Death Weapon Meister Academy(Soul Eater)


A Ghost of RpN's Past
(Rules and Plot line here )

This RP, is surrounded of the goal to turn your weapon into a Death Scythe, regardless if they are a scythe or not. You can be only a weapon, or a meister.

I shall have a link for the rules and the plot line soon.

Teacher Skelly:




Class they teach:

How they got to be a teacher:

Any children:

Love interest(OPTIONAL DARNIT):

Other information:


Character Sheets(meister):

Full Name:






Unique ability(Black Blood, Able to transfer Soul Wavelengths Directly, yada, yada...):



Hand to hand abilities:



Theme Song(Optional):

Character Sheets(Weapon)

Full Name:




Type of Weapon(Allowed up to five forms, like "Shuriken Mode"):


Unique ability:



Looks in Weapon Form:

Looks in Human Form:

Soul Resonance:

Solo Fighting ability:



Theme Song(Optional);

Here's my character

Full Name: Link Tagomato

Nickname: Chain Boy

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Type of Weapon(Allowed up to five forms, like "Shuriken Mode"): A chain in normal, a chain with a spear, chain with a hook, a chain with a sword, and a chain with scythes on either end.

Meister: Up for picking.

Unique ability: He's got black blood, but he can control it, almost all the time, it'll still pull him into insanity at times, but his meister cannot be dragged into the madness, as he never uses it when his meister is using him.

God/Bad/Neutral/Both: Good, majority of the time.

History: A witch had tried to turn him, and his former meister into an afreet, which failed. During a fight with an opponent, he'd disattached himself from his meister, and killed the miester, then did his special, solo attack on the witch, and killed her, then eating her soul. At that moment, he gained almost perfect control over his black blood.

Looks in Weapon Form: View attachment 7952

Looks in Human Form:View attachment 7953 except his bangs are blonde. He dresses in a black hoodie, red shirt, and khaki pants. Black shoes. There are chains on the side of the pants.

Soul Resonance: Undiscovered.

Solo fighting abilities: He can turn his limbs into chains, or have them with the numerous weapons on them. His major solo attack is ghost chain, to where the chain limb catches fire to burn his opponent. That can also be used with his meister, which it doesn't effect the meister, yet it also isn't his soul resonance.

Personality: Calm and collected, will only speak to his meister the majority of the time, and if it is a must, he will die for his meister.

Weakness: Blunt force attacks. Such as punches, kicks, and being hit with a baseball bat.

Theme Song: Immortal-Adema

Insane theme is: Becoming Insane-Infected Mushroom/Shut Me Up This is Madness:
Full Name: Yukihyou Arikashimi (Yukihyou meaning Snow Leopard)

Nickname: Yuki (Meaning Snow) and Tsubakega

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Looks: View attachment 7989

Weapon: None yet

Unique ability: Grigori Soul (The Japanese kanji for Grigori is 'angel-shaped' and this is incorporated with the soul's appearance. A Grigori Soul is a soul which has a pair of wings attached to it, and when it reaches full power, its Soul Wavelength takes on the form of feathers. There also seems to be a possibility of Grigori Souls having halos as well, befitting the name of an 'angel-shaped' soul. Flight: Typically, bearers of Grigori Souls can conjure up wings in order to fly. It is shown that the size, shape and appearance of the wings can be altered, as well as speed and efficiency in the air. With powerful wings, one can fly at incredible speeds and have good maneuverability in the air. )

Good/Bad/Neutral/Both: Good

History: Forgotten due to amnesia

Hand to hand abilities: None

Personality: Kind but sometimes insane. She is truly a mystery.

Weakness: Fire and hand to hand

Theme Song: Ignorance by Paramore (
Heck, if it goes the way I think it will, you'll end up being Link's meister. And I do not have a problem with that. [MENTION=3418]Kanna Haneoka[/MENTION]
Full Name: Yush Barrett

Nickname: Yush (You-sh)

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Type of Weapon: Greataxe. Other forms; Shield mode and Spear mode.

Meister: Recently Deceased

Unique ability: Bravery. That is his only ability which may appear unique. He's lost one meister, and he refuses to lose a second.

God/Bad/Neutral/Both: Neutral

History: He knew his meister from when they were both children; every memory he has, she too shared. They did everything together; they studied together, they lived together, they fought together. However, only a few months prior to now, they were attacked. A nameless witch struck them unaware, but it is a face that Yush will never forget. In cold blood, she struck down his meister, and quickly vanished. Without a word to say goodbye, Yush would never forgive that monster for what she did. He demands nothing else, but vengeance.

Looks in Weapon Form: View attachment 8066

Looks in Human Form: View attachment 8067

Soul Resonance: Refuses to reveal or use. Not again, never again...

Solo Fighting ability: Without turning into his weapon form, he is partially trained in hand-to-hand combat. Also, he can extend an axe blade from his fist, furthering his melee capabilities.

Personality: Petty sob stories and crushes are under him, as far as he's concerned. He loved his meister, although he would never admit it. But with he passing, he couldn't help but push all other emotions aside. All he needed to feel was indifference in public settings, and vengeance. Rage filled vengeance. He will say his peace when the time comes, but he will mainly become silent when the time calls for it.

Weakness: Memories of his previous meister still haunt him, from time to time. While fighting women, he may be hesitant or slowed; he does not like harming them. However, if he faces a witch; no matter what age, no matter how beautiful... they must all burn.

Theme Song(Optional);

All Saint's Day by The Silent Comedy

(Pay attention to the lyrics, really)
Burn it to the Ground by Nickelback (I know that they suck in concert, but hey. The song applies)

Alternate forms;

Shield form
View attachment 8117

Spear formView attachment 8118
Quick question. Are we supposed to play as a weapons OR Meister, or both at the same time? because if not I fear you will run dangerously short on Meisters for your Weapons.

(From my experiences with this field, here's a hint though to all you Meisters out there. when the action kicks up, chances are you'll be doing most of the work)

Sure the weapons get the sexy abilities and all, but the Meisters are the ones that get to have the fun.

What works better I find, is that before you start you find someone willing to partner with you. That helps make the transition much easier (although you become heavily reliant on that one person)...

If you play both sides of your own team, you miss a bit of the team aspect, but it becomes much more convenient to not get stuck.

As it is, does anyone want to form a pair with me?
[MENTION=4]Sui[/MENTION] Um, you can have up to two charries, a meister and a weapon, and, post a character before I'd pair up, as my character is like Justin, able to everything himself, but he'd rather have a meister, for company.
Full Name: Tokino Akarisu

Nickname: Kawaii

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Looks: View attachment 8085

Weapon: Seizura Anashite

Unique abilities: Weapon form and Grigori Soul

Good/Bad/Neutral/Both: Neutral

History: Would rather not say

Hand to hand abilities: None

Personality: Dark and cold but every once in a while is kind. She deeply cares for friends.

Weakness: Ice

Theme Song(Optional): Mordred's Lullaby (


Full Name: Seizura Anashite

Nickname: Anyashi-chan

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Type of Weapon: Scythe

Meister: Tokino Akarisu

Unique ability: Grigori Soul and Bullet Wings

God/Bad/Neutral/Both: Neutral

History: Lost and forgotten

Looks in Weapon Form: (In Tokino's pic)

Looks in Human Form: (without wings)

Soul Resonance: Yes

Solo Fighting ability: When in human form (When without Tokino) she can change her limbs into scythe blades and her hair can grow to great lengths and strangle her opponents.

Personality: Quiet and Unpredictable

Weakness: Lightning

Theme Song(Optional): Come little Children Nightcore version (
Jet Sol
Jet's weapon forms take on a dark tint, while Sol's weapons remain a shiny silver hue.

Full Name: Sol and Jet

Nickname: The Twin Hooks

Gender: Both male

Age: 16

Type of Weapon: Twin Hook Swords

Sol: Chinese Shield(x), Three Section Staff(x)

Jet: Dao(x), Horse Cutter(.jpg"]x)

Meister: Rid's character when he makes it. The twins are also capable of using each other to a limited extent

Unique ability: Duel multiweapons, designed to work in pairs. they share a strong soul connection with each other.

God/Bad/Neutral/Both: Sol is lawful good, Jet is chaotic neutral

History: Sol is the older brother who tries to remain responsible while Jet has always been the (slightly) younger troublemaker.

Looks in Weapon Form: see above

Looks in Human Form: see above

Soul Resonance: Not yet

Solo Fighting ability: The twins can switch between each other for weapons if need be.

Personality: Sol is very honorable and extremely defensive. Jet however, is a bit wilder with aggressive tendencies.

Weakness: As they have functioned as a pair for so long, they do not function well if split apart
Full Name: Ivan Dolokhov Brackman

Nickname: The Shaolin Warrior

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Standing at six foot three inches,Ivan has a fairly stringy build. He favours his left hand,and it shows in the arm,which is noticably mor muscular than the right,but it's not like his left arm is jacked or anything. His face features a short,squared-off chin and a smattering of stubble,while his nose is short with a steep angle. His facial structure is narrow,but all angles. His prominent cheekbones rest higher than most people's,and his brown eyes are wide and narrow. His hair is dark brown,and very,very thick,but not curly or even wavy. His hair is kept short for practicality reasons. For clothing,Ivan wears denim jeans with deep pockets and a gray sleveless vest with red highlights,featuring an emblem on the left of the chest,normally,as well as a pair of steel bracers that go from wrist to just below the elbow. In poor weather or cold,he wears a customized duster tan,with the long bottom portion strapped to his legs,to keep it from getting in the way. When wearing the duster,he wears the bracers over the sleeves.

View attachment 8093

The emblem,simply match the background to the colour of the vest.

Weapon: The Twin Hook Swords,Jet and Sol. He realizes that he must collect twice the number of souls than everyone else.

Unique Ability: It's less unique and more force of personality and applied knowledge,but he has a functional knowledge of human anatomy,and he simply refuses to give up,which means he will fight on crippled limbs if he must. Just have a medic with a crash cart on standby.

Alignment: He flip-flips between Chaotic and Lawful Neutral. He's willing to listen to his "enemies" and will make an effort to ponder their argument,and see things from their point of view. He has his own morals,but don't be surprised if he ignores orders if the reason is right.

Unarmed Skills: He knows how to disarm an opponent of nearly any weapon,and is quite willing to take the pain of relieving a Miester of their Weapon if it can change the odds in his favour. His talent for disarming naturally leads to a very firm knowledge of grapple combat,takedowns,and mounts. He will always go for the lethal strike if given the opprotunity in a real fight. He fights without scruples,of the firm (and often quite accurate) assumption that fights don't have rules. Finally,his bracers are used heavily in his fights against armed foes,allowing him to block weapons,instead of simply dodging or parrying.

Personality: Ivan is an interesting young man. He is aggressive when defending his position when he sees himself in the right,and is quick to persecute those whom he deems wrong. However,he will often listen to others and weigh what they say against his own thoughts.

Weakness: Compared to other Meisters,he is relatively bland. He has no truly unique abilities,since all of his traits are acquired or taught. This leaves him with a much smaller bag of tricks,compared to other Meisters,and therefore less versatile.

Background: Ivan Dolokhov Brackman,or simply Ivan,was born in a far less than conventional method,compared to others. His father,Doctor Gustav Brackman,is the purest definition of "Single Parent". Ivan was created with a combonation of Gustav's and a donor woman's genetic material,and incubated in a device that provides an almost identical environment to a mother's womb. Raised as Gustav's son,Ivan was taught by his father human anatomy and biology. When it was discovered that Ivan had the capacity to become a Meister,Gustav was overjoyed,and moved to Death City so he could keep an eye on his son while he studies and practiced to become one of Earth's defenders against the forces of insanity. Ivan grew up educated and,believe it or not,un-coddled,with his father adopting a very effective "overwatch" type of parenting. As such,Ivan respects his father and cares for his well-being. Upon enrolling in the DWMA,Ivan met a far wider array of people that he did in his hometown,and grew to accept the general wackiness of the populace of the Academy and the city surrounding it.

"Comes with the territory,I guess."

Theme Music:
(Why not,I guess.)

Determined/Preparing for combat: 0:00-1:44 of Jeremy Soule's "Risk,Relief,and Victory"

Engaged in combat: 1:44-3:30 of Jeremy Soule's "Risk,Relief,and Victory"

3:30-6:23 of Jeremy Soule's "Risk,Relief,and Victory"

Sorrow: 0:00-0:35 of Jeremy Soule's "Total Annihilation Intro"

Warpath: 0:36-1:18 of Jeremy Soule's "Total Annihilation Intro"

Jeremy Soule's "Risk,Relief,and Victory"


Jeremy Soule's "Total Annihilation Intro",played in the background of this cinematic. Do try to listen past the narration at the beginning,and the EPIC WARFARE in the rest of it. Due to embeding limitations on the site,this one is in a link form.
Lol, Seriah x3 "Nightcore; speeding up songs so that the singer's voice sounds more high pitch/childish before it was cool"

Long live teh Nightcorez!

Also, I can go without a meister for a little while if that works best for everyone. I'll make a point to start following my history (hunting down the witch), however, I'll also make it clear that my character is weak without a meister to fight with me. Or, if any new person wants to make a meister to match my weapon, they can feel free.
Not sure, and one more thing. WHO WANTS TO BE DEATH!? I CANNOT BE HIM AS I HAVEN'T SEEN ALL THE EPISODES. First come, first serve, and I mean someone that knows alot about him, same with Stein, and Spirit, and the other Death Scythes.
I'm current with the manga, but I would rather not run a straight cannon from the original series.

I could do it though, if I have to. Death is one character that's hard to avoid in Death City.
Well, you have to know a lot of their history, and how they act and such. You know what I mean. But, I don't see why you couldn't be, so, [MENTION=4]Sui[/MENTION], you are Death.
Full Name:Sin and Saint Collen

Nickname:Double S

Gender:Male and Male

Age:both 17

Type of Weapon(Allowed up to five forms, like "Shuriken Mode"):Sin can become any attack weapon like a sword,arrow,axe,etc.Saint can become any defense weapon or something that goes along with Sin such as Bow,shield,staff,etc.

Meister: they don't have one yet

Unique ability: none that they know of

God/Bad/Neutral/Both: Good

History:They already had a meister before but he had died,and they have never stopped blaming themselves.So now it's hard for them to find another since there worried they'll fail again.

Looks in Weapon Form: Sin is always Black and Saint is always white

Looks in Human Form: (Sin is on the left and Saint is on the right.)

Soul Resonance:No

Solo Fighting ability:They can use each other for a short time

Personality:There both very quiet to people they don't know,and once you get to know them they tend to speak before they think.

Weakness: They don't work well when there apart

Theme Song(Optional);None

(Hope this is okay.)
View attachment 8182

Full Name: Dante and Katrina Roth

Nickname: none / Kat

Gender: Male / Female

Age: 15 / 15

Looks: (Refer to above image) Dante and Kat are identical twins. They both have the same length blue hair and same golden brown eyes. They are both relatively short, Katrina at 5'6" and Dante at 5'7". From their backs, it may be hard to distinguish who's who.

Weapon: TBA / TBA

Unique ability: They have incredible control over their Soul Wavelengths, so they can practically go solo if needed.

Good/Bad/Neutral/Both: Good / Good

History: Dante and Katrina are the twins of Meister, Jameson Roth, and Weapon, Mercedes Pierce, and they lived in Ceara, Brazil. Growing up under a Meister/Weapon family, they were raised to go to DWMA, as was their brother Vincent (Who became a Death Scythe a year ago at age 19. He was stationed at the Czech Republic to keep an eye on the golems there.). Growing up Dante and Kat were home schooled by their parents so they can be taught basic academics and Meister abilities. They were home schooled from kindergarten all the way through Middle School and some of High School, so they've been lonely most of their life.

Family was an important thing for Dante and Katrina growing up because they were all they had. As for their combat abilities, they was trained in martial arts by their parents, and often sparred with their older brother. However, when their older brother left for the DWMA, they had to spar with their parents and each other in order to improve their self.

Dante and Katrina come from a long line of great meisters known as the Roths. Over the many years, they've developed many techniques that are used by top-ranked meisters today. However, they also have many family secrets, making them one of the toughest meisters in academy history. However, no matter how good you are, there is always someone who is better. The Roths train their kids until they attend the DWMA on their own, so from birth, their career path has already been chosen for them. They start attending the DWMA today.

Hand to hand abilities: Soul Menace: Sends a blast of wavelengths to stun the opponent. A common move of higher Meisters, but nonetheless a hard skill to master.

Soul Burst: Sends a concussive barrage of wavelengths against an opponent, causing them to stagger. Hard to use and uses more energy, but has a better effect than Soul Menace.

Signature - Soul Slice: A family ability of the Roth's that Dante and Katrina have been trying to master for years. Collides their soul with the opponent's soul in a manner that is supposed to cut the opponent's soul. Dante has never gotten close to master it, and neither has Katrina, even though they have been training with it for almost 3 years. Their great-grandfather invented it, and passed it down along the family, and their father was the most recent one to master it. He showed Dante and Katrina when they were 12, and since then they've been at it, practicing every day.

Double Palm Soul Attack: Can double the damage of their soul attacks by using both hands rather than just one.

Soul Dance Technique (Katrina): A fighting style that her grandfather developed which calls for a method of retaliating attacks, which makes it a defensive stance. On every retaliation, a small surge of a Soul Menace (Like a mini Soul Menace), will shoot through the body causing more harm than meets the eye. For example, if you were to throw a punch at Katrina's face, she would duck, grab the arm, send the Soul Menace through her fingertips and into the arm, and toss the opponent. In short, use the enemies attacks against them.

Soul Demon Technique (Dante): A fighting style that Dante's father used and passed it along to him for his love for charging his opponent, which makes this an offensive stance. Charges the opponent and unleashes a flurry of attacks to distract and disorient his opponent. Then, when he lures them into an opening, he attacks with everything he's got, obliterating his opponent. A reckless technique, but Dante always says, "The best defense is an amazing offense!"


-Masters at close quarters combat


-Quick and light on their feet


-Can't defend well at longer ranges

-Has a split-second charge time on Soul attacks

-If attack pattern is discovered, they can more easily be defeated

Personality: Dante is the more spunky and outgoing guy while Katrina is more quiet and reserved. They are usually seen with each other, and all that really separates them is a mission, or classes. They are really brave individuals, and will take on anything that is needed of them.

Weakness: If they feel that their family is being threatened, they can be submissive, or crazy. Both are mostly bad.

I know, twin characters are getting overused in this particular roleplay, but there are a couple reasons why I did.

1.) You guys needed some meisters, so I decided to make 2 :3

2.) I need to get over my awkwardness of playing a girl character -.-
[MENTION=1758]RobinDenstro[/MENTION] You cannot call "dibs" in my RPs.

[MENTION=3584]Dante_Abrax[/MENTION] No, he does not get dibs, for that, Katrina shall be Link's meister, and Dante shall be the meister for Robin's character.
Full Name: Kazuhiro Miyamoto

Nickname: Kazu/ The White Haired Samurai

Gender: Male

Age: 16

View attachment 8251

Weapon: None as of now.

Unique ability: Besides being able to transfer soul wavelengths directly and being able to resonate with his weapon a bit easily, he has a few abilities that may give him and his weapon the upper hand in battle.

Soul Menace (Force) - Kazuhiro is able to drive his soul wavelength into his opponent like a physical strike, able to cause pain and internal damage. Only a select number of people can use this technique, and it will need to be honed through a great amount of practice. Kazuhiro knows very well on how to use this ability, but that doesn't mean that he's surpassed to the point where he had mastered this power.

Soul Repair - Kazuhiro is capable of healing Weapons by concentrating his soul wavelength.

Soul Scent -Can sense the presence of Souls via scent. Kishin eggs are incredibly pungent, while Witches smell like that of their animal association.

Soul Descent - When the attack is initiated, Kazuhiro sends out a shock wave of power that knocks the opponent off their feet. The stronger the Meister, the stronger the effect and the longer it takes for the opponent to recover. The power can vary from something as weak as a small shove to knocking larger opponents off their feet.

Good/Bad/Neutral/Both: Good.

History: Being born without knowing who his mother and father really was, Kazuhiro came into the world not knowing who he truly was. He was brought in by a Japanese family in a small village in Kyoto, Japan. The family who had brought him in had no idea on where he came from. They never even saw his own parents hanging around. All they knew was that he was dropped off in front of their lovely home, alone and deserted. They couldn't just leave the poor child there. Especially without parents.

And so they had a new family member. They named him after a deceased meister from the family, and thought that he was a worthy enough child to carry on such a magnificent name. During the time, an old man who was friends with the family treated Kazu as his very own student. The old man knew that with enough practice and patience, Kazuhiro could become as great as a meister as the man whose name he holds. And someday, the old sensei hoped that Kazuhiro could become great friends with his grand-daughter, named Hikari Watanabe. And his dream was that so they can become a team together, and to hopefully enroll at the DWMA someday.

The old man's hopes were fulfilled. At least most of it. The two young children grew up to become very close friends. And each day they spent their lives training to become a Meister and Weapon team. Since Hikari was a Weapon, Kazuhiro trained in the martial arts of Chanbara and a little bit of Kendo, which both falls in the way of the sword. Together, they felt as if they could take on any enemy that stood in their way, but they were just children. They never knew anything about the hardships that they may face later on in their lives.

And Kazuhiro knew very well about such hardships. Especially when Hikari died of a disease, suddenly. And after that day, Kazu just shattered into pieces. Each day he would lock himself up in his room. He would stay alone, and seclude himself from society. He would often train on his own, without the help from anyone else. And he would barely speak, too. For him, it was difficult to go on with life without his weapon, and without his friend. It only took a few years of convincing from his sensei to get him back up on his feet. And when he got himself together, he decided that he should keep on working to become a powerful meister. He wanted to keep his promise on doing so, for it would only sadden Hikari's soul if he did not seek out his true destiny in life.

So with a goal now set into motion, he left from Japan and traveled to most parts of the world with his sensei. With the help from the old man, Kazuhiro was able to learn a few abilities, and learned many things about the world. And together, they moved over to Death City after their time being spent around the world. And here, is where Kazuhiro has his hopes high up for. Maybe here, things will change for the better.

Hand to hand abilities: None.

Personality: At first he seems distant, and not the type of person who would like to join in on big conversations. Kazuhiro is calm but fierce. He also hates to talk about anything that has to do about his past. Sometimes, he hates to even be around people if they annoy him too much. But as he gets to know his allies, and as they get to know him better too, his rough edges seem to turn more smoother. He starts to become more friendly with every one of his allies by this point on. (Although, this friendly side of him will take a while for someone to get to.)

He's also got a strong heart, and tends to put other people's lives before his very own. But during battle, he's completely cruel to his enemies, for he doesn't tend on leaving any evil souls to survive a fight against him. He's also a BIT hotheaded, in which he'll need to do something in order to cool himself off. Which is why he meditates, but REALLY hates it when someone interrupts his meditation.

Weakness: During a fight, his hotheadedness could screw him over sometimes if he isn't careful with what he's doing. And due to no hand to hand techniques, he is powerless when unarmed. But he's even more vulnerable when he's healing other Weapons. And when he is heavily wounded, his abilities grow weaker little by little.

Theme Song(Optional): Hologram:

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