Depths Of Hell [Inactive]

I opened my eyes only to find that I coulvn't see. i felt hard stone around me. I began to freak out and let out a burst of chaos which launched me out of the ground an onto the lawn.
-She was released then quickly so moved to Vergils side, hiding behind him with deep breaths, watching her king curl up. She looked to vergil before he had falled. Her eyes widening she moved to her knees with him watching him pant hard. "Vergi are you okay?" She mumbled resting a hand on his back. She loooked up to the second guard as he spoke then left. her eyes narrowing as she stayed beside Vergil "Like hell I'm obeying him. My Master is one and one only." She looked at vergil " what do we do..."
I looked arounv realizing I had been out for hours. I flew up to the window I had broken out of to find Thanatos laying on my bed making out with a slave. "THANATOS!" He looked to me in surprise as I kicked both of them out. I flew into the main hall.
Where is Kira i must apologize. I flew around till i found Kira outside with Vergil. 
No no no no no no no no. I flew back to my room anv locked the door sitting on my bed rocking back and forth with my knees to my chest.... 
I fell asleep on my bed where nightmares paraded through my thoughts.
"I'm fine thanks for asking its just the human side of me can't take as much abuse as i would give it and i don't know what we shall do my deal was with the now past king not Thanatos i won't serve him not for my life i had a little respect for the past king for beating me in a fight but Thanatos i have none for" Vergil said wondering what to do next not knowing that the king is still alive.
(Yeesh... I get back and so much has happened! I guess I should've mentioned I can only post after 3:00pm, huh?)

Reina floated silently next to Em. "She hasn't noticed me yet..." She thought, watching her King murder the sinners... then Kira... and then Vergil and Thantos had entered the picture... "So much is happening. I could help... but... I'd just kill everyone, and there's no way I'd be able to do that without getting in trouble." The yard was now silent, everyone returning inside. Some yelling at others, and some standing still, in shock. She was silent as well, her mind drifting as she moved her gaze towards Em. "Why is it this way. Why do we murder so many, and why is it fun? What is the wicked sense and pleasure in that? I don't see it, and yet... I can't help myself either." Reina stayed still, floating, and making sure she was careful not to touch anything.

Em's nose itched as if she were about to sneeze. What the heck was she smelling? Oh wait, she knew what that was... Why do I never remember names?!

"Hello?" She asked, tilting her head towards the smell.

Reina jumped, forgetting that Em was a real being, and not just another fake gargoyle. "Hello ." She said, happy to see someone with at least a slight bit of sanity. She floated nearer, but was sure she had space to get away if needed.


(By the way, her voice is supposed to sound weird, so that's why it's multicolored.)
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Em's ears twitched as she picked up on the odd tone of voice, but smile faintly.

"Hello," She sighed, still feeling relieved from not being punished for speaking back to the King. She looked in the general direction of the one who had spoken and grinned sheepishly. "Sorry, I'm horribly with names, who are you again?"

"Reina." She replied, getting a bit more comfortable. "I don't speak much."

(I hate doing one-liners but there isn't much to say)
"Reina! That was it!" Em chirped happily. She smiled a bit. "If you're uncomfortable speaking, you don't have to. I'm decent at sensing body language."

Em sighed. Should've seen that coming...

It isn't obvious?" She asked, running her fingers along the silky blackness of her blindfold.
"You... can... sense the presence of our enemies?" Reina asked, unsure of what her job really was.
"I'm a slave," Em stated, dropping her hand to cross we arms uncomfortably. "But yes, that's more like a hobby though. What do you do?"
"Well, I am a slave as well." Reina said, drooping her head slightly. "I can't do much. I destroy everything I touch... I usually just get rid of trash and corpses."
"I turn anything I look at to stone," Em admitted in a lame attempt to console the clearly saddened girl. "I can't do much without my sight or wings. You actually have something to do with your ability. The only thing I'm good for is being treated as a toy."

Em trailed off, muttering the last sentence or two to herself.
"I'll never be able to fight. They took my freedom, my sight, and my wings," Em spat, growing angry with herself and with the ones who had taken her here. She could be with her own kind and her she was, be exhibited like some sort of... Well slave, because that's all she was now. A piece of property to a king who was so mentally unstable that he was downright unfit to rule. If she were to ever say that, she'd lose her tongue too.
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"Well, I don't like it much here either. I mean, I haven't lost as much as you, but I no longer have contact with the first person who's ever enjoyed my company." Reina replied. She wasn't trying to sound depressing, but it sort of came out like she wanted everyone to feel sorry for her.
I woke up in my bed. Laughing psychotically. All sense of fear, and sadness, jealousy, and anger replaced by a solid, pure, glorious, chaotic, insanity. I moved about the room looking for things to change. It was much to luxurious for me a King Of Chaos. I turned the ceiling into an astronomers dome. I changed the floor into a trampoline like surface. Oh how fun this was. I rearranged somethings before walking out of the mansion.

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