Demoria [Inactive]

"Witches you said?" Gilrona stares off into thought. "Maybe you're right, they could be helpful! Do you think we should go?" Gilrona looks up at the mam *OOC* *Who never mentioned his name*
"That remindsh me. I forgot to introdush myshelf...My namesh Myr. I'm an advenshurer and gourmand...Now what wash thish about kicking mah ash?!"
*Beaurmont never mentioned his name either* "I don't believe the chair meant anything by it. Besides, he's a chair. I don't think he could even move." Gilrona says with a smirk.
Beaurmont stands there silent, watching all of this go down. It's official, he's in some strange land where drunkards fight chairs...and the chairs actually fight back.
"Alrighty then you fucker! Heeere I come! *Myr sprints behind the chair at a speed that makes him look as if he teleported behind the chair. He picks the chair up and begins to swing him around. "Enough of this!" cries the bartender. "You're going to blow a bloody hole in the wall!" "Ehhh I guessh you're right..." *Myr slowly sets the chair down and then a crooked smile comes across his face. He sits on the talking chair, rubs his ass all over the seat, and farts as hard as he possibly can.*
Almost understandingly Gilrona looks up at the man. "This does seem odd. I feel the need to cure this poor soul. Would you be willing to help me good sir knight?"
Bewildered from the scene that played out he happily turned toward the only seemingly normal person. "Please, if you would allow it, call me Beaurmont. I would like to aid...the...unfortunate chair."
The chair is unmoving, however he is internally moved "Thank you friends yur' all truly won'erful people, Beaurmont if I could s'ake yur hand I would!"
Beaurmont nods toward the chair and turns back toward Gilrona. "Well then, madam shall we be off?"
"I'm more than happy to have your company friends, especially you Beaurmont." Gilrona starts to turn towards the door, but stops suddenly. "Where are we going again?" She asks with an embarrassed chuckle.
"Errr letsh go to the capital of Heksha...We can talk to the ArchMage there. He can probably uncursh you." *Myr turns to walk out the door, but as soon as he reaches the doorframe, he passes out cold.*
The bartender sighs behind his bar, and looks over at the door. "We can't be having you pass out ther' mate." He suddenly ducks under the table and a loud rustle is heard as bottles and boxes are moved around. Finally he raises himself and in his hand a bottle labeled "smellingsalts" resides. "Here giv' em some of this, this'll wake em up." He tosses it toward Gilrona.
The gnome goes to catch the bottle. She nearly drops it at first, but quickly recovers. "Wake up you ol' drunken fool. Even I can hold my liquor better than you." Gilrona says as she opens the bottle and waves it in front of Myr's nose.
*Myr's eyes shoot open* "Can't hold my liquor eh!? Look at my table then! *Myr points to a small round table in the corner, where the entire table and floor around it is surrounded with large bottles.*
The gnome seems unphased by the number of bottles. "You forget fool, I was raised with dwarves. I've been drinking since I was a we lass." She pauses for a moment. "A we'r lass than I am now." She says with a stern look. "We should best be going soon. Before you pass out again."
Beaurmont lifts himself from his seat, grunting a bit. It seems that his skill in drinking pales in comparison, he already feels a bit tipsy. "Yes, lets. We should try to get going before nightfall, I'll carry the chair."
"Eurgh. Lets go while I can still stand. The quickest way to get there is through the Forest of Waldo. Once we get through there, we'll be practically at Heksa's borders. Then it will be just a short adventure to the capital. *Myr points towards the distant trees on the Horizon.*
Beaurmont grab the chair gently and lifts it onto his back. "I don't know if you can feel exactly...but tell me if you're uncomfortable." He says cheerily. He turns toward Gilrona and smiles; "Mind watching my back, I am not exactly battle ready like this."
"I'll do what I can, although my power is quite limited." Gilrona replies sheepishly. "I only know a few of my grandmother's spells, and even then, their quality isn't that good."

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