• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom DC: Shadow Protocol


Three Thousand Club
Arrange this any way that pleases you. What I absolutely need, information wise, will be pointed out with an asterisk.


**Character Name: The name of your character.

**Alias: Other names or nicks your character might be known by.

**Gender: Male or Female.

**Species/Race: Human, Demon, Etc. Or even Race and Nationality.

**Age: How old is your character.

**D.O.B: When they were born.

**Place of Birth: Where the character comes from.

**Bloodtype: Also interesting for personality types.

Current Residence: Where the live right now.

Occupation: Their job.

Education Level:

Family: Any living or dead family members.


Height: How tall.

Hair: Hair color and style.

Eyes: Eye color.

Distinguishing Marks: Tattoos, scars, birthmarks, etc.

General Appearance: Basic physical description and clothing style. Pictures are also good.

Strengths: These are the thing your character is physically good at doing.

Weaknesses: These are things your character physically WEAK at.



Likes: Things they enjoy. Stuff, food, music, etc.

Dislikes: Things they hate!

**Talents: Little things your character is good at. This can be anything from cooking to playing Sudoku.

**Inabilities: Things your character is terrible at. For example, spelling or getting along with animals.

**Fears: Things your character is afraid of, has a phobia of, or even small events they don't want to happen.

**General Personality: This is the personality that the world sees. What people believe of your character. How the interact with other people.

Inner Personality: The part of your character's personality that they don't like to reveal to others. What people rarely get to see!

**Biggest Regret: The one they they really regret about their life.

**Secret: That one thing they don't want the world to find out.


**Special Items: Any items that might be precious or important to the character.

**Weapons: Weapons they might carry or know how to use.

**(if you have any)Magics: Kinds of magics, spells or abilities they might have.


**General History: Childhood and important events that helped make your character who they are today.

**Present Life: (what brought them to our doorstep)


It's pretty self-explanitory. Once you have completed this form, let me know in the OOC. I will then judge you on how your writing impresses me. Details are like gold here. Those who have been accepted will earn a stamp of my approval in the form of a picture. Good luck, guys.I credit @CJ Mason for this Character Skeleton. Sure its edited, but it wasn't originally my idea. Thanks!
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WIP...yes, I'm working on it!




Character Name: Specialist Avery Quinzel

Alias: Kid, The Punchline

Gender: Male

Species/Race: Meta-Human

Age: 23

D.O.B: December 5, 1992

Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York

Bloodtype: AB-

Current Residence: Where the live right now.

Occupation: Commanding Operative of the Shadow Protocol

Education Level: Collegiate


Harley Quinn: Mother, No relationship.


Height: 5"11

Hair: Blonde, kept as depicted.

Eyes: Baby Blue

Distinguishing Marks: Avery has a faint green etching on his upper left arm. It's a weird birthmark, but its his.

General Appearance: Basic physical description and clothing style. Pictures are also good.

Strengths: These are the thing your character is physically good at doing.

Weaknesses: These are things your character physically WEAK at.


Likes: Things they enjoy. Stuff, food, music, etc.

Dislikes: Things they hate!

**Talents: Little things your character is good at. This can be anything from cooking to playing Sudoku.

**Inabilities: Things your character is terrible at. For example, spelling or getting along with animals.

**Fears: Things your character is afraid of, has a phobia of, or even small events they don't want to happen.

**General Personality: This is the personality that the world sees. What people believe of your character. How the interact with other people.

Inner Personality: The part of your character's personality that they don't like to reveal to others. What people rarely get to see!

**Biggest Regret: The one they they really regret about their life.

**Secret: That one thing they don't want the world to find out.

**Special Items: Any items that might be precious or important to the character.

**Weapons: Weapons they might carry or know how to use.

**(if you have any)Magics: Kinds of magics, spells or abilities they might have.

i forgot to laugh...

**General History: Childhood and important events that helped make your character who they are today.

**Present Life: (what brought them to our doorstep)

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  • lili-allen-lily-allen-lily-5894.jpg


    Teacup, Ticker

    Gender: Female

    Species/Race: British

    Age: 24

    D.O.B: March 15, 1991

    Place of Birth: Newcastle, England

    Blood-type: A+

    Current Residence: Anywhere but the Cobblepot Mansion

    Occupation: Simple Business Woman, Recruit in Shadow Protocol

    Education Level: Post Secondary

    Family: Oswald Cobbplepot

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**Character Name: Christopher.

**Alias: Beelzebub.

**Gender: Male.

**Species/Race: Human.

**Age: 28.

**D.O.B: 1986.

**Place of Birth: Ireland.

**Bloodtype: O.

Current Residence: Gotham (and was once in Arkham).

Occupation: Mechanical Engineering / Vigilante.

Education Level: Masters.

Family: Step-Father, Mother, Step-Brother, Biological Farther.


Height: 6''1.

Hair: Grey.

Eyes: Blue.

Distinguishing Marks: Scar down across left eye.

General Appearance: A fit individual, Christopher has worked on his physicality since he was 10 so that he could, one day, be the hero he dreamed of.

Strengths: Hand to hand combat, engineering and most things physical.

Weaknesses: Impulsive, overthinker and overconfident.

Meta-Abilities: None.


Likes: Working out, dancing and sports.

Dislikes: Drinking, drugs, laziness and fast food.

**Talents: Engineering things, improvisation, knowledgeable in quite a few fighting styles and parkour.

**Inabilities: Relaxation, being overly patient, cooking and (for some reason) darts.

**Fears: Snakes and of his parents finding out about his vigilante dream.

**General Personality: Chaotic good. He does what he believes to be right, despite what the law and others say. Christopher is a quiet young man who, whilst not anti-social, never made much of an effort to be part of the macrocosm.

However, as Beelzebub he is outspoken and overconfident.

''Give a man a mask, and he'll become his true self.''

Inner Personality: Christopher is actually very much a romantic a heart. Beside his bed he has a journal of poetry that he has dedicated to the lost loves of his life that he never pursued.

**Biggest Regret: Not having been able to impress Batman the one time he met him (more on this later).

**Secret: He is a virgin.


**Special Items: The poetry journal, his Beelzebub armour and his Hellfire Mace (which he had custom made to great expense and carries with him on patrol).

**Weapons: The Hellfire Mace, a set of throwing knives and the Beelzebub gloves that add claw like extensions onto each finger.

**(if you have any)Magics: None.


**General History: After growing up hearing of the Batman around Gotham, Beelzebub began to become a dream in Christopher's mind. As he grew he slowly began to focus on his ultimate goal: to be a superhero.

He slowly became obsessed with his dream and, as soon as he was 18, began to patrol around London (where he was attending Imperial College) before returning to Gotham, where his family was stationed.

Gotham was much more challenging than London had been, so Christopher found that the only way he could survive the rough streets of Gotham was to fight lethally.

When he had no other viable choice, Christopher would take a life without thinking about it twice.

It was after one such event that his hero, the Dark Knight, caught Christopher standing amongst 13 bodies that had belonged to the organisers and distributors of a small time drug cartel.

Batman's advantage in tech gave him an unbeatable advantage over Christopher.

Hours later, Christopher awoke in a cell and realised that he'd found himself in Arkham Asylum.

After a few days and having proven he was sane, they agreed to release him but, as he was leaving, a prison break attempt gave him the chance to find and take his Beelzebub armour back.

Now free again, Christopher is ecstatic to have returned to the world of darkness and corruption that he dreamed of healing as a child.

**Present Life: Christopher works a much as he needs to to fund his passion, then he works on his body before he goes on patrol.

To him, the patrol is his actual life.

He has run down small time drug cartels and often deals with small time crooks with harsh justice.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Belezebub.png.8efbfa944363246bd2e5bea46aebdbbb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73053" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Belezebub.png.8efbfa944363246bd2e5bea46aebdbbb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Belezebub.png
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Jaqik Ssembaty Jackdanson

SHADE - FUMES - SMOKY ... Take your pick





'Gifted' Human




12th of February

Place of Birth

Gotham City



Current Residence

Single-room, run-down apartment in one of the thousands of complexes


Car Mechanic - assistant. Occasional petty-theft.

Education Level



Father is MiA, and Mother was never known





Dark-black hair, buzz-cut


Brown eyes

Distinguishing Marks

Horizontal scar on right cheek. Scarred palms.

General Appearance

Hefty, tall and wide, Jarick sports a non-athletic, slim, yet sturdy build. His head is buzz-cut cleanly, and he never allows stubble to accumulate in an 'informal' manner. His eyes are always seem piqued and concentrated, giving him an uncomfortable aura as it seems that he is always gazing with extreme strength at whoever he is addressing or observing.


Physically, speed and strength.


Has low physical endurance and is capable of 'burst speed', but not prolonged engagements without the use of his 'gift'.

Meta-Abilities: Smoke synthesis, manipulation and mimicry.



Drinking, sleaziness, apt challenges and team-work


Arrogance, spicy foods, dogs and self-rightousness


Baseball, sleight-of-hand tricks and tinkering


Animal-bonding, saying 'no' and cooking.


Mild case of cynophobia, the irrational fear of dogs.

General Personality

Unconcerned and trivial, Jaqik comes off as a free-loader and sleaze. At any point, even in rather dangerous situations, he will remain relatively unshaken and calm - to a borderline jester-like extent. Despite this, he knows where to hold his loyalties, and is an incredibly honest person. Analyzing things as they go along, whilst impulsive and sometimes childish, he will never enter a situation where he isn't holding all the cards, and has no problem getting his hands dirty or surrendering.

Inner Personality

Though not often, there are times when it becomes clear that Jaqik is excited or distressed in extreme situations - mostly when he gets his blood boiling, at which point he will become incredibly eccentric.

Biggest Regret

Not blowing enough stuff up.


That the scar on his face was in fact not from any fantastical incident (as he'll have other's believe), but rather something he acquired when he tripped, fell and hit his face against a sharp rock as a child.


Special Items

The Kit - The 'essentials' of Javiq in the form of a duffle bag that he almost always carries around with him. It can vary from one or two, though they always contain different parts, maws and electronics needed to produce low-quality IED's.


No real melee combat expertise, though what he lacks in skill he makes up in brutality and ferocity. Can use a knife at military-grade skill. Can use a gun at military-grade skill. Does not possess the latter.


Born from a hired mercenary and an unknown woman (presumably, an escort), Jaqik was mostly not in his father's care until he reached the age of 11. At this point, he was taken in and trained as a 'carrier' - someone that deposits bombs and distracts guards or the like where necessary. As his father was hired for sabotage of companies, industries and rivals alike, these jobs were plenty. As such, he grew up as a 'War Pup' and trophy to his father, who treated him nothing like nothing short of a dog. Upon discovery of Jaqik's power, his father would degrade calling his son 'it', to 'monster'. Despite this, he still drew him through for his own financial gain. Knowing nothing else, Jaqik followed. He was not allowed to sit on chairs, like people do. He was not allowed to speak, nor' was he allowed to look anyone in the eyes. Any mistake made to rules such as those resulted in a swift beating. Under the years, he gained much knowledge on explosives, sabotage and dirty hand work. Some was through experience, some was through other mercenaries and some were through trial-and-error.

One day, at the age of 19, a serious-grade bomb was planted by Jaqik. His father requested that he stayed behind to ensure that the bomb went off as expected. Listening to his father, he did just so - only leaving the area with a minute to spare. It landed Jaqik in a serious medical condition, with nothing but a free-lance doctor to look after him. A major job came up for his father, who simply started leaving. Sprinting out of the make-shift hospital towards his father, Jaqik shouted out: "Why am I not coming with you?" to which his father simply responded, "You'd only be in the way, monster." Standing there in disbelief with a true realization of his father's cruelty, Jaqik watched him leave to never return. His father was presumed to have been slaughtered with the rest of the crew in the sabotage-gone-wrong.

Still, with a great knowledge and taste for explosives, Jaqik started to go solo - setting off bombs simply for the catharsis. At the age of 21, he was incarcerated at the Arkham Asylum as a 'highly dangerous individual'. He has been there ever since, craving boom after boom as he silently stares at a blank wall - scars decorating his body to remind him of his cruel upbringing, and the shout of inmates to remind him of his dull future.


All I want to do is bring the 'boom'. Get me out of Arkham, and I am all yours.




*Character Name: Gloria Quinzel Micheals

**Alias: Jester

**Gender: Female.

**Species/Race: Human

**Age: 24

**D.O.B: 13/02

**Place of Birth: Gotham City

**Bloodtype: O negative

Current Residence: studio apartment

Occupation: Computer programmer/Hacker

Education Level: Degree

Family: Joker & Harley Quinn (biological parents status unknown), Foster father and mother.



Hair: Blond/ Green

Eyes: Brown/ Green

Distinguishing Marks:N/A / Pale white skin

General Appearance:



Strengths:Speedy, agile, acrobatic.

Weaknesses: strength and physical endurance .



Likes: Things they enjoy. Stuff, food, music, etc.

Dislikes: Things they hate!

**Talents: Little things your character is good at. This can be anything from cooking to playing Sudoku.

**Inabilities: Things your character is terrible at. For example, spelling or getting along with animals.

**Fears: Things your character is afraid of, has a phobia of, or even small events they don't want to happen.

**General Personality: This is the personality that the world sees. What people believe of your character. How the interact with other people.

Inner Personality: The part of your character's personality that they don't like to reveal to others. What people rarely get to see!

**Biggest Regret: The one they they really regret about their life.

**Secret: That one thing they don't want the world to find out.


**Special Items: Laughing sleeping gas various forms, concussive chattering teeth, joy buzzers, acid flower, hacking laptop

**Weapons: Cane sword, joker pistol

**(if you have any)Magics: Kinds of magics, spells or abilities they might have.


**General History: Childhood and important events that helped make your character who they are today.

**Present Life: (what brought them to our doorstep)

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