[Deathwatch] Mission 01

Fidelis fires a full auto burst in the approaching horde, "Feel the wrath of the Emperor's Children, heretics"


Should make for 4 head shots to the horde

[dice]597[/dice] 22 Damage

[dice]598[/dice] 18 Damage

[dice]599[/dice] 18 Damage

[dice]600[/dice] 23 Damage
Fire and thunder exploded from its barrel tearing into the side of the Chimera that approached threatening to defile the sacred lands of the emperor himself.

Full auto Attack roll chimera: this is out of 120, (keep forgetting the bonus for large targets)


I think this is 4 shots: 1 plus 1 for every 10 i make my threshold by




(7/3) 7+12=19 pen of 5

(9/1) 9+12= 21 pen of 5

(9/9) 9+12=21 Pen of 5

(3/10) 10+12+8= 30 Pen of 5
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The Heretics on the bridge pushed their advance, finally closing into range. The first group assumed a firing stance, 30 autoguns primed and ready for firing.

At the same time, Priad ended the Chimera's threat with a hail of bolter shells, and Fidelis began the task of dealing with the heretics, as four fleshy bodies ruptures into gore with the explosion of bolt shells.

The first unit of chaos troops had formed up on the bridge, and they began to open fire, targeting Priad as his larger weapon made him the greater threat. Autoguns began to crack out, barking in harsh staccato bursts, and yet somehow the sheer volume of fire did little more than ping off the ground and towers.

The loyalist PDF soldiers were far more accurate, opening with a missile salvo on the rear most group of heretics, followed by a dedicated firing line. In fiery explosions, 18 heretics perished. Six more perished under the withering hail of fire unleashed by the ranked PDF troops, leaving a bewildered but undaunted six heretics in the rear group.

But the heretics stayed firm and returned fire, again missing spectacularly.

OOC- Fidelis, I don't need damage rolls against a horde. Just a to hit roll and a tally of degrees of success. Hit locations don't matter either.

Also, for all players, because the horde is 30 men, they are size modifier +30 to your BS for shots. Remember you can only hit up to your RoF+1, which for HB is 7 and bolters is 4.

Heretic Tally: (Group 5 is the group closest to the Marines, group 1 is closest to the PDF)

1 6

2 30

3 30

4 30

5 26

Roll Initiative! We will do it for real this time.

PDF- 4

Heretics 1 - 6

Heretics 2 - 8

Heretics 3 - 5

Heretics 4 - 9

Heretics 5 - 10
OOC- Updated initiative list

Heretics 5


Heretics 4

Heretics 2


Heretics 1

Heretics 3


I'd like to add more KT to this list! Fidelis, Absortio, Kyrios, Sevolt, Thorvald! I would like to run the actions starting tomorrow night, so hopefully we see some initiative from you!
@ak-73 @Stealthfox16

Next round begins! For those who did not roll initative, you will act at initiative 0, if you feel like joining us.


[Heretics 5 act]

The 26 Heretics left facing the marines open up and return fire, blasting out a volley of autogun shots aiming at Priad again, considering him to be the biggest threat.

Their volley found its mark, at least in part, striking Priad in the left leg, but even those few shots that found a chink in the armour failed to cut the flesh.


Your action Priad
With Chimera now in flames Priad slung the bolter to aim at the Heretic who dared to fire at one of the emperors holiest of warriors and opened fire sending a full auto volley of mass reactant shellls at the horde, aiming at him first.

Out of 120


well either his gun ran dry or it blew up in his face... He has been riding the dammed thing on full auto for some time now.
With the clicking noise indicating a jam, Priad would have to clear it before his weapon would be of use again (OOC- unmodified BS test. Pass = Jam cleared)

The heretics began forming up to deal with the double sided threat. One group was taking up firing positions on the Deathwatch marines. Once the heretics in front of them were felled, they would be ready. The next group turned and unloaded autoguns on the missile launcher squads that had proven so devastating, cutting down one squad entirely.


Your action Hyrion.

Recap: 26 heretics 90 meters away, with 30 heretics right behind them preparing to fire. Two other groups of 30 further back, though the rear-most one is firing on the PDF. One other handful of heretics near the PDF.
Priad yanked on the auto lever trying to eject the cartridge jamming the weapon, hoping it would fix the problem.


Thats out of 55
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OOC- apologies for being 24 hours late on this. I had one hell of a cray day today, and I just didn't have time last night. So, without further ado, I present Heretics 1 and Heretics 3, followed by the PDF!


The survivors of the PDF missile barrage held their ground. Perhaps it was some misplaced faith in a dark god, or maybe they were just stubborn. Whatever the case was, they were still there, and still shooting. The six of them launched a determined volley that bore the blessing of some foul chaos entity and struck down 3 of the loyalist defenders.

The other group of heretics figured that the PDF missile crews were the biggest threat, so they moved to a position where they could get a line of fire on them.

The PDF responded with a volley of their own fire, cutting down those six survivors before turning their attention to the next ranked group of heretics, shooting three down from their cover positions.

Then the three missile launchers roared to life, with two of the volatile shells hitting, reducing a dozen enemies to little more than chunky kibble. They were so terrified by the sudden rain of death that they hunkered down, not daring to show their faces.

OOC- combat results: 3 PDF die. Heretics 1 is eliminated; heretics 2 is at half strength.

Any Marine who has not acted may act now.
Fidelis tries to fire another burst at the Heretics as he find good cover, but the shots go wild

(didnt realise that by jumping into a combat right off the bat would cause like half the group to drop off the map... <.<


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