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Realistic or Modern DC Universe: Rise of the Injustice

David Dauntless

Junior Member

In the Past Justice, Peace and Hope were reflected in each and every Hero known to mankind. When a Villain towered above all, Heroes would rise to the occasion and bring Justice. When everything was almost lost to darkness, Heroes ignited Hope and when everything seemed to be unsettled, Heroes established Peace. Sadly this was all in the past.

During the great battle between the "Justice League" and Darkseid, cities were destroyed, millions were dead and the world was left to oblivion. After the destruction and chaos, Lex Luthor used his riches to rebuild the fallen cities and to pay tribute to the dead. The world had seen his good deeds and appointed him as the World's leader. He than convinced the world that super heroes are the true cause of destruction to the planet and that they should be disapproved from ever resurfacing again.

Then a few years later it became law that Super Heroes were not allowed to resurface again, causing them to hide in the shadows. Lex Luthor already had his scheme in place, and everything was following through accordingly. Lex Luthor had a hidden team of his own known as the "Injustice League". The other major members of the team were Joker, Deathstroke, Black Adam, Black Manta, Catwoman and Sinestro. Lex Luthor was pulling the strings of the team and the rest would follow his schemes.

The Justice League was dismembered, their bases were destroyed and the heroes were in hiding, not through fear but because they realized that society just didn't want them.

There was a group of heroes working in the shadows led by The Dark Knight himself, Batman, his second in command Cyborg and the muscles of the group Shazam. The group went under the name of "The Shadow Knights". This group worked in stealthy missions and saved cities and people in danger without being caught or at times without being seen. The Shadow Knights knew that Lex Luthor was up to something and they were preparing a resistance team to attack when they understood his full scheme.

There was another group of heroes which were planning on taking over everything and to implement their own laws to ensure the safety of mankind. This group was tired of the complains that mankind always brought up regardless of how many times they have been saved by the super heroes. This team was led by Aquaman and his second in command were Wonder Woman and Hawk Girl. The group went under the name of "Enforcers". They had a plan in motion and were preparing themselves for a new world.

Other heroes were just laying low such as Superman, Green Lantern and Flash. They realized the two different groups of heroes had two different views which would make them turn against each other at some point and they didn't want to be apart of it.

Can Justice, Hope and Peace be restored? or will the world live under Injustice for eternity?

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After pulling of the First Phase of his operations by banning all super heroes, Lex Luthor, the leader of the world was feeling proud of his current accomplishments. He felt like a God towering above everyone, including all super heroes that ever existed. He knew this day would come, and now he had his Second Phase to pull off. He had many super villains under his command, working for the Injustice League. They were positioned in different locations around the world, and now that he had divided the heroes, he believed he could conquer them. His hate for all super heroes was at it's peak and now he wanted them to pay, by unleashing his world wide Injustice league to destroy the remaining heroes in their various groups. All armies in the world were under his command as well, and they had no choice but to listen to him. He set up many army patrols world wide, with at least three allocated super villains to lead them. His Third Phase was still classified. No one knew what his plan was for this phase, not even the other major members of the Injustice League. Lex had a secret which he was saving for the Third phase of his operations.

Lex Luthor then came on live television and spoke "We have seen the destruction and massacre the super heroes have caused in the past. Even after banning them from ever resurfacing they still work in the shadows, against the laws of this world. I have been lenient, but now I will not tolerate them anymore. Now we will go to desperate measures to stop them. As you all know, Super Heroes can easily defeat us humans with ease if we tried to stop them, so I myself have gathered Super powered beings as well to bring Justice, Peace and Hope to the world!. Some of them may have been evil in the past, but now they are going to get redemption by bringing Justice. This operation is called Operation Redemption, and as of now, let Operation Redemption Begin!."

After he finished speaking, the Armies, Navy teams and special forces from all over the world were deployed along with most of the extended members of the Injustice League. Black Adam, Sinestro and Joker stayed by Lex Luthors side as his main advisors and muscle. Poison Ivy, Deathstroke, Black Manta and Catwoman were going to be Lex Luthors eyes and ears with everything going on outside. Now Lex was pleased, and he believed that everything was going to go as planned.
Clark Kent was disgusted with the world. After everything he and the Justice League had done for the world, they were content allowing Lex Luthor, and a menagerie of villains come in and revert everything back to the way things were like before heroes... chaotic, unjust, evil. It was obvious to Clark that the world no longer wanted Superman.. needed him, but did not want him. Before he had gone into hiding, Superman had confronted Lex in public, "There will always be someone to stand up against Injustice." then he flew off, and except for insane UFO-type sightings, no one as seen Superman since. Some people doubt he ever existed.

As for Clark, he had moved back to Smallville, where he could live his life without Lex or anyone else bothering him. He thought he could do that.. at least. Every time he heard a child screaming "Help!" from miles away, he wanted to help, every time he heard the police chatter on passing police cars, he wanted to help. Fact was, Superman hated living solely as Clark Kent, and Clark Kent couldn't stand the doldrums of a regular human life. he longed to don his suit once again, but he would not.. not without serious motivation. Not even Batman, one of his most trusted allies, one of his one true friends, could convince him to remain a hero. In Clark's mind, Lex had won, for now.
Lex Luthor felt he had victory against all superheroes, including the Man of Steel himself Superman. During the public confrontation with Superman, Lex smiled and acted calmly but in the inside he was slightly insulted. Lex then spoke as Clark was flying off "Justice is served Superman, look around you. Can you not see it?" he said with a slight smirk watching Superman fly off.

Lex knew that he was inflicting pain on The Man of steel, and he enjoyed every moment of it. The best part was that in the public eye Superman was the bad guy and not Lex Luthor, the tables had drastically turned. He also knew that the Superheroes would not last the attack of the Injustice League without Superman and now that the heroes have been divided, Lex was winning and the odds were in his favor.

Presently Lex was preparing a small sized army team, led by Professor Zoom and Solomon Grundy to leave for Smallville so they can enforce the Laws and ensure that no Super Hero activities would take place. Knowing the capabilities of Professor Zoom and Solomon Grundy, Lex knew that they would definitely put up a challenge to any super hero who would want to intervene. Lex made sure that all corners of the world had no Super Hero activities what so ever, so he sent armies and villains to even the smallest and peaceful of places.
Hal Jordan was at the planet created to be something of a base of operations for the Green Lantern Corps, a place he used to walk with his head held high and felt joy coming from every corner by knowing he was taking a great part in the universe. Now it was a place where he only went because he had nowhere else to go and only tried to hide in the crowd. He was sitting in what was the closest thing to a park on the planet when Kilowog, one of the greatest Green Lanterns and a friends of Hal's.

"How are things with you?" Said Kilowog, trying to give his friend some sort of distraction.

"Exactly how you would expect things to be now. Everyday I feel less and I become weaker. How about you?" Said Hal in as close to joking as he could get these days.

"Aaah, I'm training a new batch of Poozers that think they are powerful enough to take on the black lantern ringless, it's going to be a fun week."

"Well that's good for you, can we talk some other time? I just want to think for now."

"Valdork Hal! You have been thinking for years! You know you are not to blame for what happened, there are some of the strongest people in the universe on your planet and the rest all want to fight them. I know you don't like to talk about it but if you ever ask we could help yo-"

Everyone in a short distance turned to look at the two of them, Hal immediately turned from rage to shame "I'm sorry Kilowog but I just want to be alone for now." As Hal began to fly off Kilowog had nothing to do but grieve for what had become of his old friend.
Lex knew that the Green Lantern Corps could not intervene as long as the law of banning super heroes stood. He had planned this all along and he had every single detail about them due to the aid of Sinestro, a former Green Lantern in the past, but now a notorious member of the Injustice League. Sinestro despised Hal Jordan, and made sure he gave every single detail in order to prevent him from trying to interfere with the plans. Lex knew that eventually, in time Green Lantern would return and he had made plans with Sinestro in regards to stopping him when he does so.

Sinestro then began to speak with Lex "Lex you're plan is brilliant, everything is just falling in place. Just as you promised"

Lex then looked at Sinestro and replied with a reassuring voice "I'm a man of my word Sinestro, and you will gain your part of the deal as promised if you just stick to the plan" He said with a smile

Sinestro then replied "There's nothing more I could ask for but Hal Jordans head under my heel as I crush him" He said as his eyes glowed more yellow

Lex smiled as Sinestro spoke and replied while looking up towards the sky "Be patient, and I promise you an opportunity will present itself, and when it does I will give you permission to grasp it" he said before looking at Sinestro with a raised brow and he continued speaking "But for now, we have other matters to deal with. So keep up to the end of your bargain and calm yourself."

Everything was falling in place, Lex had an effective strategy and could not risk any small mistakes at this point. He was aiming for perfection and Revenge on all Super Heroes that ever lived.

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"Gahh,..", Bruce grunted as he turned in his bed to one side in a vain attempt to relieve some pain from his broken ribs. He was sweating as he sat up in his bed, giving up on ever finding a comfortable position to lie in. The news was barely audible in the background but he turned it off as soon as Luthor's face came on.

Alfred came in shortly after with some hot water and a towel. A young boy followed him in holding what looked like a document folder. As Alfred tended to Bruce's bandages to start redressing them, Bruce looked straight towards the boy. "Billy, is that the intel regarding Phase 3?", he inquired. Billy shook his head hesitantly before speaking. "The Oracle asked me to hand this to you. She said it was important."

Bruce took the folder, looking over its contents. He slowly turned the pages as he studied them before stopping on a page. Something had caught his eyes. "LexCorp's been busy. There have been multiple wire transfers to and from a particular Swiss account. We need more information regarding the account. Recent transactions, other associated accounts....", he said, handing the folder back to Billy.

"What are you planning, Luthor ?"
, his pondered as he stared blankly at the crackling fireplace.
Lex Luthors Phase 3 plan is the most confidential and classified plan that he holds. None of the Injustice League members know what the Phase 3 Plan is but they all believe and trust in Luthor. Every Super Villain in the Injustice League joined by free will and they respect Luthor with high regard according to everything he has accomplished thus far. The Joker, Black Adam and Sinestro have a few pieces to the puzzle, but it is not enough to understand the full the plot.

Lex was with Joker, discussing matters about the Batman. No one knew the Batman like Joker, and Lex needed Jokers assistance and knowledge to stop the Dark Knight from ever rising.

Lex then spoke with the Joker in regards to Batman "Joker, you know more about the Batman than you do about joking. I will be needing you to do a favor for me.

Joker then replied "Yes Lexy, what is it you want? you want to know how I got these scars" He said before laughing to himself

Lex then replied with a serious face "Very funny! I need you to somehow gain the Batmans attention and then keep it on us"

Joker smiled widely and spoke "It would be my pleasure to do so." he said with a slight laugh before he spoke again "by the way Lexy, can you please tell me more about Phase 3? pretty please?" He said with a smile

Lex then smiled and spoke with a reassuring voice "Phase 3 will be revealed soon enough, but for now lets get through phase 2 first and maybe I'll let you in on it." Lex said with a smile, but he wasn't going to tell anyone what phase 3 was. It was too important, to be revealed just yet. When the time was right, Phase 3 would come to play when needed.
Prometheus (I'm okay with using Pr for short outside of character) smiled as he worked on his suit. Luthor had made a plan, he knew. It wouldn't work, he knew. But it would distract the Justice league while he prepared his plans, perhaps he should invest some effort into recruiting an underling. That would be useful, but who? and how do I know the worth of their loyalty? The last one had left him in the mind loop.
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Lex Luthor had just returned from checking on the progress towards Phase 3, and he was pleased with what was going on in the preparation. Everything was almost ready, all he needed to do was wait for the completion of Phase 2.

He then walked up towards Black Adam and Sinestro before speaking "when it is time for Phase 3, I want you both by my side to stop any interference understood". Adam and Sinestro both nodded their heads in agreement.

Phase 3 is something that has never been done by any super villain before, because no one had ever thought of the idea. The idea was so big, that even Lex Luthor himself had complete confidence that this would bring the downfall of all super heroes, but it would come with a great risk and therefore he needed Black Adam and Sinestro by his side to stop any interference.

After Lex was speaking he then used his communicator on his suit, to try and get in contact with Prometheus "Come in Prometheus....can you hear me?" he said waiting for a reply, he had a job in mind for Prometheus and wanted to inform him.
Prometheus heard the voice of Luthor, not through his ears but through the synth-synapses in his helmet, speaking directly back he connected straight to Lex's communicator, he knew the voice synthesizers would remove the annoyance from his voice, "You know I can hear you Luthor, what is it?" putting down his tools he began to put on his suit, "Where do you want me?"
Conner laid on the side of Mt.Hualālai. He was was relaxing a he mused on his past, Mused on the day before he hide away like a coward. Before he join the heroes in hiding. He remembered in day with the titans, His first day out of the test tube, Him meeting the man of steel. He hadn't spoke to Clark in a awhile now. He hasn't spoken to anyone who knew he was once Superboy in about 5 months. He was kind of happy to be free of that life but there was something so wrong...He felt it hard to rest in the sun on the mountain hills or talk with one of the cute Hawaiian girls. No his depression was returning...No it was guilt. He knew what he was doing was wrong, He knew what Lex, The bastard was doing was wrong. He knew there will be a cry for justice but would he answer, Would anyone really answer?

Conner jumped on to his legs with ease and yawned, He wasn't tire but force of habit to show he was 'Normal'. He was wearing some cargo shorts, sandals and typical Hawaiian shirt. He pulled out his phone and look at it. He rolled down to Clark's name which also had once been Dad and brother. "Do I...No." He put his phone away and sighed. He didn't have the courage to text or even call him. Conner looked at the town he live and smiled, It was another Island away. It was time for work, He had a place to be. Conner then rose into the air zoomed of at amazing speed where he would be seen as a blurred being. The fresh salty clean air flew through his black hair.
A static noise from a nearby radio broke the soothing noise made by the crackling fireplace. "Batman, we have a situation. One of Luthor's men we were tracking. He seems to be heading outside of his typical active zone. I am currently on his tail but I have a bad feeling about this. Based on his current path, it doesn't seem like his heading towards anything significant.", the voice said on the radio.

Bruce picked up the radio, speaking into it. "Where is he headed to?"

"The sewers. I don't have anything on my records that show a potential hotspot."
, the voice replied. "But heat signatures scanning indicates some activity within the sewers."

"Keep your distance. Monitor his tracker and avoid detection at all cost. Do not enter the sewer. More people could be camouflaged by the structure of the sewer. "
, Bruce said as he stood up, wincing as a sharp jolt of pain shot from his broken ribs. "And where do you think you're going, Master Bruce?", Alfred said, giving him a disapproving look. "We've had a breakthrough. I need scout the area for any clues regarding Luthor's plans. He's maybe too smart to leave evidences but not even he can avoid leaving trails of bread crumbs behind. I've picked up on several reliable information regarding his plans but not enough for me form a deduction.", he said. "I'm sure Master Victor can handle this as you are in no shape to move, let alone to fight.", Alfred argued but as always, Bruce had his own argument ready for rebuttal.

"I'll be fine. The data from Oracle show signs that Luthor is accelerating his plans. I need to figure this out before its too late.", he said as he headed towards the secret entrance of the Batcave. He muscled through the pain and donned his suit and as the suit calibrated itself to his vitals, the Batmobile came into view atop a rising platform. Chirps can be heard as the bats residing within the caves are startled by the rising platform. The platform slowed its ascend to a stop just as the Batmobile's door opened, revealing the cockpit of the large vehicle.
When Solomon Grundy and Professor Zoom arrived in Smallville, he nearly gave them the what-for, nearly, unless they knew that Clark Kent was Superman, he would not be provoked, he would only get jeered at, scorned, and generally mistreated. Clark knew that eventually, Lex would force his hand.. that was something he was notoriously good at. For now, however, Clark would have to remain in Smallville, he had given up the clumsy Clark routine, and decided to coach the football team at his old high school, he rationalized this by telling himself that he was trying to lead the players away from the paths that his class mates on the football team traveled, but he knew he was only trying to throw Lex off his trail.

One day, Captain Marvel came to Clark's house, as his child form, Billy, intent on bringing Superman back into the fold,

Sup- I mean Clark.. what are you doing, man? You know you don't belong here.. you belong with Bruce and the others! Why give all that up?

Billy, I already told everyone in the League that I was done, Lex won for now, unless something really bad happens here in Smallville, and unless they find out who I am, I can't involve myself... we both know that the world doesn't want us, anymore...

This isn't you! We both know that! And who cares if they don't want us? They need us, more now than ever!

Billy! I'm done, and you should be too, before Lex finds out who you are, and he takes your family!

This is not the Su- Clark Kent that I know and looked up to..

Billy walked away, about three minutes later, Clark heard billy say "Shazam!" and the lightning that followed, "That boy is going to get himself hurt.... " Clark thought
Poison Ivy was in her secret garden, preparing her plants for Lex Luthor's plans. She would do anything just to see the world be devoured in her plants, and to see Batman suffer as his Gotham City is destroyed right in front of his eyes. After Lex Luthor took control of the government, Poison Ivy saw an opportunity. It brought amusement to her just watching the Justice Leaguers in pain, begging for mercy. Wonder Woman already fled back to Themyscira, preparing the Amazons for battle, until Luthor would begin what ever the Third Phase was. After capturing Nightwing and using him for Ivy's hostage, she knew that Batman and the Justice Leaguers would come rescue him sometime soon, and there she would trap them and bring them to Lex Luthor. Poison Ivy kept on mutating her plants, making them grow bigger and stronger, and as they grew stronger, she did as well. Although, Ivy didn't know how she felt about Lex Luthor being The Leader of the World.
Conner softly landed behind the hotel he was staying at. He thanked Robin for gifting him money to live on but It was running low. He could only live of the sum for another month so he had to get a job. He went inside and up to his room. He then changed his clothing to his uniform. He was dressed as a Mcdonalds employe, he was a McDonald employe! He looked himself in the mirror and threw on the hat and force a smile. Conner then walked out of his room and left the hotel.

Conner walked to work, it wasn't far from the hotel, It was close since McDonalds knows how to market. Once he arrived and clocked in. He then got behind his register. He then force a smile and dealt with the line of tourist who were all to ready to poison themselves with this 'Food'. Conner would admit it, It was some good poison.
Flash, Wally West, never wanted to be done with the Justice League. However, with Luther's new laws against superheroes and all the heroes leaving the league, there was little to be done. Superman had given up, Wonder Woman had returned to her home on Themyscira, Green Lantern had been called away, and, well, most of the team had either been doing things for their planets or had left when the decision to stop the league had been made. He was one of the last with Batman and a few others. Batman had asked him to join his group, but Wally didn't want to be hidden. If he was going to save someone, he wanted the recognition. "Awww, I guess I'll visit Themyscira and see if they'll lend a hand," Flash thought, "but first I want to visit New York and Clark Kent." He decided to wait for night time to visit because he didn't want to be seen by anyone. He believed that anyone who saw him and didn't tell Luther would get in trouble. The hardest thing was he wanted to do something about all of that, but Zoom and the rest of the Injustice League was more than a match for him, on his own."
Hal couldn't do anything. He was weaker than most of the 'poozers' as Kilowog called them and he knew that if he ever went back to Earth he wouldn't last a day before the injustice league and Sinestro found him and mounted his head on a wall. He wasn't sure why the guardians didn't take his ring away and give it to someone who could live up to Abin Sur's legacy, he suspected it was probably out of gratitude for the things he did in the past and out of pity because while they didn't know that Sinestro was residing on Earth they knew he would not be able to last long without his ring. Hal never told the guardians that Sinestro was on Earth because he knew that if he told them they may decide to fight him, and that would only make things worse and make humanity hate heroes even more.

The only thing worse than the fact that he was hated on earth was that he was hated in many other parts of the universe as well, with the Red and Yellow Lanterns out looking for a fight and the scum of the universe all wanting to take a shot at the famous Hal Jordan 'Savior of the oppressive!' or whatever they called him. There was always the additional threat of the rebirth of Blackest Night, which they were only able to defeat with the combined forces of all the heroes and villains of earth and all Lanterns of every type, meaning that now there was absolutely no way to defeat Black Hand if anything like that ever happened again.
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Lex then replied to Prometheus through his communicator "Prometheus, I'm going to need you to be working with the Joker and Poison Ivy with the capture of Batman, at the moment he is the biggest threat"

He said before speaking speaking to Poison Ivy "Ivy report on the latest. How are things going on your side?"

Professor Zoom heard the lightning that followed The call of Shazam, and he ran towards the Lightning strike at super speed. He ran so fast that he caught up to the Lightning strike that followed the call and he was on time to see the transformation where Billy turned into Shazam.

As he was waiting for a reply from Ivy, Professor Zoom replied from Smallville straight to Luthors communicator "Lex, you will not believe it. Shazam is here."

Lex was shocked at the report, thinking to himself "What on earth would he be doing there? Ah yes!" he then spoke "Engage with Shazam, don't forget to call for Grundy and some soldiers to assist you"

After Professor Zoom gave his coordinates to Solomon Grundy, he then called for him through the communicator. "Grundy come to my location, and bring some soldiers with you".

Shazam was preparing to fly back, but before he could do so Professor Zoom used his Super Speed, ran towards him and kicked him straight in the face causing him to fly through the Kent Barn walls.

Professor Zoom then spoke again "Surrender Shazam, and you might be spared!" he said with a smile as he could hear his reinforcements making their way towards the Kent Property.
When Clark Kent heard Shazam and Professor Zoom going at it, he thought He... he'll be okay...

But what if he won't? Superman's conscience rung, He's only a teenager! Imagine what Lex could do to him!"

All he has to say is Shazam, and they won't know it's him!

You know Lex better than that.. he won't stop until he gets what he wants... and then the Injustice League will know figure out why Captain Marvel is here... and you'll have to come out as Superman anyway.. but without Captain Marvel.

His conscience was right. Regardless of his own comfort.. or the comfort of the people that now hate him, Superman needed to come out of retirement now...

Clark walked to his basement, and placed his thumb on a hidden scanner next to his workbench. Suddenly, mechanical processes split the workbench in half, at which time it slid into the wall, revealing a hidden mannequin, on which the Superman garb lay. After donning the costume again, and noticing the fact that it was tighter than he remembered, he ran out to meet Professor zoom and Captain Marvel.

"Superman! I knew you couldn't stay away for long!" Captain Marvel exclaimed

"Couldn't let you fight zoom all on your lonesome, could I?" Superman kidded.

Superman flew straight next to Captain Marvel, and readied, rock solid, and prepared for anything that came his way
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"Distract the Bat, he says? Distract him!? Oh I can do more than that, I could kill him. But why would I do that?" Joker pondered, as he walked down the hallway, his duster coat billowing behind him, "Perhaps I could find someone just as fun. Robin maybe? No, Boy Blunder's child's play."

Stopping momentarily, he searched through his coat pockets, searching for his cell phone. Finding it, he pressed a button, but it began to beep. He frowned at it, and tossed it aside. The 'cell phone' exploded into a purple gas in the air.

I really should label those things," He muttered, and then found his actual phone. He dialed, and then someone on the other end picked up.

Harley, dear. How's Arkham?" He questioned, Joker had managed to become the Mayor of Gotham, and he had placed Harley in charge of the Asylum that he had once called home, until breaking out several times to murder and plunder gloriously.

It's running well Puddin'," She answered.

That's too bad! Too bad indeed, because that's not how it should be. There needs to be a prison break. Lexy asked me to distract the Bat, but I'm here in Metropolis, so you're going to have to do it for me. Don't get yourself in trouble dear, I'd like to be reelected, as my ratings are through the roof with how happy everyone is. I'll make sure Two-Face only allows certain cops out, you know, the ones who aren't corrupt. That way the citizens feel protected, but Batzy will have to come out, maybe even Robin. If things go according to plan, I may even let you in on torturing the Bat once we capture him," He said, a crazy smile on his face as he said it.

Will do Puddin'!" Harley answered, and Joker hung up, soon calling Harvey to inform the recently elected D.A. about his part in the plan.

Once off the phone, Joker stepped into an elevator and placed on his hat, a relaxed smile on his face as he closed his eyes. To some, he'd look like a very relaxed man resting his eyes and leaning against the back of an elevator, but if the Batman was there, he'd know that Joker was merely a psychopath planning and plotting his own big score.

And very soon afterwards in Gotham, a prison riot turned into a mass breakout.
Prometheus stepped out of the ghost zone a few meters from the Joker, unable to resist the urge to hurt the madman he flicked a nail in his direction, catching his ear and causing a thin stream of blood down his neck, "hey Jokes," He called, "Luthor said you're to help me get rid of Bats."
Ivy cuddled with her plants, as she could see Nightwing tied up to the ceiling with vines. " Everything is going well Lex. My plants are growing with great strength, strong enough to handle Batman and his crew. I've also captured Batman's little Nightwing here in my garden, he came by a few days ago trying to take samples on my poor little darlings." She said replying to Lex. She looked over to Nightwing as he started to struggle to get out of the vines. Ivy laughed several times then finally tightened the vines as she heard him speak "When Batman gets here, he's gonna finish you!" Nightwing yelled. "Is he? Poison Ivy grinned and blew a him a kiss as the vines covered his mouth. So I hear that you want me to work with Prometheus and the Joker?" She spoke into the communicator smiling. " And yet you still trust that Lunatic? He could try to kill you anytime Lex, he's the Joker. I'm surprised you chose him to be part of the Injustice League."
"and I'm surprised you chose the little bird as your hostage, Miss Isley" Said bane over the communicator "I'm also surprised at how easily it was to intercept your signal" Bane broke through a wall, he was covered in scratches, leaves, and green slime. "of course your weeds were bothersome, but I didn't even have to increase my venom." Bane unsheathed his large knife and began to twirl it "I'll admit though, I am quite upset that I was tasked with freeing bird boy when I could b e joining the fun at Arkham"
Joker tapped his ear, and pulled his white glove away from the wound, now stained with crimson. Turning his attention to Prometheus, Joker started to laugh uncontrollably.

I'm meant to help YOU!?" He shouted through his laughter, "Help you? What a monstrous gag! Tell me, what do you know of Batsy? You know how he works? How he operates? How he lives!? Not like I do I can assure you of that. You'd be a complete lunatic to think you'd be better off to handle taking out the Bat, much less finding him, hunting him down, and breaking him."

Joker paused to chuckle again. Then looked Prometheus over, "
Say, that's a nifty suit you've got there. Hm. I could use you're help. The Bat has all kinds of help with this League of Shadows or whatever he's got running, or Shadow Knights of Gotham United. Something like that. All you have to do when you reach MY city is make sure that when I have the Bat, no one interferes. No killing, though. Don't want to give my citizens the wrong idea. Besides, according to Lex, I need to start giving more fair trials instead of handing people over to Scarecrow."

Joker stepped out of the elevator, a calm look on his face despite the events happening around him, despite his ghostly white face and green hair, he wasn't even smiling. he had wanted to be an actor in one point in his life, he thought. Even if he hadn't those skills were coming to good use as he would parade as a sane man who was only as mad as he was due to the Bat, who was now illegal, when the truth was, he would have been mad either way.

He paused, and looked behind him, "
Well, you coming?"

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