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Realistic or Modern DEMESNE // { ⚡ ; ᴀ ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ ᴅʀᴀᴍᴀ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ }


[ sins aesthetically ]




land attached to a manor and retained for the owner's own use.


possession of real property in one's own right.

I t's the age old cliche. Two star-crossed lovers find comfort in each other after the failure of their last relationship. It isn't long until the ringing of church bells rejoice their union. There is, however, a complication. It is the children, standing parallel to each other, hostility radiating off of them. They did not consent to this, and now within the next couple of weeks, they were expected to share a house and act like a family throughout the rest of their summer vacation. While their parents work diligently to sort out the complications of joining their families together, the children are determined to run counter to this and do everything in their power to ward these newcomers off. The bonds of family have never been stronger.



ello there! I'm Eidolon, or Ei, and I'll be your humble host for this roleplay.

Demesne is going to be a twist on the typical family roleplay. The story begins with two divorced couples, whose previous marriage failed for whatever individual reason, coming together to try the whole marriage thing another time. They will each have their own set of children, roughly equal in quantity, maybe four or five per adult, and they are banding together to torment the other family in whatever way possible. Pranks and general immaturity are going to be a major theme in this roleplay, and it's my hope that us roleplayers can come together to devise some hilarious situations.

I must stress that strong characterization is what is most important to me and who I accept and who I reject will be based on that. I don't care how
much you can write; I care about how well you can write. I may also reject people I have difficulty talking to, because if I'm not comfortable conversing with you, then I can't be comfortable roleplaying with you. Sorry, but this is very important to me.

I am going to be marketing this roleplay as simple, later to be closed once I have a solid group of roleplayers, but it is my expectation that you can contribute to world building with vivid descriptions of your own when the time calls for it. I want this to be a fun, casual, relaxed roleplay where we can hopefully make some new friends out of this! Be warned that I am going to regularly and obnoxiously nudge you all to converse with me. We all have busy lives. I understand that just as much as anyone. This roleplay is bound to slow down at some point, perhaps even on account of my own inactivity, so I will not have any rule on how often I want a post from you guys. Instead, all I ask is that you check in the OOC with us regularly. If I've attempted to contact you multiple times and have gotten no response, I will assume that you have lost interest and I will drop you from the roleplay. Please try to keep me informed if this happens. I will not hold anything against you.

Because of the nature of this roleplay, I'm going to be running things in a rather unconventional fashion. I'll be using their parents's as NPCs, unless one of you
really wants to roleplay one of their parents. Presumably, these parents will have jobs, so it is likely that they will not be around the house too much during the day, but that will all depend on what we decide for the parents anyway. Hell, this doesn't even have to be a male/female couple. That could be interesting.

As for the application process, I'm going to break this down into steps. First thing I'm going to want is a general concept of your character. Don't fall into the trap of giving your character a single purpose, lest you get caught in some situation that doesn't mesh with what you had in mind, then you'll have no idea what to do with yourself. Some good things for this will probably be a first and middle name, desired age group, biological sex, personality, whatever it is they like to do, perhaps a role in the family, which family you wish to be in (one or two), and so on. If you want to keep something hush hush secret with your character from the fam, feel free to PM that to me and leave it out of their public application. I'm all for stuff like that and I think it would be a lovely surprise to have show up in the roleplay, but I'd like to make sure that whatever you have in mind can still be

In addition to that, I'll ask for some sort of sample of your writing. I would love it if you could show me an actual roleplay post that you've written in the past, but you can also just link me to a roleplay you've participated in or show me a snippet of a short story you've written. To be completely honest with you guys right upfront, I'll probably be snooping around roleplays you've been in previously or currently are to get a good idea of what kind of roleplayer you are and if I want you in my roleplay. If that doesn't make you feel comfortable, then for the sake of your own sanity, perhaps it is best that you do not post here at all.

After that is complete, I will be sending you a PM. Either I will ask for you to add more to it, inform you that you may not be best suited for this roleplay (I will explain why if you ask, but know that I will not be changing my mind, especially if you try to argue with me), or add you to a group conversation. I will have two conversations running, one for each family, where we can collaborate together to figure out what kind of life this family has had, what hardships they have happened, what happened with the previous marriage(s), why this parent has primary or full custody of the children, and the childrens's relationships with each other. Appearances will also be determined at this stage, as we can have an idea of how their parents will look, and thus a general idea of the gene pool that the children would have available to them. Unless someone wants to have their kid be adopted, it wouldn't make much sense to have a kid clearly come from African descent when the parents are both from Asian descent, or whatever we decide on. They don't have to look
alike, per se, but we should be reasonable here.

This is the final stage where I can still reject you. I expect everyone to contribute to the conversation. If I feel like you are just letting everyone else come up with everything or you are being uncooperative, then I will kick you from the conversation and thus the roleplay. I know this may seem harsh and I apologize, but I really want this roleplay to be a fun experience that we all worked together to create. I could come up with my own kickass history for these families with no problem, but that isn't the point of roleplaying in my mind. For the sake of both of our sanity, I would encourage you to apply only if you're prepped and ready to collaborate.

After that, we'll organize the information for our families within the roleplays and finish our character sheets with whatever information for the characters we feel would be helpful to supply.

To be perfectly honest, I've never run a roleplay quite like this, but I'm excited to try. I'm going to be up and about brainstorming ideas for the families, my character and playing around with BBC stuff for the roleplay. I already have a couple of ideas for things that we can do to spice up the roleplay and I'll only be thinking of more. Last ditch effort if we start running out of ideas, we could potentially throw in some moderate fantasy elements to spice things up. Anyway, let me know if this is something that would interest you, maybe spill some character ideas if you're already coming up with 'em, and if you have any questions at all, I'd love to hear them. Thanks for reading so far, and stay tuned!

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Thanks for the interest so far, everyone! This roleplay is going to be a bit of a side project for me, I'm afraid. My classes are looking to be more time consuming than I had anticipated, and perfectionist that I am, it's going to take a while for me to set everything up with this roleplay. I promise you, though, that you'll be seeing the birth of Demesne some time in 2016. C:
Still looking for anyone that may be interested! I'm not sure if I mentioned this anywhere, but I'll be looking to accept a solid eight to ten members for this roleplay, maybe more depending on the type of applications I get. Also since I noticed this is common for realistic/modern roleplays here, but gender ratios are not going to be a thing. I'll probably want more diversity in age than anything.
Hey! I haven't done a family role play in a while and this seems fun. :) Tag me when it's up as well.
Glad to see so many people interested, still! C: My goal is to get ahead on my homework by about a week or something, and if I can do that, then I'll get back to setting things up here for this roleplay.
Another bump for good measure. I didn't get quite as much homework done this weekend as I would have liked, but it was more than I usually do, so perhaps I can get ahead through the rest of the week and then get to work on things here. Apologies for the wait, everyone.
Eidolon said:
Another bump for good measure. I didn't get quite as much homework done this weekend as I would have liked, but it was more than I usually do, so perhaps I can get ahead through the rest of the week and then get to work on things here. Apologies for the wait, everyone.
It's all cool dawg.
Thanks for everyone's understanding and patience thus far! I'm actually going to be disappearing from RpN for the next few days to actually, really get some homework done. I'll just leave this as one final bump before then. Hope the rest of everyone's week goes well and such! C:
Feel free to tag me in the final thread--I'm very interested in the concept of this roleplay.
A late bump for the March crowd. This is looking to be a summer project but hey.
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march crowd coming in! :') this seems like a really interesting roleplay and family drama is right up my alley (also, i need a break from fantasy) so i hope i can make it in.

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