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The Lovelorn Princess

Hello hello my fellow DC fans, I hope you're well today!

I come to you with a search for... Well, you, essentially.

I am looking for a DC based roleplay and I have a few ideas in mind, most of them being canonxcanon,

so I hope you're into that kind of thing.

I only ask that your spelling and grammar is legible. I know we're all human and there can be slip ups and that's okay!! I just really can't see myself getting into a roleplay where
sumone is talkin liek this.

That is my one request, ladies and gentlemen!

If you're interested, shoot me a message! I'd rather not gunk up the thread with unorganized thoughts for plots I have!

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I'm more of a Marvel fan but hey...I'd like to give this a go, if you're still looking. :smile1:

PM me as I cannot or e-mail.

Take Care.
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