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Dee 1x1s


Dee Owner Of The Company
Helloo everyone, I would personally like to thank you for visiting this page and considering responding.

I haven't done a 1x1 in quite a while so am trying to get back in the Flow so here we go.

1. I will
usually match how much you put down but if its too much I'll start describing the blades of grass .

2. I may create the plot but I cant make the story by myself, its going to take both of us.

3. I love
excitement so try the unexpected, make me think about my action before I put them down

4. I'll post
at least everyday and even multiple times if am in the mood and your on.

5. Trollness and immaturity can not be tolerated.

So am in the mood for action/
romance (I dont know, I think about a month ago I was into fantasy) So here are some plot fields I can do:

Zombie apocalypse.

Post-apocalyptic survival

Hunger Games

V-My Role///Your Role-V


Assassin X Counter-Assassin

Vampire Hunter X Vampire

(Ok so now am having Writers Block)

So any other plots you can think of :D
Zombie apocalypse // Post-apocalyptic survival would both be so very wonderful. Action and romance are also deep cravings for me, so, I'd love to include both of those elements.

Assassin x counter-assassin (I'm presuming this means two assassins...? Sorry, having a thick moment xD ) sounds great too, and perhaps combining that into one of the above would be pretty cool too? I'm open to discussing pretty much anything so... PM me if you'd be interested ^U^
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