Desperately seeking players!!


Three Thousand Club
Hey everyone, I'm Kyero!

I have a brand new RP titled Assassin's Pledge, and details about said RP can be found below or by clicking the link.

However, be warned that because it is a role-play with some fairly extreme graphical content, it holds it is rated R-17. If you are one who cannot stand blood, guts, and gore being described in intimate and very visual detail, then I advise that you skip this recruitment post.

~ Kyero


(Clears Throat) Ah-Ahem!


This story takes place in a fictional medieval fantasy world completely unrelated to our own. While magic does not exist here, there have been a few interesting supernatural happenings all the same throughout the passage of time.

Technologically speaking, electricity obviously does not exist and all homes and city streets are lit with oil lamps and torches (wherever safe to apply). The simple flintlock pistol and single shot rifle are the current pinnacle of weapon's technology and are used solely for military purposes. Non-military warriors aspire to wield the bow and arrow in its place, as those without current and active military status caught using either one are sentenced to immediate death by public execution.

On the social side of things, each of the five nations on the primary continent known as Cre' Est are run by a Monarchy ruled by a king and queen. While there are supportive roles such as Senators and Royal Advisors, the king and queen have absolute authority which comes as both a blessing and a curse depending on ones economic standing. When the king and queen align with the nobility, the common folk often suffer. When the king and queen sympathize with the common folk, the nobility often complains until a (often questionable) compromise is made.

Indeed, someone is always unhappy.

And now, the main attraction!

This RP takes place during a time when the continent of Cre' Est is enduring what can only be described as a silent war. Two rival Assassin organizations, one home grown in Cre' Est and the other hailing from the sister continent of Mar' Valoa, are currently engaged in an all out war for control of the continent and the future of its people.

"What's so interesting about that?" You may be wondering... Excellent question!

Te'i Sai (from Cre' Est) and Roda Ah K'mht (from Mar' Valoa) have each unlocked their own version of a potent man-made concoction (called the Heaven's Tears in Cre' Est) which neutralizes the brain's inhibitor signals to the body's musculature. This ingenious concoction then allows the Assassins to cultivate a level of physical capability which no other normal human being can access. Without the need of adrenaline to unlock the zenith of their body's potential, the Assassins have reached a level where they are quite literally untouchable by modern methods of combat.

They are faster, stronger, have higher reaction time, and otherwise have become Gods among men (and yes, the Assassins are sexist like that in that they don't allow women to partake of this concoction. However, that doesn't mean that women never have anyway ;D). To give an example: A normal human being can bench press their own body weight under ideal circumstances. An Assassin from Te'i Sai or Roda Ah K'mht who has partaken of the Heaven's Tears can bench press between one and two tons in weight depending on how their bodies reacted to the concoction (as it is different for each individual).

"So basically they're badass and we're dead meat?" - Nope!

There is one from Te'i Sai who has begun a path which will forever change the course of history. He is known across the continent of Cre' Est as the Red-Eyed Demon, the strongest and most feared Assassin in history.


With eyes of crimson red which glow via a strange and supernatural means of bioluminescence, he has carved a path of fear and chaos through the pages of history ever since his appearance as nothing but a child at the tender age of four when he murdered a Senator of Cre' Est attending the graduation ceremony of a fresh batch of Royal Guards before disappearing into the chaos of the crowds below. How did a child infiltrate such a gathering unnoticed? Nobody knows.

Now, what the continent of Cre' Est does not know (but what you will know if you keep reading) is that the Red-Eyed Demon suffered more at the hands of his own organization than anyone else who has ever "suffered" at their hands before. He holds no love for Te'i Sai, and when Roda Ah K'mht invaded Cre' Est with the intention of eradicating Te'i Sai he saw an opportunity. He has very carefully, over the period of almost three years, laid the foundation of a way to eradicate both organizations while remaining almost entirely under the radar as the grand mechanic of this endeavor. Will he succeed? Who knows! He hasn't gone through with it yet!

So here's the thing that you'll be interested in! The Red-Eyed Demon knows full well that he cannot do this alone, and he will be seeking the assistance of those who have strong minds and a determination rivaling his own (which is not easy to do) who seek to make a difference in the lives of the people they care about the most. He has gone to great lengths to learn the secret behind the Heaven's Tears concoction, and has learned how to make it himself. Thanks to this, he will be able to administer its divine remedy to those fortunate enough to join his cause.

Be they man or woman, he cares not. Be they young or old, he cares not. Any who taste of the Heaven's Tears will gain access to physical capability and power the likes of which they have never known, and they will prove more than a match for Te'i Sai and Roda Ah K'mht's forces once they've endured the Demon's first hand private training. With his intimate knowledge of the Assassins and their fighting methods and tactics, even an average fighter who has partaken of the Heaven's Tears will pose a serious threat to these most elite killing machines.

So then! Interested?

If so, then please read on!

The RP itself takes the form of the journey undertaken by a group of individuals blessed (or cursed) by fate to join the Red-Eyed Demon in his quest to rid the continent of Cre' Est of the forces of both Te'i Sai and Roda Ah K'mht. Along the way they will experience pain such as they have never known (both physical and mental), as well as triumph the likes of which none alive besides their blessed (or cursed) group will ever be able to claim.

The RP is designed to test both writer and character in ways you likely haven't experienced before, as it is not going to be what most consider "fair." I have warned you that your characters will experience pain the likes of which they've never known, and I mean it. I have a rather intimate knowledge of human anatomy, and I know just how to pick your characters apart to cause the most damage. I have a strong grasp of psychology, and I know just how to push your buttons as a writer and the limits to which your character will be able to mentally hold themselves together. This RP is going to be challenging, and so I ask now that any who do not feel up to the challenge kindly turn away now.

The RP is not for the faint of heart, and the graphic nature of its content is likely going to be a turn off to many who otherwise might initially think they're ready for it. If you are undeterred by this challenge I have set, and you do not fear my knowledge of anatomy and how it will play in making graphic imagery, then please either start a conversation with me on my profile or post a response here to let me know that you'd like to be a part of the experience!

I look forward to starting this RP! I know it's the holidays ahead, so the RP will likely not begin until the holidays are over and the new year is upon us. But at the very least the body of the RP will be up and ready to begin very soon!

Till then guys!!

~ Kyero
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I can't believe how quickly these posts move through the pages of the forums O.o

Anyway, bumping again for great justice!
Bumping again! Holidays are KILLING RP interest it seems, but hey, we do what we can!
Still being greedy and bumping for great justice. I have two players besides myself lined up, but I'm hoping for more! 
Still bumping for great justice because we need more peeps!! 
I can't believe how fast these things move!

I'm kinda interested in joining but this is my first roleplay I've ever joined

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Well, thank you for showing interest!

I admit, I didn't think this particular thread would find anyone given how old it is. Lol.

Anyway, if you're interested, the RP can be found here: Assassin's Pledge.

To ensure that you know what you're getting yourself into, please check the "Character Sign-Up" page and examine the profile I created for the Red-Eyed Demon. That profile is the standard I'm holding my role-players to. If you think that you can create a profile that at least comes close to matching it in terms of content volume, or even surpass it, then by all means submit the profile. However, there are a few profiles that exist in that thread which are good examples of how not to construct a profile, so take those into account too.

Again, thank you for your interest!
Would I need images? Or would I be able to get away with just describing my oc?

Take a step inside my mind, do not fear what's there to find

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