Dead Hospital


View attachment 9021

You wake in a hospital. There is no one around but yourself. Until you come across another person, but they are not right. They are covered in blood and their eyes are glazed over. You run and lock yourself in a room where there is a patient They are hiding out ... But still alive.



Age(16 to 30):

Reason at hospital:

Looks (pic please):

Bio(if any):

My skelly~

Red Azarov

Age: 19

Reason at hospital: Head injury in motorcycle accident. Was in a coma for 3 months.

Looks (pic please):View attachment 9023

Bio(if any): Lost all memory

Hospital room you enter:View attachment 9024

The hospital you are in:View attachment 9025


no god modding

dont kill other characters unless you have their say so.

-keep it

-Relationships are okay

-cussing is okay

3 to 6 people in this RP

-if you read all this put "
Kaleo loves me" at the top of your skelly
Kaleo loves me

Name: Serena Brown.

Age: 19 years old.

Reason at hospital: Serena cracked her head open in gymnastics while doing a triple back flip. She landed on her head on cement. She had to stay in the hospital for a good 5 months.

Looks (pic please):

View attachment 9027

Bio(if any): Serena lives in Paris, France. She is a professional gymnast, and was even on her way to the Olympics. At least, that was until she cracked her head open. The injuries were very severe, and she had to stay in the hospital for a very long time. Once the Olympics passed, all her hopes and dreams were broken into smithereens. Everything she worked hard for, was gone. She lost most of her confidence, and grew very insecure.
Kaleo loves me

Name: Valentina Marxe

Age: 17

reason at hospital: schizophonia, she was just here for a check up when her doctor and parents decided it would be best for her to stay at the hospital to be monitored. She's been there for two weeks.


Bio: Valentina's biological father died when she was little and it didn't take long for her mother to marry again when she was 6, her adoptive father was very distant from her and after her siblings were born he began to treat her like an outsider and would usually tell her she wasn't wort anything, she has a great passion for music and always wanted to be a musician, but of course her step father thought her dreams were ridiculous, things just got worse when she was diagnosed with Schizophonia when he wanted to throw her out. He would have often said to her mother 'what good is having a child if she can't even tell fantasy from reality'
Hello, can I join!

Name: Bliss Carson

Age(16 to 30): 18

Reason at hospital: Bliss was caught in a fire that burned up her apartment. She is now in the hospital recovering from minor burns and smoke inhalation.

Looks (pic please):

View attachment 9266

Bio(if any): When Bliss was young, her parents divorced and Bliss decided to live with her Artsy Hippie Dad and take care of him. Now he’s on the road in Craft Fairs trying to make money to send home, while Bliss is going to school and taking care of the bills.

Until now it was a pretty good setup.
Kaleo loves me <3

Name: Alissa Martirosov

Age: 16

Reason at hospital: Alissa was the catcher at a baseball game in a field behind the school and the bat hit her in the head, causing a concussion.


Bio: Alissa had always been extremely athletic as a young girl so that she could see her parents eyes light up in pride. Her mother had told her that her father wanted a son and was extremely disappointed to find that she was a girl. In response to this depressing news she decided to do all of the things people stereotypically assumed boys did to make her dad proud of her. She often overworked herself many times and was familiar with many of the doctors and patients in the hospital.
Name:Hollow Collen

Age(16 to 30): 17

Reason at hospital: He has major health conditions that had to be checked up on.

Looks (pic please):

Bio(if any):He was born with health problems though most aren't major,he has stayed in a hospital most of his life and finally got out when he turned 11.He was doing fine for a while but it didn't last,after 4 years his body shut down on itself and he was rushed back to the hospital.He stayed in a coma for almost a year and woke up in panic not knowing anyone he saw,almost hurting himself as he ran around the hospital trying to stay away from everyone.After he was finally catch and calmed down he stayed in the hospital labeled as dangerous since he had hurt 5 doctors/nurses while he was stuck there

Kaleo loves me
Kaleo Loves Me.

View attachment 13493

Name: Scarlett Trinity Amelia Rodgers { Star. Her Enicials }

Age: 15

Bio: She doesn't like to Talk about it. And Rarely will.


Reason at Hospital: Star was At Softball Practice when She lked up to the Batting Cage's, she was struck over the head. Star was Admitted to the Hospital in A Coma
If its not too late, I'd love to join :)

Name: Joesph Miller

Age(16 to 30): 19

Reason at hospital: got into a car accident when he was racing

Looks (pic please): View attachment 13505

Bio(if any): Unknown, no family or friends came to claim him, and now he was stuck with no memory of anything before waking up after surgery

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