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Realistic or Modern death//reDefined | A Urban Fantasy Adventure - Open

Azukai Azukai FiveElemental FiveElemental

Crazy is what crazy does. Am I crazy? Or maybe...I'm not-- Nari stopped mid-thought as her stomach howled in empty despair. Despite the events that had transpired so far, the reminder that she was in fact still human imparted itself. It had occurred to Nari that she hadn't eaten since the ice breaker-- a lousy sweet treat that held no nutritional value. Or was it she hadn't eaten since leaving the airport prior to her arrival to the Academy? It was all a dream, Nari. All of it. Yes. Just a continuous dream, she coaxed to herself. Nari adjusted the tote on her shoulder as she swam around the bag for a snack. She cursed herself remembering how lightly she had packed. "Where's a freakin' vending machine or cafeter--"


Simultaneously, a icy hot sensation took over Nari's body. Bewildered by what was happening, she found herself back in the classroom on a pile of distressed students. She quickly took to her feet grabbing her bag off the ground. Her eyes widened like a deer in headlights as she scanned the room, the students, and finally the nonchalant teacher. "Wh- what?" She whispered in confusion, "No. No No. No. Not this again. This isn't real. No." Nari sharply craned her neck towards the professor who was speaking. Panicked, Nari ran out the classroom towards the hall once more. The contradicting sensation pulsed over her once again and she found herself back where she started. This time she bumped into a desk, hitting her knee. Nari's eyes were wild. The panic, confusion, and anger began to boil rapidly beneath her bones. She focused her attention and wrath on the professor. "You!" She growled as she made her way towards him. "It's too fuckin early for this!" She gripped the handles of her tote, making sure to have good control over the bag. "Let us go you pompous dick!" Nari extended her arm back, prepping for a good swing of the contents in her bag to knock the professors head off. Indulged in the waves of her emotions, she was abruptly plucked from the fury of rage when her arm was seized by a big burly hand. Nari turned to find that the hand belonged to lasagna boy. Tears streamed down his face, yet he looked at Nari with prudence.

"Please, we need answers first."
KapMcflow KapMcflow TheAdventureBegins TheAdventureBegins FiveElemental FiveElemental Orikanyo Orikanyo

In the professor's eyes, the outbursts of the students were nothing more than meaningless banter. He quickly became bored listening to their endless tirades and did absolutely nothing to hide that fact. He re-propped his legs against the desk, rested his head against one of his open palms, and periodically began to yawn. Even when Nari approached with her bag, he did nothing more than lazily stare at her attempts of minor assault. It was only after Peter had stopped the attack and requested answers that he began to speak--not with the answers they desired, but rather with continued belittlement against them.

"Great, your angry, your confused, you expected better outcomes for some random ass deal...what do you want me to do for you? Oh wait..!" He paused to reach into one of his pockets, from which he pulled nothing but lint. "Sorry, looks like I left my magic wand back at home..."

Whether or not Peter was truly angry did not matter. The sudden bloodlust was inevitable as it rose throughout his body and left him feeling a sudden, overwhelming rage. It was as if his entire existence was screaming with pent up anger--figurative screams that became all the more real once low growls began to rise from edge of his conscious. With every micro second that passed by, the growls grew increasingly stronger, until everything came to a sudden halt and a sinister voice began to speak. "You know you want to do it, Peter. You're so close to him. He sits there with the answers you desire, yet proceeds to mock you for that which you need..." It was as if the voice was swirling around his head, speaking to him from every possible angle. "...Hurt him, Peter. Stab him, break his bones, make him feel the anger you feel. Make him tell you that which you need. Show him who is truly in power." With the words came a certain level of temptation. It wasn't all encompassing to the point that Peter lacked free will, but with each word, the pens on the professor's desk were becoming all the more appealing.

"...Look. I don't have the answers you want, but if you want my advice, stop whining. And if you got beef with someone then take it back to the source. After all, its best to leave unfinished matters...well, ya know, finished. After all, monsters that lurk in our shadows don't stop until one of y'all are dead." At the conclusion of his words, both the window in the room and the hallway outside became normal.

"You are officially about as helpful as a toothache dude!

"Ooh you have questions and stuff? Well I wont answer them because it's somebody else's job to exposition dump you."

Litterally, LITTERALLY, go fuck yourself.

Seriously, what, the actual fuck. First you act like a bitchy teenage Gas station attendant and now you're acting like this?

If you got something actually to say, say it, or just shut your damn mouth and let me fucking find the person who WILL speak to me, and of course the rest, about what happened and what the fucks going on!" The man was, in truth, and honestly well within his right to be, mad, frustrated, and generally disappointed.

Introduction to Fracture
9:02 A.M.
Mentions: Azukai Azukai Orikanyo Orikanyo
Collab: Azukai Azukai

"Pick it up. Pick it up I said. Take what’s rightfully yours."
The soothing, raged induced voice is comforting, the hot, disgusting, hatred it protruded. It's exactly what you wanted, to throw everything you worked for, as you saw it taken away from you in an instant. But, something was wrong with it. It's not even remotely close to the emotions you feel when you're reprimanding a fellow chef for a mistake. It was... comforting for when you have no control over a situation. No control over the outcomes, no control over how people act, no control over how people found his food to be, you wanted to control it, you always did...

"I'm... I'm gonna… ̴͎̓Ȋ̵̫’̵̪͠ḿ̵̫ ̶̰̏ġ̴̞ó̵̪i̵̱̅n̴͎͝g̸̨͑ ̵͎̽t̶̜̒ō̸͉..." Peter said, clenching his fist, in a ball of induced rage. Yet, something held him back, it's not fear, nor is it an understanding of the situation, no he can't think . No, it's something deeper, more primal, trying to save what’s left of yourself. deep in your mind, something which has been locked away, trying to get out.

This voice is sinister, cold, and malicious, it's not the hot headed temper it disguises itself to be...


Your muscles tense up, the dead vision around your eye darken, tunnel vision sets in, the only thing you see is the teacher, and how much you want to strangle him, you want to reach your hand out and… do something

Inland Empire
Holy shit! A disembodied voice! Have cursed voice phantasms from the void sought us for misdeeds of our past?! OR CURRENT PRESENT?!

I would usually say to not be ridiculous, but you’ve got a point. It’s probably more mundane than that… I hope...

Inland Empire
Wait… You know this voice, you’ve in fact have felt this way before, but it’s different somehow.
“I have?”
Yeah. But, this... it’s more intense, more malicious, like a chef tasked to poison a customer.
“But... wait, I would never do that… right?”
Ay, you'll never dream of hurting someone.
Unfortunately, that's exactly what you're about to do.

Reaction Speed
You're about five seconds away from grabbing the pen and stabbing his eye out.

And you're fully aware that'll fail, and will lead to your death.

Inland Empire
It always gave you a bad feeling, thinking about taking another life, it’s that same, nagging thought you hear every day, always telling you to do things that are horrible, and painful, just because you can. Nobody likes being trampled on, by those who wish to use you as a stepping stone, having your guts crushed, spewing blood from your mouth, leaving an iron taste lingering on your tongue. It wants to be there. This voice you hear, telling you to do terrible things to people, to use them as a stepping stone, only to do the same to you. It's not what you are though, as only one cycle matters.
"Because, that's simply no fun."
Because, that's simply no fun.
“But, you said it’s different?”
Yes, as this voice... It's foreign. Like a parasite. It’s… disgusting, unnatural.

A parasite; an organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host. However, parasite was also an job during ancient Greek and Roman times, where a person would with words and made people feel good intellectually, This parasite is not a usual parasite, if it exists, it'll have to feed on your epinephrine, the chemical which induces stress, frustration, and rage, it's similar to a symbiotic parasite, it needs you and it wants you to need it. So it fuels your rage. As insane as this is, a mental parasite.

"Oh yeah... right, wait how did I remember this?"

Pain Threshold
As a headache breaks out from your head, the pulsating blood coursing through your head veins, but you press on. You need to. Or you'll lose sense of self. Or, what's left of it.

Endure it.
Hold out.
You've done this before.
This is nothing new.
Being faced with an adversary
Of unknown threat.
All you can do is roll with the punches.
And put it into a dish.

"Put it into a dish...

Remember that one time you ate a leech? It was surprisingly tasty.

“Haha, Yeah, I was really surprised when he pulled out the leech.”

As something clicked in your head, as more memories of fun times came through his mind, the first time handling a knife, the first time nicking himself with said knife, the first time you cooked for someone, the first time you were told the food you prepared was awful. Every memory, bad or good, and you remember them fondly. As every time, you felt that passion, that passion in your heart burning. You can recall every single time he lost to his father vividly, and how he always boasted after every win... And how much it sucked, but you didn’t take any of it with malice, no you're better than that.

"No, you know far too well that you're no better than the rabble around you, you're just an insignificant ant fighting ther insignificant ants, why should you care about "being better" the only thing that matters is the sweet smell of vict...

FIGHT BACK YOU IDIOT! SUPRESS THIS HOGPOG OF REGRET! Hold it down! It's encroaching on my turf! Remove this faker from the fucking premises! How dare you let this SHITBAG assume my GODDAMN position! Are you trying to destroy my FUCKING restaurant?! You're fired! To take a human life is not the job of a Chef! It never has been, and never will be! Who would be your customers if there were no people! Also how dare this arrogant prick think he's all high and mighty, assert yourself! He needs to be knocked down a few pegs! Tell him how you're gonna absolutely destroy him with your cooking! Hahaha! I'm back bitches!

"On. It seems this ant is trying fighting back? Do you really think a fragment of your conscience is gonna save you? No, you will need me to do what must be... Hey! What the hell are you doing? STOP! I COMMAND YOU TO STOP! HOW DOES THIS EVEN WORK?!

As a literal internal battle in his mind ensues, as the voice gets quieter, has he gone mad? Probably, but he has won?... somehow. And he has a hunch that this isn't normal.

Being a Chef is not about raging at the loss of control, it's about seizing control. Yet, hurting others only causes more chaos.

“Are we just gonna ignore the fact we basically murdered someone? I think?”

...You must take control, or the dish will be a disaster.
Yet, even if you take control, there are going to be things that are out of your control, the ingredients were spoiled, the sauce was too much, the sauce was too little, it came off the oven too early, it got burnt. Mistakes and errors are a dime a dozen in the wasteland called Cooking. Yet, you’ve always taken every setback with a smile on your face. So why can’t you do it here? You're a chef, who’s made a major error in the kitchen, and got kicked out for it… kicked out of the kitchen of life, yet, you've been given another chance to fix the mistakes you made. Being a Chef is about control, but being a true Chef is about learning from your mistakes. To make due with the situation in front of you, as this is somewhere to be. This is all you have, but it's still something. The dewey grass and fluorescent lights. The sky, the world. You're still alive. You're still breathing.

Inland Empire
A true Chef is the beginning and the end… and this is just the beginning. The beginning, a new beginning, the beginning of beginnings, a rebirth! A new you! Get a new hat, you need a new hat to signify this new day, a new you!

No, don’t, what makes you suddenly want a hat? Besides, the hats you want are embarrassing, you don’t need a new hat, you don’t even wear hats, you’ve never worn a hat in your entire life.

“But, a new hat sounds nice.”


You are who you are, and some outside voice won't change that.

Now tell me.

What kind of Chef are you?

...and don't worry, only 0.8 seconds have passed.

Peter takes a deep breath, and another deep breath, and another one! And another, as he finally seemed to get a genuine grasp on himself. “I’m going to retrain.” Peter said, wiping away his tears, and putting on a joyful smile. Hiding away the sore loser nagging at him to rage against the world. “I’m going to retrain, and figure some shit out, and hopefully find a way to get you to talk. About some truth of this place, you obviously know more than you’re letting on.” His joyful smile turned more cheeky. “But, pending that, thanks for the advice Doc, I really appreciated it… You do have a doctorate, right?”

It wasn’t the professor who responded first. Instead, the sinister voice in Peter’s head opted to overpower his thoughts once more. Cackling laughter filled his consciousness, alongside
the ominous statement he was left with.

“Train and toil all you want. There will come a time when you’ll need my power. Then, you’ll call upon me. I am not a choice. I am you, Peter...”

"And I don't doubt it."


And with that, silence returned to his head once more.

Nonetheless, it was soon interrupted by the sudden outburst of his peer. There was no denying the obvious meltdown Mike was undergoing; his words and tone becoming all the more volatile. And it was at this point in time, that the professor finally chose to address him--in addition to Peter and the snarky statement he had made.

“You are standing in the halls of one of the most prestigious institutions known to the world, and yet you expect answers to be fed as if you were baby birds. Vitriol...sarcasm...avoidance of the truth...there are many offenses I could list against each and everyone of you. And to think, Miyuki had considered you worthy candidates.”

"...I had a hunch that Miyuki has a reason she placed us in your class, with no one else around."

That is... debatable. But, listen to his choice of words. He clearly trusts Miyuki greatly, and we're candidates of some sort?... Was he put in a similar situation as us? He speaks with a tone of familiarity, too familiar, not the "I've dealt with these kinds of students before." but a, "I was in your shoes before." tone. Yet, There is one thing clear, your teacher has a huge surviror's bias. He thinks the best way to survive is as a lone wolf because that's how he survived.

Or survivor's guilt. He doesn't want anyone relying on him... or him to rely on anyone. The last time he had someone rely on him, it didn't work out/ He doesn't trust himself, he doesn't want anyone to trust him.
Mike Anderson

"Oooh! Look at you! Pretending as if this is somehow some test where the way we eeact ti actually dieing like fucking normal people is a BAD THING." Mike remained adamant. "And here you act like your some fucking petty god, giving off a list of fucking sins?

You're a bitchy little lazy brat with a moble phone addiction and a penchant for pushing his work on others.

If you, you are not going to be helpful, then please.


For the love of god please..." Mike stood up, let out a long drawn out sigh. What was the point, hes already made himself very much proven to be useless and "oooh soo foreboding and not helpful in the slightest" the fuck did they expect?

"Can this Miyuki actually show their face so we can get this overwith?

Cause for all I care all this shit ain't on me.

And it ain't gonna start being so just because you say so. You forced me to be here, even when I left, so I gotta be, so, hurry up. Only so much crap I can really believe somebody could actually spew without being about as helpful as a tooth ache." He was tired, already, fuck this brat and fuck this place.
Monday morning, September 11th, 2027

Following the man, she clutched the strap on her backpack, smirking at his remark, “you know, I do appreciate a sarcastic reply to my sarcastic comments.” As they entered the shop and her eyes met with the decor inside, she had to stop to take it all in - the beauty of the furniture and the curiosities held inside the glass cabinets. Walking past one of the cabinets, something in particular caught Samantha’s eye: a hand-drawn tarot deck with stunningly intricate illustrations on each card. She had always been interested in the metaphysical and wanted to learn how to read tarot cards, but she had never been able to due to her mother’s perfectionism and dislike of anything different. Maybe these cards were a sign, she thought until continuing to follow the man.

“Why am I here, exactly? I assumed you had something to do with the campus?” she asked, curious as to what a college would need a metaphysical store for on its campus. It was cool, non the less, but still very odd. Her question became all the more important as she pushed the sheer curtain to the side, entered the back room of the shop and heard his strange instructions. Knowing she absolutely wanted to attend the academy, she didn’t want to leave - this was her dream, her passion. But the sight in front of her was one of the most odd, yet strangely beautiful and calming things she had ever witnessed.

“Is this some kind of strange introduction or am I hallucinating from all the lack of sleep?” she whispered quietly under her breath. Samantha looked at the man, then back to the sleeping woman and finally to the orb sitting next to her. It’s just a glass orb, she thought, what damage could it do? Slowly and cautiously, she inched her way over to the side of the bed and placed her hand gently onto the orb in front of her.

Immediately, her consciousness dissociated from reality. It was a peculiar sensation akin to falling through a void, but such discomfort didn’t last. Within seconds, she was seemingly back to where she had started. Nothing about the room had drastically changed--only the fact that Shun had disappeared and that there was now no exit. What once was a curtain, had been replaced by a doorway to absolute nothingness. Past the door frame was an endless expanse of sheer white.

Back on the couch, the occupant began to stir. A light moan escaped her lips as she stretched her body and lifted herself into a seated position. She opened her mouth and from her lips came a soothing tone of pure tranquility. “Samantha...” She began. “You have chosen to walk a difficult path, my child. Your destiny aligns with Death, and there is no avoiding the fate that is to come. You shall be reborn, and with your rebirth bring the potential to divert the future which awaits us. For your sacrifice, I give you thanks. For your suffering, I give you pity. And for your future, I give you a choice--lay your life, your soul, unto my care, else accept whatever outcome fate has in store for you.”

Within what seemed to be a split second, Samantha’s world had been flipped on its head. A sense of utter dread swelled up in her chest, bubbling up her throat and out of her mouth, translating into a quiet screech that escaped her lips as she came out from her dissociation. She turned her head over to where Shun was last, only to be met with the open exit and expanse of nothingness - she rubbed her eyes, almost believing that this all must be some bad dream and really she’s just still asleep on the tram on her way to the campus and soon she’d arrive safely and wake up from this increasingly strange nightmare. But, unfortunately, she was wrong and the Madame’s mesmerizingly calm voice brought Samantha’s attention back to the room.

“Dea-”, Samantha paused as what the sleepy woman said started to sink in, “death? Sacrifice? This is not what I signed up for.” Still, she questioned this new reality, stepping cautiously to about 5 inches away from the door, peering out and trying to debunk what she was seeing. It was no use; this clearly was either real or some kind of hallucination. Either way, there was no foreseeable way to escape this trippiness. Samantha, clutching her crossed arms close to her chest, stayed quiet and alert to what would happen next in this seemingly inescapable alternate dreamworld.

“Fate does not give one the precedence of choice. From the moment you entered into my realm, you accepted the path which threatens you with ruin. Thus...” The madam paused her words and extended her delicate, pale hand towards Samantha. “...you may take my hand, and for your soul, I shall give you my blessing. I cannot void the suffering which awaits you, but perhaps, my power shall give you a better chance of survival--lest you wish to gamble upon fate, themselves.”

Looking down at the woman’s hand and back up at her face as she delicately informed Samantha of what was to come, she knew she had to make a decision soon. What would happen if she didn’t? Would she be pushed into the neverending void never to be heard from again? It was a strange juxtaposition, calm yet unsettlingly creepy, making Samantha’s spine tingle and gut clench up as if to inform her of the danger she was in. The madam’s nature reminded her of her mother’s perfect delicateness, mixed with that other side of her that was spiteful and unforgiving.

“Though I have never seen fate as a real thing before, maybe this experience will change my mind, or maybe it will give me the chance to unlock the side of me that has always wanted to dabble in the metaphysical. Whether this is a hallucination or reality, it is undeniably mind-altering…” it was clear Samantha’s usually sarcastic tone had dissipated and, with these words, she reached out her hand cautiously, resting it on the madam’s, closing her eyes tightly ready for the inevitable weirdness that was to come.
Monday Morning, September 11, 2027
Mentions: KapMcflow KapMcflow FiveElemental FiveElemental Orikanyo Orikanyo Azukai Azukai


There was so much going on in the room, too much Juniper would even say. Nari seemed quick to retest the “magic” portal, but with a quick look at the other woman’s face Juniper couldn’t help but wonder if everyone was just as lost-not actually testing the science behind the things happening. The other student who had been dropped from the air was yelling, the teacher was still of no help- and didn’t seem like he would ever want to be. There were no answers to her own mad thoughts, there was no hope it seemed.

The world and stress began to overfill Juniper. The only thing bringing her back to Earth was observing and latching onto everyone else’s emotions; They seemed to be feeling what she was: the confusion, the rage, the realizations, and more that she couldn’t put words to. She wasn’t alone in all this.

It took her a very long moment to realize the room had gone back to normal, she had been too observant, too interested in what the others had to say. Was Peter right? Did the Dr have a reason to put them all in that specific class? What would be the purpose of it? Especially if the Teacher wasn’t going to do anything for them in the first place? What was this place anyways, what kind of University had master plans for their students?

When she finally did notice the change in the room Juniper was quick to see if anyone else had taken advantage of the normalized windows and doors. Could they actually get out now? Or had the teacher’s words of monster’s had deeper meaning to it? A chill went up her spine at the thought of more of the things from the night before creeping the long hallways waiting for them, hungering for their Death.

Juniper didn’t want to interact with anything else the teacher had spoken those last few minutes, it didn’t seem it would get her-or anyone- anywhere. Instead in a very un-Juniper like way she held in her brewing emotions-the others had done enough for her, she was ready to leave. “Are we allowed to leave yet?” She motioned to the doors, not going to be the first, or the last to exit the room. Or, could this possibly lead the teacher helping them in a non-asshole way? Was this some fucked up way to start the introduction class and he was just trying to get their apt attention? Juniper didn't have much hope in that, but there was always some twinkle of hope in her.
Mentions: FiveElemental FiveElemental TheAdventureBegins TheAdventureBegins

All morning Nari had been drifting and floating through a mental puddle of molasses. Each moment up to this point felt dragged and slow. So it had come to her own surprise that a burst of anger and frustration wanted to erupt from her soul. She was scared. Subjected to visual mind games, portals, and now her own lack of composure and reaction drew her to ponder the many other ways this place could push her. Will it lead to death? A thought she had entertained more times than not in the last day or so. Nari's stomach was beginning to eat itself. The abdominal pain made Nari huddle over for a second. She watched as the students all expressed themselves with irate opinions. In result, Nari's irritation swelled up and she found herself annoyed not only by Professor Riddler, but the constant nagging of her peers.

Calm down, Nari. You're only pissy cause your're hangry. Rightfully so, her inner voice rang. Pocket.

Nari swiftly moved her hand over the top of the deep pocket of her jacket. A small lump of something wrapped in a napkin could be felt as she grasped the object in hiding. The spewing of dissatisfaction in the background ceased, and all that existed for a moment was Nari and the napkin covered object. She took a seat at a desk, before her knees could buckle from the lack of strength. Invested deeply in what was before her, she sat slightly hunched over as she unwrapped the object like precious gift wrap. It felt like a Christmas miracle in Fall. A cold soggy crepe Peter had given her that morning laid limp in the paper cloth. Normally this would entice a person to head to the trash, however, Nari's primal instincts led her to devour the damp cake pastry like it was a national delicacy.

Nari's mental fog began to dissipate slowly as a feeling of calm and clarity washed over her body. It had not occurred to her that a significant part of her moodiness was due to the negligence of eating.

"I've done my part, and to hell if I'm getting thrown through another portal," Nari said as she pulled out her book. "I'm with uh, Juniper? Is it. I'm with her. I'd like to peacefully and successfully exit this room, please," she said nonchalantly as she opened and began to read. If there were more games to be played, Nari wouldn't be the first to find out. Although all was perceived to be normal--the windows and doors--Nari knew seeing was not enough to believe.
HumbugPie HumbugPie
It was sheer bliss enveloping Samantha's body. From every angle, plush warmth embraced her skin and left her in a state of pure tranquility. Everything felt perfect; as if nothing in the world could go awry--at least until numerous fingers began poking and prodding her body and face. At first, the incessant prods were nothing more than a nuisance compared to the surrounding euphoria, yet as they continued, Samantha's trance began to break.

Again, she was in a foreign environment, but unlike the Madame's parlor, the surrounding realm defied all possibilities of reality. In the air, large balls of yarn were floating alongside long banners that depicted a foreign sigil of unknown origin. All around her were numerous golden clouds in the shape of sheep that each contained a small entity whose focus was their curious inspection of Samantha's being. Each being was relatively different in appearance--some were dark skinned while others light; some were feminine and others masculine; but what remained consistent across them all were the small pair of horns that jutted from their head.

Out of the blue, the entire realm seemed to rumble--an occurrence which triggered sudden commotion amongst the entities. Immediately, they forwent their prodding of Samantha and had their clouds scurry away into the distance. From below, countless stone pillars began to erupt from the seemingly endless expanse, while in the distance, an entire building that resembled a Parthenon of sorts also began to rise. It was both a frightening and awe-inspiring view but what proved most intriguing was the sudden appearance of a woman who sat atop the pillar nearest Samantha's own cloud. Unlike the smaller beings, the newcomer was far more developed in both age and size. Nonetheless, her lack of humanity was clearly defined by the hooves on the ends of her legs and the spiraling horns which hung from both sides of her head. In one hand she held stave that seemed to be formed from wool, while in her other hand she held three ornate cards.

"The tower, three of cups, and the world. What do you think it means, Sammi?" She announced in a mellow, almost dreamy tone.
Monday Morning, September 11th, 2027

The moment Samantha’s hand made contact with the Madam’s, it felt as though she was floating in a cocoon of warm and cosy bliss. Her whole body felt supported, all worry and pain she held onto suddenly dissolved into the calming atmosphere. Prod, poke. Samantha ignored, or almost didn’t even notice, the prods and pokes, as if she was in a deep slumber or trance and unable to wake. Poke, poke. With each poke and prod, her consciousness began to awaken again. Her eyes struggled to open, weighing down with the pure relaxation she was feeling. Prod, poke, poke. The light felt harsh to her drowsy, hypnotised vision as, with many blinks in between, she was able to open her eyes.

As she did, she was met with the sight of a blue cloudy sky adorned with large balls of wool and banners with an unfamiliar symbol plastered onto them. Underneath her was the fluffy, enveloping cloud that formed around her body as though it were a mould made just for her. Samantha slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes as they were still blurry and hadn’t quite woken up. The sights were that of a dream world - strange sheep-like creatures with horns and hooves and golden clouds which they sat upon surrounding her,
“just when I thought this experience couldn’t get any more strange.” Before she could finish taking it all in, a slight shake emerged, quickly turning into a strong rumble that shook the cloud below her. Trying to find a way to steady herself, she grabbed onto the cloud with her hands, but instead of being able to grip it, small puffs of the cloud squeezed out of her hands and floated up into the air past her head.

Samantha’s eyes followed these baby clouds until her sight met with another one of the beings, a woman with horns that were decorated with beautiful crystals holding some kind of staff that Sam had never seen before. As quickly as their eyes met, Samantha noticed a gigantic building emerging from the expanse of clouds behind the woman. She was both in awe and slightly concerned - remembering what the Madam had said about death and sacrifice. What was she here for? Was she actually here at all? Staring off into the distance, her eyes glazed over as she questioned everything she had experienced over the past… however long it had been. Could it really still be Monday morning? It feels as though I have been away from the real world for years, she thought.

Her daydream was broken by the woman’s voice and the cards she held up to her. Although Sam had never read tarot cards, she knew from her past very brief experience of them that these cards were just that. She scanned the cards, looking at the imagery of each one to try and determine their significance. On the first card, a tower stood in the middle. It looked as though it has been struck by lighting, causing it to catch on fire. Two people flung from the windows, seeming to be trying to escape the blaze. “No one would have seen this event coming. This lightning happened to strike this specific tower and set it alight,” she uttered, thinking aloud, “so could this mean a sudden unlucky event? A crisis that was completely unexpected?”

Her gaze moved to the second card which pictured three women in a circle surrounded by fruit and gourds holding three cups up in the air. They seem to be dancing and celebrating. “It appears that these women are celebrating the fruits of their labour. They’re all celebrating together in a group, so this could mean they have all worked together to achieve this goal. Does this signify collaboration and celebration? Working together to achieve a common goal? Creating new relationships and nurturing the ones you already have?”

The third card depicted a dancing woman holding two batons and wearing only a purple scarf in the middle of what seemed to be a wreath held together by red ribbons in the shape of infinity symbols. “A wreath like this one usually represents success or winning, like the ones placed around an athletes neck. This woman is also dancing and looks as though she is celebrating and completely content. Does this card symbolise accomplishment?”

But aren’t these cards supposed to come together in their meaning to show you what will happen in the future? she thought, glancing over each card again. Samantha doubted herself, surely she couldn’t be right with this, she had hardly even touched a tarot deck before. Taking a deep breath, she took the plunge and began trying to piece all of the symbolism together. “An unexpected event… Celebration, friendship and collaboration… Accomplishment, success,” Sam closed her eyes as she spoke, “while everything seems to be falling apart without warning, crumbling around you, it leads to something greater, that being friendships and collaboration to achieve a common goal. That goal is achieved and we are left feeling, well, on top of the world. We’ve completed what we came here to do and now we are celebrating our successes,” Sam uttered in a questioning tone, not really that confident in her answer.
Orikanyo Orikanyo FiveElemental FiveElemental KapMcflow KapMcflow TheAdventureBegins TheAdventureBegins

"Oh? You wanted to see me that bad." Miyuki whispered into Mike's ear. "Then how could I abandon my dear students in their hour of need." Giggles fluttered in the wind, alongside of the wave of digital butterflies that scurried passed the students and settled at the front of the class. The butterflies began to stack upon themselves, forming a rather humanoid figure which inevitably became Miyuki's body in the flesh. It was a mind boggling occurrence, yet one that still seemed rather par-for-course given the recent happenings over the past day.

"And you, my dear Kaivant." She began whilst smacking the nearby professor upside his head. "To be so cryptic does nothing to suade our students. You must give them something in exchange for their valiant enthusiasm. That being said..." She began gazing at each student, inspecting their bodies and general sense of well-being. "...they do seem rather worse for wear."

There was a small sigh as Miyuki plopped onto the professor's desk began rapid typing motions in mid air. It wasn't visible from all angles, but under her fingers was an extremely thin layer of digital mass that resembled a selection of foreign keys. Each stroke seemed far faster than the average typist, and together, the inputs were culminating on a thin screen that had manifested itself in front of her. Like the keyboard, the screen was composed of the same digital mass and hosted what seemed to be the code of a program, albeit in a language unknown.

It only took a few seconds of typing before she slammed her finger against the last key in a flair of triumph. Immediately, the wristbands of every student began to flare, while


formed on the screens. And with that, every student crumpled onto the ground--the lingering words of Miyuki whispering into their ears as their conscious faded away, "Remember that which brought you here."
FiveElemental FiveElemental

Location: ???

Peter was surrounded by warmth. It wasn't a comfortable warmth, however, as his body was submerged in a chest level pool of viscous, almost jelly-like liquid. To make matters worse, the air was hard to breath, given the thick metallic taste that permeated every breath. All signs pointed to the fact that he was currently sitting in a pool of congealed blood--a fact that may or may not have been incredibly gruesome.

It was also hard to see in this new location. The only sources of light came from a series of dim candles which hung from the walls of the room, and a single lantern which rested on a table in the distance. It took a bit for Peter's eyes to adjust to the low level of lights, yet with the adjustment came further realizations that may have been better left unknown. The table was not a table, but rather a kitchen prep station where an individual with a large, studded meat cleaver was busy chopping away on a human body. More significant, however, was the identity of the individual who committed such crimes. It wasn't something that could be confirmed from only a rear view, but everything about the individual resembled Peter--from his clothes, to the shape of his body, and even the hair on his head.

But then he spoke...in a tone that perfectly matched Peter's own. "Hello, me."
TheAdventureBegins TheAdventureBegins

Location: ???

Unlike her peers, Juniper wasn't given the option of warmth. When she woke up, her body was already shivering from her newfound environment. She was laying face first on a dusty, dirt path that was surrounded by a dense collection of trees. Every now and then, a strong gust of brisk wind passed along the winding path and left Juniper feeling chilled to the bone. In terms of landmarks, there wasn't much that stood out. Everything in the area was either the path or the trees, both of which endlessly stretched in their appropriate directions.

It was a rather eerie environment, which became worse once the faint sounds of a child's cries were heard from Juniper's rear. Naturally, nothing that could have made such a sound would have been present in view, only a cloud of misty smoke which encroached from the depths of the forest and spilled out onto the path. It was rather slow moving, but unnaturally thick, as anything swallowed by its existence faded from view. For every inch it crept closer, the volume of the cries only grew stronger, and soon became accompanied by pleas of desperation. "Help me, please help me."
Orikanyo Orikanyo

Location: ???


The reverberance of a gong pounded through the area and brought Mike's conscious spiraling back. He was sitting in a rather peculiar experience, being that everything which surrounded him was as if it had been pulled from an artistic medium. The tatami floor under his body looked as if it had been water colored onto the ground, while the sky above his head was the same hue as paper. In the same sky, blotches of ink formed into the shape of rounded v's soared like birds, while lines of watercolor acted as clouds and gently drifted across the expanse.

It was all a surreal experience, but noting stood out more than the other individual who sat across from Mike. Everything about the man exuded a sense of calm, yet fearsome power that was only amplified by his magnificent display arsenal. Stabbed into the ground next to him was a peculiar sword made from numerous curved links, while surrounding his body was a peculiar armor formed from countless bones and two oni masks. Even the man himself seemed far from human given the pair of red horns which jutted from his head and the crimson lines that trailed all across his darkened skin.

"Child, you seem frustrated. The balance of your emotions have long been in turmoil. Have you forgotten who you are, or perhaps, have you yet to determine that who you wish to be?" The man said in a deep, almost booming tone.

"Tell me, will the answers you seek truly give you solace?"
Mike Anderson

"...Yoooo......" His quiet exclamation almost was a whistle, in truth, he was in utter awe of this place... "I... Its..." to say he was at a loss for words was an understatement. This place was... Calm and beautiful... Yea, he knew the different parts as his eyes adjusted to the world, solving the riddles put in place before him. Oni masks and bone, horns upon a head red as crimson with hair white as snow. Juxtapositioned by his skin, he looked like a god, if he knew less he would call him such. But no, this man, this was an oni.

If it was a man eater as the stories say, he would likely not be talking to him, or rather, being talked to...

Calm doesn't befit a normal oni. So the stoties say.

But the words spoken, they could be seen as the chiding of a parent... Or perhaps, simply asking if he was done with his frustrations...

His mind stopped moving a mile a minute as he came back to this moment. In this wonderous painting given life, speaking to a man with a magatama made sword...

"I... The answers.... Back then I died... Died fighting something that never existed in my life before... And now everyone I speak to either tried ignoring it, my words, or disrgarded them to seem my better...

I hated them for ruining my life, for no true reason... So... Now i'm speakung to you, the one whos probably the first to actually ask proper questions rather than dancing around a bush..." he sighed and... Man this little world's calm is contagious...

"No, the answers will likely only bring more frustration. None of what happened can really come from something simple or calm. In a matter of a day my world has been upended, I died, live again and git sent through a portal and now speak to an oni.

...I'm Mike Anderson, by the way, a pleasure to meet you." He bows, awkwardly from his seated position... When did he start sitting? Was he always so? What an odd place...

Azukai Azukai
KapMcflow KapMcflow

Location: The Lone Official's Parlor

Nari was the only student who wasn't thrust into an unknown realm. It wasn't her eyes which re-awakened first, but rather her nose, as the familiar scent of Chinese incenses rushed up her nostrils and brought her conscious back to reality. She was back in the the dim lit room with the same scholar toiling away at her work. Nothing about the area had changed, apart from the number of scrolls that had nearly quadrupled. Every inch of the floor surrounding the woman was littered with paper and ink forged from blood.

"You again..." She muttered with obvious disgust. "Didn't I say you weren't useful enough to be here yet."

Again, she flicked her quill towards Nari, but unlike before, the blood which splashed across the poor girl's face did nothing to expel her from the realm. This triggered an exhausted sigh from the clearly fatigued scholar. "Of course. You weren't summoned by your own will, but rather by someone who dares meddle in the affairs of a Transcendent." Once more she sighed, but this time she set down her paper and quill and began inspecting Nari will a bit more interest. "Alright, I'll bite. What makes you worth my time, girl?"

Location, date, and time: Unknown
Mentions: Azukai Azukai


The sharp, icy, cold was the first thing Juniper felt and understood; it ate her to her core and was unlike anything she had been in. It was the kind of cold you could never get warm from without a roaring fire, a hot cup of soup, and lots of blankets. The second thing being the hard-packed dirt in her face. Shivering deep, she pushed herself up till she was standing, but a bit balled in on herself, arms wrapped around as hard as she could manage.

The forest around her was thick and dense, darkness the only thing visible between the trunks of the trees. The road in front of her seemed endlessly long and wasn’t sure if she should follow it, or stray. The bite of the wind made part of the decision for her, the cries the other deciding factor. Unable to run with how cold she was, Juniper stepped off the path and towards the direction of smoke, towards the direction that cried for her help.

Fear, and concern for another kept her moving forward. What else could she do? Ignore the cries for help from someone? Ignore her own curiosity; for even with the fear, and the concern, curiosity pulled Juniper farther and farther in.

What was this place?

What had she just been doing before?

The cries for help seemed like the only way to find out. As she got closer and closer the cries dug into her deeper, filling her with dread, and worry all at the same time. Everything was so dark, and dense around her, nothing visible other than the crying filled smoke.

Why couldn’t she go faster?

Why was she so cold?

Cold. Cold. Cold.
HumbugPie HumbugPie

Location: ???

"Well, look at you." The woman said with a smirk. "You're not half bad at this." Without further words, she waved her fluffy stave and caused a rather seamless shift in the environment. One moment, she and Samantha had been suspended above the great expanse, yet in the time it took for Samantha to blink, everything had changed. They were sitting across from each other at a rather ornate tea table that rested on a balcony's edge. Judging by the surroundings, it was rather obvious that they were now at the Parthenon-like building that had been in the distance before. Why or how they had gotten here, however, was still a mystery.

"It pains me to have this conversation with you, Sammi. You are a beautiful young lady with a bright future ahead of you..." The tone of the woman's words matched the somber expression that now rested on her face. "...yet, I suppose the Madam has saved you from the fate of your peers--not that it is definite of course. At least, if we have anything to say about it..."

There was a small interruption as the doors to the balcony swung open and allowed for a rolling tray, filled with sweets and tea, to enter. Helming the tray were three of the small goat-like creatures which immediately began delivering the morsels onto the table. The woman waited for the delivery to finish, before she took a sip of the warm tea and began speaking once more.

"I imagine you have many questions. We do not have much time at hand, yet I would like to address as many as I can. Please, entrust your thoughts to me. But before you get started, there is one more question I must have you answer. What follows death?"
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Orikanyo Orikanyo

Location: ???

Hearty laughter and a subsequent bow followed Mike's introduction. Yet without warning, the Oni jumped to his feet and began prancing around the mat--a sudden revel which included a gourd of sake that manifested in his free hand. "Rejoice! For it is now a glorious day, Mike." The Oni shouted at the top of his lungs, in clear contradiction of the calm atmosphere which had once existed within the space.

Several swigs, amounting to half of the gourd, later, the Oni was noticeable tipsy. His laughter boomed with far more intensity, and his antics grew all the more wild. He swung his sword arm in a direction away from Mike--an action which sent a blistering display of power shock-waving across the mat. A clear valley scarred the mat in the wake of the attack, though within seconds, the bamboo surface was already repairing itself from the damage.

"It is a good response you say today. Answers will not soothe your soul. Revel in your anger! Revel in your frustration! Revel in the curse that has brought you here today!"

Each shout was enough to vibrate the surrounding air, though the Oni did not stop with just words. Again, he swung his sword, this time at Mike, though no shockwave followed the arc. Instead, a single segment of his blade separated from the body and rolled over to Mike's feet. From the segment, a handle began to form, eventually shaping the weapon into a longer dagger length sword.

Up until this point, the air had been both festive and light, but everything changed as if a switch had been flipped. There was a sudden intensity emanating from the Oni, and was matched by the tone of his words that followed.

"Intervention from a meddling woman prevents me from revealing the answers you seek. All I can offer you is a chance to show me your worth. Prove to me you are strong..." The Oni assumed a combative stance with his sword at the ready.

"Come, Mike. Let us revel in this battle. To leave this place is to die. To lay down your sword is to die. With death as your only embrace, channel your anger, your frustration, and show me you deserve to live."

The Oni sprung forward.
Azukai Azukai
Nari found herself with both hands and knees planted to the ground. Disoriented and hazy, nausea welcomed itself within her stomach. The potent and familiar smell of burnt fragrance brought Nari into focus. Though her vision was a bit debilitated, she caught a silhouette of a petit figure sitting in a scarlet red chair. Nari struggled to bring her self onto her feet before acknowledging the muddle of blood and papers surrounding them both. She raised her stained red-wine-colored hands into view, alternating between them and the small and sassy woman. Conflicted emotions swirled around Nari like a tornado. She could feel the divide of wanting answers, crying in disgust, and giving this overly entitled woman a piece of her mind.

"Useful? Worth your time?" Nari questioned with disbelief. " I'm just a girl from California who wanted free high quality education, and yet I'm met with coo coo for cocoa puffs at every corner." Nari dropped her hands at her side creating an echo all around them. She rolled her eyes releasing a deep sign she had held onto for a while. Nari shook her head slowly with her gaze fixated to the ground.

"One hour. Hell, even just one day," Nari spoke as she raised her head. "ONE HOUR! ONE FLIPPIN' DAY, Miyuki!" Nari turned away from the woman scholar, directing her frustration out into the room. "Do you hear me?!" Nari expressed with force. She continued to talk out into the ceiling, hoping for Miyuki to intervene at any moment. "You may get off on this sick shit, but I am not playing your games anymore. I forfeit. You hear me? I forfeit!"

The woman scholar let out a huge groan. Clearly reaching the peak of annoyance. " Again, why are you worth my time?"

Nari turned around, shifting her view towards the scholar. She took a couple steps forward closing in the distance between them. "I don't know what drug ring, people circus, or science experiment you all running here, but you tell your boss, Takumi... the only way I'm staying is if I'm dead. And in the possible occurrence that I'm hallucinating--" Nari turned around before stumping madly on the ground creating ripples of loud bangs throughout the room, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake Up!"

There was a short beat of silence. Nari fell once more to her knees in exhaustion and defeat, her head hung low. "Wake... up...Nari" she said softly. Run. Just run.
Nari raised her head swiftly as she looked back at the woman scholar and then back into the dark abyss of the room. Without anymore thought, Nari made a run for it.
???, September ?, 2027

A surprised look came across Sam’s face as the woman spoke. “You mean I was correct?”, she asked rhetorically, almost as if she was questioning herself. She furrowed her brows in a thinking expression and blinked. Within that split second, she was transported to yet another realm. Samantha looked around herself again, for what seemed like the hundredth time, to get her bearings in this new place - she peered over the balcony and admired the beautiful Pantheon-like building they were now seated on. She’d almost forgotten about the fact that she was actually meant to be at her new college, rather than teleporting from strange realms to dream worlds. At this point it almost felt normal. In fact, it was almost like the feeling Sam had inside her head - that constant wonder of what‘s truly out there, why we‘re here on this planet floating through the expanse of space, what the meaning of this all is - a sort of realisation of her consciousness.

Samantha’s attention was brought back to the woman as she spoke.
“I haven’t even met my peers yet. You mean to say that I’m saved, but they are doomed?”, Sam questioned in a worried tone, “and who is ‘we’? I have so many questions.” As the doors to the balcony opened and the tray was wheeled in with delicious sweets upon it, her stomach grumbled. She’d forgotten how long it had been since she had her last meal. She patiently waited for the food to be placed onto the table, clutching her stomach as her mouth watered. “잘 먹겠습니다,“ she said once everything had been dished out. She slowly picked up one of the sweets and began eating it - it was clear she was absolutely in awe and enjoying every single mouthful. She swallowed her last bite, before pondering the woman’s question. What follows death? she thought.

“This might be strange to say, but this is something I have thought about many times,” she confessed, picking up another one of the sweets from its plate and taking a bite, “my scientific mind would say we just pass and then decompose and become another part of the cycle of life. However, my feeling is that it isn‘t that simple,” she uttered, eating some more of the food in her hand, “I feel that somehow it doesn’t end there. Maybe we reincarnate or start a new life on another planet or even restart our own life on Earth. Why does every religion speak of an afterlife? Has been a question always looming in my mind.” Samantha furrowed her brow again, thinking about all of these theories about life and death. Maybe she has the answers, Sam thought. “Do you know the truth of what actually happens?”, finishing her second sweet after asking her question.

Azukai Azukai
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TheAdventureBegins TheAdventureBegins

Location: ???

The crying came to a sudden stop. With nothing else to fill the void, there was only silence left in the mist--sheer, absolute silence to the point that Juniper could hear her own blood rushing through her veins. It was a maddening experience that continued for what felt like an eternity and was made worse by the sudden plummet in temperature. What had started as a brisk fall night, had fallen below freezing and was seemingly getting worse by the second.

Silly. Silly. Silly. Such a silly little girl with no control.

The words became everything. They filled Juniper's ears, enveloped her conscious, and overpowered every other sense. Over and over, the words repeated themselves, growing louder after each iteration, until they were practically screaming within her own head.

So weak. So useless. What would you have done had there been true cries for help? Would you have watched them suffer and die like you did your friends?
You have no power to save anyone. Perhaps your desire for the cold is better in the end?

The mist dispersed and left an unfortunately familiar environment in its wake. Juniper was sitting on the tiled floor of the Union basement. The fires had long burnt out, leaving the walls broken and charred, all while the roars of the monsters could be heard in the distance. Desperate pleas came from Sylvia and Nari, both of whom were crawling down the hallway towards Juniper, with trails of blood stemming from them both.

Nonetheless, there was nothing Juniper could do. The basement was even colder than the forest. It had to have been far below freezing, and to make matters worse, the tips of her hands and feet were beginning to freeze over. Movement was almost entirely out of the question with the sudden afflictions growing in intensity and size.
From the shadows of the hall, the tendrils of the wolf-like could be seen hovering over her companions body. They were ready to stike at any moment, but they waited to show their face—a cruel, grotesque rendition of a smile which they directed at Juniper before plunging their tendril into the hearts of both victims.
HumbugPie HumbugPie

Location: ???

The woman's first course of action wasn't to answer Samantha's question. Instead, she gently placed a deck of manifested tarot cards facedown on the table and shoved them her way. The deck wasn't complete, being that it was missing all major arcana and every court from every suit, yet it was a beautiful deck nonetheless. Gold trim outlined the edges of the cards, while a similar gold was used to emboss an intricate design of a sheep into the surface. Despite such a gift, however, there was a sullen, apologetic expression on the woman's face.

"You must forgive me, Sammi. I never intended to sate your own curiosities when asking my questions. At the current time, all I can do is promise that one day all of this will make sense to you--about the life thereafter, the Transcendent, the Lost, and the power you are about to wield. We could spend a month undoing everything you know about your world. And while I would very much enjoy doing so, time is not on our side."

The doors to the balcony once again swung open, this time bearing the familiar face of Shun. Everything about his movements suggested he was in a hurry, and his subsequent words only confirmed that fact. "Our window of opportunity is closing. If we plan to overwrite Miyuki's Limbonic Rift, then she..." He paused to point at Samantha. "...needs to alter fate now."

The woman nodded in agreement. "Do what you must." She concluded in a sudden curt, serious tone.

"Already planned on it," Shun muttered under his breath. He reached into his coat pocket where he retrieved a revolver and a rather peculiar bullet. Overall, the revolver seemed normal; however, the bullet wasn't made of metal. Instead, its casing was formed from a series of wispy blue-white tendrils that were woven together into the shape of a bullet. Nonetheless, it was tangible all the same. He proceeded to load it into the revolver's chamber and then immediately took aim at Samantha's head. "Look kid, I know things are going a hundred miles per hour right now, but we each have our part to play. Trust in your power, the cards, and bring everyone home."


Date: ???
Location: Union Basement

Samantha was standing at a doorway which look as if it were a portal to another land. The doorway acted as a break in the trees which led into an open forest clearing. Along the clearing's outskirts were a series of wooden tables that held a wide variety of beverages and food items for the guests to enjoy. Within the center was a small bonfire that crackled with no smoke, yet genuine warmth. All of this was surrounded by a ring of stumps for the guests to sit upon. Where one might have expected a ceiling, a beautiful evening sky with little to no clouds provided a perfect view of the stars above.

On one of the stumps was a lean individual who was a splitting image of Shun. They had bored expression on their face as they sipped one of the cocktails available to the students over twenty one. They had seemingly been waiting for quite some time, given the sudden excitement that came to their face upon noticing Samantha's arrival. "Quite the demonstration of technology, huh?"
KapMcflow KapMcflow

Location: ???

The woman was surprisingly unperturbed by Nari's sudden breakdown. She did exhale another groan when Nari chose to turn tail and run away, yet for the most part, she remained somewhat calm as she began scribbling foreign symbols on a fresh sheet of paper.

"Invoke Command: Return unto me." The woman announced in a stern, commanding voice which caused the blood on the page to glow with power. All throughout the room, tangible pressure began to exert itself; however, it was Nari who would have felt it the most. Despite having full conscious control of her mind, any physical action became suddenly impossible. Her body began acting on its own--her arms fell limp by her side, and her legs began walking her back towards the woman in the chair.

"Look, I don't want you here anymore than you want to be here. But, I do not have any control over the circumstances that have brought us together. Personally, I think you are a waste of my time--point proven by you running away like an infant child--but I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt if you can explain why you are useful to me." The woman's tone was bored and flat, though you could tell she was pondering something given her furrowed brow and the inquisitive glances she kept sending Nari's way.

"I can a sense a fire in you, but you've chosen to smolder your flames, rather than embrace the truth of your world. I have no qualms sending you back whence you came from, but know that your future ends there. So let me ask you one last time: Why are you, Nassir Dyer, worth my time."
Mike Anderson

Mike's hands hadn't been on the shortsword for long when the man leapt at him. The sudden shift, jaring, but like the rising chorus and beat of a song his body followed suit! Both hands to the blade he rose it, takeing the hit, but unable to hold his guard crumpled causing him to be forced to the side was the two blades grinded together for a moment. He was unsteady, before he caught his ground, ish, he fell back on his ass, but got back up again at least.

What would he do!?



Shit himself?!

All three?!

Nope there was only one way through now and that was to fight the gigantic oni. Yay.

Whelp, hes already tried running yesterday and he died, so, it was time for the other way. Make your escape by ending your enemy's threat. It was his turn to rush, blade forward he lunged with the tip at this wierd guy. "EVERYONE IS SPEAKING SO MUVH BUT SAYING FUCKING NOTHING!!!!"

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