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Realistic or Modern Dead End ~Survival, Apocalyptic, Still accepting ~

As Ethan opened the door, his eyes widened and he became horrified. All of the items in the house were turned over, smashed, or destroyed. The floors were bloodstained and puddles of blood were on the floor. He was too late, someone must have done this. He hoped that someone would be alive. Either his sister or his nephew. One of them should be alive right? His hand started shaking.

"Honey...Stay back a little bit.." He said.

"Daddy..What's going on.. Where's Aunt JoAnna? Or Cousin Tony?" She asked.

Ethan started slowly walking towards the inside of the house. He jumped back a little bit when he heard the upstairs shuffle and things fell.

"Leah wait down here for me. Okay?" He said.

Leah looked at him and nodded.

Ethan went upstairs slowly and kept hearing the shuffling noises. Then he started hearing crunching noises and it sounded like someone was eating meat loudly. As he reached the top of the stairs he saw JoAnna hunched over something and her hands were below her mouth while she was eating something. He noticed that there was something in front of her and she was eating from that. As he got closer to the top he realized what she was eating and his eyes widened as his jaw dropped. It was his nephew that she was eating.

"JoAnna..What are you doing?!" He shouted.

JoAnna had looked back and her face was slashed and her eyes had turned red and inflamed. Blood poured from her mouth as she hissed at him. She started standing up and looked at him. Then she yelled and started running towards him. Ethan was knocked down from her and she kept repeatedly hitting him. Ethan was trying to block her with all of his might but she was too strong.

Leah heard the noise and ran upstairs. She saw her aunt beating her father. Tears gathered in her eyes and she felt hatred build up in her. She ran up the stairs and hit her Aunt with the baseball bat. JoAnna's body fell to the floor but she was still alive. Leah hit her again and again as her hatred had filled her. She managed to hit her head repeatedly and bashed her head in to kill her. Blood has speckled on Leah's face and the bat was drenched in blood.

Ethan looked at his daughter as she stared at the lifeless body of his sister. He say that his daughter was still and tears streamed down her face but she made no emotion. Ethan stood up and felt astonished. He wasn't mad at Leah but he was upset that she had to do that. He slowly walked toward her with a hand out about to touch her. Leah dropped her baseball bat and fell to the ground kneeling. She was out of breath and tried to catch it. Her arms were at her side and she shut her eyes trying to close them as hard she can. Ethan went to her and hugged her. She leaned into him and started crying.

"I'm sorry daddy. I thought she was going to hurt you and she looked sick, I didn't mean to kill her!" She explained while crying.

"I know baby, it's alright. It's over now, you won't have to deal with that anymore. I'm sorry." He rested his chin on her head while wrapping his arms around her trying to comfort her.

"We have to get out of here before it gets worse, we can go to JoAnna's cabin that's a little bit out of the state, there shouldn't be any problems I suppose but we need to get away from here." He said.

Leah was scarred and kept repeating those three words. "I'm sorry daddy...I'm sorry daddy.." She kept repeating herself crying.

"It's okay baby girl..It's okay..." He said closing his eyes. "Let's go." He helped her up and they started walking downstairs.
Lainey Ash


I gently lifted my head from my desk to cough.

"Shit," I cussed quietly, banging my hand on the table and trying to focus my eyes. My house was empty, I was alone. My parents had decided that they would leave their 15-year-old daughter in their house, in the middle of this "flu" that was going on. We had just moved, I was not settled in, I didn't recognize anything. I had been coming from Rhode Island, and now, I was in Boston, MA, a foreign place with dwindling food, and water only on weekends. My parents left with a note saying that I was free to use as much water as possible on the weekends, but to avoid it on week days. They told me that they had headed to New York to sort out this "flu". Daughter of the doctors, it wasn't my first time being left alone. In fact, I enjoyed being alone, exploring the bookshelves of our new house and falling in love with showers on the weekends. Sadly, though, I wasn't stupid. I knew that something was going on, because normally, I would hear the bustle of cars and people outside, but lately, all that I heard was screams and silence. The note from my parents explained that I should never open the doors, and to keep the windows boarded up. It was always dark and dusty in my house, the only light coming from the rare lamp that hadn't yet gone out.

Today, it was Saturday. Deciding that I was fed up with reading Fifty Shades of Grey, I turned on the shower to hot. I stripped down to my bare skin and slowly stepped into the steam, breathing in the water, because, in truth, I was quite the masochist. It was only then, in the shower, that I felt safe from reality, safe from the demons that wandered the streets, and safe from the cars that would occasionally swerve around the corner and nearly scrape the wall off of my cheap house. Actually, it wasn't that cheap, but here I go again letting my thoughts take over. I glanced down at my hands, feeling a slight stinging and suddenly, there it was. My pores were incredibly dilated, and bruises covered my hands up to my forearms. I let out a shriek and slammed up against the shower wall, my pulse racing as I looked at my hands. No, no, I will not become one of those.. those things! I thought, remembering the crazed people who had stormed my house the week before. I would've cried, only I had a problem in my eyes, and no tears could ever come out. My face would puff up, and I'd start sobbing, but no tears would fall, ever. Slowly, I slid to the floor of the shower, sobbing, and knowing that I'd be unable to control my future from here on out.

~I know it's short, but I wanted to make sure that I'd be accepted before I went too much into detail:)~
Kevin and his fellow two agents Katalina and Jack were sitting on the couch of their Coloumbia University dorm, watching the news intently, the 4th agent of the team Lola by her laptop in the other room, looking over news websites and social media for any news revolving around strange occurances in NYC. The team and the other sleeper agents across the nation were informed of a possible outbreak, a serious one. Directive 51 was about to be put into play, the team knew it. It was only a matter of time, news of a major disturbance in one of New York's larger hospitals had just come to light and the NYPD were blocking it off for the public, as expected the CDC were on scene also, not suprising. This just confirmed their suspsiouns about the outbreak begining to spiral out of control.

All was as usual, the team on their game as usual, their student friends asking them why they were so paranoid, always checking their phones etc. Kevin wasn't actually attending the Uni however, he was working on one of the new branches of the University as a construction worker, he spent his breaks hanging around with some of the `Students` as they liked to call themselves, it was funny to say the least seeing his colleagues people he had seen take down numerous armed and vicious men in training with ease act like naive, average teenagers, without a care in the world. This was a source of great entertainment for him as he liked to annoy them over it, it was all in good nature though.

But as usual Kat didn't enjoy it, infact there were numerous times she had physically attacked him over the teasing, it wasn't her fault she had some serious anger issues. But that was part of what made her good for the job, the anger helped her fight better, it was just a fact everyone had to live with. As Jack was about to change it to the Sports channel, which wasn't at all responsible but the constant news watching was not bareable anymore, Lola called out from her room.

"Guys, get in here!" Kat and Jack vaulting over the couch as I just stood up and calmly walked around it, don't see what all the showing off was about, they were small enough to vault over such a small couch, I was too big. As we all entered Lola and the other's room. We saw a profile picture which was THE Seal of the United States President, the blue light at the top of the laptop blinking, we all, well all apart from myself, snapped to attention, saluting. The charismatic voice of said President chuckling and probably waving us of over the other end of that laptop. Begining with.

"How many times do I have to remind you that you aren't standard personel, there is no need for any courtesy around me. But uhh moving onto more pressing matters, as you all know...we have a developing situation in uh New York, an unprecedented virus has presented itself to us, and uhh we have our TOP officals on it, from the CDC, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security, now I don't wanna frighten anybody when I say this, I'm only letting my most trusted officals know about this. But uhh I am not one hundred percent confident in our emergency response protocols, which is why I am preparing to initate Directive 51, if this virus does spread in catastrophic numbers throughout the rest of the uhh nation. Which is why, I am handing down an executive order to your organisation, to be ready. I assume you all know your teams task?"

As continued with his speaking, we all knew what was on each others minds. `Oh shit..` we had been dreading this day that we'd actually come in handy to the US, of course we all want to serve our country but our job means that IF we DO serve our country then it MAY be our country's last days. Responding to his question by replying "Yes sir." in sync with each other, hearing him take in a deep breath and letting it out. Continuing with.

"Good, good...then I hope that in the worst case scenario...you all do a good job and uhh make your country proud." He says, as we reply once more with a "Of course sir." in sync once more, cause that is `How we roll.` One of the things I'd picked up from being around my team's civilian lifestyle, they'd certainly NEVER say that kind of thing during their real profession and life. Lola closing the laptop over as we all looked at each other.

A good few minutes of silence following as we all pictured a worst case scenario of New York in our heads...

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