Demoria [Inactive]

"Actually Sir Beaurmont, take these. *Myr reaches into his robe and pulls out two straps, and uses them to strap the chair to Beaurmont's back.* "This way you'll be able to fight."
Beaurmont ties the chair to his back and pulls the straps to check its hold. "Thank you friend, this can help me." He then walks in the front of the group and turns to everyone. "Now then, we'll begin moving towards the forest and walk to Heksa. Then we can break the curse of our friend here." He explains. The rest of the tavern is confused and watching the group of strange travelers. Why did that man strap a chair to his back?
Looking around, Gilrona notices the strange looks of the people around them. "We best be off then, before we cause any more trouble here." She says. The forest is this way." the gnome says, pointing with her staff. She removes her dark glasses as they head into the night. Gilrona then pulls out a different set, presses a button, and slides them onto her face. "Night vision. Comes in handy." She says to no one in particular.
The chair known as Hagrad is strapped sturdily to Beaurmont's back "Hey tell that bartender to go fuck'emself, the ass always let all the fat asses sit on me."
"Oi barkeep! Thanks for the booze, and by the way, the chair says go fuck yourself!!" *Myr yells to the bartender. "Hey, were the hell are you going with my chair?! GET BACK HERE!" *The bartender chases the group out of the pub. Myr turns and swings his arm and a a wall of flame erupts between him and the bartender, effectively ending his pursuit. "See ya later barkeep!" Myr yells back behind him.
Beaurmont facepalms and turns to Gilrona. "Well looks like we need to run, out we go!" He yells before jetting out the door.
Gilrona runs as fast as her little legs will carry her, which is really the same speed as everyone else, but it looks really fast because her legs are really short!
"For a large chair you're quite light!" Beaurmont exclaims. He looks over at Myr; "Where are we heading? You should lead the way!"
Beaurmont looks over at Gilrona quickly and frowns. "See anything in the rain? It's coming down too hard for me."
Gilrona flicks another button on her glasses. They change from a green to a dark blue color. Noticing the confusing of the group, Gilrona says, "It's a combination of underwater and night vision." She scans the area of them. "Uh-oh." Gilrona suddenly sounds worried. "There's movement near the forest entrance. A lot of it. I think it's a monster camp."
Beaurmont curses under his breath, he runs through the rain for only 5 min and already a camp of monsters block his path. "If the path is blocked we have a problem. Do you see another way around Gilrona?" He asks.
Gilrona scans the treeline once more. "It would appear not. The other path visible through all the rain is that one." She grips her staff tightly. "It appears we'll have to fight our way through."" 
"Don'tcha worry oi 'ill watch yer back!" The Chair strapped to Beaurmont's back says heroically. There is excitement in his voice. He hasn't experienced such a thrill in 30 years. He's seen his fair share of bar fights over the years as a chair, but this is unparalleled to anything he's experienced as a lonely chair. He may not have a heart beat, but if he did it would be pounding.
Beaurmont stands with his hand on his rapier, ready for a fight. The constant rain is impairing his sight however, and his body is still weak from the none stop travel, it would be much better to simply avoid the creatures. "How unfortunate." He whispers to himself, the warmth of his breath showing the difference in temperature. Without a second thought he removes his hand from the rapier and takes off his leather glove. Beaurmont raises his arm and points in the direction of the monsters and looks at Myr. "I need time to chant a spell, could you get them into a cluster for me? Even a small group would suffice."
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"A straight line is a no can do. What kind of idiots would just line up to be killed? You're going to have to think of something different, friend. I think the next best thing to do would be to put out their fire by knocking down their high tent that's standing over it. While they're distracted we can either take a chance and run past them, or we can try to kill them. It's your choice."
Beaurmont puts his hand onto the bridge of his nose. "Not into a straight line friend, a cluster. Just bring them in so I can get a shot at them, I don't have the strength to clash with them right now."
"Then what are you going to do? There is still going to be some of them left, even if you manage to hit a good dose of them. What are you going to do with the rest?"
Beaurmont sits silent for a moment, pondering. Suddenly he smiles quite slyly. "If it gets to that point we'll improvise." He then begins to chant some sort of spell and energy gathers in his palm.
"Ugh. Brash human. I guess I'll try something stupid then." *Myr says, cradling his face in his palm. He runs as fast as he can around the camp shouting, "Hey dumbasses! Who's looking to get an ass whoopin' tonight?!" drawing the bandits into a charging group.
Beaurmont raises an eyebrow a bit agitated but keeps enchanting, trying to concentrate and control his energy flow. The rain around him begins to slow and sounds become more precise, though as of right now he can only hear rainfall and the sound of Myr's shouting. Hagrad is yelling on his back, screaming something that Beaurmont cannot quite make out. Suddenly a sharp pain is felt in his chest, it's burning incredibly and a strange liquid seems to be flowing outward. Still enchanting Beaurmont opens his eyes slightly, just enough to squint. To his surprise an arrow has pierced his leather chest armour, wounding his upper torso. He cannot stop mid-enchantment and continues through the pain, it seemed to be slight puncture as he has not fallen over dead.
"By the gods man! You're hit" Gilrona shouts towards Beaurmont. "You better believe I'm not let you and that drunkard get all the credit!" She grips her staff, and presses the button on her glasses again. They change from a dark blue, to a bright red. "Now I can see all my targets, and nothing else." She says with a smirk. The points her staff in what seems to be a random direction. A mass of green-black energy starts to form at the top. It suddenly expands, and then narrows, before shooting off into the distance. A small scream of agony is heard in the distance. "I think I got one." Gilrona says happily. "Wha- how can this be?" She looks panicked. "It got back up! My magic wasnt powerful enough to kill it!" the gnome yells in disbelief.
One of the bandits slashes at Myr. "Grrr, enough of this!" Myr yells, as he jumps away from his strike and spins around midair, draws his sword, and in a single fluid motion slices a bandit cleanly in half, then sheathes his sword.
Hagrad the chair watches as his friends engage in combat "Me thought this battle won't be a physical on'" He wasn't expecting there to be sword play and punches, it seemed that this battle was going to be one of magic, and magic is what caused his blasted transformation. Hagrad won't admit it, but he has a newfound fear in his friends. He thinks that maybe if they turn on him they could possibly do worse to him than turn him into a lowly chair. But then he thinks more rationally "why would me new friends decide to help me, just so they could turn around and stab me in the back" he thinks. The battle rages on around Hagrad's inner turmoil as he watches for any enemy's that might be after Beaurmont's back.

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