Deadman Wonderland

Name: Yoru Ishigami

Deadman name/code name: Swan

Gender: Male

Age: Nineteen

Information on Branch of sin: Yoru tends to keep it simple when it comes down to using his branch of sin which is using it in the form of a chain, he'll often add a blade to the end of it.

Personality: Yoru has always had quite a cute little face which often leads the people around him to believe he’s an angel. He was pure as most young boys his age are, but it seems a certain turn of events in his past changed everything for him. He’ll act cute towards the people around him so that he can get their guard down. In the presence of new comers he comes off as overly cute and friendly which is just what he wants their pathetic little minds to believe, so when it comes to the carnival corpse they can’t even think of harming their cute little friend. Most of the Deadmen have a nick name for him; the devil in disguise and it’s right on point in most cases. He’s just an intelligent young man who knows how to manipulate the minds of his weaker, piggish brethren. Yoru is almost always on his toes, keeping an eye on his surroundings and the people in it, so most things don’t slip past him, but he does enjoy it when something does. He sees surprising as fun things to deal with, but that’s only because most of the other Deadmen are too dense to come up with schemes that come off as surprising in the least. Anyhow, when Yoru fights he enjoys keeping a calm and leveled head to mess with his appoints confidents. He sees it as this; if he doesn’t show any sort of concern then their own confidence in winning will fall short. Becoming angry would just be a sure sign of weakness and he wouldn’t want that to be something he’s known for, besides no one would want to see little Yoru when he’s angry. He tends to play it off as fun when fighting with other Deadmen, he comes off as worry free and playful while taking on his appoint which is some what true. When he does become serious about a fight that has taken a turn for the worse, well his attitude will vary. Yet, the few times when he does let his anger show he’ll often begin to be sharp tongued and overly aggressive. Find out more.

Biography: Yoru is not on good terms with his past for multiple reasons, but he doesn't regret anything he’s done either. He was born into a home with two parents who were almost always caught up with their work, so they never had the chance to check up on their little baby boy. When his parent’s weren't at work, well his father would drink and his mother would complain which lead to physical abuse from his father and verbal abuse from his mother. They'd apologize every time, but he knew nothing would change. Before he knew it they began taking it out on each other which took a bit of stress off his shoulders, but that didn't change his complete and utter hate for them. At the age of nine his city was struck by the nameless worm and his parents practically left him for dead after their house collapsed, but he made them pay for it later. It was a while after he found out he was “infected” that he first used his power on his beautiful mother, then his father. He wasn't blamed for their deaths seeing as he was a nine year old boy, so he went to go live with his aunt. He grew up there with a normal life for about five years, but once he hit high school everything changed due to a little accident. A rather loved staff member tried to force himself upon the young boy with a few other students as well and it ended up with the three of them coming to an end by Yuro's own hand. He was caught on tape and pled guilty at trial without hesitation, he still remembers the horrified look on the judges face as he said “Yes, I did kill those filthy bastards with my own two hands, your honor,” he pushed quite the cute smile on his face for good measure. He was sentenced to life in prison after that and began his stay at Deadman Wonderland where he was forced into the G block with many other Branch of sin users. He’s won and lost battles, but overall he’s become quite known around the carnival corpse and other Deadmen.

Name: Aria Momostu

Deadman name/code name: Slicer Baby

Gender: Female

Age: Seventeen

Information on Branch of Sin: Likes to keep her branch of sin in the form of small twin daggers

Personality: Stubborn and sometimes greedy, Aria is selfless when it comes to those she loves. She doesn't love many but keeps one or two people close for sanities sake. Around strangers she becomes shy and quiet, only speaking if spoken to and only answers to the bare minimum. Used to be a happy girl, always smiling, but since the incident she's closed off and stares at you with a blank look as if she's no longer there. It's rare if she acknowledges you. Once she's in 'battle mode' nobody really sees it coming, first she's standing still ignoring her own existence and the next she's already sliced some part of your body be it vital or not, she doesn't know because she doesn't care for aiming as long as she sees your blood run red.

Biography: Born into a wealthy business family, Aria can't say much about her parents since she was raised by the servants of her home, they taught her many things to help her once she took over her father's company. She's a slender weight of 115 at 5'4 height with brunette and blonde ombre'd hair and golden eyes. She's never had real fun before, always behind a desk studying for some kind of test. Her hobbies include dancing where no one can watch her and climbing to high places. When she wanted to escape her 'life', Aria would climb the the highest trees she could find within the woods behind her parent's mansion. Eventually, she built a treehouse on her own and spent days there away from her studies, it was the most fun she had ever had. One day on the way to school right outside the campus parking lot a rather large man came up and tried robbing her, knowing she was of wealthy heritage, Aria was terrified because he had a knife. All she can remember was that he grabbed her and cut her face leaving a scars that look like tears falling from her eyes. She retaliated by slamming her leg into his groin, grabbing his dagger, and slicing him in both his eyes and his throat. The police found her sitting in his blood and her faces bleeding profusely. They tried to get her help but was imprisoned when she attacked a classmate and sliced his jugular because he called her the crybaby killer, they found her guilty and emotionally unstable within court a month later. Her parents visited her but she didn't even look at them, a few servants she loved more than her parents did also but she didn't acknowledge them either. She's not spoken a word nor looked at another being since she killed a man in self-defense. Even though she's new to the Deadman Compound, they've already got a name for her. Slicer Baby, she doesn't know why they call her that but she doesn't ask either, but if she had to guess then it's because she looks like she's crying but she's not and she slices instead of stabs.

~Before the incident~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412817366.619502.jpg.968f317e05b6156f4fd4c7004f41fd11.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31550" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412817366.619502.jpg.968f317e05b6156f4fd4c7004f41fd11.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

~After the incident~

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412817668.982092.jpg.6f5f56e174a172078c849135ed55ebfa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="31551" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1412817668.982092.jpg.6f5f56e174a172078c849135ed55ebfa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Dani Garden

Deadman/Code name: Doll

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Branch of sin: He usually sticks to making dolls with his branch. They are usually small and faceless with special qualities. Some have large mouths with razor sharp teeth and others have blades instead of hands. As a last resort he can form one or two large dolls. These are how he got his name. Though he is not above using other techniques if he needs to.

Personality: Dementedly cheerful its hard to make him sad or angry. He loves fighting and causing chaos but is very friendly and affectionate towards those he likes. He loves making friends. He thinks everything is a game and doesn't mind being hurt in fact he likes it. He often lets his curiosity get the best of him which sometimes lands him in strange situations. Though he can be sweet he can also be cruel and sadistic. If you gain his trust and he claims you as his he will protect you to the death but if your an enemy or bully he will play twisted games with you. He loves violence spilling blood and causing chaos. Despite his sweet trusting personality toward those he likes he is always on his toes and finds it hard to really trust others. This makes most people his enemies even if they don't know it. Though when he does trust you you'll know it.

When he is fighting he never cries or shows his pain. He always smiles and dances around his opponents sometimes humming. He usually tries to distract them while his dolls attack.

Biography: Left on the doorstep of an orphanage he never knew his parents. From the time he arrived everyone knew there was something wrong with him. The other kids bullied him and beat him as he grew.

Despite all this he did want a friend so when a new girl Ann offered her hand in friendship he took it. From then on they were always together and told each other everything. Or at least he thought so. On his 13 birthday she led him to a meadow near the orphanage and gave him a puppy that they called Pluto. The orphanage didn't allow animals so they kept him in an abandoned shack and fed him scraps keeping him a secret.

A few weeks later everything change. Ann tired of being an outcast because they were friends betrayed him and told a group of kids all his secrets. Since he gained a friend they had left him alone so he had foolishly thought they wouldn't do it again.

One day they got a naive Ann to lure an obliviouse Doll to a empty room using pluto. There they ganged up on them. Two kids held Doll back as they beat him up. they weren't satisfied doing just that. They turned their gaze to a barking Pluto. The leader through him at the wall and began beating him with a vase. The others held a angry doll back as well as a now protesting crying Ann.

After he killed Pluto he continued beating him and Ann tried getting him to stop by pleading with him but all she did was reveal that she had been a part of it and had betrayed Doll. Dolls mind broke and his branch of sin activated.

He killed everyone in the orphanage and was put on death row and sent to Deadman wonderland he's been there ever since.


Other: He is a sugerholic and always carries his bunny with him. He uses his feminine appearance to wear girl clothes. He is homosexual.
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Name: Rin Moon

Deadman/Code name: Blue death

Gender: female

Age: 17

Branch of sin: (unknown)

Personality:cold and quite

Biography:Rin was sent to deadman wonderland for killing her parents and a couple of other people. She made friends with Shiro & Ganta she never made friends before because she was an outcast she is cold hearted and is in death row. Her wepon is a dagger.



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