dead space titan signup


name: (first and last)


armor type: (specify what armor you have where a merc group so we dont all haft to have the same armor)



bio: (how did you get into lineark and alil about your character)

personal touchs: (this means anything mods to your armor weapon or character)

special skills: (only if one want some kind of skill that might help you)

weapon and armor help---->

--- Merged Double Post ---

name: Stark Taverson

armor type: the elite security armor

weapon1:custom seeker rifle

weapon2: plasma blade

bio:joining the earth army when he was 18 he was kicked out 4 years later for knocking out his commanding officer for making them attack a school killing 10 kids. line ark recruited him a year later and he has been with them for 6 months

personal touchs: instead of his mask glowing blue it glows red and his armor plates are dark red and the rest of the suit it pitch black. his seeker rifle is modded to take a clip of 40 with a lower caliber bullet and is now fully auto and has a snake skeleton painted on it. his plasma blade glows red to make his face mask and armor

special skills:can free run around and over objects to get around more easly
Name: Joshua Grahm

Armour: Intermediate Engineer's Resource Intergration Gear (Lvl 4 Engineer RIG)

Weapon One: Plasma Cutter,optimized emitters (Improved cutting power)

Weapon Two: Kinesis Module

Bio: At seventeen,Joshua joined the Earth Space Corps. A year later,he was released for cutting the head off of a crewman with his Plasma Cutter. He wasn't put to death because the incident occured during boarding action,and the victim jumped out from around a corner at him,wielding a rifle. After five years,he joined Line Ark,as they were looking for decent engineers. He was on board for arounf six months.

All timeframes given are in Standard Earth Time.

Personal Touches: Plasma Cutter: Tethered to leg with a 2 1/2 foot length of braided steel cable. RIG: Helmet mounted high-intensity flashlight. Painted phosphorescent orange,in order to minimize friendly fire incidents. Breadcrumb system (You know that thing where you press a button,and Isaac holds his palm to the floor,and a blue beam points a path on the floor to your objective? That.). Kinesis Module: No changes.

Special Attributes: Impossible to spook/scare. Doctors attribute it to the friendly fire incident.
Name: Lance Wallace

Age: 23

Armor Type: Urban Camo Tactical Security Armor

Weapon 1: SWS Motorized Pulse Rifle

Weapon 2: C99 Supercollider Contact Beam

Bio: At the age of 16, Lance's family was all killed by unknown forces in the tropics on earth. Since then, he's had a fascination with killing things, from small animals to homeless people in secret. He joined Line Ark when he was 18 as a hired gun so he could kill people and things legally. Since he joined, he has killed 139 people, but has become much less homicidal.

Personal Touches: His Pulse Rifle has been added with a 6 inch long blade in it's handle for close quarters combat, as well as being modified to hold 120 rounds. His Contact Beam has also been modified with "strength settings". The lowest setting will only stun an enemy, whereas the strongest setting can shoot through walls.

Special Attributes: Being a killer, Lance has no qualms with killing people or things he deems a threat to him or his team. He is also a mute.
Name: Seth Gunter

Age: 22

Armor Type: Elite Engineer

Weapon 1: Plasma Cutter

Weapon 2: Javelin Gun

Bio: A child prodigy, Seth graduated from a prestigious university at the age of 19. Since then, he has become bored with day to day life and he joined LineArk as a mechanic.

Personal Touches:Seth has modified his stasis module to recharge five time faster than the norm.

Special Attributes: Seth is generally a rather cynical person, and is often distracted by things that he can tinker with.

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