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Fantasy Death’s Playground lore sheet

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  1. One on One
Nalpous Co. a company focused on genetically modifying humans into super soldiers, codenamed Project Death Counter. They were well respected and backed by multiple countries, America, Canada, Mexico, Russia, Germany, Japan, Britain, the list goes on. They were funded well and had been successful on animals. So after 25 years they asked for human sacrifice test subjects, and the candidates received were in the millions. So they went on with the tests, and succeeded but also failed. It was revealed that these people would have lost all awareness and become soldiers for Nalpous. Nalpous didn’t intend for them to lose all thought.

They rebelled against Nalpous and spread over the world. The way they were created made the liquid used to modify them fuse with their blood, saliva, urine, and every other bodily fluid. Even though this was unintentional, a bite from these things or if any of their bodily fluids enter your bloodstream, will turn you into one of them within 24 hours. After 5 months only around 7 thousand people remained alive. We chose to call this catastrophic disease the N-virus, and the creatures, Nals.

My name is Jackal Eventson, and I have created a small team hell bent on getting the cure, which was left in Nalpous Co. HQ aka Area 0, the most Nal infested area in the world. Different countries have given me candidates for this project that I have named Project Phoenix. I look forward to my candidates and hopefully within the stack of dossiers I have been given, 6 of them are good.

Start of Jackal’s Journal.

This journal is property of Jackal Evanston, all of my info on the Nal virus and the types of Nals themselves are in this. This is open for the public to read and use as needed.

Nal virus:

The N-virus is complicated. Not too much is known as most of the data was withheld by Nalpous but we have some data on the matter.

The way it works is by using this liquid that they fuse to the patients bodily fluids, they can use the new liquid to modify the body. The modified liquid will change the genetic makeup of a person, how I don’t know, allowing for different “powers.” For one person that makes their muscle stronger so they can run faster or hit harder. For others it can have the liquid exit through their pores, like sweat, to create a type of exoskeleton to protect them. The liquid can also allow for the brain to communicate with others like it in a “hive mind” type fashion.

Most of this “liquid” is unknown as when we try to extract it the liquid heats up and evaporates almost instantly after leaving the host, whether this was intentional by Nalpous or an accidental after effect, we have no idea. Nonetheless, it is a type of self-destruct that makes it impossible to study the liquid. Hopefully we can find some to study inside Nalpous Co. HQ.

Threat levels:

Low: can be handled solo.

Medium: can be handled solo with a good plan, but recommended to have at least 1 or 2 extra people.

High: have a plan and have a team.

Very high: have a large team of skilled people and a good plan.

The Nalpous: pray to god that you never face it, as you will die a horrific death.

Threat: low

The most basic Nal, Runners are, well, fast but weak. They can be easily killed by most weapons but can reach speeds up to 16 Kph or about 10 Mph. When close to a target they will slow down as they like to… “relish the kill” I’m not sure exactly but they seem to like killing more than any other type of Nal

Tips: don’t waste bullets on them, you’ll miss, try to use bats or long blades to kill them when they get close.

Threat: Medium

Tanks are slow, strong, and deadly. Their “punches” have the strength of a buff man swinging a sledgehammer. Tanks are immune to all blades and most blunt weapons. The only ways to kill them, is to break their hard exoskeleton to reveal their skin, explosives, or high caliber bullets. They are immune to most handgun caliber bullets. They have one weakness and that is their neck, which is unprotected but hard to reach.

Tips: use a metal bat, sledgehammer, car, or grenade to deal with these.

Threat: low

Summoners will send a frequency to summon other Nals to their location, there isn’t much more to them than that. They are weak and easily killed, they can’t infect you as they have no mouth.

Tips: kill them before they can call for their friends.

Threat: if alone it’s low but in a group it’s medium

Sicks create this type of liquid inside their bloated stomach which they puke at their enemies. This will melt your outer layers of skin making it easy to infect you. The liquid itself is only made up of 3 percent infected liquid so it has a low chance of infection. But the risk of being infected by other Nals is higher, and the wound can get a normal infection (not the N-virus, a normal wound infection) if not treated.

Tips: use a ranged weapon to kill them before they can get within puke range.

Threat: medium

CaNals are dogs or other similar animals that have been infected and turn into Nals. They have all the attributes of their animal counterpart but with the addition of being a Nal.

Tips: use guns to deal with them, close combat will most likely mean death.

Threat: high

Intellectuals have the knowledge of a human, this doesn’t mean they can be reasoned with so don’t try. Intellectuals can weld all the weapons we can so they can have strike teams made of Intellectuals. They are deadly and should not be taken lightly.

Tips: treat them like humans, but remember they don’t have morals or fears, they live to kill and die. So know they can have plans and be wary.

Threat: very high

Juggernauts, or Juggs for short, are more advanced tanks. They have no weak points and are resistant up to 50 Cal. They hit like a truck, literally, and need to be kept away from. They are slow so you can outrun them.

Tips: use large explosives, high caliber guns, or large vehicles to take them out.

The Nalpous:
Threat: The Nalpous

The Nalpous is an amalgamation of hundreds of Nals. It is resistant to everything. It resides in Nalpous Co. HQ and I have no idea how to kill it. If you ever face it, run. As it will kill you and it is unkillable. More than this I have no info on it.

Tips: RUN!

What happened after the outbreak:

First, Nalpous was stationed in Switzerland, and when they held the human test they only took Swiss volunteers. The exact number of volunteers was 3,968,204, almost half of Switzerland’s population. Of course as we know, it failed and they turned into Nals. Within 24 hours, Switzerland no longer belonged to the human race. Within 1 month, Europe was 98% infected. Within 10 months there were only 7,628 humans left: 153 Europeans (4 of which came from Switzerland), 215 Asians, 1,249 Australians, 187 Africans, 1,316 Mexicans, 2,179 Americans, 1,132 Canadians, 1,018 Latin Americans.

These remaining people formed The Refuge. Which is a walled city on Hawaii, Hawaii worked as the new home for mankind as it was in the middle of the ocean, this didn’t change the fact that Nals can easily get to the island, but it makes it easier to defend.

Out of the 7.6k people only around 200 were military personnel, and only about 50 had seen combat. The higher ups took 5 of these people to put together the first cure extraction team. The 5 chosen were: Jackal Evanston (American), Angelina Berklann (American), Masashi Kashiwagi (Japanese), Tariq Abbas (Egyptian), Chandra Gupta (Indian). All of these people died except for Jackal Evanston. He got out alive with a lot of information. He was then tasked with creating the new cure extraction team, this was named Project Phoenix.
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