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Fantasy Dead cs page



More toxic less flow
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Thanks for getting this far, the CS below is the bare minimum I'd like you to fill out but feel free to add whatever you feel is needed. Everyone's character was born or has lived in the land called Slate. The major City is called Dunwel but your right to make up/name villages or towns.
If you are a Runeborn that means before the age of four you were subject to rituals and experiments that allow you to naturally use magic due to your heart being replaced with a Rune.
You can choose what rune you want,
red = Fire
purple = poison
Go like that or ask questions on the check or in a PM
Please only post character sheets here.
If I get time today I shall post my character as a example
(easy right?)

(all runeborn are close in age, at most three or four years apart so 18 to 22. Anyone else can be whatever)

(please provide a picture and brief explanation. Things one can notice easy. Hair colour height etc)

(At the age of eight you were taken to Dunwel to train with runes and combat. List what your character had talent/interest/skill for. Archery, fire, electricity, swords etc etc get creative)

(No one is perfect, and if it's stuff like "doesn't get on well with others" prepare for npcs to hate your guts off the bat)

Brief backstory:
(You don't have to go crazy here, at the minimum say "moved to Dunwel at age eight and was trained by master suchansuch to use....)

(If you choose to make a Runeborn character label what rune replaced your heart. I'd rather everyone have something different but I won't FORCE that rule. I'll just imply it'd be much better if we was all different)
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Leighton Lockhart


Leigh is a tall fellow, standing at around 5'11 and he's fairly lean thanks to Masters training. Other than that he has fair skin, choppy blonde hair, and green eyes. While not appearance related Leigh has strangely low body temperature thanks to the Ice Rune in his chest, so he usually bundles up in warmer clothes to not bother anyone with it.

+Close quarters combat
+Shield and Spear training
+Sword Training
+Ice Magic
+Good balance (So he doesn't fall on his ass when he's on ice)
+Handling Cold Environments

-Can't handle the heat
-Long-range combat
-Believes that he and the other Runeborn are human weapons
-Existential crisis if it was a person
-Has trouble physically touching others since ya know, constantly cold hands

Brief backstory:
Leigh was born to a family of poor peasants, bound to their land with only the clothes on their back and the tools to till the land. They were given a proposition by the Rune-Masters to give them their newborn child in exchange for money. Leigh's parents agreed and the newborn was taken away, becoming one of the six Runeborn. After returning home Leigh lived a relatively decent life with his parents and their new wealth, until he was summoned to Dunwel to begin his training.

Leigh's heart was replaced by a cyan ice rune, giving him the ability to create and manipulate ice as well as tolerate cold temperatures.
Name: Morgan Layton

Age: 17

Gender: Female (Tends to be mistaken for male from time to time)

Appearance: Long blonde hair, dark grey eyes, angular curves with long arms, small bust, pale skin, about five foot three, rather androgynous overall.


Skills: Morgan, as a child, had always been enamored with the less... physical aspects of battle.

Strategy, healing, hunting and gathering.

If it didn't include direct confrontation, there was a chance Morgan would be the first one to sit down, shut-up, and learn.

With this in mind, Morgan is something of an odd hybrid between a tracker, scout, medic, mage, and strategist. However, if you truly analyzed her skill-set, you'd see that she's a medic with a talent in long range combat.

While mainly focusing on medical efficiency and, for the lack of a better phrase, keeping the fuck away from the people trying to murder her, if forced into Close-Range combat Morgan prefers swords, if only because a dagger, despite how much she may love the damn things most days, cannot block a warhammer.

Flaws: As a young child, Morgan saw no reason to really bond with the other Runeborn, and hadn't really put herself in a position to start interacting with the others in a friendly manner until she was fourteen, which, while better than never, the seven or so years she spent closed off left there mark on her relationships with the others. (What's three years compared to eight? She'll continue to remind herself.)

Morgan, for all that she means well, is blunter than most wooden swords, and has a habit of giving her opinion first, and refusing to think of the immediate consequences, this has... Led to less than friendly relationships.

Her chest constantly aches.

As she didn't immediately take to the ritual after her heart was replaced... She viewed herself as less than sufficient. A burden of sorts. And began to hide when she was sick, tired, or uncomfortable in an attempt to seem... More.

If you bring up how much she resembles her mentor there is a good chance she'll try to murder you. (In actuality, her father isn't Hector, but she's definitely related to him somehow, to bad he's an identical quintuplet, with a host of similar looking cousins and uncles.)

For all her bluster, Morgan isn't quite as perceptive as she wants to be, and is actually quite easily manipulated when offered genuine affection and care.

Morgan is genuinely envious of the other Runeborn's relationships with their mentors, (minus Lalo, Lalo is almost always the exception, it's creepy), and gets more than a bit ticked when this is brought to light.

Morgan, above all, lacks physical power and stamina. She can travel for several days, but she can't last longer than maybe two hours in a fast, hard, paced fight.

Backstory: To put it quite simply, Morgan's mother was a dime-a-dozen brothel whore, who, quite reasonably, didn't want her daughter working the floor whatsoever in her lifetime, much less at eleven like she had started, so when Slate went looking for volunteers, Tanya offered her daughter up at the first opportunity.

This was, perhaps, even worse.

Morgan's body had always been... Frailer, born a bit earlier than intended, but she wasn't necessarily unhealthy, so, Slate pushed forward, and while she pulled through, there was a large chunk of time where most were convinced she would simply drop dead.

And so, growing up in her village had been... A challenge. No one knew how the ritual worked, so she was treated more as a ticking time bomb than a child, even by her own mother, everyone and their mother convinced she would drop dead at some point. Even Madam Serena, bitch that she was, pitied her.

(The woman also silently raged at losing such an androgynous child to the military, the girl could have been the main attraction of the Black Gemstone before her thirteenth birthday!)

So, Morgan tried to do... Something. Anything. To prove her worth.

And then she was shipped off to Dunwel. Leaving her mother, and the brothel, (and Madame Serena's less than subtle hints about getting to work early), she called home, behind.

Unfortunately Morgan never took well to the combat arts, physical ones at least, always lagging behind, or just failing all together, the latter more than the former, so... People began to ignore her, push her aside in favor of the other Runeborn, all of them convinced that she was a lost cause, that she would eventually be replaced with a new toddler sooner or later.

(She did eventually pick up swordplay, after a lot of trial and error, and some threats directed towards a then teenage Lalo...)

And so, when Hector Salem turned his sights on her, in vague interest, when she helped him patch up some wounded soldiers, she latched onto the Healer and refused to let go.

(She refuses to acknowledge the fact that people legitimately thought she was trying to seduce him.)

She annoyed him, learned from him, infuriated him, he insulted her, beat her over the head with a stick whenever possible, and taught her.

And when it eventually came to pass that she looked like a female clone of her mentor, their annoyance with one another skyrocketed.

(And, subsequently, the day she hit puberty, things started getting sliced to pieces and subsequently set on fire around him with increasing frequency.)

There reasoning was simple.

Hector didn't want a daughter, and Morgan certainly didn't need a drunk healer for a father, (no matter how much she might have wanted one, even a drunk one), and so, they were apprentice and mentor.

Even if they could barely stand one another.

And then at fourteen years of age, freshly pissed off with the man for sleeping with her mother, and more than ready to punch someone, he told her she had graduated from his tutelage, picked her up, and threw her at the nearest injured Runeborn to heal, (which happened to be a hungover Lalo), and proceeded to watch her ill temper interact with other. Amused from the shadows.

And a bit proud.

Runeborn: In place of Morgan's heart is a bright, almost to large, light green Wind ruin. It aches constantly.
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Name: Lalo Teep

Age: 22

Somewhat short at 5ft7
Brown eyes that have been compared to a dead fish
Messy hair, a rare colour of grey/white

Lalo enjoys boomerangs and archery, He is pretty accurate.
Trained swordsman, prefers hand to hand or a smaller blade.
Adept with three kinds of runes. Shadows, poison, fire.
Sneaky sort.
Deceptively strong

Lalo isn't terribly smart.
Way to confident in himself.
Night terrors when sleeping unless drunk or worse.
Jealous of people taller then him, and handsome people, and rich people, and normal people and....
Sarcastic jaded and mean at most times.
Notable white hair. White/grey hair is easy to spot in a crowd and easy to remember when giving details about a criminal. "The person had white hair!" Narrows the search in most locations fairly easy.

Brief backstory:
Lalo was raised in a small farming village, his father Lelo knew the boy would one day be taken so he did little to teach Lalo about growing crops and living off the land. Lalo spent the majority of his time hunting and practicing all that involves. Moving quietly, a steady hand and accurate aim. By the time Lalo was escorted to Dunwel he could kill a large wolf with a boomerang from twenty feet away. With a bow and the right wind conditions the distance could be doubled. Since early days in Lalo's youth he would have nightmares. Lelo would often feed Lalo certain berries or let him drink/eat things with certain properties to them.

Lalo has trouble sleeping unless under the influence of something. While training in Dunwel he would often stay awake all night because he wasn't allowed anything and couldn't forage the berries he had grown so fond of. When finally falling asleep he was usually to exhausted to wake up or make to much noise. Lalo spent his time awake practicing his aim or learning about Runes. His master Ains Don was particularly great with purple runes and red runes. Under his tutelage Lalo learned all he could about poison and fire, Ains sometimes having to beat and burn the lesson into him. Despite the beatings Ains was rather impressed and proud of the dumbass boy who barely felt pain. That pride turned to disgust as Lalo grew old enough to drink. Ains realised he spent so much of his dying years teaching a dumb addict how to murder.

Hopefully he doesn't doom the rest of the runeborn with his antics.

Runeborn: A black rune formed in place of Lalo's heart. Allowing the boy to manipulate shadows and darkness.
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Lily Evergreen


5’2 long brown hair, green eyes, slightly tan skin, hourglass frame with long legs. Exudes feminine and inviting energy. Wears small wooden blow dart necklace it’s long and hangs down the middle of her chest or she tucks it into her shirt to hide it.
Lily is an empathy so she’s naturally good at reading and understanding people. As a friend she is good at comforting, encouraging and building up the people around her. As an enemy she is deceptively friendly and understanding and is a skilled interrogator. If she can talk her way out of a situation she will.
Long/midrange fights are her strong suit. She uses a chain sword and prefers to keep her enemies outside of arms length.
Secondary weapon is poisonous (Non lethal/tranquilizers) blow darts
Good at camouflage
Strong understanding of different types of ecosystems/foliage
Animals are naturally drawn to her
Her appearance makes her look fragile and feminine and she leans into this if it can make her enemies undermine her.
She is not physically strong so close combat is a weakness for her. If she can’t out maneuver her opponent and it comes down to physical strength she will lose.
Stubborn/headstrong even if the rest of the team disagrees with her if she thinks she’s right she will try to do her own thing. She won’t back down unless you physically stop her or defeat her in a fight.
Gets lost in her own thoughts, she is a known to space out when shes thinking about something. If your trying to tell her something and her brain is elsewhere she won’t remember what you said. Luckily it’s easy to tell when her brain is elsewhere because she looks like she’s staring off into space.
Bad at navigation
Sensitive to cold temperatures
Scared of darkness
Horrible cook, but she insists on cooking once a week. Forces everyone to try her food and when they hate it it always makes her mad or sad unless they are able to pretend the food is good. This will be a weekly thing.
Brief backstory:
Lily was raised in a girls home, her parents were wealthy but decided to send their daughter away to birding school instead of raising her themselves since they knew she would be taken away anyways. She was rebellious and free spirited she would sneak into the woods and scare her teachers constantly and when they would find her again she’d sweet talk or fake cry her way out of being punished. The other girls trusted her quickly but the relationships were normally very one sided. While her friends would talk to her about their feelings and would share their opinions Lily would keep hers close to her chest and only tell others what they wanted or needed to hear. Instead of finding comfort in her peers her biggest comfort in life is walking barefoot in the woods. Normally in the evening before it gets too dark when it’s nice and cool and if she’s more stressed or upset than usual she enjoys the feeling of rain falling down on her. Even after being shipped off to train in dunwell her evening walks helped her get through the tough training.

Green tune Lily has control over plants.
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1604691855300.pngName: Casey Skadi
Age: 20
Casey stands at 5' 8", with a pretty lean build. His muscles are built for speed rather than brute force. He has dull green eyes, and a look of subtle melancholy always on his face. He has greyish-blue hair that is usually tied into a braid.
+ Parkour and Free-running
+ Herbalism
+ Casey is an excellent cook
+ Defensive Fighter/Atypical Fighting Style
+ Earth/Geo Runes
+ Fire Runes
- Can be awkward in social situations
- Quick to judgement
- Reactionary Fighter (Only fights back if attacked first)
- Can be quick to anger
- Stands out due to his unusual hair color
Brief Backstory:
Casey doesn't remember much of his earlier life. Most of it he recalls being shrouded in bad memories and things he no longer cared for. He has pushed most of the specifics away in an attempt to move on, to move past what he considers the defining moments of his life. When asked, he refuses, or tries to change the subject. All people know is whatever happened in the past scarred him on a physical and emotional level. Casey just begins his story when he was 8, as so many others will start with their story.
At 8 he moved to Dunwel, under the care and tutelage of Master Liliana Reiger. He was drawn to her tutelage when they first met, her having masterful control of Fire Runes. He saw that she wasn't aggressive or combat oriented like he expected. She rather used the fire's in a way to protect, as defensive flames. It awoke something within Casey that made him look up to her. He began to look for ways to help people and protect them, rather than fight against others.
Casey's heart was replaced by a red rune. The rune allows him to manipulate and create fires. These fires can be used as shields, thrown as a projectiles, and/or a multitude of other applications.

NeonFlow NeonFlow
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Name: Kanbe Ori, goes by Ori
Age: 18
Appearance: 5'6, lithe build, long legs and thin fingers. Still hoping for another growth spurt. Warm brown skin and
dark hair. Gold eyes due to rune. Usually sporting a neutral/unimpressed facial expression, but is just bad
at showing emotion. Fond of jewelry and likes to wear whatever pieces he can get his hands on (prefers goldtone)


Skills: Lightning/electricity magic. Decently skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
Prefers small weapons like knives/daggers. Fighting style is more of a "hit & run" type. Better at dodging and avoiding
hits than taking them. Quick thinker. Passionate. Has a hard time making friends, but when he bonds with someone, he
latches on hard. Devoted to his training and good at taking charge (lol electricity pun)

Flaws: Cannot take attacks very well; prefers to avoid damage in the first place. Gives multiple weak hits as opposed to one
strong attack. Tires quickly and so needs to conserve his energy when using rune magic.
Can get worked up easily; has trouble compromising and seeing others' viewpoints. Sensitive to the emotions of himself and others
but bad at handling them -- having your heart replaced by a magic stone will do that to ya I guess

Backstory ⟡

Ori was the third child and only son born to his parents, a pair of commoners in the country. He was often
the focus of his father's harsh treatment, as he was pushed to work in the fields with his father while his mother
and sisters were weavers and tailors. He was familiar with hard work well before being brought to the city for proper
training, but if ever asked, much prefers his life now as opposed to when he was younger. Hasn't been in contact with his
sisters (the only biological family members he cares about anymore) since before he left, and hopes to one day
reunite with them in a post-war world. Devotes himself to his work and his training. Has a hard time separating his identity from his
role in the war, however, and doesn't know how to live for anything other than his work and a vague promise to himself in the future.


Yellow rune. Allows Ori to harness lightning and storm magic, which is heavily fueled by/tied to his emotional state.

NeonFlow NeonFlow
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Miryalia Nil


Gender: Female

Standing at 5'9" with a lanky frame, she is unusually tall in comparison to most women in Dunwel. This has given rise to many calling her things like "twig," or "asparagus." Despite the nicknames, Miryalia is what many would consider quite pretty. She has ash blonde almost silvery hair that she always wears up in a ponytail out of habit. Her eyes are a stormy grey that reflects the fierceness of her character. There is a distinctive small mole on her left cheek under her eye. Miryalia is very fair skinned as well, which contrasts greatly with the black clothing she is known to always wear.


Miryalia is skilled in both hand-to-hand and ranged combat as her master has trained her. Due to her rune being poison, she can poison by touch or imbue a weapon, such as a sword or arrow with poison. She is not very proficient with a sword and/or shield, but hand her some daggers or a bow and arrows and she will throw or shoot the projectiles with near unparalleled precision. Add to that her poisoning skills and you have a skilled assassin on your hands.
+ Hand-to-hand combat
+ Knife throwing
+ Archery
+ Stealth
+ Climbing
+ Has an affinity and love of cats

+ Miryalia rarely plays nice and needs serious lessons in politeness and etiquette - she is not the best guest at social gatherings, for sure.
+ She fears her own powers in spite of her skills.
+ She is quick to annoy, even faster to anger and she tends to hold on for grudges.
+ Her powers cause her pain

Brief backstory:
Orphaned at a very young age, Miryalia was raised in an orphanage near Dunwel. Needless to say it wasn't a particularly good establishment and the children had to fight over table scraps, which explains a lot about Miryalia's personality. The rituals to make Miryalia a Runeborn were already complete when she was orphaned and, in truth, it is her runic powers that killed them. Lack of control and knowledge of the poison rune caused her to poison her parents rather rapidly and led to them dying unpleasant deaths.

When she turned 8, Master Kaen Cyrr came to take her from the orphanage, having kept a close eye on the girl from a distance all these years. He never truly adopted her, thus giving her the last name "Nil" to remind her she was alone. Master Cyrr took Miryalia to Dunwel and trained her in his own profession: as an assassin. Miryalia learned to control her runic powers quickly but was most displeased with the training forced upon her. While a skilled assassin, Miryalia is not interested in killing for a living.

The rune in place of Miryalia's heart is a purple poison rune. It something that sometimes causes her great pain as poison is constantly coursing through her veins, although she is immune to it, the pain of the poison is something she lives with every day, but it gets more potent on full moon nights, where it hurts her the most. It makes it feel as though her blood is on fire.

NeonFlow NeonFlow
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Barret Lockhart


Barret Lockhart.jpg

Six feet tall, long figure, brown usually unkempt hair, dirt brown eyes, face also usually caked with a few splotches of dirt. He wears clothes that likely haven't been washed for some time (at least not properly), a satchel for holding various items, and a fine black scarf that he never seems to remove. He also carries a pair of duel wielded swords, a bow, and a quiver of arrows.

Skills: Barret hones the ability to reflect light, turning himself or anyone/thing he happens to be touching invisible
-Strong sense of determination
-Somewhat sneaky. Makes a good thief
-Gets along well with others once he gets to know them better
-Fast runner (long legs)
-Good with a sword
-Good with a bow
-Good with a lute

Flaws: Barret can only go so far with his runes ability. The longer he remains invisible the dizzier he gets. It's exhausting trying to hold it for long durations. The more items/people he is keeping invisible at one time, the quicker his energy depletes.
-A little awkward
-Hates the cold
-Can get jealous easily
-Terrible singer

Brief backstory:
What's there to tell? Born in Dunwel, Barret was orphaned at a young age as most tend to end up. His mother and father had fallen violently ill with a fatal disease which Barret seemed immune to.

No other family to turn to, he was taken in by a powerful Rune Master by the name of Raya Steward. He became Runeborn and trained with his Master Raya for years until finally the day came to join forces with fellow Runeborn and face the threat of an oncoming war.

Barret's heart was replaced with a hollow, clear rune quite similar to the quality of glass. It allows him to bend light and turn himself and those he comes into contact with invisible.
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