Deathlord: The Blind Madonna of Shattered Faith


Ten Thousand Club
This seems to be the forum for it, so I'm posting this here.  This is a Deathlord I've been kicking around in my head for awhile, and I'd like some input on her before I unleash her in a campaign I'm currently running.


The Blind Madonna of Shattered Faith

The Blind Madonna appears to be an ethereally beautiful woman clad in First Age finery, though the silks have been shredded and hang in artfully stained tatters about her form.  Only her eyes are missing, the empty sockets constantly seeping blood down an otherwise flawless face, as if in memory of the wound that took her sight.  Though she claims no other official titles, her loyal death-cults reverently refer to her as Red-Tears Mother.  Her deathknights call her only “Mistressâ€
Very, very cool. Extremely well thought out and interesting. Don't really have anything to add, except I may steal her for a DL if I ever need one.
:applauds: I like her a lot. May I have permission to possibly use her in a future campaign of mine?
One of my former character had to go against her.  I love her as an ST, and I hate her like no other as a character :P

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