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Fandom Demon Slayer: Blood War (OOC)

What's the period? Is it set in the present day?
It is modern time....like, 2022.
However, instead of going completely 100% modern time, there are a bit more advances in technology nowadays in the roleplay.
- Holograms are much more common nowadays.
- Holodisks are also a common form of communication, on top of phones. So like, a person can dial to another on a small round disc, throw it down and it will hover while projecting an image of the person on the opposite end. (Like star wars)
- To avoid confusion, currency is not 'cash' but are credits. They are rectangular in shape and their worth is the same as in USD. So, 100credits is still $100USD. Small currency are known as chips, but can still be called credits. Like 10cents would be 10chips.
It is modern time....like, 2022.
However, instead of going completely 100% modern time, there are a bit more advances in technology nowadays in the roleplay.
- Holograms are much more common nowadays.
- Holodisks are also a common form of communication, on top of phones. So like, a person can dial to another on a small round disc, throw it down and it will hover while projecting an image of the person on the opposite end. (Like star wars)
- To avoid confusion, currency is not 'cash' but are credits. They are rectangular in shape and their worth is the same as in USD. So, 100credits is still $100USD. Small currency are known as chips, but can still be called credits. Like 10cents would be 10chips.
Oh, I see. Understood.
Out of curiosity, what's currently going on? Nothingness Nothingness
So, a summary of what has happened thus far is:
Alrighty so before I go and summarize the events, I'll give some pointers out as to who is playing who, to make things easier.
Xiang Zhao (My character)
Marumachi Ryutan (@Anthem character)
Fang Guiying ( Horror Horror character)
Yume Shimizu (@Ploegy character)
Valerie Knight ( Wxnter Wxnter character)
Chiyoko (@Dextra character)
Cid Silverstone (@SirPrompto15 character)
Ryuji ( wigi wigi character)

Alright! Now that those are out of the way, time for the recap:

The current time of day is night, everyone across the globe has gathered in Tokyo, Japan for an annual fighting tournament that will determine who the greatest fighter in the world will be. The prize for winning is both bragging rights for a whole year as well as a ridiculous number of Credits(cash). Xiang was standing in line along with Marumachi and Chiyoko. They eventually go to the front of the line and registered for the fight, were led into the waiting room.
Yume on the other hand snuck into the building in hopes to find a demon businessman that killed her father. She ended up getting caught by staff and practically forced to join the tournament as a fighter. She was then put into the same waiting room as the rest of the fighters. (Aside from four player-controlled characters at this point, there are a bunch of npc fighters as well).
Eventually everyone was taking to separate waiting rooms where they prepared for the first round.

Meanwhile, Fang was on a delivery to deliver pizza(yes, he works as a pizza boi), and one of his deliveries just so happened to be at the tournament. He went to the tournament and found that the delivery location was actually in one of the VIP lounges. As he delivered the pizza, he was dragged in and is now pretty much being forced to watch the tournament with a bunch of smelly rich businessmen.

Valerie is in a different VIP lounge, and she is watching the tournament from up in the VIP box. She requested a list of currently partcipating fighters and found Xiang's name. Due to some past relation between the two, she put down a huge bet amount of 200k on him to win.

Cid was in an unknown location and was doing some work on inventing some new tech. Suddenly now just realized that there was a tournament going on and rushed to reach here. He signed up late but he is now also part of the tournament as a fighter as well.

Everyone watched the first fight and Ryuji joined the tournament after watching the fight from just the excitement of seeing it and believing he might find some demons to slay if he joined the tournament.

Meanwhile back in the VIP lounge, after watching the first fight. the businessmen who have Fang practically kidnapped now are betting against Valerie after she put such a big bet onto Xiang. After which they gave a note to Fang to bring to Valerie's VIP lounge room.

Little bit of an extra note:
Prior to joining the line to get into the tournament. Chiyoko is a head of a dojo and was doing training with her students during the day and she was taken to the tournament later on(which is now) during the evening, the person that took her also put a pretty big bet on her winning as well.

Alrighty! That's pretty much the recap of all the events that played out so far! Sorry if its a bit...long.

If I did miss anything, do please correct me!
So, a summary of what has happened thus far is:
Alrighty so before I go and summarize the events, I'll give some pointers out as to who is playing who, to make things easier.
Xiang Zhao (My character)
Marumachi Ryutan (@Anthem character)
Fang Guiying ( Horror Horror character)
Yume Shimizu (@Ploegy character)
Valerie Knight ( Wxnter Wxnter character)
Chiyoko (@Dextra character)
Cid Silverstone (@SirPrompto15 character)
Ryuji ( wigi wigi character)

Alright! Now that those are out of the way, time for the recap:

The current time of day is night, everyone across the globe has gathered in Tokyo, Japan for an annual fighting tournament that will determine who the greatest fighter in the world will be. The prize for winning is both bragging rights for a whole year as well as a ridiculous number of Credits(cash). Xiang was standing in line along with Marumachi and Chiyoko. They eventually go to the front of the line and registered for the fight, were led into the waiting room.
Yume on the other hand snuck into the building in hopes to find a demon businessman that killed her father. She ended up getting caught by staff and practically forced to join the tournament as a fighter. She was then put into the same waiting room as the rest of the fighters. (Aside from four player-controlled characters at this point, there are a bunch of npc fighters as well).
Eventually everyone was taking to separate waiting rooms where they prepared for the first round.

Meanwhile, Fang was on a delivery to deliver pizza(yes, he works as a pizza boi), and one of his deliveries just so happened to be at the tournament. He went to the tournament and found that the delivery location was actually in one of the VIP lounges. As he delivered the pizza, he was dragged in and is now pretty much being forced to watch the tournament with a bunch of smelly rich businessmen.

Valerie is in a different VIP lounge, and she is watching the tournament from up in the VIP box. She requested a list of currently partcipating fighters and found Xiang's name. Due to some past relation between the two, she put down a huge bet amount of 200k on him to win.

Cid was in an unknown location and was doing some work on inventing some new tech. Suddenly now just realized that there was a tournament going on and rushed to reach here. He signed up late but he is now also part of the tournament as a fighter as well.

Everyone watched the first fight and Ryuji joined the tournament after watching the fight from just the excitement of seeing it and believing he might find some demons to slay if he joined the tournament.

Meanwhile back in the VIP lounge, after watching the first fight. the businessmen who have Fang practically kidnapped now are betting against Valerie after she put such a big bet onto Xiang. After which they gave a note to Fang to bring to Valerie's VIP lounge room.

Little bit of an extra note:
Prior to joining the line to get into the tournament. Chiyoko is a head of a dojo and was doing training with her students during the day and she was taken to the tournament later on(which is now) during the evening, the person that took her also put a pretty big bet on her winning as well.

Alrighty! That's pretty much the recap of all the events that played out so far! Sorry if its a bit...long.

If I did miss anything, do please correct me!
Okay, understood. Thanks!

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