Degrassi: A Brand New Year


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Devan was excited for his first day in a brand new year at his highshcool degrassi the first thing he would do is find his classes for this year and then he would probably end up signing up for drama club again like he did last year... he really enjoyed the stage and the spotlight but his true passion was literature and traditional hand drawn art designs, he was overall an impressive artist, he walked down the hallway checking out some of the freshman, he thought a couple of them were cute but he didn't ever usually make a move on anyone he was far too shy for that... his first class would be biology, and then his advanced

literacy class.... he went to his locker to get his biology notebook and folder there was still 4 more minutes before class actually started so he was safe from any first day tardies... he watched others pass by and wondered if he should talk to any of them...
Preston walked into the school as his usual, confident self. He carried only a drawstring book bag which contained to led pencils and a few empty notebooks. Preston headed towards his assigned locker and began fiddling with the lock. He turned to his sister and smiled. "Go. You'll be okay." He said, turning back just as he opened his locker. Preston put his bag in the locker and took out a single pencil, putting it in his pocket. To him, he was now prepared for the entire day.

Dahlia walked to her locker trying to keep her head up. She was so used to looking at the floor and being absolutely silent. Dahlia glance back to look at her brother who was already fully "prepared" by now. She turned back quickly so she wouldn't run into anyone. Dahlia finally got to her locker and opened it. She took out a notebook and two led pencils; she was always the one more into school. Dahlia closed her locker before turned around, leaning against it. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
Devan saw a girl across from him leaning adgainst a locker who looked about as shy as he was, *you know what!, I have guts, I'm gonna start a short conversation!* he thought... but easier said than done he had longer hair than most guys and looked kind of feminine... at least that's what he thought about himself he awkwardly walked over to her rubbing behind his neck he got easily nervous around new people... "uhh... hi" that's all he could force himself to say to her... ughh... he was sure that came out sounding creepy he waited for a reaction preparing for the worst...
Dahlia opened her eyes slowly. Someone was.. talking to her? When she opened her eyes, she saw Devan. She had a confused look on her face, "Um.. hey..?" she seemed to be just as nervous as him. She was so.. awkward. Dahlia couldn't let herself be that one girl in the corner all year. She cleared her throat before extending a hand to Devan. "I'm Dahlia. And you are?" she spoke in her normal, soft toned voice, giving him a slight smile.

Preston noticed the guy walk up to his sister. He smiled to himself before heading off towards the restroom. Preston was a bit worried for his sister's awkwardness, he didn't want this year to be full of bullying like before. He just thought it was good that she was speaking to someone other than Preston, himself. Preston used the restroom quickly before going to his first class, Chemistry.
Devan smiled awkwardly "its Devan..." the bell rang telling them to get to class... "ha, well uh, see you later Dahlia" he waved and headed toward Biology with his black notebook, folder, and a pen he always got good grades and was convinced this year will be and different, but he couldn't believe that he actually talked to somebody!, he was proud of himself he walked down the hallway smiling to himself
Dahlia headed to class. She had math first period, apparently. Dahlia walked in and sat somewhere in the middle. She noticed a few people from last year, some of which had picked on her. But, they didn't seem to recognize her. One guy even winked at her. Unusual.. but that's a good start, at least she thought so.

Preston sat in the back row, not paying much attention to the teacher. He was mostly just looking around the room trying to spot familiar faces. Since he didn't see any, he leaned back in his seat and looked up at the teacher. Preston didn't bother taking out a pencil since it seemed he wouldn't need it.
Lacey walked into her first class, math, right as the bell rang. She sat in the first seat she could find, behind some girl with super long dark hair. She pulled out her notebook and started to doodle. A brand new year at Degrassi High, she thought to herself, woo-hoo. Lacey didn't see any point in staying in high school--the local cosmetology school didn't require a diploma--but she liked the social aspect. She wondered what kind of mischief she could get into first.

Rhys arrived early to his first period class, History. He was always early for everything. Tardies meant getting kicked off the lacrosse team, and that was the last thing in the world he wanted. She sent a quick text to his sister, Lacey, making sure she actually went to class. His sister was always getting into trouble and he was always picked up after her messes. After the bell rang, the teacher started handing out the syllabus and class began.

Amber walked into first period Chemistry late. She had overslept that morning but no way in hell was she going to ditch her morning routine. Being Degrassi Royalty meant looking the part, whether she liked it or not. The teacher shot her a dirty look and she took a seat next to Preston Bradley, a nice guy that had been in a few of her classes last year.
Dahlia saw Lacey take the seat behind her. She had always thought that her older brother was cute, but would never even think about attempting to talk to him. Dahlia felt like she should probably talk to Lacey at some point, but she was trying to remained focused on class. She kind of wondered if Lacey was actually nice or not, but was too afraid to speak to her for whatever reason.

Preston looked around the classroom, already bored out of his mind. He was actually good at things involving science but he didn't like to admit it. People in Degrassi were way too judgmental for him to even want to talk about liking science. Well, did he really like science? He didn't think so but it could be a possibility. Preston just happened to be good at it.
Lacey caught the dark haired girl turning around to look at her and she gave her a coy smile. She had a very pretty face, and a very straight face. Lacey normally went for chicks whether or not they were lesbians or what have you, but this girl looked like she couldn't be swayed. Oh well. She decided to try and make a friend. She tossed her a quick note. Hey, I'm Lacey.
Devan sat down taking a seat in the back next to the window and he started writing a story about an angel and a demon that fell in love but had to fight and pretend to hate eachother it was like a new romeo and juliet, the teacher had just went on and on about classroom rules and stuff he noticed a few familiar faces some frowned at him almost all of degrassi knew he was bisexual and of course there were those stereotypes that assumed he was just gay and he was bullied because of it, he usually tried to ignore them usually they left him alone if he left them alone he was on his tenth page when he was handed a note from a few rows down it was another antagonizing letter from some creep he tossed it in the trash can next to him and frowned at the guy giggling to himself knowing he was the one that wrote it, he sighed and the went back to writing

He drew a nice cover for it to a black and white inked picture of a tall man and woman both in steampunk attire the man had deep, dark, mystifying eyes you could stare into for hours and the woman had a short spunky haircut sort of like pinks, be was a big fan of hers she was such a strong beautiful woman and he really looked up to her the demon and angel were in a victorian era background and the woman had her angel wings wrapped around her demon protectively like a shell from the outside world
Dahlia was a bit surprised when the note landed on her desk. She glanced up to see if the teacher was looking before she opened it. Hey, I'm Lacey. Dahlia smiled a bit. The girl was trying to talk to her, the girl's name as Lacey. Dahlia quickly wrote My name's Dahlia. along with a tiny smiley face and passed it back to her.
Lacey grinned as she girl tossed back the note. Her name was Dahlia. It seemed very fitting. She scribbed back her phone number with the message You seem pretty chill. Let's hang some time.

Lacey hoped she didn't think she was hitting on her or anything. She just needed a shopping buddy or somebody to go to parties with. A friend.
Dahlia smiled. She had given Dahlia her phone number and wanted to hang? So far this year was starting out great. Dahlia stuck the note safely into her pocket just as the teacher passed by. She returned to taking any simple notes, a small smile still on her face. Dahlia hoped the whole year would be better, just like it already was, but she figured Degrassi wouldn't let that happen.
Devan started tapping his pencil waiting for the bell to ring he needed some inspiration now he had some writers block and couldn't think of anything else to write down... they were at a costume party and he didn't know what costume the demon would wear the angel had used this to hide the fact she had wings so she technically had and costume... "hmmm...." then his head snapped upward when the bell finally rang he hurriedly closed his notebook and went to his locker to change folders and thought about maybe talking to Dahlia again she seemed pretty nice and he had heard things about her protective brother, he found it sweet that he cared for her so much
Dahlia headed off to her next class. She found her brother in the hallway and ran over. "I met a girl. Her name is Lacey. She's really pretty and nice and she gave me her number so I think that makes us friends!" she took a quick breath and turned around. Dahlia rushed through the hall excitedly, entering the study hall room and taking a seat in the back this time.

Preston smiled when he saw his sister running to him. He really only caught bits of what she was saying, she was speaking way too fast. Preston just smiled as she walked away. When he got to his next class, math, he took a seat closer to the back and started to think about what his sister said. Lacey? Wasn't that the lesbian? Not that there's anything wrong with that.. Preston wanted to hit himself for letting his mind even go there.
Devan headed to his advanced Literacy class in hopes he would finally meet someone there that was like him and enjoyed creative endeavors, he liked Dahlia she seemed nice but just not the type to understand his art or his stories, all he brought was his black notebook and his pencil and ink pen, he thought that it would be a good idea to talk to people in this class because most were probably geeks like him he noticed a couple familiar faces there and walked over shyly to a guy with short dark hair that he would admit he thought was kind of cute, class was almost starting so he didn't have that long to chat though... "U-um.. Hello" of course it came out awkwardly, it always did!... he sighed tensing up and rubbing behind his neck
Liam slung his backpack strap over one of his shoulders and proceeded to his next class. He preferred to have it with him at all times, as he hated having to pick up dropped items in a crowded hallway. Pulling his schedule out of his jeans pocket, he raised his eyebrow at his next class – AP Literature. Finally, he thought, something worth my time. He grinned, and then growled at a freshman who had stepped on his new combat boots before making it into the room. He Picked a window seat near the back row, and pulled out a black composition book and pen before hearing a nervous sounding voice from next to him. He tilted his head, and his dark eyes set on a thin emo looking guy. Freshman, maybe? Anyway, why is he talking to me? Liam thought, but never said a word.
Devan blushed, he was just his type... he looked to a sticker he had on his notebook "is that batman brave and the bold!" He stated still a little red with his hair in his face he smiled at the guy, now he knew he was his type... he may just be that emo kid in the corner but he felt confident today...
Liam snorted, surprised the guy was still talking to him.. "No, its spider man's stepfather. Now don't you have, like, some depressing poems to write or something?" He returned his attention to the window, and watched a red tailed hawk circle the sky.
Dita was skateboarding to her new school. She had her ear buds in with the volume on max. She got to a parking lot with cars and she skateboarded around the front to find a building with stairs leading to the front doors with words that read 'Degrassi'. She picked up her skateboard and walked inside. Dita was wearing skinny jeans with an oversized long sleeve shirt that hung off her shoulder. She moved her hair out of her face and looked at her schedule. It appeared to be that she had study hall. Walking around the halls aimlessly to find the room, she had her skateboard in her left hand and her schedule in the right.
Devan sighed how did he not know that?... great, now he came across as an emo kid and an idiot... he frowned "maybe I will..." he said plainly looking at the hawk too "I don't know why your being all stereotypical and judgey, obviously you write too..." he looked down to the ground, what's the point anyways?, I should already know that Degrassi would ruin my day... he slowly walked back to his desk and worked on adding color to the demons glowing red eyes... "They need to be more dark, mysterious, he needs to look through your soul..."
He looked over to see that the guy had already gone back to his seat, and the teacher had begun to address the class. Liam tore a piece of paper from his book and quickly scribbled a note onto it:

How do you know I write? And my name is Liam by the way.
Devan took the note with a sigh thinking it was another ass making fun of him, he read it anyway and smiled slightly writing back pretending to work in his notebook

Hi Liam, I'm Devan and simply why else would you be in this class?, you seem like a cool guy... wanna hang? he wrote his cell number down and added a vampire smily along with a web shooting spiderman sketch, just to be a dork and passed it back
Dita took her ear buds out of her ears and was looking around. I have no idea where to go.. She thought to herself. She walked into a classroom which had a few students but not many and the teacher who was standing up infront of the class looked at me like I killed someone. "This must be the wrong classsss..." she said slowly. Dita backed out of the classroom and closed the door slightly giggling.

She doesn't really get embarrassed easily. She just decided to sit on the edge of some stairs and wait until this class is over so she can find a student who would help her.

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