Future Voice Actor
Mitch slams his fist down making even Dick jump "WELL IT"S EITHER A GHOST OR PSYCHOPATHS TIM, SO WHY DON'T WE SEE THIS THROUGH?" he runs his hands through his hair "a few days all I ask, without something needing to happen, friendly ghost or bad I don't care which it is, I could be back home helping set up my brother's funeral"
Dick asks "Wait how is that better-" he sees Mitch glaring "Sarcasm got it"
Bruce says "Mitch it's as rose said you can-"
Mitch says "Leave as we want blah blah blah yeah heard that enough when she was talking to Tim"
Dick asks "Wait how is that better-" he sees Mitch glaring "Sarcasm got it"
Bruce says "Mitch it's as rose said you can-"
Mitch says "Leave as we want blah blah blah yeah heard that enough when she was talking to Tim"