeeze herself between Shane and the nice female Guardian that welcomed her. Putting her next in line to bat. "
Um," her voice was a little shaky. She cleared her throat and put a hand (the one that isnt holding her helmet) on her hip, leaning to one side. "Im Blake West. Clearly, Im a Titan. My ghost's name is Delta. Usually hes always out and floating about but hes a little shy..." she gave a nervous smile then looked down at her helmet,"Delta, I could really use some help right now..." her usually light and bubbly voice turned dark and demanding. Delta materialized infront of her and the others. His gold and light blue shell glinting in the low lighting of the tent. He looked back to his Guardian,"Theyre all looking at me," there was a hint of nervousness in his words. Blake smiled and nodded to him in reassurance. "Hello," his single eye blinking to inspect the other Guardians and ghosts present. His attention turned to Trey, his shell twisting and rotating with interest,"You must be Trey Zorn," his child-like voice questioned. Blake inturrupted him,"Delta dont be rude." The ghost quickly snapped 180 degrees to look at her,"Oh! Forgive me..." silently, he moved back to her side.

Blake continued,"
I only use Arc abilities, since I see it so befitting to my personality, which brings me to my super. Ive changed my striker super into something thats used on a personal level."

Literally!" Delta cut in.

Blake scowled at him for inturrupting but proceeded while doing so,"
Since, I must admit, I love punching things, Ive modified my gauntlets to redirect and hold concentrated arc energy until I release it on command. When released, the arc energy explodes upon the physical contact of an enemy of my choosing. The electric explosion sets of a chain-like reaction. Effecting surrounding enemies with in a certain distance." Blake stopped to take a deep breath,"To put it simply, i punch one enemy and electrocute many.....Oh! And i enjoy murdering Hive. The thralls come in packs, fun for my super~" a genuine grin found its way to her face and she shrugged innocently. The next thing, she remembered, was the matter of speaking about past experiences,"Uh.." while searching for words, Delta blinked at her, eager to here what she was going to say. He knew that talking about these sort of things wasnt exactly enjoyable for her, he could see she grew uncomfortable when her free hand rubbed her other arm. "I dont really have a memorable experience. Well, not a good one anyway, I didnt really get along with my other fireteam..."

Fireteams," Delta emphazised the plural correction and nodded.

Blake glared at him from the corner of her eye,"
Yes Delta, thank you," her tone screamed sarcasm.

Youre welcome!" he replied with genuine innocence.

She ignored him. Suddenly she replaced her insecurity with pride,"
I suppose they didnt agree with my methods but hey, thats why Im here. Im your problem now..." she looked at Trey, and crossed her arms.

They labeled her impossible and reckless!" Delta cheered. The petite Guardian looked away, silently admitting so. Deep down, Blake was kind of hoping Trey and the rest of Beta-Prime would whip her into shape. Into Guardian material. Into something acceptable. Her stubbornness and persistance caused the other teams to give up on her. They didnt want to deal with her, so, as a consequence, shes done a lot of fireteam hopping.....an experience she did not want to mention.

(Sorry for the novel)
As Trey gave his intro, Erinyes cocked he head a little. She found it very odd how the Titan attempted to be funny and yet still came across as being incredibly harsh. She could appreciate that he was attempting to lighten the mood, but it didn't appear to be working as well as he might have hoped. And what did he mean by "you can call me Dad"? No one was going to do that!

Next it was the Awoken's turn to speak. She introduced herself as Nil and kept her intro very brief. Erinyes couldn't help but notice how she skipped recounting a mission, though not before thinking about it. Had something happened to the warlock that made her not want to think about the past?

Erinyes tried to keep a cool head as the the Dead Orbit member spoke, but each time Shane opened his mouth the hunter had to fight the urge to stuff a sock in it. It seemed to her that this man was the very definition of arrogant. Every word he said screamed out "I'm better than you", "I'm too good for this", or "I don't give a shit about your opinion". Just who hell did he think he was?

Uriel glanced over at his fuming partner. "Geez. I knew you had problems with Dead Orbit, but this? Don't you think you're overreacting a bit, Erin?" The green haired girl didn't answer but she knew he was right. It wasn't like her to get this angry over a single person. Heck, she spent most of her time around Alex and he was way worse than Shane...maybe. Erinyes took a few deep breaths to try and calm herself down. However, she still took a little pleasure as Tray put him in his place.

Next up was the new girl. When Blake mentioned her class, Uriel snickered. "If she's a Titan than I'm a Fallen Walker." He snarked quietly. "I mean, I've seen Shanks taller than her. Thrall with more muscle than her. Puppies fiercer than her. Naked mole-rats with better protection."

"Are you done yet?"

"For now. But in all seriousness, while she doesn't look like Titan material I for one know that looks aren't everything. I'm sure that she'll do a fine job. Why else would she be here?"

Finally the proverbial talking-stick was passed to her. "I, uh, I suppose it's my turn then." Erinyes took a breath and began...

"My name is Erinyes Floros and I... well... I'm a Nightstalker. I mainly use Solar energy and I can shoot a lot of weak arrows as my Super. This here is Uriel and my favorite enemy would be..."
She thought about this one for a while before answering, "... I suppose it would be Vex. As for a mission... I don't really have any that I would call memorable. I prefer to forget the violence."

Several seconds passed as they waited for Trey to start talking again when Erinyes suddenly blurted out, "Wait! I just remembered!" She looked around sheepishly, realizing just how disruptive that had been, before continuing. "It was about four month ago. I was on a six man fireteam in southern Africa hunting down a high priority Fallen target. In the middle of the mission we encountered a recently revived Titan. She couldn't have been much more than sixteen years old, though it was hard to tell with all the armor. Anyways, when the rest of the team refused to help the girl I left and helped her get to the city." Erinyes smiled as she remembered the look in the young girl's eyes as she saw the Traveler for the first time. "That was a good mission for me."

Uriel just stared at her. "Really? That's it? That's all you're going to tell them? I swear Erin, only you could take such an enthralling tale and make it so dull." The Ghost turned to the rest of the group. "Honestly, that tale is far more interesting than she is making it out to be. She's forgetting to mention the part where we were cut off from both our ship and sparrow and had to hike for days to the nearest spaceport with a pack of Wolves hunting us the entire way. And that's just the beginning. If any of you are interested in hearing the whole thing, I'd be happy to recount it for you later on."

As the silence settled once again Erinyes put a gentle hand on Blake's shoulder. "I hope we can help you make some good memories here." she said quietly. She knew how hard it could be starting a new team, especially when one was still fairly new. She hoped that she could help make thing easier for the Titan, and perhaps in the process make a new friend. One could never have too many friends.

Uriel drifted close to Blake. "Don't mind her. She likes playing the role of team mother." He teased, earning him a light smack.

Trey looked around at the misfit band of Guardians, seeing their uncomfortableness and finding himself slightly disappointed. The game never had this much negativity poured into it. He admitted that he should have seen it coming, but he didn't. He breathed in deep to forget his frustration, then smiled at his new team.

"Well then. Erinyes, Blake, Shane, Nil." He said, moving in reverse order that they introduced themselves. "It is my pleasure to be able to say "Welcome to Beta-Prime, Guardians."

Trey stood up from his impromptu chair, walking over towards the table, nodding to his Ghost as he did so. Suddenly all around the tent dozens of lanterns lit up, providing much more light than what had been filtering through the canvas walls. Trey motioned to the maps on the table, a total of five laid out for them to see.

"These maps show you the layout of your first task. Each of you have been assigned a specific target from among our enemies. Fallen and Hive only, though. We want you on Earth still." Trey peeked into a folder to his left, smiling slightly as he found what he was looking for. He drew out the content, splaying them out before him. A few documents and a few pictures per stack, five stacks total, each bound with little metal clips. "These will be your assignments."

"The Fallen named Krisik the Broken - an exiled Baron with a thing for Awoken - was last seen in the lowlands of what used to be Scotland. This particular Captain has made his focus killing teams of Guardians lead by Awoken members. He is rather specific, and it's suspected that he does this out of a sort of vengeance. Bad memories from the Gap, it seems."
Trey spun the file around, sliding it along to the Warlock on his left. "Nil, I chose him for you because you can just as easily be the bait as you can the attacker. Don't worry too much, though. As I mentioned, he was exiled from his previous house. In short, his files say that he and his crew had successfully cornered three Guardians when an Awoken Hunter slipped in to fight them and free the others. Krisik quickly diverted his attentions to the Awoken, costing him the capture of all four Guardians as well as the death of his entire crew. He was banished shortly after. Amusingly enough, the Hunter that saved her comrades also got a special medal for her heroics. Don't get me wrong, though. He's still dangerous." Trey nodded at Nil. "Do what you have to. Take him out."

The Titan shifted his gaze back down to the papers, pulling out a file on a trio of Vandals, ones who had been causing no end of grief for the Tower.

"Shane, you will be targeting three Vandals from the House of Sky, a house infamous for its impressive athletic capabilities among even the Fallen. These three Vandals are known collectively as the Raking Talons and nicknamed lovingly the "Bathroom Whirlwind" by our very own Guardians. The nickname was given to them after one particular encounter in which a Warlock REALLY had to take a piss. So he stepped into an ancient bathroom, lifted the toilet lid and peed then and there. As he finished, the Talons burst in and began shredding anything they saw in order to remove any cover he could hide behind. Caught with his pants down, if you will. Either way, ol' got out alright, and in the process earned both him and the Vandals a pair of very peculiar nicknames." Trey slid the Hunter's papers to him, allowing him to study them before he left. "In all seriousness, though, these are highly dangerous enemies. They have killed more than one Guardian before. They were last spotted heading into an old marine biology research center along this continent's Southwestern coast line." Trey paused momentarily, making sure that Shane was looking him in the eye. "Be careful. They are known for racing down tight hallways with blades attached to their arm and leg braces. If you get caught between two or even all three of them, you're going to be hard pressed to get out with even as little as some major injuries."

Trey picked up the next file, reading the name of the enemy that Erinyes would fight.

"Now our resident Nightstalker has her own bone to pick with the House of Sky. For her I selected one of the specialist groups, the ones that are excellent sniper killers. They just happened to be in the neighborhood, so I figured Erinyes could pop in and say hello." Trey passed her the file while he continued to explain. "This isn't one particular tough enemy, or even three. You will be dealing with a crew of their specialized climbers. I believe this team consists of 10 Vandals all equipped similarly to the Raking Talons, although these bad boys use them to climb walls, not to slash. You will have to deal with the scavengers who are like any other Vandal with a simple gun that inexplicably follows you. You will have to deal with their snipers, which crawl to impossible heights and return your own long ranged fire from angles like you've only ever imagined as well as a couple sword wielders that can get up in your face no matter where you go. Frighteningly enough, you will have to deal with every single gosh darned Fallen crawling up the walls to where ever you are and being able to flood you like the Hive." Trey paused, thinking about if there was any more needed information. "These climbers are currently in the Forbidden City, a once holy ground. Try not to ruin anything when you kill them."

The next file Trey handled seem to have more... Weight. He stood there for a while, staring at it. There was a heavy silence that sat on him, reading the assignment he had made only two days earlier. After a little while, he cleared his throat to speak, but didn't look up when he opened his mouth.

"Blake." He said, his voice unsteady. He lifted the papers slightly, shaking the sheets to draw her attention to them. "This assignment was made for the Exo Titan Icarus-67. Seeing as you are here in his place I can make a new assignment for you, but if you would like his, here it is. Icarus was to strike down the lesser Hive prince Faldor Unt, the viscous wielder of a dark blade. He lies in the pits near an ancient husk of a nuclear power plant in old Korea, one destroyed ages ago in a full on meltdown. He sits alone, waiting for his brothers to arrive. Icarus was to destroy him and his guard before they got there. However, Icarus never made it home to take the challenge. So like I said; if you want it, it's there. If you don't, I'll make a new one. Make your choice." Trey looked to the others, waving them away. "Go on. I'll be watching your progress on monitors, so I'll know if you encounter trouble. Dismissed."
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As he mentioned her name, Nil perked up a bit. Standing she took her auto rifle off of her back and began to inspect her weapon. The beautiful russet sheen glinting in the lantern light. As he finished, she spoke. "The only thing worse than a racist hunter-" Nil double checked the mag on her firearm before popping it back into place with a loud click. "Is a racist fallen." Setting the auto rifle upon her back once more, she began to walk out, calling over her shoulder "I'll return soon, and hopefully without that captain getting into places where he doesn't belong."

(Sorry about the length, I'll post the rest in a bit. I'm exhausted and not feeling well at the moment >.<)
As Shane listened to his mission, he scoffed a bit to the pants down jokes. As Trey finished giving out the missions, Nil walked off and soon enough, he did. "Thanks for the warning with their tactics with knives, I'll know what to shove down their throats", Shane replied in a murmur as he walked off. Zero turned to look at the group, bowed down in a sort of way, and floated off back to Shane's shoulder. "You know, you coulda' been a bit nicer Shane", Zero told him sternly. "You know me Zero, it's a habit", Shane replied as he checked his auto rifle. With a sigh, Zero's eyes glowed and scanned the area around. "I'm guessing you already got the coordinates locked down?", Shane asked as he slipped his rifle on his back. "As always", Zero replied as his eye continued to glow, "I'll call the ship and we'll land a few meters away, then we'll hop onto your sparrow and just peacefully glide over, we can sneak through a small opening." Shane nodded as he readjusted his helmet, "Sounds like a good plan." With a nod, and a few beeps and blips, the ship flew near and landed beside them. Shane opened the cockpit, climbed in, and proceeded to flip the controls so Zero would regain control. As the ship turned to face the right direction, they flew off, dust bellowing behind them.

(Hope this was good >_>; edited)
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Koryn was 'settled' idly on Rellia's shoulder as he ship entered the atmosphere and she'd requested he either patch her through to the team's communications, or just simply hack his way to where they could hear them. While it wasn't entirely her own fault that she was late, having been told she likely wouldn't arrive on time due to how late she'd been added to the roster. Still, it wasn't a big deal and she certainly wasn't going to make it an excuse.

As she listened to to the plans and missions being laid out before the other guardians she began thinking about where she would fit in best. Her stealth skills working with the Titan would make for a good duality to the pairing, but if they didn't learn to balance it fast enough one or the other would fall behind. That and she didn't necessarily want to compensate for reloads during the fast paced fighting that Titans had a habit of putting themselves through.

She also knew that for the sniper mission her ability to cloak would be a great boon. That being said neither she nor Koryn were particularly fond at being spotted and shot at be something they couldn't stab in return. Overall it simply sat as a mission that was only good as long as she wasn't caught, so that was a definite no.

"You know Rellia, we could go after the Fallen captain. He would largely accept a duel from us if challenged properly. Easy pickings." Koryn mused.

Oh of course, and with that we'd just blindly submit of race for all to know. Sorry Koryn, I'm keeping private information private for as along as possible. I don't know any of these people," Rellia growled out, a little harsher than necessary, "I don't know if I can trust them."

Well, you know they're guardians, that has to count for something, right?"

Rellia just let out a small smile, but didn't push the point. She knew Koryn had a hero complex on Guardians, and she understood why. Still, they weren't who she'd grown up around, and many of the higher up had a tendency for treating her like she was defective or a special needs case. And sure, so she'd pulled steel on a young guardian who told her she'd been raised by savages when she first started. Wasn't her fault the kid was a prick. The long and the short of it was that she understood why some guardians, mostly the veterans, deserved so much praise. At the end of the day though, just as many Fallen fell to the hands of another House as they did to guardians, and true competency in the field was going to need to be proven before she trusted them too much.

Koryn, the file for this Shane fellow. Apparently he focuses on fighting with a knife. What do you say we-"

We are not challenging him to a duel for authority in the field."

I was going to say we join him because he's fighting melee based opponents who happen to be my specialty. Do you think he would though? You know, accept a duel?"

Joining him would be wonderful, but maiming a fellow guardian on day one is a great way to get yourself romoved from the squad, if not thrown out of the guardians altogether. And I know you may say 'Oh well I'll just go back to the House of Ash', just know that I wouldn't be able to go with you."

Signing and lowering her head in half defeat and half frustration Rellia nodded to her ghost and started re arranging her plot to follow after Shane, who seemed to have gotten in his ship to head out. All she was going to have to do was follow him, and she'd drop out of her ship when he did. Or wait until he noticed her tailing him and brought up communications. Either or.

"Not my fault Guardian training is sub-par in see-que-bee."

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing at all. I promise not to hurt my team mates."
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Blake & Delta

"Blake" Trey said. He almost seemed...hesitant? If he was it was understandable. He was handing over a pretty heavy mission made for an elite Beta-Prime member to a small, immature, and sometimes reckless rookie. Trey had every right to doubt, if he did. At the sound of her name, Delta perked and watched their new fireteam leader, blinking, flickering and twisting and tilting as he listened. Still looking away but also listening, Blake shifted where she stood. However, the mention of a choice surprised both Blake and her ghost. Her head snapped back to him, having her full attention now. Even the little floating A.I. jerked abit.

Both listened carefully and when Trey lifted the papers, and continued on with the sumamry of the mission, Blake's face scowled with determination. Her blue eyes blinked, locked on the stack in his hand. She knew the answer before he even finished, and delta knew what she was going to say. He tried to speak before she replied,"M-Might I advise--"

"We'll take it." She was too quick for him. Even if Delta did speak, her persistance wouldnt let his suggestions sway her.


"I said," she turned to her metallic companion,"We're taking it."

"Right..." his glowly eye returning to Trey, glancing from him, to the ground, then back to him,"We're going to do it then." Blake smiled and crossed her arms,"Good. That settles it then." Her hand extended outward, across the table, so that Trey could hand the file over. When he did, she tucked them under her arm and turned 180° on her heels, briefly moving the tent flaps and walking through,"Come on Delta." she called from outside. Delta flew after her but stopped infront of the entrance and turned to Trey,"She wont let you down," he said before dematerializing.

Outside, Blake scanned over the papers while walking out of the hangar,"Korea, huh?"

"Blake are you...." Delta's single eye rolled around, searching for the right words,"sure about this? You could take another mission you know. Its not too late to turn around, just a few steps back."

Blake stopped walking infront of him and turned to look at him with a straight face and narrowed eyes,"Delta, you know that wont happen. Im not one to quit unless im dead," she comtinued to shuffle through the papers.

"Thats what im afraid of..." he mumbled and caught up with her.

"What was that?" Lucky for the small machine she was distracted with the file enough to miss that last thing he said.

"Nothing. I realyl think you should hear the potential turn outs of this mission. For instance--"

"Delta I dont want to hear what can happen. They wont happen because Im going to do what I was told to, no matter what. And thats murdering a Hive Prince." Delta said nothing to that. She always said something along those lines when he doubted her. Something about never mentioning possibilities because the only possibility that was going to happen was her success. Some of her old fireteams took it as being cocky, but it wasnt that at all. She just didnt want to think of anything negative that may keep her from taking a risk or doing something out of the norm that could be the key to her victory. This philosophy was partially why she was always so reckless.

Delta disappeared into nothing but a voice in side her helmet when she put it on. She twisted it to initiate the personal air lock of her suit,"Ready?"

"Yep, lead the way," she turned the safety off from her gun, checked the magazine and quickly inspected the scope. Delta called her ship and they loaded on. Blake placed the file on the ships dashboard while Delta controlled the ship for her. Among all the lights and buttons in the cockpit, one that is never lit, blinked. The blinking caused Blake to tilt her head up and look at it above her,"Hey Delta? Whats that?"

Delta reconstructed beside her and looked up as well,"Oh...."

"Oh? Oh what?"

"Im going to run a quick diagnostic, take control,"

"You got it." Under the helmet Blake bit her lip anxiously. What was the "oh" about, she wondered. Delta didnt seem to happy when he looked at it. In a minute or two the "little light" came back,"Looks like theres a tiny leak in the fuel tank, its no biggie."

"A leak?! How? I take care of this thing! Good care!"

"We were in the Cosmodrome...infested with scavenging Fallen. Maybe they got to your ship. Dont worry, though, we can do our mission and come back, just make sure Amanda gets a look at it when we do come back. Or we can patch it ourselves, its not too bad."

Blake went wide eyed and slammed her fist on the dashboard, creating a series of beeps and boops to resound before they died out,"Fallen! Those cheap, bastards!" her eyes narrowed as she imagined a Fallen captain laughing menacingly like they do as it tinkered with the components of her ship. The image faded when the ship master was mentioned and she closed her eyes in defeat," And Holiday? Ugh! Thats gonna be a lot of glimmer...." she sighed.

"Cheer up we're almost there. Look," he flew close to the window and watched as the ship began to break back into Earth's atmosphere, with a boom.

@Darth Corvus

(If i made a mistake ._. Please....dont hesitate to point it out.)
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@Veirrianna Valentine

As Shane flew off, a blinker appeared on his helmet's sensor coming from somewhere beside his vehicle, possibly tailing. Strange, Fallen Dropships rarely appear near starships.. and Hive Tombships are bigger than this.. With this size and current area, it's most likely another Guardian flying by. Zero reappeared atop his cockpit's dashboard and looked into Shane's helmet visor where his eyes would be, "This Ship appears to be friendly, I'm scanning for light and possibly another guardian in there, ya might wanna check it out." Shane nodded and soon enough, established a link with the other starship, keeping a hand armed on the starship's turret, "Unidentified starship, We've detected your presence and are notified of the general idea of where you are cruising by, identify yourself or we will open fire." "Well that wasn't very nice, I said to check it out, not issue a death sentence", Zero replied with what seemed to be a frown as he looked at Shane, "Little disappointed in you Shane, Now perhaps you should get your finger off of the trigger." "You know just as well as me that this ship may be a threat Zero, I'm not taking my chances," replied Shane sternly, his finger not leaving the firing trigger for the turret on his ship.

Unaware to the both of them, The mic was still on as they had their little discussion.
"Great, we got the trigger happy, jumpy stupid one."

"Not nice," countered Koryn as he began analysing the damage output versus their threshold, "Though not entirely wrong either. I'll patch us... actually I think you should sit this one out, I'll patch myself through, you just keep that challenging attitude in check."

Not bothering to put up any sort of argument Rellia took her ship up and pulled a smooth aileron roll as she come up alongside the other pilot, showing she wasn't trying to come up behind him and put him down. Honestly she wanted to just flat out challenge the guardian to a test of skill and be done with it, but as she had learned, guardian's apparently weren't known for settling their differences with each other via combat, and detail that irked her to no end. Instead she let Koryn take control of the situation whilst he went about muting her headset.

"Guardian Shane, Ghost Zero, greetings, I am Ghost Koryn, compatriot and companion to Guardian Huntress Rellia Korellysis. We were assigned to the team a bit later than anticipated, and rather than cause a big scene in base we decided to simply volunteer to join you on your mission. Simple, decisive, and Rellia and I are more than ready to match blades with this particular House. Any objections or things to note, or shall we just follow you to your destination." Koryn spoke before cutting his comms to the other ship and turning to direct his words to Rellia, "See, no issue, no fight. You need to remember that not everything is a Fallen House Hierarchy despite being essentially raised in one of their houses."

Rolling her eyes Rellia gave a challenging grin to her cuboid companion, "Oh of course it's not, but maybe that's why things are so boring here. Talk talk talk and at the end of it they usually have to solve it in the Crucible anyway.Yea, because they can solve their issues there, but they banned me, that's fair."

"True, but no one other than you has beat a Guardian senseless using his own Ghost as a cudgel before."

"But it's also true that no one has called me a Kells' Whore since"

An awkward silence settled between them for a short amount of time before Rellia reached up and nudged the bottom of Koryn's chassis in a friendly manner, as one would to a friend's chin.

"Sorry I don't always make for the best Guardian, gone a bit too native I suppose."

"Not at all, Rellia," Koryn came back cheerfully, "Honestly you beating that Gaurdian with his Ghost has been one of my all time favourite moments in life. That Ghost was always a smug arse anyway."
"Roger that Guardian Rellia, we're currently en-route to these coordinates, my ghost Zero will send the details, we'll remain radio silent so we can catch the jump on them, keep your thrusters on cruising speed", replied Shane with a low and serious tone as he then shut off the radio connection. He looked over at Zero, who remained atop the dashboard as he continued to gaze at the various colors and clouds that blew past the cockpit window, "I see you're enjoying the view, did you send the coordinates?"

"Of course I did Shane, I made sure I sent it to Koryn as you told her, as of the view, it's certainly beautiful, rarely seen with such clarity unless you're flying close to it", replied Zero with a tone almost as if a whisper, still keeping his eye on the window. Shane let out a soft chuckle as put his gaze to the window as well, his hand still on the trigger of the turret. "Your hand STILL on the trigger?", asked Zero with a frown as he turned around and looked down, noticing Shane's twitching hand on the joystick.

"Of course Zero, I may not shoot at the ship near us, the ships we meet later on may be a different story", Shane replied as he let out a sigh. "Tell me Zero, you've been in my head and have read my thoughts, tell me, what's with me right now since I may already know your answer", Shane asked with a murmur, a slight twitch on the finger and the wrist.

With a slight blink of a light in his eye and a small scan, Zero looked right at Shane,
"Well Shane, since I have seen your twitching like this and your current state, You have a bit of problems with heights, you prefer the ground, you feel a bit helpless since you can't fight with your hands and you're forced to rely on technology, increasing your anxiety and may cause you to be a little jumpy and twitchy, perhaps a result of Vau-"

"Correct! Zero.. Right as always..", Shane replied with a hushed and sudden murmur, cutting off Zero. The little ghost sighed as he turned around, returning to face the clear glass window, the cockpit, turning into a silent state of limbo as Shane stared blankly at his twitching hands and wrists.

@Veirrianna Valentine
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