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Multiple Settings Deer's Offshoot Search


Me need nap
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Fantasy Adventure with just total BS over the top weapons!
<3<3<3A world set in giant trees
RPG-style setting with Inventories and Junk
Superhero x Supervillain
<3<3<3 Stranded on an Alien Water World (Subnautica Inspired)
Shattered Pixel Dungeon
Biopunk Apocalypse
Mech Apocalypse
*Zombie Apocalypse*
<3 Isekai (With some realism, to it.)
<3<3<3<3 Terarria (Who doesn't want to keep a plantera bulb in a pot?)
Some combination of the above.
Surprise me with an idea, I might be interested!

Strikethrough = I am no longer open for this concept/will need to hear new ideas on it .
*Apostrophes* = I am presently engaged in an RP for this concept, but I'd be open for another if you're interested!
<3 Hearts <3 = I'm really craving this one. More hearts= more desire for this game
❌ Cross Marks ❌ = I'm not taking anyone onboard for this game at present.

Some nigglings about me you'll need to be aware of:
  • Be at least 18, or close to it. I don't mind RPing with minors, but that does put some restrictions on what I can say and do just by the different levels of subjects that are appropriate.
  • OOC chatter is non-negotiable. I like to talk, I'd like you to like to talk. When we’re not having conversation it feels like I’m just talking at a wall that occasionally puts little cookies and hearts on my words. We don’t need to be having full on detailed conversations, but I’d like if we could occasionally just chat about stuff.
  • My post length depends on the rate of posting between us, and what you write. If we're going back and forth every couple minutes, I'll write a couple paragraphs. If we're not going back and forth like that, I'll write longer. That said, if you can’t come up with anything, don’t force yourself to write more than is necessary.
  • I'm a nerd. When something interests me, I research it. This includes the effects/requirements of powers or events in the story. If I have a concern about how something works, I'll look it up, and apply what research tells me to describe what happens.
  • I'm also very blunt. I don't do it on purpose, but sometimes I say things that come across the wrong way. If you are confused or something I say bothers you, say something, I'm not a telepath. If I'm not made aware that there's an issue, I can't do anything to fix the issue.
  • I try really, really hard not to do anything with Canon Characters, in the case of Fandom RPs. This is because I'm not comfortable controlling someone else's creation or warping who they are, and I feel there's a special relationship between the author and the character that informs the author far more than the reader ever will be informed on the character.
  • Romance is optional for most of my plot ideas. If it happens, sweet! But unless it's a major part of the idea, like in the Superhero/Villain Pairing that's specifically about the romance between a superhero and super villain's secret identities, I'm not going to make any more crucial to the plot than what dinner is. There may be scenes, but if more than three pages of a thread or a PM convo are spent on the romance and only the romance without furthering the plot in any way, that's a no-go.
  • Activity is non-negotiable. I'm on Eastern Standard time, I'm active from 9:30 AM to 11:00 PM most days, and chronically so. If you can't be active enough to have an active conversation during those hours, I'm afraid we're not compatible. I want to be able to chat, to actually be able to sort out details without exchanging a single post a day, and it hurts my soul when we can only exchange a couple words, get started on a conversation, and then you disappear. At least warn me if you suddenly have to go.
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