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"I would, but I tried spying on him and well... he's not making it easy" Jason points out "Every time I think I got him he pulled a Batman on me, though... did you see Rose her room?" he asks, if Barbara hadn't, maybe she could help and figure it out because he was at a loss.

"I need a location" Rose sends back and she sighs "Well that sucks" she mumbles, she really should've expected this "And whatever plan was cooked up would be nice" she sends as well.
Barbara just plops down in his lap."You should bs use to that." She snickered, he did that on them as well."No I haven't really been in her room, been kinds busy doing other things like our date and training." She takes a minute to explain what Mitch was planning and where they should meet them before telling Tim to take them there as well to meet with them.
"You know, that doesn't really help and is there a backup plan? You don't do this with a half baked plan" Rose sends back with a groan "How about Richard and I are backup".

"Well we could go look for clues once we have time" Jason says hugging her "That is, if Sebastian doesn't stop me, again, sometimes he's more like a bodyguard then a butler" he adds "For now we could just shoot out theories, so do you have any?"
"Oh well Mitch came up with a half baked last minute plan to stop both Desmond and Niklaus" Rose deadpans "And as much as I'n getting a horrible feeling about it we can't help if we don't know what to expect" she sums up.
"Probably smart since Mitch might get everyone killed" Rose says "I wouldn't rush in without plan, hell I don't even help the Flash unless he has a plan and backup plan" she says "So are we going to help?" she asks.
Dick says "Yeah we are, also Mitch isn't gonna get them killed, I know plenty of time Bruce has kept the plan to himself and things turn out fine"
"I'd like to point out that Mitch seems to have no experience leading whatsoever" Rose says "But alright, we'll go help out and hope I don't suddenly feel like killing someone" she says, mumbling the last part.
Dick says "And yet you don't trust the fastest man alive unless he has a plan-what did you say?" he asks hearing the mumbling but not the full words
"Hm I said, let's hope I don't feel like killing someone" Rose comments dryly "And no, but given that I'm usually the backup plan it tends to work out" she adds "I'll tell you another time how it usually goes"
Barbara leans into him at the hug."We could always do some snooping if he doesn't get in the way or try lying our way into the room." She shrugged."Mayhe she's got a family secret, shes a witch, werewolf, vampires, those are all things that could make her act weird but maybe it's just her not fully used to use and this place then wanting to fit in?" She explains."I'm not going to go accusing her of being different until we know more." She nods.

Tim races after Mitch."We need backup plans...you know what I'll handle that myself and Damian." He sighed, Valyn gives Mitch the directions to one of the buildings that Niklaus owned and used.
Damian scowled.
"I'm not a hellion! I'm a leader!" Damian snapped, racing after Mitch and Tim. Hearing Tim mention backup plans, Damian nodded, slowing down to ride beside Tim.
"Drake. There really isn't a need of a backup plan, right? We'll probably succeed, as usual," the boy stated.
Tim turned to Damian."Says you, we should always have backup plans when it comes to rushed plans." He sighed."Just be on your guard Damian." He tells him.
Tim shrugs."Either way I've got your back if something happens Damian." He wasn't sure if he should trust Valyn or trust that Niklaus wouldn't kmow they were coming."After this we should probably get a long needed vacation." He tells him.
Damian made a noise of agreement.
”A vacation would be nice, but someone needs to watch over Gotham while we’re gone,” he replied.
Tim glanced at him with a small smile."You would say that but I'm not sure, who should or if it just be us kids who do go on a vacation." He tells him.
Rose follows Dick and sighs "Yeah, I'd say we should go and get our outfits, but I feel like we won't have time for that" she says.

"Unless..." Jason says and he checks the camera's "Sebastian left ten minutes ago with the grocery list" he says "We could go now since he won't bother us now" he says.
Barbara slides out of his lap and arms, she nods."We could but let's make it a little quick, incase they need us out there?" She stretched."Let's go."
"Don't worry, I have my comm" Jason says getting up "Come on, maybe we'll get some answers" he says heading upstairs.
Barbara follows after him and sighed, she wasn't sure about snooping but she was curious herself of what she could be hiding and she liked being open in this family.
Mitch and the others soon arrive and they hop up on a building and Mitch asks V "Ok what can you tell us about this building, exits, how many will be inside? which ones he'll have, anything" he says to his girlfriend roxas roxas Gish_Sky Gish_Sky

Dick says "We gonna have to book it then and will probably only make it when they start to get to Desmond" Flame Demon Flame Demon
Tim jumps off the bike and he follows after Mitch, he was quiet and moved swiftly but he moves behind them as Valyn slowed down, she shrugged."Maybe a group of ten or more? This is one of his main places he likes to go to." She goes on to explain how the place is laid out.

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