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Fantasy Descendants of the Curse

Sorry to drag you into this, but you gotta understand how it feels to be ignored in an rp with only a few rping? Quite blatantly too.

Like, if I remember correctly. Artist has even said 'you reply to fast and I get bored only replying to one person for so long.' and that Valjean's character reminded her of her bf so that's why she cared more bout that one. Touching, but bs excuse for replying to only one person for 3 months straight after just telling another that you hate doing just that.....
That's really just a bit of a warning ahead of time that the risk of getting left behind as the other two get wrapped up in what their characters are doing and forget there are others in the rp is pretty high....and getting left behind to watch them go on for pages and pages suuuuuuucks.

Been there, done that, don't want it to happen to others consistently...
It's not exactly rare in RPs, most of us have gone through that, and some of us end up doing so in RPs even so.

Which is kind of
This one seems to have a problem with it that isn't being discussed or resolved though. I've seen it happen but in a bigger rp. there is really no excuse in one with only 3 people unless someone really can't rp for a while. Which has not the case with this one at all.
I wouldn't bring it up either if this hadn't been going on for months...the proof is in the pages. and the way Artist reacted too. There's really no reason to get that defensive if you're not guilty of the claims. :/ Just explain that you didn't notice and will see what can be done to figure it out!...buuuuut it kinda really clearly shows she knew with the snapping. Specially since this is the first time I've said anything at all in this one. lol
Yeah, it happens to me a lot, which s why I'm now in about three RPs when I used to be in a dozen at a time. But it also helps me find the good RPs because I look so much more for them now. :D
Really wish I could recommend this one for you! But I don't want gettin left behind to happen to ya! And I know it will happen in this one. You were in it before and it happened :/ Nobody deserves to be left behind in an rp! Especially a small one like this!

As I explained a lot previously. It's been goin on for months now and years if you count the old one too! Artist is far to preoccupied with caring for only her characters and Valjeans and doesn't like to address that it really is a problem but instead get snappy and leave in a huff. Only making herself more guilty and showing that she knows that she's doin it and doesn't like it pointed out. I've seen this sort a thing so many times it's impossible to miss anymore.
Please stop, it clearly is bothering you so I give you permission to start your own RP like this one if you want. But I've said all I will say. So please stop this. We tried fixing curse with descendant and that didn't work, so I am done with this RP. Hope you can find/make one that sticks with you.
It only bothers me when you don't include everyone and the problem resurfaces and you snap right away instead of trying to figure something out. You can continue this one with Valjean and I'll leave. Got nothing keeping me here really and not going to effect the story if I do. :/

I'm only trying to make sure others know it's best this one is 1x1 with the trend that keeps happening time and time again causing this... People get left behind and then no one new ever joins or sticks around long...it's always you and Valjean's characters and nobody else's matters in the story...just seriously go back and read the story so far. I'm not lying when I keep saying it's clear as day to see.
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Although it's really not that hard of a problem to fix you know. Just listen to others for once...you say we tried but it fell into the same trend again and then you just giving up because you refuse to compromise with somebody you don't want to listen to or don't like...Which again...is everybody except Valjean. She is the only one you've ever given the time of day to and have ever listened too.

Which frankly, is extremely childish. Just talk to others!!!! Geebus!

So really, just change the title of this one to be a 1x1 and i'll kill off my characters and leave. No strings attached or anything. I'll stop following the forum and remove it from bookmarks. Same with every other one we were in together. @EvelienLocalArtist If you can't agree to that then whatever, be childish about it all and keep running away from the problems.
Say the word and it's done @EvelienLocalArtist . I'll be out of your hair for good. I'm emotionally dead to this one because of the treatment anyway. You cannot justify this sort of treatment in a 3 person rp at all and cannot try to keep making it look like I'm nothing but a bitch just because I want a little fair treatment or discussion, but whatever. I will leave.
Didn't she already say it was done?

Oh, um, thanks ._.

I've got a friend or two hooking me up ( xD ) so that shouldn't be a problem, maybe I'll invite you over?
Well like said. I'll just leave, pass my characters on, kill them off or something. Just waitin for the word to.
Alright. Then I'll leave my character's fate to you. May see how the story is going now and then but nothing more.
I'll always love the story to bits and may come back at some point....may. Really really not much here. It's mostly romance/risque scenes with you and valjean and other characters tacked on anymore. Lol.

Just be careful not to get anymore warnings for that...,you do tend to get a bit carried away with them and would actually hate to see you banned for something stupid and small like that.. :/
I thought you said you were going to leave, yet it seems you are dragging this out longer than it needs to be. Could have left quite and easy like a bandaid, but now it seems you are going back on your own words by not unwatching the thread and leaving.
I was hoping there may be some resolve but sadly that's not looking to be the case right now.,..yeesh. I was considering this because I feel I overreacted in what I said and was too harsh yesterday and could possibly calmly find compromise. Trying to be adult here and not let bitter squabbles cause this much turmoil.

Like I keep saying, love the story to bits and don't want to see it end or be ruined and am attached to it. But it's also sad that I can leave and nothing in the story would be effected at all. Coulda left a while ago and it's the same case. There just needs to be more consideration of others in the rp or at least discussion on it. Instead of instantly going at my throat when something like this comes up.
If you think about it. If you didn't realize it was a problem, why get so defensive? Why instantly get aggressive instead of talking and trying to resolve things? That should be no problem if you just didn't realize it was happening...You should know by now I am understanding and that you could just talk the problems out and cool the situation down by being nice and calm... Compromise is not that hard.

I did it when you asked me to back off on posting and wait...I never prod for posts anymore and never said a single thing about how long I usually have to sit and wait for a post with some action anymore until just now...
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I don't wish to take your idea either, while you did give me permission I would feel horrible playing off an idea that is originally yours. I don't do that kinda thing, it would be like taking your fantastic art, recoloring it and calling it my own without batting an eye. It's your idea and you should get all credit for it and to copy it just because I didn't like something here is kinda low and scummy to do. Permission given or not.

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