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Ruler of the Sky
Chapter 1 - Dark Beginnings
Slowly, you drift into consciousness, to the sound of quiet rustling and chattering. Soft cushiony matter surrounds you, lulling you into a sense of dream-like security, safety and warmth. But something within you tells you this isn't right. Something is wrong, prompting you to gradually awaken your rusty senses and check your surroundings. As you regain feeling throughout your body you realize the presence of terrible aches and pains that wrack you, tempting you to just go back to rest in that soft material enveloping your body. But you resist, somehow, pulling awake a body that feels as if it has slept for aeons.

And as you forcefully open your eyes, a scene unlike anything you could have imagined awaits you.

A giant, monstrous, spider.

Fresh blood drips from the black beast as it munches on what seems to be the corpse of another creature, with hundreds of greyed skulls framing its great mass. Dagger-like leg limbs protrude from the largest of the skulls, patterned eerily with black and red markings as they twitch and pull apart its prey. Eight beady black eyes scrutinize the surroundings, constantly shifting back and forth with an unrealistic and unpredictable pattern. Fortunately, it does not seem to have noticed your timely awakening. But perhaps that's due to the hundreds of unfamiliar bodies you are surrounded by.

Yes, you are currently laying in what seems to be a coffin of bodies, seemingly laid out in such a way for the spider's ease of access. Each one seems to be either dead, unconscious or in a dream-like state, much like how you once were.

You cannot see much else from your current position, try as you might in order to gain that little bit more information, apart from what seems to be a dark-redish grey cavernous wall surrounding certain areas.

What do you do?
  1. Scream for help
  2. Jump out quickly and try to escape
  3. Stealthily move out and try to escape
  4. Wait and look around a bit more
  5. (Write-In)
Well, it seems we don't have arachnophobia! That's a pretty good start.
Anyways, we should probably...

4. Wait and look around a bit more
(but if someone picks an escape option, do that instead)

... observe our surroundings. There isn't a whole lot more to see from here but that won't stop me from trying to see anyway. We can also look at the spider too. Morbid curiosity might make the escape go a little smoother.
I tend to agree with 4.) - let's at least try to have some kind of plan before we risk attracting any attention. Don't want to end up like those skulls after all...
It'd give our body a few moments to adjust to the sour state of being awake, too, and we get to see a cute spider gnawing on... well, let's not think about that.
-> Wait and look around a bit more

Your sense of perception grows.

Chapter 2 - Extra Sight
As horrifying as the current situation seems to be, you manage to remain patient and wary, carefully eyeing both your surroundings and the immediate threat before you. Your body continues to ache, oddly enough concentrating the build-up of an excruciating pain around where you assume your eyes to be. You want to scream out, but you cannot, you must not. Fortunately, the rest of your body seems to be in slightly less pain, which is good.

Peeking out of the many skulls armouring the beast, you notice that there seem to be remnants of bruises or cuts on the fuzzied skin beneath. As well as that one of the eight beady eyes blinks slightly slower and more irregularly than the rest, the beasts leftmost one to be exact. As you watch the spider continue to brutally tear apart its prey, you notice that the victim is some sort of dark scaly creature, splattered in blood. Something catches your eye and glints on what seems to be the ground beneath, but your vision is blocked by an unfortunately placed corpse, with rolled-back eyes of white and greyed skin.

One of your arms, or what seems to be the hazy visage of one, is twisted and placed just over the said corpse. Perhaps if you exert enough energy you could move the blockage out of the way, but you had decided to be patient and look around further. Yes, you must understand and perceive your surroundings better, not attract fatal attention to yourself...

Perhaps it was this choice in action, that prompted a surge of power to flow from your eyes to the palms of your arms, transferring part of the unbearable pain and aches with it. Your mind subconsciously faltered and blacked out, but when you looked around once more, you found you could see much more than before. It was as if you suddenly gained a new field of vision, being able to see the cracked ash-grey floors that you had longed to see earlier, as well as a few more corpses and a cavern wall elsewhere. You quickly gobbled the new information this power gave you, realizing that the glinting on the floor was the carelessly discarded claws of the now mostly-eaten scaly creature, most likely not suitable/wanted by the giant spider for its meal. You also noticed that the cracks on the floor seemed to have strange trails of lava, blood and black liquids flowing throughout.

Ah, it was at this moment you realized what this power had done.

You had grown eyes on the palms of your hazy arm-like limbs.

What do you do now?
  1. Stealthily make your way to the claws and acquire them.
  2. Jump out, acquire the claws, use them to distract/injure the spider, then run.
  3. Jump out, acquire the claws, use them to fight the spider.
  4. Wait for the beast to discard its prey's skin and try to acquire the scales as defence/armour.
  5. Move around stealthily and try to acquire more information using your multiple eyes.
  6. Stealthily move to the ground and drink from the strange liquid trails on the ground.
  7. Wait longer to see what the spider will do.
  8. (Write-In)
I suggest we don't try to harm the spider - it might go badly, and there's still the chance to leave this place as a spider-riding abomination.

Other than that - hmm... I prefer armor over the claws, and getting the claws asks for trouble, so maybe don't do that yet. On the other hand, I don't really want to just idly sit there, so maybe 5.) while we wait for the spider to finish its meal? Put our stealthiness to a little test to see if it's even a good idea to get anywhere near the spider, and see more in the process?
-> Move around stealthily and try to acquire more information using your multiple eyes.

Your sense of stealth grows.

Chapter 3 - Face-To-Face
Despite the suddenness and strangeness of your newfound sight, you quickly adapt to using it for your own immediate benefit. After a quick roll of each of your eyes, just to help yourself test and adjust, you begin to pry your aching limbs to move as discreetly as you can out of the strange coffin-like pile of bodies. Being in this particular position near the centre is quite dangerous afterall, you are practically blocked in from all sides, your movements would be hindered if you needed to act quickly. Getting out of this position may prove to be a great advantage.

You force your eyes to work fast as you move, allowing you to realize that this reddish-grey cavern you are in is much smaller than you imagined. In every direction apart from one, a cavernous wall looms high and firm. However, to your far left, lies what seems to be a blockade of similarly-coloured rocks resembling a cave-in situation. And as you look above you, you realize where the only source of light comes from. A bright, red-orange, sky. A large portion of the cavern's roof seems to have cracked apart, leaving you with a plain, unhindered view of the outside world. You have gained new, much-needed information. But you are not yet safe.

Slowly, you manage to move your way behind one of the pitiful mounds of flesh, allowing yourself a bit of a discreet breather as there is now at least something between you and the beast. You continue to think and look around discreetly, leaving one of your 'hands' to constantly stare at the spider finishing up its meal. It is fortunate that the monster seems to be taking its time, perhaps in a bit of a relaxed state allowing you to creep around virtually unhindered, despite the eeriness of its constantly moving eyes.

But that peace doesn't last that long.

As the spider tosses away the last of its meal into a corner, close to the blockade of stones you had noticed earlier, it seems to have noticed something wrong with your original location. With its sharp legs skittering forward, it stares and looks over where you once laid with unusual curiosity. And then, it begins what you can only describe as its search. For you. You are barely given a second to breathe before it finishes looking over another mound of bodies, and comes face-to-face with you.

What do you do?
  1. Play dead
  2. Attack
  3. Run
  4. (Write-In)
This is bad. Real bad. But this body probably still remembers what it feels like to be a lifeless corpse in a pile, so let's 1.) play dead and hope that it's enough. Unless someone else wants to run, I can see that, too.

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