Dead End [Sign up sheet]


Seeker of Stories


I am no longer accepting profiles which have guns in them. Read the rules and see that this is supposed to be realistic. There is no way on earth that every teenager in the world would just "stumble across a gun". I am thinking of closing this roleplay and starting again with much stricter rules.

This is the link to the Roleplaying page. You may post here if you have been accepted.


The world was thrown into total chaos.

There was no protocal for such a large scale outbreak.

Everyone wore masks, to protect themselves from the airborn strain.

The infected were kept together, in a labratory, far away from the rest of civilisation.

If anyone was bitten, they too would be infected.

They thought keeping them together and away from the world was enough.

But little did the government know how aggresive the virus would be.

Somehow, one of the infected had managed to escape, biting anyone it came in contact with.

The virus spread from then on, the scientists turned into flesh eating monsters, tearing apart and devouring everything in sight.

The government officials attempted to flee, in helicoptors and in cars, foolishly spreading the virus to the cities.

It spread to little towns and the houses in the country.

It was world wide, no one was safe.

Only 3% of the poulation have managed to survive thus far.

Surving anyway they can, hiding, killing, running.

Only 1% of that population are immune to the virus, but that doesn't stop them from being torn apart.

Supplies are running low, the world is swarming with the creatures and the survivors numbers are dwindling fast.

Who will survive?




1. Follow Site rules.

2. No God - Modding, flaming or Bunnying.

3. No cybering, but romance is encouraged, I mean come on, it's nearly the end of the world people.

4. Post your profile onto the profile thread and I will let you know if you are accepted or not. I won't be too picky but please don't be offended if I decline. There will be a certain standard of literacy with this roleplay so it should be reflected in your profile.

5. Literacy please. Which means
Italics for thoughts, (()){{}}[[]]// for Ooc, NO ** for actions, in THIRD person and at least 2 paragraphs with immersive description. Writers block is understood but don't take the mick.

6. This is a long term role play, so try and post when you can, and don't disappear without warning.

7. Be creative, include everyone, read all posts and have fun

8. Check back often for updates and rule changes.

9. Do not stumble upon other characters straight away. It just wouldn't happen. Find time to establish your character, the story and the world.

10. The most important rule! This is literate for a reason. I'm sick of over the top, unrealistic writing. Don't jump from roof to roof, don't suddenly have a gun with no explanation to how you found it, and if you don't know how to use a gun, or how to use a tank, or anything like that, say that. This is realistic, I can't express that enough. Imagine yourself, in this situation. Gritty, passionate and dark.




The story begins in the beautiful New York city.

Of course, half of the buildings have been blown up and are still on fire.

Every now and again, a broken army barracade stands, with supplies and weapons.

The lights still blare out through the night sky, which makes it easier for the dead to find us.

In the day, the zombies don't come out to play.

But the night is a dangerous place for the survivors.

The living have been pushed to the brink of extinction, but the city has become too overrun, so they are forced to move and seek out others in order to survive.


Some seek survivors, others live to kill the dead and some are just searching for a cure.



The Zombies.

They are ruthless, unforgiving, vile.

Once someone has been bitten, or are in fact, infected by the air born strain, they die, then reanimate.

But the person they once were are completely gone, not even a hint of humanity.

They are more like animals than humans.

Rabid, hungry, fast.

They run like athletes and have the strength of a body builder, able to tear apart limbs with minimal effort.

Their skin is dulled, grey, rotting, peeling.

Their moans echo into the night, moaning for prey, moaning for followers.

They travel in packs, working together.

However, they cannot climb, or open doors, they only have the basic instincts of survival, mixed with a hint of madness.

They can however move through water, they sink to the bottom and walk, explaining how they managed to spread so far, so quickly.

Once someone is bitten, it can take between seconds and days before they change, depending on how they were infected and if they were bitten on a main artery.

The only way to kill these fiends are by destroying the brain, with any weapon you can find.

Good luck.


Profile Skeleton.


Character name:


Bio: (In depth, so we really understand your character, unless you would like to reveal through out the roleplay.)


Weapons: (Maximum of 3 and preferably not all guns. Think realistic and be creative to mix it up.)

Appearance: ((No anime! This is realistic. Photo or a painting/sketch/image that resembles a real person. ))


Post your Profiles here and I will let you know if you have been accepted.

Once a few profiles are accepted I'll set up the roleplaying thread.

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StrawberrySuicide said:
How many characters may we have max?
2 maximum for now, as long as you can keep up with them, both detailed. And later on if you choose to kill off one of your characters or you feel the story needs a new one and you show you can handle it, you can make a third. 

Username: Lumeneire

Character name: Alexie Strange

Age: 18.

Bio: Alex was on holiday in New York, originating from london, when the virus broke out. She was separated from her friends, but encountered them again later, having to set them on fire to stop them from clawing her face off. She has been jumping from group to group, always being the only survivor left at the end. She has been bitten before but she didn't change. She hides the bite scar on her stomach. Once she confided in someone she thought was a friend as they turned on her as soon s they saw it, trying to hack off her head with a machete.

At the moment, she is alone and unable to find more survivors due to the dwindling numbers. She left her brother behind in Ireland, from where she originated from, but left the family home to move to London. She has no idea whether he is alive, eaten or one of the walking dead.

Personality: Alexie is a very strong willed and witty individual. She gets by with sarcasm and humour, but when she is attached enough to someone, she'll show her true personality and she'll do everything in her power to protect them. She has the strength to fight off one or two of the dead, but when a horde comes near, panic sets in and the fear takes over.

Weapons: A screw driver, flare gun and a butchers knife, all of which she found in a convenience store, before the first main wave hit. They have kept her alive so far, but the swarms are too much for the tiny weapons.



Username: StrawberrySuicide

Character name: Daniella Teagan Embersonn

Age: 17

Daniella was always the quiet, shy middle-child. She grew up in a 3-story family house with her older brother (Alexander), little sister (Emily), mother (Veronica), and father (Julius). When Daniella was 14, her Alexander, who was 18, had decided to move out. He moved two states away. A year later, Emily, who was 7, had died by being hit by a car. Daniella eventually had to go to psychiatry for 2 years after that. Her parents were always concerned and worried about her. Her brother moved back in with them when Daniella was 15. When she was 16 she had heard about a virus that'd been spreading around. 3 weeks later, almost half of the population had died. Alexander and Julius (Their father) began teaching his sister everything about guns and other weapons that she later on used to defend herself. Veronica (their mother) taught Daniella all kinds of medical information and how to cook. A year later, a zombie managed to get into the house. By the time Daniella and Alexander had found the zombie, it had already bitten their parents. Alexander killed the zombie, and then they both killed their parents. Daniella shot her mother, tears streaming down her face, and Alexander shot his father, tears welling up in his eyes, making sure none of them would escape.

Personality: Daniella is definitely the loner type. She's pretty used to being on her own and taking care of herself. She has a bit of a short temper. If you get on her bad side, she will get violent. As much as she tries to Claim and Act like she could care less, she does care, but likes to keep on her tough outer-shell. She has a bit of a hard time trusting people. She doesn't like to be worried about, whatsoever, because she doesn't want to be a burden. No matter how hurt or broken she is, she will always say she's "Fine". She can take a gun apart and put it back together within less than 10 minutes.


Black and silver Glock 17 (two-toned)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/glock17_bayonet.jpg.e358389b54d9fea7d9b481a7e1a25f93.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4464" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/glock17_bayonet.jpg.e358389b54d9fea7d9b481a7e1a25f93.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Uzi Pistol

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/uzi_pistol_2245800_ls_angle-tfb1.jpeg.583fbeaddc23f6b930ace364e6b09cf3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4465" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/uzi_pistol_2245800_ls_angle-tfb1.jpeg.583fbeaddc23f6b930ace364e6b09cf3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/6149871e5fcc11dfac25000b2f3ed30f.jpg.aa8f545b6783aa369dde75210f98289d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4466" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/6149871e5fcc11dfac25000b2f3ed30f.jpg.aa8f545b6783aa369dde75210f98289d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((Shares her weapons with her brother))


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/brunettes-blue-eyes-melissa-clark.jpg.a4a59d34526d4293332aad889aa3f99f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4467" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/brunettes-blue-eyes-melissa-clark.jpg.a4a59d34526d4293332aad889aa3f99f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((I'll make her brother in a sec))



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Username: StrawberrySuicide

Character name: Alexander Mikael Embersonn

Age: 21

Alexander was the oldest of all his siblings. Growing up, he was constantly getting into arguments with his father and mother. He was constantly bullied at school, which is why his grades and test scores were always so low. He was always getting into verbal and physical fights with other kids at school. He ran away twice when he was 15 and 16. When he was 18, he moved out, two states away from his family. He loved his sisters, but didn't want to deal with his parents and the kids in his neighborhood. When he found out his youngest sister had died he went out, got drunk, and got into a fight. He didn't know how to cope. He then found a girlfriend and he was in love. When he was 20, he was going to propose. He heard about the virus on the news. He then noticed something weird about his girlfriend. She had the virus. He locked her in his room, refusing to kill the love of his life. One day, he got a call from his sister, Daniella, who begged him to come home. He then decided it was time to let go. He shot his zombie girlfriend and left back to his home in New York. He and his father finally had gotten along. They taught Daniella everything they knew about guns and other weapons. They also trained her to fight. Alexander's mother taught Daniella and him all kinds of medical information. When Alexander was 22, a zombie had gotten into their house somehow. By the time they found the zombie, it had already bitten their parents. He killed the zombie and watched Daniella, who had no choice but to shoot her own mother. She had tears streaming down her cheeks. Alexander looked at his father for a few moments. Tears were welling up in his eyes, but he wanted to stay strong for his sister, so he made sure that the tears didn't come out. He then shot his father. Now Alexander and his sister live alone in the empty house, and they are teaching each other new things everyday.

Personality: Alexander is a very brave, and caring person. He does his best to keep his sister as happy as possible, which doesn't always work out. He can be humorous at times. His sister is more mature than him. He would do anything to keep the people he loves safe. He is an amazing fighter with/without weapons. He can be pretty protective of his sister at times. You will either usually find him killing zombies or reading books. Alexander can be a bit goofy at times, but knows when it's time to be serious. He loves to keep the people around him happy.


M4 Carbine

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/images.jpg.c3efd4ee1fccd8a0c363ff465344891a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4470" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/images.jpg.c3efd4ee1fccd8a0c363ff465344891a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

SIG-Sauer P226

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/SigP226Nickel.jpg.6426e54a91b55419c8e950329ac298c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/SigP226Nickel.jpg.6426e54a91b55419c8e950329ac298c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Walther PPK/S

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/400px-WaltherPPKS.jpg.d16db7eefafef72a19cd7a663d4b4046.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4471" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/400px-WaltherPPKS.jpg.d16db7eefafef72a19cd7a663d4b4046.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Shares his weapons with his sister Daniella.)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/johnsonaaron_410x410_634275954033081250.jpg.4eb63ac8d25142c2221179bded2c3d7f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4472" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/johnsonaaron_410x410_634275954033081250.jpg.4eb63ac8d25142c2221179bded2c3d7f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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StrawberrySuicide said:
Username: StrawberrySuicide
Accepted with both profiles, on the condition that you cut down the amount of weapons you have to a maximum of three for each character. This is meant to be a realistic survival story, I hope you understand. Thanks. 

[QUOTE="Nyankitty!:3]Can you save me a spot?

Of course.
thanks i'll post it in a second 

Character name- Riley Nicole Paige


Bio-Will be revealed through out the rp :)

Personality- Riley is never the one to open up, She never shows her emotions to anyone,Quiet, shy, but don't get on her bad side, She is very strong willed person and is stubborn, She only trusts people she know she can trust


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdf9ed420_images-Copy(5).jpg.613a7a13d48073565da667ca72dd1b99.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4550" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdf9ed420_images-Copy(5).jpg.613a7a13d48073565da667ca72dd1b99.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdfa0f1c0_images-Copy(6).jpg.ec3df37be188a0eb4309eda7c7ec6318.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4551" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8bdfa0f1c0_images-Copy(6).jpg.ec3df37be188a0eb4309eda7c7ec6318.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> and a bag of supplies


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Username: Aidan Rowtag

Character name: Samuel (Sam) Lynbourn

Age: 17

Bio: Samuel was an only child and lived with his parents for years before the virus spread. He was a straight A student but a bit of a rebel. Right before the epidemic reached New York Samuel had a huge fight with his parents and stayed with a friend that night. When he returned to his home that morning, he found his parents bloodied and mangled bodies on the floor of the living room (They didn't turn to zombies because their brains had been eaten). He buried them in the back yard and now is never hesitant when it comes to killing a zombie.

Personality: Samuel is the type of person to try and talk his way out of any situation. Despite the end of the world being near he keeps a positive outlook on things. Although he carries around a gun he isn't quite experienced and his aim is usually off unless really close. Samuel is really nice but can be annoying at times. He doesn't like to talk about his parents.

Weapons: An old pistol he found in the basement

(Sorry couldn't adjust the size xP) and a knife

Username: Haleigh

Character name: Marie Jackson

Age: 21

Bio: ( this will be told in the roleplay...)

Personality: Defiant, compassionate, inquisitive, esoteric, shy, obedient.


Gold Desert Eagle Pistol -


Jack-Knife -



[QUOTE="Aidan Rowtag]
Username: Aidan Rowtag

[/QUOTE] Accepted, you may start straight away. 
Haleigh said:
Username: Haleigh
Character name: Marie Jackson

Age: 21

( this will be told in the roleplay...)

Personality: Defiant, compassionate, inquisitive, esoteric, shy, obedient.


Gold Desert Eagle Pistol -


Jack-Knife -



Before I can accept you, the pictures need to be viewable and there needs to be some bio, with an explanation to how you found the weapons. Thanks.
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I was gonna join this RP but i was reading some CS and it kinda turned me off. Well first off, Daniella said in her personality that she can take a gun apart and put it back in less than 10 minutes. The fact that even an expert, in reality, can barely dismount ALL pieces and put it back in less than 10 minutes. An expert with military experience and such, even gun experience. And most of all, Daniella doesn't even have gun experience in her Bio. So the fact that she can do that made me go "Where the F did she learn that ? "

then after i read alexander's i now know where daniella got it from. But the RP has no year setting so i don't really know if the years in his bio contradicts the RP year. And also, he knew about guns all of a sudden and taught Daniella everything they knew about guns. When did Alexander know alot of things about guns ? i didn't read anything in his bio that made him all professional about guns.

I'm not sure with Riley though. It just seems... too not interesting.

There's nothing wrong with Sam, he's CS is not bad and he's pretty elaborate with it.

And also, the characters are so young. most of them are, only 2 are ages 21. It makes me think that people age 30+ are gonna be ignored in this kind of teenage way RP.

AND MOST of all... " Gold D.eagle " okay okay okay.. D.eagle is a very heavy pistol. It's as heavy as 3 m1911 (colt .45) . using it is nearly impossible, if fired rapidly, out of 7 shots, only 1 would hit. An amateur for a colt .45 can shoot down the shooter of a D.eagle easily by just running around and crouch after the first shot and fire back. And most of all, " GOLD " seriously ? please please don't tell me you are gonna accept that even with an explanation.. I must agree that in Resident Evil movie, a man had gold D.eagle, but if this rp really "is" realistic. Gold is heavy, D.eagle (not gold) is heavy. So if you make Gold D.eagle, it's 2x heavier than the normal D.eagle.

This is only my thoughts in not joining the RP, i'm not criticizing how you manage it. I'm just giving away what I think and what's making me stop from submitting a CS.
Username: Angelic Infinity

Character name: Shianna Deacon

Age: 19


Out of all the victims, she had the worst time to adjusting to her new life, mostly because she never had a good childhood, or life. She is crazy and loves to have fun. She can be mature at times though, and was commented by her friend, Damian, is actually the most mature during times of stress.

Personality: Shianna is really defiant and usually speaks her mind when she comes up with it. When it comes to relationships, she is the dominant one (unless she's dating a guy). She will do anything for her partner, doesn't matter what it is. Because of that, she is taken advantage of sometimes, leaving her to be bipolar extremely sensitive now.

Weapons: PB-3 Mini Survival Knife Pistol Bayonet ~


Weapon Bio: Shianna found the PB-3 in the desk of the hardware store she was in when the virus broke out in her small-ish town. She found a few bullets, which isn't very good because she needs more to kill off a hoard of Zombified people.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-12_9-57-13.png.9e9053c53a5eb9c0f64a87c1c695f4c2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4727" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/upload_2013-8-12_9-57-13.png.9e9053c53a5eb9c0f64a87c1c695f4c2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Makira said:
I was gonna join this RP but i was reading some CS and it kinda turned me off. Well first off, Daniella said in her personality that she can take a gun apart and put it back in less than 10 minutes. The fact that even an expert, in reality, can barely dismount ALL pieces and put it back in less than 10 minutes. An expert with military experience and such, even gun experience. And most of all, Daniella doesn't even have gun experience in her Bio. So the fact that she can do that made me go "Where the F did she learn that ? "
then after i read alexander's i now know where daniella got it from. But the RP has no year setting so i don't really know if the years in his bio contradicts the RP year. And also, he knew about guns all of a sudden and taught Daniella everything they knew about guns. When did Alexander know alot of things about guns ? i didn't read anything in his bio that made him all professional about guns.

I'm not sure with Riley though. It just seems... too not interesting.

There's nothing wrong with Sam, he's CS is not bad and he's pretty elaborate with it.

And also, the characters are so young. most of them are, only 2 are ages 21. It makes me think that people age 30+ are gonna be ignored in this kind of teenage way RP.

AND MOST of all... " Gold D.eagle " okay okay okay.. D.eagle is a very heavy pistol. It's as heavy as 3 m1911 (colt .45) . using it is nearly impossible, if fired rapidly, out of 7 shots, only 1 would hit. An amateur for a colt .45 can shoot down the shooter of a D.eagle easily by just running around and crouch after the first shot and fire back. And most of all, " GOLD " seriously ? please please don't tell me you are gonna accept that even with an explanation.. I must agree that in Resident Evil movie, a man had gold D.eagle, but if this rp really "is" realistic. Gold is heavy, D.eagle (not gold) is heavy. So if you make Gold D.eagle, it's 2x heavier than the normal D.eagle.

This is only my thoughts in not joining the RP, i'm not criticizing how you manage it. I'm just giving away what I think and what's making me stop from submitting a CS.
I do completely understand and although I have written rules about realism no one has posted a genuinely realistic character and so many have come through with weapons that I thought I would just let people do what they want for this role play. However, I would like to create this thread again with much stricter rules and demand to have more diverse characters, not all being teenagers.
I greatly admire your understanding even if in such a situation. But don't trouble yourself just because of what I said. I've only given my thoughts about what and how people have been posting their character sheets.
Does that mean I have to get rid of my gun? Because I mean I think my reason for having it was pretty reasonable. Tons of families keep pistols in the basement for emergencies... But if you want me to get rid of it I will
[QUOTE="Aidan Rowtag]Does that mean I have to get rid of my gun? Because I mean I think my reason for having it was pretty reasonable. Tons of families keep pistols in the basement for emergencies... But if you want me to get rid of it I will

No, as long as it is a simple gun, you are realistic with it and have a good explanation as to how you found it :)
(Just in case your still accepting... *whistles nonchalantly*)

Username: SliverOfHope

Character name: Spencer Mason

Age: 20

Bio: Spencer was an only sibling, growing up with just her father after her mother died giving birth to her. She was the usual tomboy, preferring jeans and baggy shirts over frilly skirts or dresses, playing sports and running track, playing in the rain just to jump in puddles, owning tons of video games and even learning to use throwing knives from her dad. She was considered an outcast or freak by everyone around her but she kept her head high and ignored all of their hurtful comments thrown at her. Even through all of that she loved to live to the fullest and for her 20th birthday she decided to visit New York City for just one day to practice her photography which is when she heard about the outbreak that was already in motion. She didn't have anywhere to go, being the fact that she planned on only staying there for one day, so she hid an a alleyway which is where she encountered her first zombie. She was pushed against a wall unexpectedly while the zombie tried to rip her apart with its claw-like hands. In her struggle she managed to gather her knives she always carries on her and stabbed it into the infected's eyes. It backed off for just enough time to have Spencer be able to find another weapon, which happened to be a rusty pipe, and smashed it against the zombies skull, killing it within maybe a minute.

Personality: Spencer is a very adventurous and outgoing person but isn't always so sweet. She can have a temper if you happen to make her mad and she won't hesitate to put you in your place. Well, most of the time that is. She is loyal to those that she befriends and will put everyone else before her. She is pretty blunt, getting straight to the point, and she tried to throw in those witty or sarcastic comments every now and then.

Weapons: She carries a pouch that has 7 throwing knives in it, the pipe that she found in the alleyway, and a long machete that she found while raiding a house for food. Spencer also carries around a backpack to put all of her useful supplies that she finds inside.

Appearance: (Grey eyes.)


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