Demons Vs. Angels

Damon glanced at the jacket then back to Sky. He let his accent slip through his teeth as he moved toward her and ploped himself on the ground infront of her. "Who does the jacket belong to?" He said with an Irish twang to his voice. He watched her red eyes moving himself into her head searching for her emotions.
Sky sighed softly. "It was my older brother's jacket.." She said quietly, glancing from him to the worn leather jacket. "He left it there the day he died. He was a.. Well, a sympathizer I guess you could call him. He was friends with the angels so he was killed.." She looked back at Damon with a sad smile. "It's just been me in this little shack ever since.." The loneliness was evident in her words as she recalled the three years she'd spent in this small, dark place by herself.
Damon hopped up and moved over to Sky. He pulled her up to stand and wrapped his arms around her waist, bringing her into a tight hug. He rested his chin on her shoulder as he hugged her. "I'm sorry.." He spoke in a soft whisper as they hugged. His thumbs lightly rub her back as he tightens his arms some.
Sky hesitantly wrapped her arms around him, almost as if she were afraid that he'd disappear if she dared to touch him. "I'm okay..." She whispered quietly. "Because at least for a little while I'm not alone..." She said and even though he couldn't see it, she gave a small smile.
Damon pulled away some and retreated his arms from around her waist. He then looked down to his torso and slipped off his jacket, pulling off the bandage he looked down at the gash that was now a pink scar. "Well lookie 'ere" He chuckled as he touched the scar. "Got myself another for the collection." He referred to the other scars that where scattered across his torso.
Sky tilted her head slightly. "Well, at least it healed." She said softly with a smile. Her curiousity was acting up again, but she wasn't really the type of person to pry or ask questions that she considered intruding. So, instead of asking, she just wondered to herself about how he could have gotten them all.
He smiled up at her. He could see the curiousness on her face wothout prying in her mind. "You wanna know huh?" He grinned and pulled his jacket on, not caring to zip it up. He moved back the chair he was sitting in and sat down. He eyed her hand smiled a crooked smile.
Sky settled herself back onto the couch. "Maybe just a little..." She said with a shy smile. She was a tad bit embarrassed about being overly obvious, but she shoved that out of her mind as she glanced back over at him.
Damon sighed as he watched her. "I get into alot of fights." He grins as he watched her. "Not much of a story eh?" He chuckles and his smile fades some. "Jyt to warn you... I can read your emotions, and I can change them." He rind again letting his mind travel to hers. "Want to see?"
Sky couldn't help but giggle a little at his explanation. "Well, at least I can stop being curious now." She said with a smile. When he told her about being able to read her emotions, she tilted her head in curiousity again. "Sure." She said, looking at him with interest.
He grinned and closed his eyes for a second, filling her emotions with Happiness. He smiled and raised an eyebrow as he moved her happy emotions away and gave her a calm emotion. He chuckled some and watched her, leaving her mind giving her emotions back to herself. "Kinda feels like you are bipolar."
When she felt the emotions washing over her, she couldn't help the grin that spread across her face before calming down into a serene smile. "Wow.." She said softly, looking at him in amazement. "It does a little bit.." She admitted, smiling before pausing for a moment. "Would you like to see what I can do..?"
Damon raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Yea, lets see what you got beautiful." He chuckled and eyed her closely. He awated at sss what she got. He would love to surprise her by circling her in fire but that will have to wait till she showed him.
Sky gave him another smile before closing her eyes in concentration. The room appeared to grow darker as all of the shadows cast by objects converged in the center of the room in a swirling mass. Usually she would control the shadows into moving objects instead of converging them, but she had decided that she was going to be a bit of a show off today. After a moment, the shadows returned to their rightful places except for a single tendril which paused to wave at him before returning to it's position by a small table. She opened her eyes, a happy grin on her face. It had been a little while since she had used her shadows and it always gave her a thrill. "That's what I've got." She said happily. "Usually I use it for more mundane things, but converging them is prettier.."
He smiled and faced his palm up too the roof. "That was really cool" His eyes lightended up as he looked at her. With out telling her he let a small swirl of fire whip in font of her face. He floated around the room and stopped in front of her becoming the shape of a dragon the disappearing.
"Oh wow..." Sky said softly, glancing from where the flames had just disappeared to him in astonishment. "Okay, fire beats shadows any day." She said, sending him a small smile.
Damon let out a chuckle and his eyes lit up. He stood up and yawned, zipping up his jacket. "So, Sky, Do you like to have fun?" He smiled and slowly walked around the room, looking at everything. "Because I need to go get a shirt and I wanted to go out. Have some fun. Lets just put its my way of thanking you."
"Alright, I'm up for that." She said with a smile before pausing and glancing down at her blood stained dress. "Although I'm gonna need a minute to change..." She said kind of sheepishly. "Be right back." With that she proceeded to dart into an adjoining room, emerging moments later in a new black dress. "There, that's better."
Damon grinned and raised an eyebrow as she walked out. He nodded and moved over to the door. He opened the door and held it open for her to walk through.
{{Not sure where Nessa and Max should be.}}

Nessa walked with her head down, not exactly looking where she was going. She wasn't in the best of moods, seeing as she was... well, lost.


Max shuffled some papers, bored with work. Add to the fact that he had no idea what he was doing.
"Why thank you." Sky said softly with a smile as she wandered through the door and out onto the dismal and barely lit street that her small shack resided on. "Where do you think we should go...?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.
Damon walked up behind her and whispered in her ear before moving around her in to the dark. "My favorite Irish bar." He walked a bit in to the dark. "Come on it will be fun." He chuckled as he motioned for her to follow. He felt as if he was luring his prey into the darkness but she was not prey...
"Why not.." Sky said softly, giving him one of her smiles as she followed him into the dark. She was well versed with darkness, comfortable in it even. It was a place that she could control and that gave her confidence. She gave a soft sigh in contentment as she glanced around.

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