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Fandom Degrassi High


You may play at least 2 characters. please no more unless I approve

We will need students






I would like a whole new group of kids, none from any season of Degrassi. How ever you may (name drop if you will) allow your character to know them. If you are familiar with any of the past cast, you may mention them, acknowledge them, use them as "cool credit"
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Picture: (realistic only)




Gender you id as:

sexual orientation:

Grade: (and if they have been held back)

Description: (please include any tattoos or piercings not seen on your character)




School life:



Theme song: (optional)

Family: (pictures are not mandatory. But please include at least name and age.)

Extras: (anything you would like us to know about your character)


?What ever tomorrow brings i'll be there with open eyes and open arms-incubus ?

Name; Nicholai Greer



Sex; male


Sexual/Romantic Orientations; straight

Grade; 11th (failed freshman year)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/sleve.jpg.4fe48731f633e1ac8f617850ca0bb6a3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65683" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/sleve.jpg.4fe48731f633e1ac8f617850ca0bb6a3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>(left arm)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3ae97c4e_liamtat.jpg.c36b27459fbba86e1883e6a49d3ed2e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65684" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3ae97c4e_liamtat.jpg.c36b27459fbba86e1883e6a49d3ed2e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (on his upper ribs)

Personality;He may look like a bad guy but really he is not. He was raised with manners to say yes ma'am, no ma'am so on and so such but he is very opinionated. However because of his hardcore appearance and odd past people think he is an abomination of this planet. He acts like he don't care about many things and even with most truth to it when he becomes your friend he is loyal. He will be the one to give him the shirt off his back even if it was the only he had.He has trust issues do to his past.

Likes/Dislikes;+reading +rock/punk/emo music +spending time with his son +having a beer every now and then +


-rude people -rich snobs -liars -how people think his image defines his parenting skills

High school Life; He normally keeps to himself. He has a small group of friends that he can really be himself around. His ex girlfriend still attends to he tries to avoid her so he does not loose his cool. He makes good grades A/B normally your occasional c. The teachers don't really like him and put him in the " piece of shit category that probably has someone due all his work for him. The "popular students" thinks he is a freak. No matter what if he see's someone that needs his help no matter who they are he is there most of the time.

History; His Parents were hard drug addicts from the time he could remember. At the age of 4 his mother left him and his father. His father fell harder into drug use and eventually took his own life when Nicholai was only 6. Nicholai was found a week later in a filthy home by the police after a concerned neighbor called the police. He was put into foster home but luckily adopted out quickly to a loving family. He grew up with manly adopted foster siblings and kids from the foster home in and out for a temporary house. He was always different because of his past but he refused to grow up like his biological parents. He had a hard deep hatred for his mother after leaving them and he blamed her for his fathers death. As He became older he found music to be his escape. He had a goof relationship with his new family and was dong good in school. At 14 he met the girl he thought he was going to marry. They did everything together. At 16 she ended up pregnant and from the moment she found out wanted nothing to do with him or his child inside her. He luckily talked her into having him and giving up custody. Nobody at school hardly knew she was pregnant, she hid it well.The day Liam was born and she signed the papers his life changed. He raised Liam as a single father with help from his family at 17 he decided that there were a lot of people at his parents house. He has a 2 bedroom apartment for him and Liam and still has a good relationship with his family.

Secrets?; He is terrified of ending up like his father. Not many people know his past.

Relationships; n/a yet.(open)

Theme song;[media]


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(adopted family) Mom: Ellen (54) Dad:Glen(55) brother: Jordan (24) Brother: Mathew (11) Brother: Dean (5) sister: Leeha(20) Sister: Alyssa(7) sister: Misty (1)[



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  • Name: Shane Westfall
  • Nickname?: West (or Westfall), as she is more known by her last name.
  • Age: 19
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
  • Year: Senior
  • Appearance: Shane is a tall, slender, androgynous woman. (Meaning she has mainly masculine or 'un-feminine' features) She is flat chested (almost no breast) and flat bottomed (almost no butt), but has the figure of an hourglass (still curvy at the waist). She has pale green eyes, flawless mocha brown skin that's devoured by freckles, and her hair is sepia brown cut in a short style.
  • Personality: Shane is typically laid back. She's known for being irrational and hard-headed, but usually kind to most people. She never holds her tongue, which gets her into a lot of trouble. She's a sucker for a pretty face and it makes her very popular with the ladies. She's caring, open-minded, but sarcastic and rude.
  • Likes: Girls (obviously), singing, playing her ukulele, playing video games, and sleeping.
  • Dislikes: Being told what to do, not having at least one smoke break, revealing clothing, and guys who are persistent.
  • History: Not much can be said about Shane. She is an only child who lives with a quite successful Drag Queen for a father. When her mother found out about her fathers habits, she didn't think she could handle it and left. Since then, Shane has been overly attached to her heterosexual, but feminine, cross-dressing father. She tells him all of her secrets and although she doesn't ever speak of him, she wouldn't be able to go on without him. She holds no grudge against her mother, as this experience taught her to be more open minded.
  • School Life: School is a pretty boring place for Shane to spend the first 7 hours of her day, but she always doesn't mind it too much. If you don't find her in the halls, she's actually in class for once. She's very well known, but not of the top of the popularity pyramid.
  • Secrets: Had an addiction to sex for a long time, used to self harm, drinks heavily when upset or needs to feel relaxed, and has never been in a relationship with a male.
  • Relationships?: Shane doesn't do relationships.
  • Theme Song: [media]

  • Family:

  • Father: Devereaux Westfall a.k.a successful Drag Queen: Yvette Enahs



Name:Katherine St.John Smythe



Gender you id as:Female

sexual orientation: Lesbian

Grade: Junior

Description: A thin if a bit underweight but definitely feminine slender fugure of height of about 5 ft 5in. Pale skin with the only colour apart from her hair was a flock of coloured birds flying across her back.


Personality: To the outside of observer Kate is a happy go lucky, helpfull and gregarious girl. Always joking around and flirting playfully with both sexes and anything in between. She does this however in a calm and proper manner, never aggressive, boisterous or confrontational which can make her something of a doormat. She is though by no means to proven in time.


+ Banter, sketching, painting, general art, video games, cider, rock/rap/r&b

-intorence, parents, confrontation, to be thought of only for her wealth, smoking

History/story: The affluent daughter and heiress of a major family owned company who based in the local city and has been critical in the city development. Katherine was set to take over the family busness, groomed and trained from young a role she took in quickly and happy to fulfil. However in the past year it was announced that she had stepped down in favor of her younger brother for her to get into other pursuits.

School life: Straight a student who grades starting to slip and attendance is following suit. Socially she is no queen bee but has her set of friends which doesn't belong in a particular clique though her apparent wealth does put people of her to some or tracks to much attention from others.

Disowned by her family after admitting to her sexualilty and set to live on her own with little if any support. She has a part time job and a place to live but struggles to have ends meet and is only part of the school thanks to a kind scholarship from the school. Suffering from depression she is gradually turning to the bottle.

Relationship: N/A

Theme song: [media]



  • Jonathan St John Smythe Senior, 46 father
  • Jennifer St John Smythe, 41 mother
  • Jonathan St John Smythe Junior, 15 brother (role available if someone is Intrested. )



Name: Elizabeth (Liz) Maya Blackwell

Age: 18

sex: Female

Gender you id as: Female

sexual orientation: Asexual

Grade: 12th

Description: Average build for a girl her age, she's fairly tall standing at 5'6 and weighing 135 lbs. Fair skin accompanied by a Dream catcher tattoo running down the left side if her body.

(Her left side)



Elizabeth, is a very open person and is often seen as a free spirit but is often labeled as a bitch due to her being brutally honest and speaking her mind but thanks to her laid back attitude she isn't bothered by the glares and smart remarks as much as others would be. But if you somehow become her friend you'll see the fun loving and childish side if her.


+Music, -Ignorant people, +Scary movies, -Arguing, +Coffee, -Alcoholic beverages, +Smoking, -Being touched.


Raised up as an only child by both parents her mother, Mariah Blackwell was a successful business woman and local musician Ryan Blackwell. She quickly took an interest in music after watching her father play several times at his shows, her mother had other plans for Liz to grow up an be a business woman just like she was but that was short lived. Elizabeth began practicing playing the guitar and writing songs at a young age with help from her dad, she performed many times at talent shows and once she reached high school she had already formed her own band in memory of her late father. Soon after her dad's death her mom got married to a teacher at a local high school, filling the house with not only a new "Father" but with his many children as well.

School life:

School for Elizabeth is pretty laid back and she tends to breeze through her work, as a senior should she maintains good grades and makes sure that her band members do the same. Occasionally she'll skip certain classes to smoke behind the school or just go out for a while to clear her head.


She was sexually harassed by her step-dad a few months after he married her mom, he does it every so often and threatens Liz if she ever if she ever tries to tell anyone so she keeps quiet and fights back whenever he tries anything.



Theme song: (optional)



Mariah Blackwell (Parker) 43, Mother

Ryan Blackwell 41 (Deceased). Father

Samuel parker 45, Step-dad

Ezekiel parker 11, step brother

Melissa parker 16, step sister

Lauren parker 15, Step sister

Kevin parker 4, step brother


(Let me know if anything need to be fixed.)

Picture: (realistic only):



Calvin Andrews





Gender you id as:


sexual orientation:


Grade: (and if they have been held back)


Description: (please include any tattoos or piercings not seen on your character)

He has a full sleeve on his left arm and a couple of tattoos on his left arm, which he will eventually get filled into another sleeve. He has a black lip piercing, a black nose piercing and two lobe piercings (one on each ear). He also has two tattoos on his chest (shown below).


(He has all the arm tattoos shown above)


Hard headed and easily angered, Calvin isn't everyone's cup of tea. He's dark, mysterious and with out a doubt charming. He's what some people call a total "fuck up", he will never let anyone get away with mistreating somebody he cares about. He is not one to be emotional, he hates showing his weakness and rarely lets people into his life. He is overall fearless, besides the fact that he is afraid of love, this makes him a difficult partner. Despite his looks and drug abuse, Calvin is a very intelligent individual, he feels like school is a joke because of how easy it is to him considering he doesn't have to open a book to get an A. He is also very musically talented, his raspy voice sounds beautifully with the help of his callus filled fingers that strum his electric guitar perfectly. He has been playing the electric guitar since he was ten years old, it's like a second nature to him, he makes it look easy.





+Metalcore/punk/emo/rock music

+Loyal friendships




-Attention seekers

-People who crave pity

-Judgemental people


Calvin doesn't look like the type, but he was in love once. He was in love with a girl who brought him down to his knees, a girl who made him feel on top of the world, a girl who made him forget all his pain. This girl was Kara Milan, she was the girl he swore he'd marry once she was ready. They dated from sixth grade up until the last semester of 10th grade, a total of 5 years. After the fourth year, Calvin gave her a promise ring, she was his first love. She ended up cheating on him soon after their fifth anniversary. Since that day, Calvin has been miserable. He got himself into drugs, gangs, smoking and kicked out of his house. Calvin works as much as he can to help his room mate pay rent, obviously he's part of the same gang as Calvin is. He was raised in a good home, with wonderful parents and two siblings that love him more than anything but all his relationships with the ended after he did his first line of cocaine.

School life:

He is feared by most, causing him to not have many friends. He might be a fuck up, but his grades don't show it. He usually spends his lunch hour outside the school smoking either a joint or a cigarette, depending on how his day is going.


=Scared of love

=Does well in school



Theme song: (optional)


Family: (pictures are not mandatory. But please include at least name and age.)

+Sarah Andrews, 10 (Sister)

+David Andrews, 12 (Brother)

+Thomas Andrews, 44 (Dad)

+Mary Andrews, 40 (Mom)

Extras: (anything you would like us to know about your character)


Picture: (realistic only)




Kara Milan





Gender you id as:


sexual orientation:


Grade: (and if they have been held back)


Description: (please include any tattoos or piercings not seen on your character)

She has no tattoos because she is scared to get something that she might regret. She has two simple piercings, one on each of her ear lobes.


Kara is very outgoing, she is always ready for a good time. She is very flirtatious, courageous and funny. Nobody can bring her down because of her positive attitude and her need to take life as a joke. Whenever she sees somebody who looks down, she always asks them the same question, "why so serious?" She is that person that people go to to make them feel better, she just radiates positivity.








-Homophobic people


Kara was raised in a good home with wealthy parents and being the only child made her wonder her whole life about what it would be like to have a sibling. However, with all the money her parents have, she never shows her wealth. She works for her own money and doesn't plan on living on her parents money for the rest of her life, she plans on making a future for herself. Kara has been in love once before, with the boy of her dreams, Calvin. She made her mistake of cheating on Calvin one night after they had a huge argument, all the negativity of the argument got to her and she looked for a quick get away, she knew it was wrong and she hates herself for what she had done but will never get back with him, their relationship would be toxic after what she had done. Ever since that mistake, she covers up her hate for herself with jokes and laughter, she also changed up her look, she is heavier on the make-up and she got in shape the summer leading to her 11th year.

School life:

Kara has many friends that she loves to joke around with and party with. She is a very good student who


=She hates herself


=Very sad person on the inside




Theme song: (optional)


Family: (pictures are not mandatory. But please include at least name and age.)

~Stephany Milan, 42 (Mom)

~Dylan Milan, 46 (Dad)

Extras: (anything you would like us to know about your character)

Welcome everyone :) Everyone may start the intro for their characters now!
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(Total wip. Will complete tomorrow)




Gender you id as:

sexual orientation:

Grade: (and if they have been held back)

Description: (please include any tattoos or piercings not seen on your character)




School life:



Theme song: (optional)

Family: (pictures are not mandatory. But please include at least name and age.)

Extras: (anything you would like us to know about your character)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b5a21dc_dreadhead2.jpg.25b05a00016d26b6798920da0ad1689e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65998" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b5a21dc_dreadhead2.jpg.25b05a00016d26b6798920da0ad1689e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

With a name like Dani California The day was gonna come When I was gonna mourn ya-Red hot chili peppers



Age; 17

Sex; female

Gender; female

Sexual/Romantic Orientations;straight


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She's only 5'2 and she is normally in jeans and a hoodie, if she ever takes it off she is in a tee shirt with a band or design
Personality; Dani is very sweet, however she has and attitude and is not afraid to put you in your place if you piss her off. She can be loud and She is the type of girl to start busting out laughing in the middle of a conversation from something that happened a week ago. She will trust you until you give her a reason not to. She knows no strangers, she will talk and be friendly to anyone. she relies on music to keep her sain in stressful times. She will do anything to help some one out, sometimes that is her down fall. She believes there is good in everyone. With all that said she also has a wild side. She enjoys her loud rock music going out with friends and just having a good time.




+hanging with friends




-people being rude for no reason

-purple food

-brown m&m's

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school life
school life
She grew up a little different. From the time she can remember she, her twin brother,her parents and now even her younger siblings have had dreads. Her mom is a stay at home mom. Her dad is in a rock band and and works your average 9-5 job at the car wash. She was always taught to express her self in anyway possible. Her parents were never to strict but they did expect respect. Her family has always been close. From grades k-7 she was home schooled. Her mom taught her not only the fundamental school work, but life skills. At a young age she learned to cook, how to care for children,how to do taxes, how to garden. Normal everyday things. Finally the summer before her 8th grade year she asked her parents if she could go to public school. Her parents agreed but still continued to teach her life skills at home. With some bullying from the other students in her new school Dani learned quickly that not everyone was nice and acceptable as the people in her family or the friends she grew up with. She became tough and a bit smart mouthy, she defiantly learned how to handle her own.She got into a few fights, made a few enemies, a few friends. She kept true to herself and learned not to care what people think.
mom: shandra(45)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b5c70cf_momdreadsyes.jpeg.5521aeb4ce78d942b8aa41457ca25063.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66006" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b5c70cf_momdreadsyes.jpeg.5521aeb4ce78d942b8aa41457ca25063.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> dad: john(46) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/jd.jpg.75cdaba3f02104168fcb2fa64500d3b7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66007" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/jd.jpg.75cdaba3f02104168fcb2fa64500d3b7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> smallest sister:molly(7 months) sister:mary(3)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b5ce03b_littlegirldreads.jpg.ed351d3776dfe6472113c386ec76ab49.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66008" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b5ce03b_littlegirldreads.jpg.ed351d3776dfe6472113c386ec76ab49.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> brother: Davis(5) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b5cfeb6_littleboy.jpg.af86a144fdd84a9d9d3041d02176a0a7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66009" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b5cfeb6_littleboy.jpg.af86a144fdd84a9d9d3041d02176a0a7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Twin:Devin(17) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b5d29cd_dreadboy2.jpg.091b1cf2a847a5c10c1a3539953c4b7b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66010" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/57a8c3b5d29cd_dreadboy2.jpg.091b1cf2a847a5c10c1a3539953c4b7b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

If anyone wants to play her twin let me know!

Relationships;n/a (open)

She’s a runner, rebel and a stunner

On her merry way sayin’

Baby what you gonna

Looking down the barrel of a

Hot metal 45

Just another way to survive.





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Name: Nick Snow

Age: 17

sex: Male

Gender you id as: Male

sexual orientation: Straight

Grade: 11th (Not held back)

Description: Black lip piercing and ear piercing (both ring shaped), black marker smudges on his right arm (has a thing for doodling different things on his arm with a sharpie when he doesn't have his sketchbook), but other than that looks exactly how he looks in the picture (including the very blue eyes.)

Personality: He is very shy and mostly spends much of his time alone. He hardly talks to anyone and when he actually does he usually has no choice. Enjoys his own company and nothing more, though he does get a feeling deep, deep down in his gut that he is a bit lonely sometimes. It might take awhile, but eventually he will finally give in a start talking. Acts a bit tough and "scary" to avoid any contact with anyone around him.

likes+/dislikes-: Nightime+, hoodies+, beanies+, converse+, anything black or shade of it+, drawing/sketching+, seeing drama/fights in person or on social media+, music+, video games+, movies+, being alone+, being the center of attention-, many loud noises-, being noticed-, being in a fight-, popular students/people-, eye contact-

History/story: Dante's attitude came the day he saw his own father hanging from a stuck out light on their main room ceiling when he was just ten years old. Traumatized by that day, he has committed his life to look the part of how he always feels. He's kind of gotten over that day, but the memories still stick with him, wiping away the innocence he once had the day before the accident. His mother was in pure shock a few years after, but has also finally moved on, trying to give her kids the best that she can get them and give them back the years lost when she was staring emotionless at the walls. His little sister, born a year before his father's death, is an upbeat, "wears pink 24/7" eight year old. Dante doesn't spend much time with her since they are complete opposites, but keeps her company and tries to distract her when their mother starts remembering her deceased husband and cries in the other room. His little sister is one of the few people that he would take a bullet for. His emotional state has gone completely down since they moved and he heard that he was going to a new high school. His antisocial attitude and depression has his mother worried, making him take anti-depressants every now and then.

School life: Keeps his grades at an average. No friends. Teachers sometimes forget that he's even in the room by how quiet he is.

Secrets: Did a lot of bad things the few years after his father's death (drugs, cutting, and stealing) but since quit and vowed to never do them again.

Relationship: Single

Theme song: (optional) [media]

Family: (pictures are not mandatory. But please include at least name and age.) Dante Snow, 40 (deceased) - Brittney Snow, 47 - Juile Snow, 9

Extras: (anything you would like us to know about your character) He keeps an entire sketch book of drawings hidden in his locker for when he draws during studyhall

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