Descendants of Alice (Sign up and Storyline)

Aria Rising

Everyone is familiar with our basic story. However, there are parts that you may not have heard, and are only allowed to be known by those who Alice trusts. The teachers took her away though, forcing her to teach them he mysterious legends in which humans dreamed of hearing for thousands of years. They learned that the legends weren't just stories, but people, so they searched for them, keeping any legend that they found in a building that looked like a school, but underground, there were prison-like rooms were they would keep them as they weren't being observed or taking a test. They still teach the legends, so that they seem like a school and no one is suspicious, but they don't teach the legends science or math, fearing that they might learn how to use those things to get out. The legends all have special powers, given by their leader, Alice. Alice is kept in the room farthest underground, which was guarded and sealed off. They have been planning a way to get her back and escaping for many years, knowing that they had to work together in order to get out. No one on the outside knows about them yet, but they want to be heard.


Hello people.... things.... idk... Anyway, this is my first rp on this site... so enjoy i guess....


Name: (Who are you? Put your nicknames in quotations please.)

Title: (only for legends; Crow, Hatter, Rabbit, March Hare etc etc)

Age: (How old are you?)

Personality: (What are you like?)

Power:( please no more than 2)

Weapon/Character Item: (optional)

Role: (Legend/Teacher; Teachers are also scientists)

Story: (aka what the title does in wonderland/ whatever..)

History: (Back-story :3)

Appearance:(Pictures preferred, but super detailed words are also nice.. I guess...)


1. No stealing ideas. I only want one person per chara, if you don't have any more ideas, just come up with something that sounds like it'd be from wonderland.)

2. No rping for anyone else's character.

3. Your powers have to do with something about your character. (Ex: Crow's Power: Flying and controlling shadows)

4. No god modding or mary sue's.

5. Keep Romance to PG-13 go as bloody as you want with action. I prefer not that much romance, but it seems as if that always gets ignored anyway lol.

6. Remember that the setting is a school building and no one is allowed outside, therefore, you can't go on a roof and there is no forest, unless a scientist/teacher uses one of those nerve-control thing machines....

7. Only up to 3 characters.

My characters:


Yuki Usagi/ Kuro Usagi






Yuki/Personality 1: Yuki naturally has silver hair and blue eyes, but except for when she's angry. She is calm and quiet, and doesn't speak a lot even when she's in pain. She likes the sound of music when it's calm and only the only other legend she feels comfortable around is Masuku, but will eventually warm up to others slowly. She is very delicate and seems sensitive, but she tries to be strong when scientists observe her. She worries a lot and she gets lost easily without Masuku, so she is almost always late to class.

Kuro/Personality 2: Kuro is Yuki's dark-side, and almost the exact opposite of her, with black hair and green eyes. She is obnoxious and jokes around a lot, and always laughs at her own jokes. She talks back and is very rude, always making sly comments that make the scientists uneasy and angry. She speaks her mind and does whatever she wants, and she doesn't listen to anyone unless there's something in it for her.


Alongside her double personality, Yuki has the power to control time and Kuro can control space. Yuki doesn't really know how to use her powers, which makes Kuro's powers weak. Yuki doesn't like to hurt people, even those who are mean, so she claims that even if she did know how to use her powers, she wouldn't use them in evil ways, unless Alice or Masuku wanted her to. Kuro's powers were partially weakened because of Yuki, so

Weapon/Character Item:

Yuki holds her powers inside of a watch, which only can be opened by Alice. Kuro likes to where the watch around her neck, because it makes her feel strong, since the sword and scythe are both locked inside.



Story: The white rabbit was the one being chased by Alice through out the story and the black rabbit is the rabbit's ghost after he got his head chopped off by the queen of hearts.

History: Yuki and Kuro weren't always the same person, until there powers were sealed inside the watch as Alice was taken away. They had been born as faternal twins and given their powers at age 3, when rabbit ears started to grow out of the tops of their heads. Masuku happened to be their childhood friend, though a little older than them, and told them never to use their powers evilly. When Alice was taken away, Kuro dissolved into Yuki's soul, and wasn't seen for a long time, until the first time Yuki got mad, as the scientists were taking her and Masuku away.


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Masuku, "Masu," Atsumera


Ace of Spades/Knight




Masuku is friendly with others who he feels a connection too, and very smart. He hates the scientists, but knows when to keep is mouth shut. He is very patient and good at thinking things out, as well as keeping secrets and lying. Masu likes to write, and can write very deep poetry when given a pencil and paper. He likes to read and often goes to library during the school's 20 minutes of free time on Fridays. He also has a strange liking for different types of masks and hats, and used to have a collection before he was taken away.


He has the power to control wind, but he is not able to fly. If he moves his hands in certain movements, he can control which way and how strong he would like he wind to move.

Weapon/Character Item:

His character item is a small ace of spades card, which increase his luck and strength if he has it with him. The card only works for him and no one else.




One of the Queen of Spades most trusted adviser and guard. He commands all the rest of her army and the spades are allies with the hearts.


He was born to a rich family and was always alone, smarter than all of the other kids that he met, always studying, reading and writing, until he met Kuro and Yuki. They became like their own little family, because neither of their families paid any attention to them, other than bragging about how good Masu was academically. They ran away together, and all lived in the woods until the police found them and brought them back to their houses, but they ran away again, farther than before, and lived in an abandoned house for a long time. Masu had to witness seeing Kuro dissolve into Yuki, and not be seen again for 2 years, when the scientists were dragging them away to the school.


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Yeah sure, but only if you can impress me, and seeing a bit of other characters of yours I've seen, I assume I will be impressed enough.
(Wow, Aria, I just love your replays *w* theyre epical with awesomesauce)

Name: Drake VonClyde

Title: The Jabberwocky

Age: 16

Personality: a crazy, sadistic guy who loves to mess with others. He is mostly insane and simply messed in the head. He will mutter about the deaths of others, and frequently refers to himself in 3rd person. A wonky badboy who is constantly trying to trick the others into his mouth.

Power: can create illusions and manipulate and bend shadows

Weapon/Character Item:

Role: Legend

Story: he is the murderous Jabberwocky who serves the Queen of Hearts. He is freakishly loyal to any of her soldiers (including Masuku ;3) but got thrown in the underground school for being too mentally unstable.

History: Drake was born after the past Alice had slayed the older Jabberwocky. He would be the new Jabberwocky, the forever-bound oet of the Queen. For years he had served under her rule, but became overruled by The Madness and was sent to captivity. Drake tried to escape many times, but has failed numerous time. Before being locked into the cell, the leathery flap part of his wings were ruthlessly ripped off, leaving the scaly wings unable to fly. They chained up his wings to make sure.For now he stays the dragon of the underground prison.

Appearance: Boys/Vampire15.jpg

Name: Robin

Title: Shadow Creeper. (Sorry if that sounds weird. It's... 2:30AM and I'm tired. -_- )

Age: Unknown

Personality: She's not the most 'enjoyable' person to be around. Some people say she's really boring. Other people say she's really creepy. She's very quiet and she hates being social with other people. She won't talk unless she has to. She has a huge temper and she's not afraid to fight, so watch out. She doesn't trust people easily. So you're lucky if she can trust you with ANYTHING.

Power: She can control darkness/shadows with her fingertips.

Weapon/Character Item: She always has this little floating shadow cloud with eyes that follows her around. It's sort of like a flying monkey some people call it.

Role: Legend.

Story: She's sort of like the Cheshire Cat, but a little more creepy, and she doesn't go around giving people riddles. She's mainly a spy for the Queen of Hearts.

History: Robin grew up in a very odd manor. She doesn't remember any of her past apart from when she was working for the Queen. She was sent to the school because she 'wasn't doing her job right' or something like that, but she was doing her job the way the Queen asked. She had tried to escape a good few times, each time getting caught though. Mainly because all you could see was a dark shadow walking around. She's always in the shadows since she can't stand in the light for too long. She hates anything bright.

Appearance: (Ignore all of the writing)


If you want me to change some stuff then I will. It's just that I can't think straight because I'm tired. -.-
[MENTION=4451]TheGreatWarOfMyMind[/MENTION] Accepted! Lol I'd be tired at 2:30 in the morning too.

[MENTION=2281]Song[/MENTION]OfTheWolfSpirit Accepted! That makes me feel special and happy ;u;
Name: Salem

Title: Hatter

Age: 18

Personality: 'The Hatter' Is a bit on the psychotic side. Everything to him is a game. Being 'clenicly insane' he is to be sitting in the back of any room away from anyone. Salem can write songs like its nobody's business. The negative thing to writing songs is he hates to sing (in front of people). He always wears his hat. It keeps him 'sane' if you wanted to say that.

Power: Salem can get into your head. He minupilates your mind and makes you believe anything he wants.

Weapon/Character Item: His hat. It holds the things that he makes creep into others minds. All the 'monsters' and the crazed thoughts.

Role: Legend

Story: The Mad Hatter sits at the table for tea and helps Alice on her journey.

History: He grew up with a deranged family. His father gave him his hat when he was 7. The mercury that the hat was made with finally got to him when he was 10. He has been 'mad' for almost 9 years. He got into trouble alot and still does.


(ill post my other one soon)
Name: Felix "Farra"

Title: Cheshire Cat

Age: 18

Personality: Farra is full of riddles and mystery. she confuses most people and just keeps on confusing them.

Power: She has the power of persuasion. She can get you to do things that you wont rember. She is like the master of puppets. Also can change from a cat to human.

Weapon/Character Item: Her stripes

Role: Legend

Story: Helps Alice making her use her brain with her riddles

History: Farra lived in the forest for most of her life. Untill she met Alice who led her to the hatter and he kept Farra like a pet




(Here is my other. I know its short but im extremely tired)
[MENTION=4077]Luka[/MENTION] Accepted, as long as you keep the getting people to do things, to a limit, but I'm guessing you already expected that.
Name: Marra O'Hare

Title: March Hare

Age: 16

Personality: Marra is a bit insane, due to her mind being befuddled by so much. She often mistakes someone for another and can treat them either quite cruel or extremely nice.

Power: Can switch from being human to a dark brown rabbit with dark green eyes, also has the power to see into one's future.

Weapon/Character Item: (optional)

Role: (Legend/Teacher; Teachers are also scientists)

Story: (aka what the title does in wonderland/ whatever..)

History: (Back-story :3)

Appearance:(Pictures preferred, but super detailed words are also nice.. I guess...)

(will finish later)

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