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Fandom Dead by Daylight 🔪 Partner Search


professional catboy
  • Prelude
    Hello, you can call me Cheetah. I'm looking for one thing in particular, to write as Danny "The Ghostface" Johnson.

    The catch? My idea well has dried up. I'm quite open to different plot hooks however. I can write in the Entity's Realm, before it, or perhaps even after it.

    Please note that Danny is not a good man and I do not intend twist his personality. His relationships are unhealthy. He is narcissistic, obsessive, and... well, a murderer.

    Sound good? Check out the other tabs and let me know if you'd like to write together. (Discord preferred).
    Begin <

Me and You
Writing Sample
I hope you liked my stories
I enjoyed bringing them to life. Don't worry, I'm not done.
code by Nano
Quite fond of the new map. Danny would definitely appreciate the theatre. I can see the Legion hanging out at the arcade portion.
Hi! I'm Rae and I absolutely LOVE DBD, I would love to do this rp so hit me up or reply in here to let me know!
hey!! would love to do something like this, let me know if you would like me to message you!
OF COURSE! Feel free to message me anytime
I'm out of town for the weekend and not the most fluent doing stuff on mobile, so feel free to send me a message and I'll reply when I get a chance
  • Prelude
    Hello, you can call me Cheetah. I'm looking for one thing in particular, to write as Danny "The Ghostface" Johnson.

    The catch? My idea well has dried up. I'm quite open to different plot hooks however. I can write in the Entity's Realm, before it, or perhaps even after it.

    Please note that Danny is not a good man and I do not intend twist his personality. His relationships are unhealthy. He is narcissistic, obsessive, and... well, a murderer.

    Sound good? Check out the other tabs and let me know if you'd like to write together. (Discord preferred).
    Begin <

Me and You
Writing Sample
I hope you liked my stories
I enjoyed bringing them to life. Don't worry, I'm not done.
code by Nano
Hi! is this still open? I'm interested in rping with you

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