Description of the five patrons of the Infernals, per Neph

By his grace, they shall burn with madness and the earth shall be scorched cold. Plague is in his right hand and infinite force in the other. By his crown, their enemies shall kneel.

By her grace, all wastes shall be as fertile paradise to their beloved and all enemies shall eat only dust. They who see with rainbow eyes will marvel and upon their prayers shall be miracles and wonders beyond the opposition of the gods.

By her grace, what should be shall be, and perfection will mar the teeth of chaos. Her light is the making and the unmaking, from on high and within every bastion of thought's might.

By her grace, none shall hear, not with the dead ears of accursed-voiced folly or with the watchful blind futility of those who glimpse their passing. She is all places and none, and they shall not be touched.

By his curse, all laws will break, all hearts will crumble and all hopes will be dashed. He is the beginning of the end and the end's begininning, the enemy of goodness. In his claws are nightmares to end an Age.
The Ebon Dragon needs to lighten up. Seriously guy, take it easy: you've got a hot fiance, and you just made, what, fifty new friends? Things are looking up for you, dude. Stop bringing everyone else down with your negativity :P

In all seriousness, though, I'm intrigued/terrified at these little descriptions. I like how starkly different the Ebon Dragon's description is compared to the others. There is no grace, only curses, presumably even for his chosen. Not only that, but it's one of the few times we something that's morally unambiguous: the guy is evil, the "enemy of goodness". That's rare in this setting, as basically every other villain has at least some sort of justification for their actions (even if they are tainted by madness). The other Yozi mentioned here are great examples of this: bringers of blessings, twisted though they may be. But there's nothing of that left in the Ebon Dragon. Makes me wonder why.

Was this the result of his reshaping after the War? Did the Solars specifically shape him as such through their bindings? Or is this something else, such as the Dragon specifically reshaping himself to oppose everything? And what do the other Yozi think of this uncharacteristic hatred?

So many questions. Here's hoping the Infernals book can answer the many questions these spoilers have been raising.
MrMephistopheles said:
By his grace, they shall burn with madness and the earth shall be scorched cold. Plague is in his right hand and infinite force in the other. By his crown, their enemies shall kneel.
By her grace, all wastes shall be as fertile paradise to their beloved and all enemies shall eat only dust. They who see with rainbow eyes will marvel and upon their prayers shall be miracles and wonders beyond the opposition of the gods.

By her grace, what should be shall be, and perfection will mar the teeth of chaos. Her light is the making and the unmaking, from on high and within every bastion of thought's might.

By her grace, none shall hear, not with the dead ears of accursed-voiced folly or with the watchful blind futility of those who glimpse their passing. She is all places and none, and they shall not be touched.

By his curse, all laws will break, all hearts will crumble and all hopes will be dashed. He is the beginning of the end and the end's begininning, the enemy of goodness. In his claws are nightmares to end an Age.
Badass, so Malfeas, Cytheria, She Who Lives In Her Name, Adjoran, and Ebon Dragon got the shards. Fuckin' a.
From what I remember someone else saying here is that the Infernals are suppose to be the anti-Sidereals; and they sound more like Battles, Journeys, Serenity, Secrets and Endings respectively. Though the second and third ones I'm not too sure of.

And we already have the "anti-Solars" as it is which are the Abyssals. I know the souls used to make the Infernals were Solar, but since they are under control of Primordials and not gods, reworking an Exalt type to reflect something else would make a little bit more sense.
From what I remember someone else saying here is that the Infernals are suppose to be the anti-Sidereals; and they sound more like Battles, Journeys, Serenity, Secrets and Endings respectively. Though the second and third ones I'm not too sure of.
No. Neph said they were the Sidereals worst nightmare. Not really the "anti Sidereals."
MrMephistopheles said:
No. Neph said they were the Sidereals worst nightmare. Not really the "anti Sidereals."
Of course this is all speculative, but the only thing I see as a "Sidereal's worst nightmare" would be an Exalt type that can screw with the Loom of Fate as much as the Sidereals can, that's how I see the Infernals as being "anti-Sidereals."
Again speculative, and things will be answered when the book is finally released... in 2048.
While, as creatures outside of fate, with charms given to them by the Primordials certainly puts them in a position to do that. Given Neph's cryptic responces in regards to people taking his comment as the anti-Sidereals, in the sense that the Abyssals are the inversions of the Solars. The impression I got was more in what they could become.
From what I remember someone else saying here is that the Infernals are suppose to be the anti-Sidereals; and they sound more like Battles' date=' Journeys, Serenity, Secrets and Endings respectively. Though the second and third ones I'm not too sure of.[/quote']
You probably got that from me. :P

I'm pulling off the Infernals as such in Engines of Creation, which is a pseudo-modern setting built from Exalted. When I set this up for the first time, I meant the Infernals to correspond to the Fair Folk--the announcement from WW that they actually will be making an Infernals book threw me off, but oh well. I really liked the symmetry I created so I'm going with it.
MrMephistopheles said:
No. Neph said they were the Sidereals worst nightmare. Not really the "anti Sidereals."
Of course this is all speculative, but the only thing I see as a "Sidereal's worst nightmare" would be an Exalt type that can screw with the Loom of Fate as much as the Sidereals can, that's how I see the Infernals as being "anti-Sidereals."
Again speculative, and things will be answered when the book is finally released... in 2048.
Um, dude, it comes out in April. Where the hell have you been getting your info?
Um' date=' dude, it comes out in April. Where the hell have you been getting your info?[/quote']
That's it, I'm firing my soothsayer.

I know, it just feels like it's taking forever. That's why I never follow anything that's in progress of being worked on (mostly video games) because it makes it seem like time is dragging its little clockwork feet.
It's a book. :P
These things take time. They have an index to muddle!
Thanks for the laugh.
"Sir I've finished the comprehensive index for the latest book."

"Looks nice, good work." Sets it on fire with his lighter.

"What are you doing sir?!"

"We're going to use the one that my 3 year old son has done."

"What?! But he's only drawn pictures while you added the Castes and Charms. There's not even anything about the experience costs in it."

"You're fired. Now who else want's to join him in questioning my sons genius?"

Seriously though I've been tossing the idea of making a comprehensive "Index Book" (really a PDF file) for future use. The WW wiki has been less than helpful, but I've put off this idea due to the wiki contest so we'll see.
It's a book. :P
These things take time. They have an index to muddle!
Thanks for the laugh.
"Sir I've finished the comprehensive index for the latest book."

"Looks nice, good work." Sets it on fire with his lighter.

"What are you doing sir?!"

"We're going to use the one that my 3 year old son has done."

"What?! But he's only drawn pictures while you added the Castes and Charms. There's not even anything about the experience costs in it."

"You're fired. Now who else want's to join him in questioning my sons genius?"

Seriously though I've been tossing the idea of making a comprehensive "Index Book" (really a PDF file) for future use. The WW wiki has been less than helpful, but I've put off this idea due to the wiki contest so we'll see.
Wait, you do know the indexes for most books ARE floating in the net in PDF form, right? I got several of them.

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