Demoria [Inactive]

Sparks arise from Beaurmont's hand, finally it can be sent out. He opens his eyes and looks for his targets, luckily Myr did his job well. Beaurmont can make out at least 6 within his spells range, he readies his body for the recoil and shoots it outward. It leaves his hand like a bolt of lightning and impacts the ground with an explosive force. Several screams of pain are heard, the heavy rainfall masking most of the sounds. He squints his eyes more, to ensure he hit his targets, and not his ally Myr. As the smoke clears, Myr stands next to the crater in the ground, smiling triumphant. His grin making Beaurmont himself grin, until a small spurt of blood is coughed up. Perhaps the wound was not just a small nick. A few more monsters still alive appear behind Myr, he himself turning around to fight them, this time alone.
Myr thinks to himself, "I want to finish this off quick, and I don't want them to see me doing this...AHA! I could do that..." Myr raises his palm to the group, and the air around his hands begins to shimmer. Myr's eyes shine and all in the group fall asleep, including the talking furniture. Somehow. *ooc: I'm supposing I probably just silenced his consciousness and senses.* "Now. I'll make you bandits pay for defiling the name of the Monster Lord." Myr's sword grows exponentially long in preparation for his strike. "Now, Controlled Di-Strike Decapitation!" Myr spinslashes at the top of all the bandits legs, cutting their legs our right from under them, then spins back around and slices their heads off and sheathing his sword, all in one fluid motion. As he finishes with his attacks, the first of the group starts to stir.
"Ughhh. What happened? Gilrona mumbles as she rises to her feet. Looking around briefly, she notices the injured Beaurmont. "Oh my god Beaurmont! Please! Please be okay! Wake up! Can you hear me? MYR!" She's yelling quite frantically now, talking almost too quickly to understand. "I cant- I cant help him! Please Myr do something, anything. I can't heal him. My power isn't great enough for this!" She pleads, Beaurmont is losing more blood by the second.
"Calm yourself girl. I excel in many things...This is no problem at all." Myr calmly walks over to Beaurmont and kneels down. He places a single hand over where the arrow pierced his chest. A soft light begins to emanate from his palm as he slowly pulls the barbed arrow out of his chest. As the arrow is being pulled out, Beaurmont's eyes slowly open slightly, then shoot the rest of the way open. "AAURGH!" He cries, feeling the extensive pain of the barbed arrow being exhumed from his chest. "Stay still god dammit! If you keep squirming like that I'm going to accidentally rip it out!" Myr yells, quickly glancing over at his face. The rest of the arrow is slowly pulled out, and Myr continues to heal the wound, the soft light still emanating from his palm to the wound. The muscles and tissue inside look quite gross, appearing as if tendrils are pulling eachother together. After just a few moments, the would is completely healed, leaving behind a dull ache, then a soothing feeling of painlessness from where the wound used to be.
Beaurmont slowly puts a hand where the would was, feeling around for any pain. Aside from it being a bit numb, there is nothing. "Th-thank you Myr, I was in trouble there." Realizing he's laying back in the rain he leans upward, able to move easily. "You have curious healing magic...would you mind teaching the spell to me?" Beaurmont asks rhetorically before seeing Hagrad face down in the dirt. "Hagrad, are you ok there? It was not my intention to drop you!"
"I'm sorry friend, but I'll not be teaching you this technique. This is no spell. It's a physical transference of one's life force to another. I gave you some of my life to heal that wound. If you would recall, healing spells make even an arrow being pulled out a painless procedure. Did you notice how you still felt all that pain when I was removing it? This technique is a special technique passed down by my family. We're all exceptionally powerful and brilliant. I'm a great tactician and I know every weakness of every monster that has ever lived."
Hagrad is in a motionless rage, but he feels sorry for Beaurmont and relents his verbal abuse that was likely to happen had he not seen Beaumont's wound. "Oi'm sorry I couldn't protect ya' from ani' danger friends. And yes Beaumont I'm quite dandy, yu' know not being in a bundle of splinters is miles bettr' 'n me current perdica'ment, now would one of ye' arse holes pick me up< I don't want to get all soggy!" Came Hagrad's reply and as Beaurmont began picking Hagrad up Hagrad asked "Now wher' we of tu now?"
Beaurmont cleans the bit of dirt on Hagrad's chair leg with his cloth. "There, now we are going to continue through the forest's path. The Forest of Waldo." He says, reattaching the chair to his back.
Gilrona slowly gathers her own complexion. Seeing someone she just met hurt, it was scary. She had no idea why she felt so strongly about Beaurmont's safety--there was something about him. She reached up and pressed the button on her glasses again, and they returned to the dark blue color that is a combination of night-vision and underwater. "We.. we should get moving. Before more show up." Gilrona says sheepishly.
"Indeed, lets get going. We can rest easy. There's no threat of finding more bandit monsters in the Forest of Waldo. Haven't you ever heard the legend of the striped man who went in, and no one could ever find him?"
"No." Says Beaurmont causally, still rubbing his old wound. "This forest of Waldo, is it dangerous?"
"Mah time in th' pub has left me mair than weel informed, i've heard mony a tale ay hoo fowk hae went in an' nane cam it, thocht, a tale concluded wi' but a lain survivur an' 'at was th' end ay th' tale.." the chair known as hagrad says.
Beaurmont looks back at the chair, a bit perplexed. He can't understand what Hagrad said in the slightest, but he doesn't want to offend him. In the end he simply nods and turns back to Gilrona, who was still starring off into the distance, the rain still coming down heavily. "Madam, everything alright? You ready to move forward?"
"Yea, I'm okay." She says, still slightly awestruck by what just happened. "Anyone know how far it is to Heksa? Assuming we don't get lost of course. " Gilrona asks the group.
Myr turns back, a bit annoyed. He already looks fed up with the group. "Well it's based on perspective, if we don't run into any trouble it'll take maybe..half a day. It'll be fine, long as we follow the path we'll be there in no time. The large forest'll even lessen the rain fall on us."
"perdon me wile I withhold me excitement, being a chair and all doesn't exactly mean I like being in dark forests full 'o shit that want's to git at ye" telepathed the chair to his comrades,. It was a true shame he wasn't able to telepath his opinions to the folks at the pub or else he'd have already been out of that place and quite possibly a human again. that or a pile of kindling.
Beaurmont looks back at his wooden friend and smirks, his hair , now wet from the rain, covering his eyes. "Any beasties we see in this forest, will fall to my blade. This time I'll avoid getting everyone else in dan-" He stops for a moment, somewhat confused, he forgot something. What happened to those last monsters? With a bit of suspicion he looks over at Myr. "What happened while I was out?"
Beaurmont studies Myr for a few moments, but decides to let it go. The monsters were gone, that's all that matters. "Alright, lets get moving. This rain will be the death of me." Everyone in the group nods in agreement, even the chair metaphorically. They jog into the forest's opening, unsure what could be within. As Beaurmont passes a sign he notices a small striped hat sitting next to it. That's rather peculiar, why is this here? Without stopping he strides forward, into the Forest of Waldo. As the party is completely surrounded by trees the wind dyes down and the rain begins to let up. It's almost as if they entered some sort of hidden base. Gilrona hears a loud crack behind her which causes her to yelp, jumping up slightly. Beaurmont immediatly pulls his rapier out again, but sees nothing. What he does see is more frightening, something that should not be. " the entrance?" He whispers. They've barely taken 20 steps and there is no sign of an opening. The Spellsword turns around to look at Myr who is grinning nervously. "...Welcome to the Forest of Waldo." 
"First Chapter?" End 
*OOC starting the Second Chapter*

The forest casts eerie shadows all around the party, giving slight chills down ones back. It was strange, as if all sounds were being muffled. Even your breathing was almost silent, causing you to try and breath harder, to hear a sound, any sound. This was stifling, painful, exhausting, they've been walking for hours but have found nothing. No path, no exit, no sign of reaching any destination. All the trees, and plants, and rock, and ponds looked exactly the same. As if walking in a straight line sends you back to the very beginning. Hagrad tried to ask if splitting up would help, but Myr opposed it heavily. You could see it in his eyes, if they split up they would never find each other again. The group dismissed the idea, and kept walking aimlessly through, trying to make progress, any amount of progress.
"Grr I should have known never to step foot inside this Deity forsaken forest ever again. I'm lucky I ever got out the first time. What did I even do to get out...? I can't remember. It's as if even my memories of this place are being suppressed... I think I remember...scratches? And maybe something about...about...Gah damn I can't remember."
"By zvel's flamin' beard, I'd of thought we'd have been out'a this god forsaken forest already!" says the aggravated chair. Hagrad is still strapped to Beaurmont's back feeling like a burden, he thought that he hadn't been much use to any of them, he even went so far as to suggest to split up, but that idea was indeed shot down, as myr had explained to him the problem with splitting up inside the forest.
Gilrona sighs a heavy sigh. She reaches up an pushes the button on her goggles for the 100th time in the past hour. "Still nothing. These goggles don't help at all in here. Ughh. " she says rather solemnly. It's obvious her legs are getting tired. "Do you think we could maybe set up camp and rest a little bit?" She asks the group.
*OOC I will now of course be playing My character (Beaurmont) and AJ's character (Tesaurus)*

Beaurmont looks over at Gilrona, her strength is waning, as is most of the groups. Fatigue will be dangerous. "Let us rest, we are not in any rush, and since the rain has stopped I would like to dry my clothes." He says weakly. The chair is light, but his back is beginning to ache.
"I agree, me woods wet and I can't be gettin' any mold, let's stay fer tha night and dry off from tha rain." Hagrad said in a shivery voice, obviously he was cold, but no one knew how this was possible, for he was but a chair. and chairs do not get cold. Everyone was perplexed by the chair named Hagrad. Or most likely intrigued by his condition. He was an odd one, lovable, but odd.

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