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Fantasy Destiny Court: Guardians of the Arcana

Evil duo, yep. Let's do it. Make sure to include me in that conversation though, cause I have a part to play, remember?
Hey I just signed up it's up to you to choose who get what

I'd be totally fine if I don't get the villain role, I'll just play a normal character
I have a few people interested already, so it'd be quite the competition to face if you still want it. Feel free to PM me though.

Oh, and I'll say it again:

Please PM me if you are interested in playing a villain. Do NOT post here, all it will do is make me highly unlikely to consider you for it because reasons.

Shit. Wow. You guys are jumping on this. I'm guessing it'll go up sometime tomorrow or the day after, then....
In case my PMs and my SB chatting with you hasn't been made super clear yet, I want in on this, y'hear? Leave me outta this, and I'm gonna crack your skull open faster'n you can say "Please, simj, don't crack my skull open!".
With a chair?

Yunn - The more the merrier! You're free to build a character sheet once the play goes up and try and get accepted - I'll tag you when I do get it up.
simj22 said:
Tagging @Aldur Forgehammer because they haven't posted I think, but liked the OP. The rest of you should get this notif from posting...

Tagging @The Pooka because he expressed vague interest in the shoutbox and I'd be happy to have him.

If you're all still interested, start talking about which Arcana you want here. The play will be open for applications soon, and we can't have any repeats. So, you need to communicate. Remember, Death, the Fool, the Hierophant, and the World are all unavailable for sure. Chariot, Tower, Temperance, and Judgement, also the Magician, have all had strong interest expressed in them - you know who you are. If those weren't you, I suggest avoiding them.
What's this? Oh yes, I remember. Oh my...a chance to get in an RP with everyone I met in the SB, yet look at me so immensely busy. Hmm...can I consider this for a while longer?
No worries, nobody's forcing you to apply and I think I'll be taking people even after we start.

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