Demon On Your Shoulder { Grim Fairy & Reality }


Elder Member
Story Line:

My charcter is a demon sent from hell to kill you for some unknown reason, he wasnt told anything really just your name and where you were located then just to watch over you for a bit then to kill you and go back to hell and live his normal demon life again but instead of doing that he ends up proctecting you from other demons who try to murder you..or eat you depends on their mood really either way your in danger and this demon is here to protect you he just hopes he will fit in with all these humans. 
(( Would you wnat to do a character sheet or just learn about the character as the story goes on? I cant put a picture up though because I am using my tablet. ))
((I'm fine with just starting out and going from there if you are. I find it funner that way sometimes ^.^))
(( Alright. Sorry if its sucky >_< ))

"This sucks.." Cirus said to himself with a sigh as he took his black helmet off letting his short brown hair be free from the helmets grasp, he placed it onto the handle of the motorcycle and sighed, alright he is suppose to find this girl, watch her for a while try to befriend her tgen end her life...that sound simple, the only problem was being near humans made hum feel a bit uneasy, just wandering souls and blood all around him, its hard not to lose controle in this type of enviorment but he was going to have to suck it up and be a good little demon, well says his sister that he sadly came to the surface with. Cirus hopped up from his bike and swung his black backpack over his shoulder. As soon as he entered this building he is known Jason delrone, the 'new kid' from new york.
((It's fine ^.^))

Sky sighed softly, shifting through the contents of her locker in order to find what she needed for her first period class. She absently tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear as she grumbled in frustration. "Tyler.." She hissed under her breath as she slammed her locker shut. She turned around just in time to see her twin brother wander past with a grin, the science book peeking out of his book bag.

"Hope you don't mind, but I'm borrowing your book, Sky-bird" He said, darting out of her sight as anger sparked in her eyes. Oh, she'd get him. She'd just go to Ethan later, he'd lay into him for sure. Leaning against her locker, another sigh escaped her. To top everything off, there was supposed to be a new kid today, or so she'd heard. Wonderful. Another person to tick off her brother and get in her way. Shaking her head in dismay, she wandered off towards homeroom, eyes on the floor before her. In her self-pity party, she failed to pay attention to where she was going, causing her to crash into a person that she had never seen around school before.
This was stupid, he understoof that he had to kill this girl but did he have to bring his sistser along? She was honestly a pain in the butt even if she was the oldest, she would probably blow their cover. Cirus wanted to scream in a corner when he entered the school, everyone smelt good, not like a nice fragrance type of good but the type of good that meant he wanted to devour their souls and suck their blood dry, he didnt need to suck their blood, it was optional for demons and he just so happned to like that option. Cirus's thoughts were interupted by a random person crashing into him, he didnt move or anything but he did groan out of irritation.

Cirus looked down at a girl with black hair that had crashed into him, wow what would you know it was the girl he was suppose to kill, he could tell because the 'all and powerful' demon council had given him a picture of the girl but not a reason to kill her honestly he just thinks the whole council is stupid but of course if he had said that they would probably kill him but he was top ranked in the demon would so they might just torture him for a bit. Cirus eyes never left the girl who was before him "..Sorry..?" he said raisning an eyebrow a bit, he shouldnt be the one apologizing since she had bumped into him but hey whatever it didnt mtter.
Sky glanced up at him. "I should be the one apologizing, it wasn't your fault. I wasn't watching where I was going..." She said softly, a hesitant smile forming on her pale face. As she looked more closely at him, she realized that this must be the new kid that was supposed to arrive today. "Anyways, my name's Sky, what's yours...?" She asked, tilting her head slightly as she continued to look at him with her slight smile. Oh well, might as well make the best out of a bad situation. On the plus side she'd probably be saving him from her twin's hazing. H enjoyed screwing around with new kids. She had no idea why. Then again, she had quite the prankster streak herself sometimes. She'd never forget the fun that their oldest brother, Ethan, would help them wreak while he was still in school.
"Its fine as long as you didnt do it on purpose or anything.." Cirus said with a little sigh, he never smiled but he never frowned, it was just a normal expression one that just read "I seriously could care lwss" but he still had to befriend this girl or something like that. The way the girl was looking at him he assumed that she had just noticed he was the new student around here. When the girl, which he now known was Sky, introduced herslef Cirus put on a little smile "My name is Jason. " he said simply "Who is this?" A girl with long brunette hair had said with a wide smile as she wrapped her arm around Cirus "Die!!" he yelled inhus head "Go back to hell you hag!" this time he looked at her with a glare that said everything but the girl still didnt lisen "Hi my name is Elizibeth , im his older sister. "she said with a smile then Cirus secretly elbowed her in the stomach making her words stop coming out of her mouth "I'll go away now.." she sai das she walked away, when she was behind the girl she pit the middle finger up at Cirus who just rolled his eyes.
"Well, it's nice to meet you both.." Sky said quietly, her smile growing as she watched the interactions between the two of them. In a way it was kind of the way that her twin acted towards her sometimes. He liked to lord it over her head that he was ten minutes older, which annoyed the crap out of her. Then there was Ethan. She was pretty much his little baby sister. He liked to coddle and cuddle her and would yell at Tyler for getting on her nerves. It was nice to have him around, even if he could be extremely over protective sometimes. She watched as Elizibeth left and she turned her full attention back to Jason. "Well, out of curiosity, do you know where you're headed?" She asked, tilting her head slightly to the side as she looked at him. So far he seemed pretty nice. Why not be nice for once and try to help out?
Cirus focused his attention back on the girl known as Sky when she had asked if he knew where he was headed,tilting her head slightly he actually did really know where to go he had been sneaking in and out if this school in the middle of the night with his older sister so they knew where to ho when they had actually gotten here but he was still suppose to be the new kid so he had to act dumb and not know where the hell to go. Cirus pulled out a folded up paper from his black jeans and started to unfold "Apparently I am suppose to go to american history right now. Do you know where that is?" Cirus asked looking back over to Sky and handing her the unfolded schedule
Sky nodded her head cheerily. "Yes I do, it's right next to my science class so you can tag along with me if you want to." She said, the smile on her face growing once more. Even if she could be devious when around her brothers, she really did enjoy helping others out when she got the chance to. "It's this way..." She said softly, reaching out and grabbing his hand as she began lightly pulling him down the hallway. As they went, she pointed out other important rooms that he'd need to know. "That room there is the English room. From the looks of things we have that class together second period." She told him before coming to a halt in front of a door. "...and here is the American history room. If you need me, I'll be right next door, alright?"
Cirus nodded when Sky said that he could follow her to get to his class which was right next to her classroom which was science, when she had grabbed his hand he raised his eyebrow a bit, he was just going to follow behind her, he just shrugged it off, he could care less really it didnt really matter though the eyes that were looking at them did irritate him a bit, he hated when people directly stared like that then turn away when he looks at them. Cirus then started to feel this girls pulse and the warm blood flowing through her body, he snatched his hand out of her's and sighed, humans are hard to be around really. He looked at each of the classes she had showed him though he already knew what they were and where they were, when she came to a hault infront of the his class he smiled a little "Thanks. "he said before walking into the classroom only to be greeted by a teacher who started to introduce him to the class, it sort of made him feel awkward because all of the girls stared at him.
Sky wandered into her science class only to be greeted with a look from her twin as she settled down into her seat next to him. "Who was that?" He asked, leaning his head in his hand as he looked at her with curiosity. "That was Jason, he's new." She responded, giving her brother a glare. She knew what he was thinking and she wasn't amused in the least. Reaching over, she snatched her science book off of his desk and opened it to the proper page. It took all of her will power not to laugh when Tyler got yelled at for not having his book for the fifth time in two weeks. He gave his normal excuse and the teacher handed out his normal detention. All while Sky snickered behind her hand.
"Oh please kill me.." Cirus muttered to himself as he sat at his desk with his elbow leaning against it, why did the teacher have to give him the desk directly in the middle of the classroom he could feel the eyes glued onto him and giggling of some girls, people passed him notes but he would pretend not to see them and he would secretly blow them onto the floor to avoid a cluster of notes on his desk so instead there were aa cluster of notes around his desk. The teacher looked at the notes on the floor with an eyebrow raised then at Cirus who didnt bother looking at her she would probably think it was a guilty mind bit sooner or later Cirus picked up the notes and tossed them into the recycling bin, he didnt want to deal with a 'detension' though he would probably just sneak out. When the bell rung Cirus instanlty stood up and speed walked out of the classroom to avoid questions and advice on where to go, he still hadnt went to his locker so he guessed he had enough time to go and put it away.
Sky walked out of her science classroom, ignoring the continuous babbling of her twin. Her eyes scanned the crowd quickly before she spotted Jason and darted over. "Hello again." She said quietly, a smile forming on her face almost instantly. Behind her Tyler rolled his eyes as he wandered off in the other direction. He'd just bide his time for now. Shaking off her brother's look, she glanced up at Jason. "Mind if I tag along with you since we have our next class together..?" She asked.

((Sorry it took so long... I kind of got busy...))
( It is fine. )

Cirus looked behind him when he had heard footsteps coming toward him, it was Sky again, when she said hello Cirus smiled a bit, which he didnt really like doing much "Hi.." he said as he turned around to face her just in time to see some guy wander away, ok? But whatever. When Sky asked if she could tag along with him he shrugged "Sure but im going to my locker right now.." he said scratching the back of his head a bit. He took his paper out of his pocket again and skanned it to find his locker number, he knew where it is, but he had to keep up the act, his locker was actually close to the English classroom they were heading to now.
Standing on her tip toes, Sky peered over his shoulder in order to catch sight of his locker number. "Oh, that's right on our way." She said, smile growing as she set off into the throng of people changing classes. Occasionally one of them would wave to her or yell something. Finally, a blonde stepped out in front of her, green eyes narrowed into an angry glare. A nearly identical boy stood beside her.

"So, who is this cutie you've found, Sky..?" She asked, a coy smile forming on her lips. Sky all but hissed in irritation. "He's the new boy and his name is Jason, Carilyn, so you and your brother Carvson should just go away.." She grumbled. She really did. It was a well known fact at their school that the Tillany twins did not get along well with the Maverick twins.
"Oh.." Cirus said as he followed Sky into the crowd of teenage boys and girls trying to get to their classes without being late, well some of them didnt want to be late other were skipping. Cirus guessed that this Sky girl was pretty well known because as they walked some would wave or yell something at her, little miss popular? Well he assumed. Cirus soon stopped walking when they had stopped, twin blondes were in there way one male one female. Cutie? Alright then.. Cirus guessed that Sky didnt really like these two because he could hear the irritation in her tone when she spoke. Cirus could see that his locker was behind the blondes so he just walked between them, not caring if he was rude and opened his locker then started to put his book bag inside, grabbing everything he needed "Can we go now?" he asked looking back at Sky.
Carvson raised an eyebrow as he heard his sister let out an angry hiss. No one just brushed her off. He knew this. Sky couldn't help the smirk that came to her face as she gave a brief nod at his words. Finally, someone sided with her over Carilyn. That's how she'd lost a nice portion of her friends. Although most people liked her and her brother most of the time, being the pranksters and class clowns that they were. Everything was fine until that person fell victim to one of their pranks. "Yeah, we can go. See ya later, Cari." She smiled before turning on her heel and wandering back into the crowd.
Cirus sighed, he looked back at the blondes the Sky, this school was just weird. Cirus followed behind Sky, he didnt feel like asking what everything back there was about back there he could ask that later or something he might not even bring it up anyway, he usaully forgets things that do not involve or concern him. When they reached the classroom Cirus allowed Sky to walk in first, when he walked in the bell had just ringed, well they made it at great timing. The teacher greeted Cirus and introduced him to the class, he hoped that all classes werent going to be like this with all the teacher introducing him to the class. Cirus sat down at a desk by the window so if he ever gotten bored he could just look out the window which he was already doing.
Sky settled herself down in the back row where sh usually sat with her brother. The only problem was that hr brother was missing. Raising, she kept her blue eyes on thee door only to laugh when her blonde twin darted in the room and dove under the teacher's desk. Most of the class laughed while the teacher shot Tyler a withering look almost as if stuff like this happened everyday. "Tyler, what do you think you're doing?" She asked with a sigh. Before Tyler could answer, the door flew open again to reveal a boy with light brown hair and irritated brown eyes. "TYLER..!" He roared. He appeared to be soaking wet. Sky simply shook her head as her brother darted out from under the desk and hid behind her. "You were asking for it, Addam!" He yelled in return, ducking as his best friend pitched a black board eraser at him.
Cirus's eyes wandered to the door when he had heard it open then saw a blonde boy rush inside and under the teachers desk, ok then.., this school was just filled with weird surprises. He watched as the teacher gave him a look then sighed, asking what he was doing then before the guys could answer the door swung open and a boy who was drenched yelled the name Tyler who he guessed was the blondes name who had just walked in and swiftly made his way behind Sky he assumed he had something to do with the boy being soaked who was probably Addam. When Cirus looked closely at Sky and the boy Tyler they looked very similar, they must be twins or something.
"Tyler, what did you do to Addam?" Sky asked, glancing over her shoulder at her brother. In return she got a sheepish grin as he held up a package of water balloons. "Give me those." She said holding out her hand. Tyler simply stuck out his tongue. "I'm older than you. I don't have to listen to what you say." He said stubbornly. "Yeah, by ten minutes. Give me the balloons!" She said, whipping around only to be yanked backwards out of her chair and onto the floor by her twin. They rolled around on the floor for a minute or so before Sky came out sitting on top of Tyler and holding the balloons in the air with a victorious grin. "Ha! They're mine now. you-" Before she could finish that statement the teacher interrupted. "Alright you two, get back in your seats. Addam, go back to your study hall." With one last glare at Tyler, Addam stalked out of the room. The teacher then continued class like nothing happened.
Cirus watched as the two bickered about the who did what and the water balloons, he then turned away when they started rolling on the floor teying to get ownership of the waterballoons, was this the normal for them? Most likely since evryone acted like it was just nothing bit Cirus couldnt help but laugh abit, the fought more then him and his sister though they avtually try to kill eachother when the fight, claws and all. When the teacher finally interrupted the two things shimmered down and the soaked boy had left the room and the two took their seats, well that was quick to solve everything just went back to normal after that. Cirus stared out of the window while the teacher talked then a note had popped on his desk dang it not this crap again! When Cirus actually bother to open the note he saw awinky face the balled it up instantly and tossed it to the floor. Stupid.

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