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Fantasy Delta Green ~One Last Night At The Opera~ OOC

I hope so.

Ack, what about the feud between Eleph and shadow then?!
I have no respect for you Heisen because of the reasons I said over there and the fact you couldn't man up when given the choice. But that doesnt mean I cant be civil. Im not some savage animal. I dont have to like you to roleplay with you. Heaven knows Ive roleplayed with people I despised. I dont have anyway I feel about you. Not good or bad. Take that as you will.

As for Elephantom.....Its best you dont bring him up while I'm here.
Hahahaha oh man... word is trolling me so hard. It's telling me to fix my sentence so I change a semicolon to a comma and then it's like, there is something wrong still so I look at the suggestion and it's telling me to change it back to a semicolon. xD

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