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Futuristic Desire System - Idea Development


The phone master
In this world, desires are everything. The Desire System reads everyone's desires, choosing there career, there friends, and even their relationships. But what happens when you have no desires? And what happens when your desires are so strong they override the sysytem?

Annnnd that's about all I've got.

This is my idea for a futuristic RP with 'superpower' elements through the manipulation of the desire system. I'm thinking of making it a detailed RP too, because it's an idea which could go into philosophical grounds...

However, I have no idea how to develop this idea into a plot for the RP to move along. Thus, I created this thread, so I could ask you all to help me develop this idea into a full RP and so I could see who would be interested in it!
What? No one? Is it in the wrong place? Well, if anyone knows of a better place to put it, please tell me.
Hm, you could place the rp in a kind of dystopian society, where the world really revolves around the desire system, and if you don't agree with it or something your taken out by the government, or if you don't obey to your superiors your killed.

When players override or undermine the system, government is alerted about it, and now these people have to run and hide before they're killed, or worse.
Well I see the potential downside of having a organic, because some people might drop the rp. And the downside for Overarching plot, since once the characters finish it, it would be progressivly more boring.
Topaz said:
Well I see the potential downside of having a organic, because some people might drop the rp. And the downside for Overarching plot, since once the characters finish it, it would be progressivly more boring.
I did an organic once before, and it worked well - until three people left within about a week. However, it wasn't over, because there were still other RPers in the RP who then took over control of the leaving RPers, and it ended up working out...

There are more reasons why I prefer organic to scripted - for instance, it means that the RPers don't get annoyed by a subplot they don't want to follow, and it means I can get the RP up and running faster because I dint have to come up with story for it.

As for an overarching story - I'm really good at coming up with these, so even if the first overarching story wraps up, the RP can still keep going by shifting into a second, even bigger overarching story.

Actually, I'm thinking I might just set up the RP now - this thread doesn't seem to be going much further, and I already have a fair idea of what I can do.
I'm looking for detailed posts as a general, but I suppose it would be more accurate to say 'as required'. For instance, if you were writing a book and there was a fight scene, you would spend two to three paragraphs on each action in the fight scene - that would make for a slow and boring fight scene. Therefore, the same should apply for an RP.

To put is simply, I'm looking for detailed, concise posts that are fluff-free. If you can't add any more interesting things into the post, then don't add anything at all.
I would enjoy this, I was just wondering, what would happen to someone with a really strong desire, but it can't be sorted to a job or anything?
snakeyem12 said:
I would enjoy this, I was just wondering, what would happen to someone with a really strong desire, but it can't be sorted to a job or anything?
That's a good question. However, I can't give a general response to it, because the desires are handled on a case by case basis. Could you give a few examples?
Hello everyone! I have made a thread for the RP now! It's still a WIP, but if there's anything you want added, just say and I can add it in!

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